pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Shahrir Abdullah adalah profesor di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau memperoleh ijazah kedoktorannya daripada University of Wales Swansea pada tahun 1997 di dalam bidang Dinamik Bendalir Berkomputer (CFD). Beliau pernah memegang jawatan Pengarah Pusat Jaminan Kualiti, UKM sejak tahun penubuhannya iaitu 2011 hingga 2018 selama tiga penggal sebelum dilantik menjadi Dekan FKAB pada tahun 2018 hingga 2021. Beliau juga pernah memimpin Jaringan Jaminan Kualiti Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia (MyQAN) sebagai President Pengasas selama dua penggal daripada tahun 2014 hingga 2018, serta mewakili Malaysia di dalam Majlis AUN-QA sejak tahun 2015 hingga 2018 juga selama dua penggal. Di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa, beliau pernah dilantik sebagai Timbalan Pengerusi Majlis AUN-QA pada tahun 2018-2023, dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perancangan Strategik dan Pengukuhan Kursus Matapelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) di Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi sejak 2017.
Shahrir Abdullah is a professor at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He obtained his doctorate degree from the University of Wales Swansea in 1997 in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). He was appointed as Director of the Centre for Quality Assurance, UKM since its inception in 2011 until 2018 for three terms before being appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM until 2021. He was also elected as the Founding President of the Malaysian Higher Education Institutions Quality Assurance Network (MyQAN) for two terms from 2014 until 2018, and represented Malaysia in the AUN-QA Council from 2015 until 2018, also for two terms. At the national and international levels, he was appointed as the Deputy Chair of the AUN-QA Council in 2018-2023, and now holds the position as the Chair of the Committee for Strategic Planning and Strengthening of General Education Courses (MPU) since 2017.
norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . .
fauza ghaffar, wan ahmad kamil mahmood, johnson ong chee bin, satria bijaksana, shahrir abdullah, suzeini binti abd halim, gerardo largoza, wyona patalinghug, kamolwan lueprasert, sompop prathanturarug, ngo van thuyen, ek somaluk, nilar toe, vongdeuan osa. (2023). guide to aun-qa assessment at institutional level (version 3.0). - guide to aun-qa assessment at institutional level (version 3.0). 1-138.
rozli bin zulkifli;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;shahrir bin abdullah;zambri bin harun;wan aizon bin w ghopa. (2023). flow and convective heat transfer characteristics of oblique fins minichannel nanoliquid cold plate in laminar and turbulence flow regime . - . .
izamarlina asshaari, alias jedi, shahrir abdullah. (2023). brownian motion and thermophoresis effects in coflowing carbon nanotubes towards a moving plate. - results in physics. 1-10.
shahrir abdullah, muhammad fahmi miskon, sharipah ruzaina syed aris, zoraini wati abas , muhamad shahbani abu bakar, othman chin , syakirah samsudin , sun poi hun, ts. ummu hani yusof. (2023). guidelines to good practices: programme development and delivery. - guidelines to good practices: programme development and delivery. 1-87.
izamarlina asshaari, alias jedi, shahrir abdullah. (2023). brownian motion and thermophoresis effects in coflowing carbon nanotubes towards a moving plate. - results in physics. 1-10.
nur syahirah m.hanafi, wan aizon w.ghopa, rozli zulkifli, shahrir abdullah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abumansor. (2022). numerical simulation on the effectiveness of hybrid nanofluid in jet impingement cooling application. - energy report. 764-775.
li qiao, shahrir abdullah, shahrir, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani. (2022). a review of progress and hydrodynamic design of integrated motor pump-jet propulsion. - applied sciences. 1-29.
mahir faris abdullah, rozli zulkifli, zambri harun, shahrir abdullah, wan aizon wan ghopa, asmaa soheil najm, noor humam sulaiman. (2019). impact of the tio2 nanosolution concentration on heat transfer enhancement of the twin impingement jet of a heated aluminum plate. - micromachines. 1-22.
mahir faris abdullah, rozli zulkifli, zambri harun, shahrir abdullah, wan aizon wan ghopa. (2018). experimental and numerical simulation of the heat transfer enhancement on the twin impingement jet mechanism. - energies. .
saadah ahmad sowi, shahrir abdullah, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2021). the effect of linearly increasing/decreasing pitch ratio twisted tape with various progression rate and nanofluid towards the system performance. - thermal science and engineering progress. 1-16.
mahir faris abdullah, rozli zulkifli, hazim moria, asmaa soheil najm, zambri harun, shahrir abdullah, wan aizon wan ghopa, noor humam sulaiman. (2021). assessment of tio2 nanoconcentration and twin impingement jet of heat transfer enhancement-a statistical approach using response surface methodology. - energies. 1-29.
saadah ahmad, shahrir abdullah and kamaruzzaman sopian. (2020). a review on the thermal performance of nanofluid inside circular tube with twisted tape inserts. - advances in mechanical engineering. 1-26.
javad zareei, abbas rohani, wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah. (2020). effect of ignition timing and hydrogen fraction in natural gas blend on performance and exhaust emissions in a di engine. - iranian journal of science and technology, transactions of mechanical engineering. 737-747.
saadah ahmad, shahrir abdullah and kamaruzzaman sopian. (2020). numerical and experimental analysis of the thermal performances of sic/water and al2o3/water nanofluid inside a circular tube with constant-increased-pr twisted tape. - energies. 1-24.
izamarlina asshaari, alias jedi, shahrir abdullah. (2023). brownian motion and thermophoresis effects in coflowing carbon nanotubes towards a moving plate. - results in physics. 1-10.
