prof. dr. cheah fook choe

pensyarah perubatan

jabatan pediatrik

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Professor Dr. Cheah Fook Choe was previously the Head of Department of Paediatrics (2019-2022) of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Medical Centre-Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz in Kuala Lumpur. He has been the consultant at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of UKM, for more than 10 years. He was also the director of this unit from 2009 before going away for a research sabbatical in 2014 at the USA and New Zealand. Prof. Cheah completed specialty training in general paediatrics and was awarded Masters in Medicine (Paeds) by UKM in 1997. His neonatology subspecialty training commenced in 1997 in the Mater Mothers’ Hospital in Brisbane, Australia and subsequently in the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. From 2000-2003, he was the Neonatal Fellow in the Christchurch Women’s Hospital, New Zealand, completing advanced neonatal paediatrics training while pursuing a PhD degree during that period. This successfully culminated in him receiving PhD (Otago) and the FRACP in 2003. He further received postdoctoral research experience as a visiting scientist in pulmonary and perinatal biology at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA between 2006 and 2008. Prof. Cheah is an accredited trainer in neonatology, and has trained many postgraduate trainees and neonatal fellows, both local and international, especially from Indonesia. He is currently the Chief of the Joint Programme in Paediatric Specialty training for Malaysia. Recently, he was appointed to the Neonatology Subspecialty Subcommittee on Medical Education of the Malaysian Medical Council. He is also examiner for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK, the Malaysian Conjoined Board Examinations in Paediatrics, and had been external examiner in paediatrics for the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons.
    Dr. FC Cheah is currently the Professor of Paediatrics (Neonatology) and senior consultant neonatologist at the National University of Malaysia [Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)] Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur. He has been the consultant at the NeonataI Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of UKM, for more than 10 years, and was the Head of the unit from 2009-2014, before a research sabbatical in the USA and New Zealand. Prof. Cheah completed specialty training in general paediatrics in 1997 and was awarded the Masters in Medicine (Paediatrics) by the UKM. During this period, he also obtained professional qualifying diplomas in paediatrics from the Royal Colleges of Physicians of UK and Ireland. His neonatology subspecialty training commenced in 1997 in the Mater Mothers’ Hospital in Brisbane, Australia and subsequently in the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. From 2000-2003, he was the Neonatal Fellow in the Christchurch Women’s Hospital, New Zealand, where he pursued his PhD studies and neonatal paediatrics fellowship training, mentored by Profs Christine Winterbourn and Brian Darlow, successfully culminating in PhD (Otago) and the FRACP in 2003. He received further postdoctoral research experience as a visiting scientist, mentored by Profs. Alan Jobe and Suhas Kallapur at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA between 2006 and 2008. Prof. Cheah is an active researcher with various clinical and translational research grants, including collaborative trials with international centres and have published more than 70 papers that are well-cited. He is also an accredited trainer in neonatology in Malaysia and the Programme Director for Neonatology sub-Specialty training for UKM. He is examiner for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK and the Malaysian Conjoined Board Examinations in the Paediatric Specialty. Prof. Cheah is a fellow of both the Academy of Science (FASc), as well as Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (FAMM), and Vice-President of the College of Paediatrics, Academ

  • cheah fook choe;azlin binti ithnin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;norunaluwar binti jalil;goon jo aan;tan jen kit.  (2025).  characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations.  -


    tan geok chin;cheah fook choe;wong yin ping;muaatamarulain bin mustangin;ng beng kwang.  (2025).  to elucidate the role of endothelial-related genes in acute funisitis and in predicting adverse perinatal outcome.  -


    poh kuan wong, norazrina azmi, saiful effendi syafruddin, fook choe cheah, eng wee chua.  (2024).  rna sequencing reveals transcriptomic changes in hek293 cells following introduction of rs16851030 dna variant.  - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences.  49. 


