Roohaida Othman received her PhD in Biochemistry from University of Southampton, and joined Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as a lecturer immediately after in 1995. Her research interest is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the biosynthesis of commercially important metabolites in plants and algae. Her research group has employed tools of molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology as well as genomics and transgenics technology platforms to study the enzymes involved in these pathways. They have also developed protocols for higher plant and algae RNA extraction methods and overexpression of recombinant proteins in bacterial systems. She has been Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Tropical Plant Physiology since 2010 and has been reviewer for several journals including International Journal of Food Properties.
nur farah ain zainee, roohaida othman, azmi rani, fadzilah yusof, mohamed fahmy yusof, mohamed effendi taip, jannatulhawa jasni. (2024). high nutritional seaweed as future potential fish feed. - the 6th hyper interdisciplinary conference malaysia 2024. 10.
andira rahmawati, asfathari ratnaduita saksyasamita, victor emmanuel, iriawati, khalilan lambangsari, rizkita rachmi esyanti, roohaida othman, ahmad faizal dan husna nugrahapraja. (2023). the combination effect of concentration and spraying duration of methyl jasmonate on growth and secondary metabolite production of stevia rebaudiana shoot culture in mist bioreactor. - 5th international conference on biosciences (icobio 2023). 1-23.
roohaida othman. (2023). khasiat gaharu dalam perubatan tradisional. - dewan kosmik. 44-45.
rogayah sekeli, ahmad nazarudin mohd roseli, normaniza osman, tsan fui ying, roohaida othman, lok eng hai, noor liyana sukiran, nor mayati che husin, siti hajar ahmad, siti aishah hassan, khalisanni khalid, mohd hakiman mansor, martini mohammad yusoff. (2023). 32nd malaysian society of plant physiology conference (msppc 2022). - 32nd malaysian society of plant physiology conference (msppc 2022). 1-360.
roohaida othman. (2023). functional genomics for carrageenan producing macroalgae. - the 3rd joint symposium on plant sciences and products. 12.
de sheng ker, kok gan chan, roohaida othman, maizom hassan & chyan leong ng. (2020). site directed mutagenesis of beta sesquiphellandrene synthase enhances enzyme promiscuity. - phytochemistry. 1-10.
de-sheng ker, sze lei pang, noor farhan othman, sekar kumaran, ee fun tan, thiba krishnan, kok gan chan, roohaida othman, maizom hassan & chyan leong ng. (2017). purification and biochemical characterization of recombinant persicaria minor beta-sesquiphellandrene synthase. - peerj. 1-23.
w.m.k. wan seman, s.a. bakar, n.a. bukhari, s.m. gaspar, r. othman, s. nathan,n.m. mahadi, j. jahim, a.m.a. murad, f.d. abu bakar. (2014). high level expression of glomerella cingulata cutinase in dense cultures of pichia pastoris grown under fed-batch conditions. - journal of biotechnology. 184: 219-228.
su-fang ee, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein,roohaida othman, noor azmi shaharuddin, ismanizan ismail, and zamri zainal. (2014). functional characterization of sesquiterpene synthase from polygonum minus. - the scientific world journal. 2014: 1-11.
adelene ai-lian song, janna ong abdullah, mohd. puad abdullah, norazizah shafee, roohaida othman, ee-fun tan, normah mohd. noor & abdul rahim raha. (2012). overexpressing 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase (hmgr) in the lactococcal mevalonate pathway for heterologous plant sesquiterpene production. - plos one. 7(12): e52444.
roohaida othman, norul huda mohd nasir. (2020). metalotionein 1 daripada eleusine indica l. memberikan toleransi terhadap logam berat dalam escherichia coli. - sains malaysiana. 527-536.
roohaida othman, afiq adham abd rasib, mohammad akhmal ilias, suganthi murthy, najihah ismail, nursyuhaida mohd hanafi. (2019). transcriptome data of the carrageenophyte eucheuma denticulatum. - data in brief. 1-4.
adelene a. song, janna ong abdullah, mohd. p. abdullah, noraziah shafee, roohaida othman, normah mohd noor & raha a. rahim. (2014). engineering the lactococcal mevalonate pathway for increased sesquiterpene production. - fems microbiology letters. 177-184.
