pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains bumi & alam sekitar
Prof. Madya Dr. Habibah Hj Jamil telah meraih Ijazah Sarjana Muda Dengan Kepujian (Geologi) di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1991), Master of Science in Petroleum Geology di University of Aberdeen (1993) dan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (Geologi) di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2005). Beliau merupakan pensyarah di Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Bidang kepakaran beliau adalah geokimia batuan, tanah dan sedimen. Beliau terlibat dengan penyelidikan logam berat di dalam tanah, air bawah tanah dan aluvium di Malaysia.
'afiah jasni, habibah jamil, suraya hilmi hazim. (2024). geokimia dan ree dalam batuan dan tanah granit di kawasan kangkar pulai, johor. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 50.
nur aishah zarime, badariah solemon, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil, rohayu che omar, adeleke abdulrahman oyekanmi. (2023). effectiveness of artificially synthesized granitic residual soil-supported nano zero-valent iron (gr-nzvi) as effective heavy metal contaminant adsorbent. - inorganics. 1-13.
mohd basril iswadi bin basori;habibah binti jamil;azimah binti hussin;nasirudin bin yusoff. (2023). potensi ekonomi sumber nadir bumi (ree) di dalam longgokan pasir amang/ sisa perlombongan di perak dan selangor malaysia. - . .
nur aishah zarime, badariah solemon, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil, rohayu che omar, abdul ghani rafek, rasyikin roslan. (2023). adsorption of methylene blue by bentonite supported nano zero valent iron (b nzvi). - processes. 1-14.
abdul hadi hashim, habibah jamil, ramlan omar. (2022). clay minerals and their implications for late quaternary palaeoclimate investigation: a case study in pontian, johor. - bulletin of the geological society of malaysia. 91-103.
nur aishah zarime, badariah solemon, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil, rohayu che omar, adeleke abdulrahman oyekanmi. (2023). effectiveness of artificially synthesized granitic residual soil-supported nano zero-valent iron (gr-nzvi) as effective heavy metal contaminant adsorbent. - inorganics. 1-13.
nur aishah zarime, badariah solemon, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil, rohayu che omar, abdul ghani rafek, rasyikin roslan. (2023). adsorption of methylene blue by bentonite supported nano zero valent iron (b nzvi). - processes. 1-14.
mohammed mashre atman ahfaf, che aziz ali, habibah jamil, ekundayo joseph adepehin. (2021). pore modification mechanisms in a deeply buried non-marine sandstone: the early cretaceous upper sarir sandstone formation, sirte basin, libya. - journal of petroleum science and engineering. 1-20.
mohammed mashre atman ahfaf, ekundayo joseph adepehin, che aziz ali, habibah jamil, sylvester powei lubi. (2021). controls on the compositional framework and petrogenesis of early cretaceous first cycle quartzose sandstone, north gondwana. - sedimentary geology. 1-20.
ahmad dedi putra, norasiah sulaiman, norsyafina roslan, habibah jamil, umar hamzah, khairunnisa alias. (2022). application of seismic reflection survey for aquifer layers characterization at the felda lepar utara area, pahang, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 1969-1977.
muhammad rendana, wan mohd razi idris, sahibin abdul rahim, zulfahmi ali rahman,tukimat lihan & habibah jamil. (2019). effects of organic amendment on soil organic carbon in treated soft clay in paddy cultivation area. - sains malaysiana. 61-68.
nur aishah zarime, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil. (2019). removal of acid orange dye by granitic nano-zero valent iron composite. - international journal of geomate. 185-192.
muhammad rendana, wan mohd razi idris, sahibin abdul rahim, zulfahmi ali rahman, tukimat lihan dan habibah jamil. (2018). reclamation of acid sulphate soils in paddy cultivation area with organic amendments. - aims agriculture and food. .
habibah jamil, lee pei theng, khairiah jusoh, ahmad mahir razali, fouzi b. ali & ismail b. s.. (2011). speciation of heavy metals in paddy soils from selected areas in kedah and penang, malaysia. - african journal of biotechnology. 10(62):13505-13513.
nur aishah zarime, badariah solemon, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil, rohayu che omar, abdul ghani rafek, rasyikin roslan. (2023). adsorption of methylene blue by bentonite supported nano zero valent iron (b nzvi). - processes. 1-14.
nur aishah zarime, badariah solemon, wan zuhairi wan yaacob, habibah jamil, rohayu che omar, adeleke abdulrahman oyekanmi. (2023). effectiveness of artificially synthesized granitic residual soil-supported nano zero-valent iron (gr-nzvi) as effective heavy metal contaminant adsorbent. - inorganics. 1-13.
abdul hadi hashim, habibah jamil, ramlan omar. (2022). clay minerals and their implications for late quaternary palaeoclimate investigation: a case study in pontian, johor. - bulletin of the geological society of malaysia. 91-103.
abdul hadi hashim, habibah jamil, ramlan omar. (2022). facies and biofacies of the late quaternary deposits at west johor, malaysia: indicators for sea-level changes, plaaeoshoreline, and palaeonvironment. - bulletin of the geological society of malaysia. 85-110.
hifdzi zaim zamri, wan nasyrudin wan abdullah, habibah jamil, roziah sidik, zamri arifin, ezad azraai jamsari. (2022). mars colonization and the perspective of the quranic verses regarding the word ard (land). - international journal of advanced research. 675-684.
ahmad dedi putra, norasiah sulaiman, norsyafina roslan, habibah jamil, khairunnisa alias. (2022). fault zone identification for groundwater flow assessment based on seismic reflection survey data at the area of felda lepar utara, pahang, malaysia. - 4th international conference on research and learning of physics, icrlp 2021. 1-9.
nur aishah zarime, wan zuhari wan yaacob & habibah jamil. (2018). removal of heavy metals using bentonite supported nano-zero valent iron particles. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings 1940. .
mahat hj sibon, habibah jamil, mohd rozi umor, and wan fuad wan hassan. (2013). heavy mineral distribution in stream sediment of tapah area, perak, malaysia. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
khairiah jusoh, habibah hj jamil, mohd talib latif, ismail sahid. (2020). logam berat di sekitaran sawah padi. - . 123.
habibah jamil, rizwana naureen & muhammad aqeel ashraf. (2018). soils of malaysia. - . 24.
nur asirah rahmat & habibah jamil. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
nurafeefah asli & habibah jamil. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
muhammad hairulanwar mohd hassan & habibah jamil. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
nurul nabilah ibrahim, habibah jamil. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2018. - . 4.
habibah jamil, rizwana naureen & muhammad aqeel ashraf. (2018). soils of malaysia. - . 24.
muhammad kasyful qaedi maad tazri, habibah jamil. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2018. - . 4.
nur diyana yahya, habibah jamil. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam. - . 4.
muhammad hairulanwar mohd hassan & habibah jamil. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
khairiah jusoh, habibah hj jamil, mohd talib latif, ismail sahid. (2020). logam berat di sekitaran sawah padi. - . 123.
habibah hj jamil. (2018). batu permata. - . 323.
'afiah jasni, habibah jamil, suraya hilmi hazim. (2024). geokimia dan ree dalam batuan dan tanah granit di kawasan kangkar pulai, johor. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 50.
mohd basril iswadi bin basori;habibah binti jamil;azimah binti hussin;nasirudin bin yusoff. (2023). potensi ekonomi sumber nadir bumi (ree) di dalam longgokan pasir amang/ sisa perlombongan di perak dan selangor malaysia. - . .
marilah sarman, che aziz ali, habibah jamil, norasiah sulaiman,. (2021). empangan muda pedu. - . 1.
mohd basril iswadi bin basori;habibah binti jamil;mohd. rozi bin umor. (2021). kesesuaian dan kepentingan longgokan pasir sebagai bahan mentah bagi sumber torium di malaysia.. - . .
khairiah bt. jusoh;ismail bin sahid;habibah binti jamil;norsyafina binti roslan. (2020). geokimia tanih sawah padi di iada ketara, besut, terengganu. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
GEOPHYSICAL INTEGRATION OF NEAR-SUBSURFACE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTS | geotechnology resources sdn bhd | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
PRE-TERTIARY STUDIES IN THE EASTERN BELT, PENINSULAR MALAYSIA. | institute of technology petronas sdn. bhd. | 55% (2024-10-07 sehingga 2025-07-14) |