Wan Kiew Lian is a Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in the field of Molecular Parasitology. For much of his research career, he has worked on the genomics and molecular biology of tropical parasites, including the protozoan Eimeria and the enigmatic plant Rafflesia. His current research is focused on understanding the molecular basis of parasite-host interaction.
nazlina ibrahim, badrul munir md zain, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur farah ain zainee, noraini talip, wan kiew lian. (2024). modul bengkel penulisan buku daripada tesis jilid 2. - . 1-131.
mursyidah, a.-k., hafizzudin-fedeli, m., nor muhammad, n.a., latiff, a., firdaus-raih, m., wan, k.-l.. (2023). dissecting the biology of rafflesia species: current progress and future directions made possible with high-throughput sequencing data. - plant and cell physiology. 368-377.
siti munirah mat yunoh, nur hayati abd. karim, halimah alias, mohd. noor mat isa, wan kiew lian, shamsul khamis, mohd afiq aizat juhari. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 21.
wan kiew lian;mohd firdaus bin mohd raih;ng chyan leong. (2023). insights into life as a single flower via comparative transcriptome analysis. - . .
suey yee low, seng fong lau, nur indah ahmad, reuben sunil kumar sharma, muhammad zahin rosli, farah shafawati mohd-taib, mohd mokrish md. ajat, juriah kamaludeen, sharifah salmah syed hussain, kiew-lian wan, annas salleh, nor azlina abdul aziz. (2023). a cross-sectional study of angiostrongylus malaysiensis in rats and gastropod hosts from recreational parks in kuala lumpur, malaysia: detection, risk factors and pathology. - zoonoses public health. 636-646.
mursyidah, a.-k., hafizzudin-fedeli, m., nor muhammad, n.a., latiff, a., firdaus-raih, m., wan, k.-l.. (2023). dissecting the biology of rafflesia species: current progress and future directions made possible with high-throughput sequencing data. - plant and cell physiology. 368-377.
suey yee low, seng fong lau, nur indah ahmad, reuben sunil kumar sharma, muhammad zahin rosli, farah shafawati mohd-taib, mohd mokrish md. ajat, juriah kamaludeen, sharifah salmah syed hussain, kiew-lian wan, annas salleh, nor azlina abdul aziz. (2023). a cross-sectional study of angiostrongylus malaysiensis in rats and gastropod hosts from recreational parks in kuala lumpur, malaysia: detection, risk factors and pathology. - zoonoses public health. 636-646.
nur zazarina ramly, samuel r. dix, sergey n. ruzheinikov, svetlana e. sedelnikova, patrick j. baker, yock ping chow, fiona m. tomley, damer p. blake, kiew lian wan, sheila nathan, david w. rice. (2021). the structure of a major surface antigen sag19 from eimeria tenella unifies the eimeria sag family. - communications biology. 1-9.
chee-hoo yip, sobina mahalingam, kiew-lian wan, sheila nathan. (2021). prodigiosin inhibits bacterial growth and virulence factors as a potential physiological response to interspecies competition. - plos one. 1-24.
nur-atiqah mohd-elias, khadijah rosli, halimah alias, mohd-afiq-aizat juhari, mohd-faizal abu-bakar, nurulhikma md-isa, mohd-noor mat-isa, jumaat haji-adam, hoe-han goh, kiew-lian wan. (2021). transcriptome analysis of rafflesia cantleyi flower stages reveals insights into the regulation of senescence. - scientific reports. 1-12.
qiong chin, mohd-noor mat-isa, mohd-faizal abu-bakar, norfarhan mohd-assaad, kiew-lian wan. (2022). pencirian jujukan genom mitokondria dari spesies rafflesia (rafflesiaceae) di semenanjung malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 121-136.
jumaat h. adam, mohd afiq aizat-juhari, nik nadira-farhana nik ariff, shamsul khamis, mohd hizamri mohd yasin, kiew-lian wan. (2022). rafflesia tunku-azizahiae (rafflesiaceae), a new species from pahang, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 3843-3855.
hafizzudin-fedeli, m., abu-bakar, m.-f., mat-isa, m.-n., latiff, a., firdaus-raih, m., wan, k.-l.. (2022). characterisation of tetrastigma rafflesiae mitochondrial genes and assessment of their potential as sequence markers. - sains malaysiana. 2435-2447.
shu-san loo, mazlan mohamed, farah shafawati mohd-taib, choon-kiat khoo, kiew-lian wan. (2022). isolation and establishment of eimeria tenella populations from local broiler chicken farms. - sains malaysiana. 1677-1686.
loo, s.-s., mohd-taib, f.s., khoo, c.-k., wan, k.-l.. (2022). characterization of internal transcribed spacer-1 and apical membrane antigen-1 sequences provides insights into the genetic diversity of eimeria tenella strains. - tropical biomedicine. 476-482.
nur-sabrina, a.m., muhamad-ali, h.a.m., nur-amalina, n., wan-ladiana, w.a., hasimah, h., salma, c.w., wan, k.l. & basripuzi, b.n.. (2023). relationship between parasitism with milk yield and body weight of mafriwal cattle. - veterinary integrative sciences. 141-159.
mursyidah, a.-k., hafizzudin-fedeli, m., nor muhammad, n.a., latiff, a., firdaus-raih, m., wan, k.-l.. (2023). dissecting the biology of rafflesia species: current progress and future directions made possible with high-throughput sequencing data. - plant and cell physiology. 368-377.
suey yee low, seng fong lau, nur indah ahmad, reuben sunil kumar sharma, muhammad zahin rosli, farah shafawati mohd-taib, mohd mokrish md. ajat, juriah kamaludeen, sharifah salmah syed hussain, kiew-lian wan, annas salleh, nor azlina abdul aziz. (2023). a cross-sectional study of angiostrongylus malaysiensis in rats and gastropod hosts from recreational parks in kuala lumpur, malaysia: detection, risk factors and pathology. - zoonoses public health. 636-646.
lucky r. runtuwene; nuankanya sathirapongsasuti; raweewan srisawat; narumon komalamisra; josef s. b. tuda; arthur e. mongan; gabriel o. aboge; victoria shabardina; wojciech makalowski; dela ria nesti; wayan t. artama; lan anh nguyen thi; et. al. (2022). global research alliance in infectious disease: a collaborative effort to combat infectious diseases through dissemination of portable sequencing. - bmc research notes. 1-6.
jumaat h. adam, mohd afiq aizat-juhari, nik nadira-farhana nik ariff, shamsul khamis, mohd hizamri mohd yasin, kiew-lian wan. (2022). rafflesia tunku-azizahiae (rafflesiaceae), a new species from pahang, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 3843-3855.
chee-hoo yip, orr yarkoni, james ajioka, kiew-lian wan & sheila nathan. (2018). development of a codon optimization strategy using the efor red reporter gene as a test case. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
khadijah rosli & kiew-lian wan. (2018). identification of the 14-3-3 gene family in rafflesia cantleyi. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
nur atiqah mohd elias, hoe-han goh, nurulhikma md isa, & kiew-lian wan. (2016). identification of arf and aux/iaa gene families in rafflesia cantleyi. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 1-4.
safoora amini, hoe-han goh, & kiew-lian wan. (2016). identification of calcium-dependent protein kinase (cdpk): a multi-functional gene family in rafflesia cantleyi. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium,aip conference proceedings. 1-4.
sue-kim ho, sheila nathan & kiew-lian wan. (2016). expression and immunological characterisation of eimeria tenella glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored surface antigen-5. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 1-5.
siti munirah mat yunoh, nur hayati abd. karim, halimah alias, mohd. noor mat isa, wan kiew lian, shamsul khamis, mohd afiq aizat juhari. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 21.
nur liyana muhammad hidayat woo, khadijah rosli, kiew-lian wan. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
shafwaniza mat desa, khadijah rosli, kiew-lian wan. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
sharmili suprumaniam, khadijah rosli, kiew-lian wan. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
zainariyah hamran, sue-kim ho & kiew-lian wan. (2017). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
siti munirah mat yunoh, nur hayati abd. karim, halimah alias, mohd. noor mat isa, wan kiew lian, shamsul khamis, mohd afiq aizat juhari. (2023). rafflesia di pahang. - . 21.
nur liyana muhammad hidayat woo, khadijah rosli, kiew-lian wan. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
shafwaniza mat desa, khadijah rosli, kiew-lian wan. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
sharmili suprumaniam, khadijah rosli, kiew-lian wan. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
zainariyah hamran, sue-kim ho & kiew-lian wan. (2017). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
nazlina ibrahim, badrul munir md zain, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur farah ain zainee, noraini talip, wan kiew lian. (2024). modul bengkel penulisan buku daripada tesis jilid 2. - . 1-131.
wan kiew lian;mohd firdaus bin mohd raih;ng chyan leong. (2023). insights into life as a single flower via comparative transcriptome analysis. - . .
wan kiew lian;mohd firdaus bin mohd raih. (2023). genomic sequence diversity in the eimeria surface antigen superfamily. - . .
nazlina ibrahim, badrul munir md zain, haja maideen kader maideen noraini talip, nik nor hazrina nik mohd, wan kiew lian. (2022). modul bengkel penulisan buku daripada tesis. - . 1-112.
muhamad hafiz bin che othman;wan kiew lian. (2022). unravelling the mechanism of carbon uptake and carbon metabolism by rafflesia cantleyi through transcriptomic approaches . - . .
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