fatima musbah abbas, elbushra elsheikh elnur, normah mohd noor, eisa algaali, zainon mohd ali & roohaida othman. (2011). an effective protocol for callus induction with milk clotting activity from solanum dubium seeds. - sains malaysiana. 40(4):339-343.
farah adibah abdul kadir, kamalrul azlan azizan, roohaida othman. (2021). transcriptome of aquilaria malaccensis containing agarwood formed naturally and induced artifcially. - bmc research notes. 1-4.
farah adibah abdul kadir, kamalrul azlan azizan, roohaida othman. (2020). datasets of essential oils from naturally formed and synthetically induced aquilaria malaccensis agarwoods. - data in brief. 10498.
roohaida othman, norul huda mohd nasir. (2020). metalotionein 1 daripada eleusine indica l. memberikan toleransi terhadap logam berat dalam escherichia coli. - sains malaysiana. 527-536.
de sheng ker, kok gan chan, roohaida othman, maizom hassan & chyan leong ng. (2020). site directed mutagenesis of beta sesquiphellandrene synthase enhances enzyme promiscuity. - phytochemistry. 1-10.
roohaida othman, afiq adham abd rasib, mohammad akhmal ilias, suganthi murthy, najihah ismail, nursyuhaida mohd hanafi. (2019). transcriptome data of the carrageenophyte eucheuma denticulatum. - data in brief. 1-4.
andira rahmawati, asfathari ratnaduita saksyasamita, victor emmanuel, iriawati, khalilan lambangsari, rizkita rachmi esyanti, roohaida othman, ahmad faizal, husna nugrahapraja. (2023). the effect of methyl jasmonate on growth, stevioside and rebaudioside a production in stevia rebaudiana shoot culture using mist bioreactor. - 5th international conference on biosciences iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 01208.
norazah mohammad nawawi, farah diba abu bakar, zulkiflie zamrod, roohaida othman. (2023). preparation of protoplast from glomerella cingulata. - international conference on sustainable practices, development and urbanisation (iconspadu) aip conference proceedings. 20014.
hanif azhari, azhar mohamad & roohaida othman. (2015). molecular identification of aquilaria spp. by using inter-simple sequence repeat (issr). - aip conference proceedings. 030030-1-030030-5.
roohaida othman, afiq adham abd rasib. (2022). kayu gaharu dan genetik penghasilan wangian. - . 152.
roohaida othman, tan ee fun, afiq adham abd rasib. (2021). genetik di sebalik keunikan bau kesum. - . 140.
muhammad izzat zulkiflee, farah adibah abd kadir, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
nur najwa arifah basiron, nursyuhaida mohd hanafi, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
nurin najwa abdul rahman, nursyuhaida mohd hanafi, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
s'ng yien ping, farah adibah abd kadir, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 5.
siti diyana ismail, farah adibah abd kadir, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
muhammad izzat zulkiflee, farah adibah abd kadir, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
nurin najwa abdul rahman, nursyuhaida mohd hanafi, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
nur najwa arifah basiron, nursyuhaida mohd hanafi, roohaida othman. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
roohaida othman, afiq adham abd rasib. (2022). kayu gaharu dan genetik penghasilan wangian. - . 152.
roohaida othman, tan ee fun, afiq adham abd rasib. (2021). genetik di sebalik keunikan bau kesum. - . 140.
nur farah ain zainee, roohaida othman, azmi rani, fadzilah yusof, mohamed fahmy yusof, mohamed effendi taip, jannatulhawa jasni. (2024). high nutritional seaweed as future potential fish feed. - the 6th hyper interdisciplinary conference malaysia 2024. 10.
roohaida othman. (2023). khasiat gaharu dalam perubatan tradisional. - dewan kosmik. 44-45.
nor syakila mohd mazlan, ahmad bazli ramzi dan roohaida othman. (2023). engineering aquilaria malaccensis agarwood fragrance biosynthetic genes in escherichia coli. - malaysian society of plant physiology 2023 (msppc2023). 1.
roohaida othman. (2023). plant physiology and biotechnology for human welfare and sustainable environment. - 2nd international conference on plant and microalgae based bioindustry (icpmbb2023). 1-31.
yashirdisai sampasivam, roohaida othman, kamalrul azlan azizan. (2023). whole-tree rapid chemometric analysis of agarwood from the critically endangered aquilaria malaccensis using spme-gcms. - malaysian society of plant physiology conference 2023 (msppc 2023). 1-33.
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