    sampurna mta, mapindra mp, mahindra mp, suhargo m, etika r, utomo mt, handayani kd, angelika d, ayuningtyas w, efendi f, cheah fc.  (2024).  evaluating the phototherapy practice and adherence to guideline in managing neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in an indonesian tertiary referral hospital.  - medicine & health.  126-139. 


    cheah fook choe;phon su ee.  (2024).  body temperature of neonates born by caesarean section: a prospective observational quality assurance study on hypothermia.  -


    poh kuan wong, nurul nadia mohamad zamberi, saiful effendi syafruddin, fook choe cheah, norazrina azmi, jia xian law, eng wee chua.  (2023).  the promises and pitfalls of crispr-mediated base editing in stem cells.  - crispr journal.  196-215. 


    pranav jani, umesh mishra, julia buchmayer, karen walker, duygu gözen, rajesh maheshwari, daphne d cruz, krista lowe, audrey wright, james marceau, mihaela culcer, archana priyadarshi, adrienne kirby, fook choe cheah et al.  (2023).  thermoregulation and golden hour practices in extremely preterm infants: an international survey.  - pediatric research.  1701-1709. 


    azanna ahmad kamar, fook-choe cheah, hamizah ismail, ranjan pejaver, david alan ellwood and zaleha abdullah mahdy.  (2023).  editorial: saving mothers and babies for the new world.  - frontiers in surgery.  1-3. 


    beng kwang ng, joo ngor chuah, fook choe cheah, nor azlin mohamed ismail, geok chin tan, kon ken wong and pei shan lim.  (2023).  maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis..  - frontiers in surgery.  1-8. 


    pranav jani, u mishra, j buchmayer, r maheshwari, d d'Çruz, k walker, d gözen, k lowe, a wright, j marceau, m culcer, a priyadarshi, a kirby, j e moore, ju lee oei, v shah, u vaidya, a khashana, sunit godambe, fook choe cheah, wen-hao zhou....  (2023).  global variation in skin injures and skincare practices in extremely preterm infants..  - world journal of pediatrics.  139-157. 


    mohamed afiq hidayat z, raja zahratul azma rs, darnina aj, azlin i, najiah-ajlaa a, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, alina mf, fook choe cheah, lee sim lim, nazarudin s, malisa moh y, ainoon o.  (2023).  evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in malaysia.  - malaysian journal of pathology.  31-41. 


    aida nurul hanim rahman , alina md fauzi, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, ainoon binti othman, cheah fook choe, wan ahmad shukri aziz.  (2023).  evaluation of carestart s1 analyzer biosensor quantitative assay of g6pd activity and establishment of reference range for point of care testing in diagnosis of g6pd deficiency..  - malaysian journal of pathology.  540. 


    k k wong, k p kua, k s ooi, f c cheah.  (2023).  the effects of n-acetylcysteine on lung alveolar epithelial cells infected with respiratory syncytial virus.  - the malaysian journal of pathology.  43-50. 


    farin masra, shareena ishak, fook-choe cheah.  (2023).  the expectant management of a rare neonatal disease: transient neonatal myasthenia gravis.  - the turkish journal of pediatrics.  321-325. 


    f c cheah, m k thong, i zulkifli, a zilfalil, a l amir hamzah, p w k chan, e j khoo, n h noran.  (2022).  covid-19 vaccination for children in malaysia - a position statement by the college of paediatrics, academy of medicine of malaysia.  - malaysian journal of pathology.  177-185. 


    nishel m shah, esmita charani, damien ming, fook-choe cheah, mark r johnson.  (2024).  antimicrobial stewardship and targeted therapies in the changing landscape of maternal sepsis.  - journal of intensive medicine.  46-61. 


    poh kuan wong, norazrina azmi, saiful effendi syafruddin, fook choe cheah, eng wee chua.  (2024).  rna sequencing reveals transcriptomic changes in hek293 cells following introduction of rs16851030 dna variant.  - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences.  49. 


    k k wong, k p kua, k s ooi, f c cheah.  (2023).  the effects of n-acetylcysteine on lung alveolar epithelial cells infected with respiratory syncytial virus.  - the malaysian journal of pathology.  43-50. 


    aida nurul hanim rahman , alina md fauzi, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, ainoon binti othman, cheah fook choe, wan ahmad shukri aziz.  (2023).  evaluation of carestart s1 analyzer biosensor quantitative assay of g6pd activity and establishment of reference range for point of care testing in diagnosis of g6pd deficiency..  - malaysian journal of pathology.  540. 


    brigitta i. r. v. corebima, eko sulistijono, widanto, cheah fook choe.  (2023).  factors associated with infection and mortality in neonates following abdominal surgery..  - paediatrica indonesiana.  S8-S13. 


    cheah fook choe.  (2022).  evidence-based clinical practice in feeding the preterm infant.  - 233. 


    fook-choe cheah, tian-lee tan.  (2021).  nutritional care of preterm infants. scientific basis and practical guidelines..  - 17. 


    cheah fook choe.  (2015).  penyakit paru-paru bayi pramatang dan kesan jangkitan dalam rahim.  - 76. 


    berthold koletzko, sarah wieczorek, fook-choe cheah, magnus domellöf, johannes b. van goudoever, brenda b. poindexter, nestor vain.  (2022).  atención nutricional de lactantes prematuros. bases científicas y directrices prácticas.  - 7. 


    fook-choe cheah, tian-lee tan.  (2022).  atención nutricional de lactantes prematuros: bases científicas y directrices prácticas.  - 18. 


    fook-choe cheah, tian-lee tan.  (2021).  nutritional care of preterm infants. scientific basis and practical guidelines..  - 17. 


    koletzko b, wieczorek s, cheah fc, domellöf m, van goudoever jb, poindexter bb, vain n..  (2021).  nutritional care of preterm infants. scientific basis and practical guidelines..  - 7. 


    zaleha abdullah mahdy, azanna ahmad kamar, hamizah ismail, fook-choe cheah, david alan ellwood and ranjan pejaver.  (2023).  saving mothers and babies for the new world.  - 1-156. 


    berthold koletzko, fook-choe cheah, magnus domellöf, brenda b poindexter, nestor vain, johannes b van goudoever,.  (2022).  atención nutricional de lactantes prematuros: bases científicas y directrices prácticas (nutritional care of preterm infants: scientific basic and practical guidelines).  - bases científicas y aplicación práctica de la atención nutricional de lactantes prematuros (scientific basis and practical application of nutritional care for preterm infants preface).  XIII-XIV. 


    cheah fook choe.  (2022).  evidence-based clinical practice in feeding the preterm infant.  - 233. 


    fook-choe cheah, geok chin tan, yuan shi.  (2021).  research model innovations in advancing neonatal care.  - 228. 


    koletzko, berthold, cheah, fook-choe, domellöf, magnus, poindexter, brenda b., vain, nestor, van goudoever, johannes b.,.  (2021).  nutritional care of preterm infants: scientific basis and practical guidelines.  - 460. 


    cheah fook choe;azlin binti ithnin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;norunaluwar binti jalil;goon jo aan;tan jen kit.  (2025).  characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations.  -


    tan geok chin;cheah fook choe;wong yin ping;muaatamarulain bin mustangin;ng beng kwang.  (2025).  to elucidate the role of endothelial-related genes in acute funisitis and in predicting adverse perinatal outcome.  -


    cheah fook choe;phon su ee.  (2024).  body temperature of neonates born by caesarean section: a prospective observational quality assurance study on hypothermia.  -


    sharifa ezat wan puteh, wan kamal wan mujani, cheah fook choe, azrul azlan hamzah hamzah.  (2024).  projek inovasi jarum mikro tanpa sakit.  - 1. 


    lee ly, low jm, soo c, tran ap, khoo ej, thong mk, cheah fc.  (2023).  comparing parental vaccine hesitancy in two neighbouring asian countries.  - 41st annual meeting of the european society of paediatric infectious diseases (espid).  680.