nur syahirah m.hanafi, wan aizon w.ghopa, rozli zulkifli, shahrir abdullah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abumansor. (2022). numerical simulation on the effectiveness of hybrid nanofluid in jet impingement cooling application. - energy report. 764-775.
li qiao, shahrir abdullah, shahrir, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani. (2022). a review of progress and hydrodynamic design of integrated motor pump-jet propulsion. - applied sciences. 1-29.
hilmi amiruddin, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2021). cngdi engine performance using a vaned diffuser turbocharger compressor with varying injection timings. - evergreen joint journal of novel carbon resource sciences & green asia strategy. 414-420.
mahir faris abdullah, rozli zulkifli, hazim moria, asmaa soheil najm, zambri harun, shahrir abdullah, wan aizon wan ghopa, noor humam sulaiman. (2021). assessment of tio2 nanoconcentration and twin impingement jet of heat transfer enhancement-a statistical approach using response surface methodology. - energies. 1-29.
saadah ahmad sowi, kamaruzzaman sopian, shahrir abdullah. (2020). turbulent convective heat transfers of sic/water through circular pipe equipped with modified twisted tape. - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2020, pp. 381-382, december 2020. 381-382.
tajul ariffin norizan, zambri harun, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, shahrir abdullah. (2019). characteristics of swirl angle in pump intake flow near the minimum inlet submergence. - asme-jsme-ksme 2019 8th joint fluids engineering conference (ajkfluids2019). 1-9.
fadzli ibrahim, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2017). numerical investigation on soot particles emission in compression ignition diesel engine by using particulate mimic soot model. - matec web of conferences: the 2nd international conference on automotive innovation and green vehicle (aigev 2016). 1-11.
hilmi amiruddin, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah, mohd radzi mansor & mohd fadzli abdollah. (2017). experimental investigation of performance and emissions of a stratified charge cng direct injection engine with turbocharger. - matec web of conferences volume 124 (2017) 6th international conference on transportation and traffic engineering (ictte 2017). 1-5.
jason sim, rozli zulkifli and shahrir abdullah. (2014). conceptual thermosyphonic loop cooled thermoelectric power cogeneration system for automotive applications. - applied mechanics and materials. 294-298.
shahrir abdullah, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, saad aljamali & azhari shamsudeen. (2017). advances in natural gas emerging technologies. - . 16.
prof. ir. dr. shahrir abdullah. (2012). garis panduan penyediaan dokumen program pengajian universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 110.
ja`afar sahari, syazrin aklili, dzuraidah abd wahab, ruhizan mohd yasin, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, shahrir abdullah, mohd zaidi omar, norhamidi muhamad. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . 175-189.
shahrir abdullah et al.. (2011). jaminan kualiti proses pendidikan: perspektif ukm sebagai institusi swaakreditasi dan universiti penyelidikan. - . 83.
shahrir abdullah, ahmad suhaimi abd rahim and suaibunaha jusoh. (2009). kamus kejuruteraan automotif : enjin. - . 131.
shahrir abdullah, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, saad aljamali & azhari shamsudeen. (2017). advances in natural gas emerging technologies. - . 16.
a.j helmisyah, s. abdullah & m.j ghazali. (2014). advances in materials processing vol. 3. - . Chapter 10 : 212-249.
ja`afar sahari, syazrin aklili, dzuraidah abd wahab, ruhizan mohd yasin, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, shahrir abdullah, mohd zaidi omar, norhamidi muhamad. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . 175-189.
shahrir abdullah, mashitoh yaacob, nazri muslim, fazilah idris, nasrudin yunos, wan zulkifli wan hassan. (2019). buku panduan amalan pendidikan berimpak tinggi (high-impact educational practices-hieps) dalam matapelajaran pengajian umum. - . 103.
prof. ir. dr. shahrir abdullah. (2012). garis panduan penyediaan dokumen program pengajian universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 110.
shahrir abdullah et al.. (2011). jaminan kualiti proses pendidikan: perspektif ukm sebagai institusi swaakreditasi dan universiti penyelidikan. - . 83.
mohd zaki nuawi, shahrum abdullah, shahrir abdullah, s.m haris, azli arifin. (2009). matlab: a comprehensive reference for engineers. - . 210.
shahrir abdullah, ahmad suhaimi abd rahim and suaibunaha jusoh. (2009). kamus kejuruteraan automotif : enjin. - . 131.
fauza ghaffar, wan ahmad kamil mahmood, johnson ong chee bin, satria bijaksana, shahrir abdullah, suzeini binti abd halim, gerardo largoza, wyona patalinghug, kamolwan lueprasert, sompop prathanturarug, ngo van thuyen, ek somaluk, nilar toe, vongdeuan osa. (2023). guide to aun-qa assessment at institutional level (version 3.0). - guide to aun-qa assessment at institutional level (version 3.0). 1-138.
shahrir abdullah, muhammad fahmi miskon, sharipah ruzaina syed aris, zoraini wati abas , muhamad shahbani abu bakar, othman chin , syakirah samsudin , sun poi hun, ts. ummu hani yusof. (2023). guidelines to good practices: programme development and delivery. - guidelines to good practices: programme development and delivery. 1-87.
norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . .
rozli bin zulkifli;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;shahrir bin abdullah;zambri bin harun;wan aizon bin w ghopa. (2023). flow and convective heat transfer characteristics of oblique fins minichannel nanoliquid cold plate in laminar and turbulence flow regime . - . .
shahrir abdullah, dalbir singh. (2022). qqsp9311 akreditasi program pengajian - sesi 3c: penilaian dokumen (kerja kumpulan). - . 1-15.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EFFECTS OF CONVERGING AND DIVERGING RIBLETS ON TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS | intelllisense sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |