pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian sejarah, politik & hal ehwal antarabangsa (sphea)
sity daud, rashila ramli. (2024). sustainable development goals (sdgs) & project impact evaluation in malaysia. - . 284.
muhamad azwan abd rahman, sity daud. (2024). ilmuwan sains sosial malaysia: kumpulan rencana penghormatan untuk profesor emeritus dato' dr. abdul rahman embong. - . 373.
rashila ramli, sity daud. (2023). sdg practices and policies in malaysia. - . 21.
saad alshammari, sity daud. (2023). the yemen conflict's ripple effect: saudi arabia's response and regional stability. - migration letters. 1292-1307.
chen zhaoyi; sity daud. (2023). the practice and exploration of democratic management in china: opportunities and challenges. - croatian international relations review. 87-101.
dakheelallah alharbi, zarina othman, sity daud. (2019). the arab spring and syria security. - global journal of political science and administration. 43-49.
kushananto, sity daud. (2019). gaya komunikasi kepimpinan negara dan impaknya terhadap hubungan dengan elit ketenteraan indonesia. - jurnal komunikasi. 1-20.
guido benny, sity daud & ravichandran moorthy. (2018). economic versus political liberalisation in asean: public opinion among university students in four member countries. - international journal of asia pacific studies. 227-249.
muhammad ariff asyrul adnan, sity daud. (2018). manifesto barisan nasional dan kejatuhan najibnomics dalam pilihan raya umum ke-14. - jebat: malaysian journal of history, politics & strategic studies. .
nor rafidah saidon, sity daud & mohd samsudin. (2017). faktor kepimpinan dan gender dalam penglibatan politik wanita di malaysia (1980-2013). - akademika. 63-75.
heba abdullah, sity daud, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2023). economic prospects of cultural heritage. - multidisciplinary, scientific work and management journal. 155-168.
saad alshammari, sity daud. (2023). the yemen conflict's ripple effect: saudi arabia's response and regional stability. - migration letters. 1292-1307.
heba abdullah, sity daud, mohd ikbal mohd huda. (2023). developing inventive and balanced approaches in interventions for preserving cultural properties. - multidisciplinary, scientific work and management journal. 169-182.
chen zhaoyi; sity daud. (2023). the practice and exploration of democratic management in china: opportunities and challenges. - croatian international relations review. 87-101.
liu jiangwei; sity daud. (2023). a bibliometric analysis of health diplomacy research based on vosviewer and citespace. - journal of liberty and international affairs. 171-197.
azizah jaafar, shahrir abdullah, azian abd. latif, thomas paraidathathu, wan noorina wan ahmad, narimah abdullah, sity daud, juhana salim and chan siew lee. (2011). reliability of student feedback on the course teaching evaluation system (ctes) and system usability. - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. .
salleh amat, riza atiq abdullah o.k rahmat, mohamed amin embi, lilia halim, sity daud & zaharah zainal. (2011). proposed recognition of courses conducted by ppa to certificate, master and doctorate levels. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia - social and behavioral sciences). .
sity daud, dzuraidah abd. wahab, roziah sidik @ mat sidek, nazri muslim, wan kamal mujani, kamarulzaman ibrahim and nur riza suradi. (2011). a perception on the effectiveness of undergraduate and graduate programmes management through an iso certification scope merger. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia - social and behavioral sciences). .
shahrir abdullah, azian abd latiff, thomas paraidathathu, azizah jaafar, wan noorina wan ahmad, safinaz mohd hussein and sity daud. (2011). gap analysis towards harmonisation of the mqa code of practice for programme accreditation with the quality management system of ms iso 9001:2008. - procedia - social and behavioral sciences. .
sity daud, zainol mustafa, nur riza mohd suradi, ahmad kamal ariffin, noor rahamah abu bakar and rashila ramli. (2011). compliance to thesis examination procedure in the iso quality management system for teaching and learning. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia - social and behavioral sciences). .
sity daud, rashila ramli. (2024). sustainable development goals (sdgs) & project impact evaluation in malaysia. - . 284.
rashila ramli, sity daud. (2023). sdg practices and policies in malaysia. - . 21.
rashila ramli, sity daud. (2022). from global to local: experiences and impacts in localising sdg solution in malaysia. - . 69.
jazimin zakaria, sity daud. (2022). pendemorasian di malaysia dan integrasi nasional. - . 275.
sity daud, shafiq poh abdullah. (2021). governance for sustainable development in southeast asia. - . 21.
rashila ramli, sity daud. (2023). sdg practices and policies in malaysia. - . 21.
sity daud, shafiq poh abdullah. (2021). governance for sustainable development in southeast asia. - . 21.
sity daud, faridah jalil. (2020). 7 hari panjang: saga sheraton. - . 22.
sity daud, noraini ibrahim, sharifah syahirah syed sheikh, hew wai weng, tan raan han, fadilah puteh. (2018). valorizing evidence on inclusive social development to achieve sustainable goals in malaysia. - . 30.
rashila ramli, rahimah abdul aziz, andrew kam jia, sity daud. (2018). valorizing evidence on inclusive social development to achieve sustainable goals in malaysia. - . 24.
muhamad azwan abd rahman, sity daud. (2024). ilmuwan sains sosial malaysia: kumpulan rencana penghormatan untuk profesor emeritus dato' dr. abdul rahman embong. - . 373.
sity daud, rashila ramli. (2024). sustainable development goals (sdgs) & project impact evaluation in malaysia. - . 284.
rashila ramli, sity daud. (2022). from global to local: experiences and impacts in localising sdg solution in malaysia. - . 69.
jazimin zakaria, sity daud. (2022). pendemorasian di malaysia dan integrasi nasional. - . 275.
ilyas abdullah, jamaie hamil, sity daud. (2021). transformasi budaya politik melayu terengganu. - . 162.
doris padmini selvaratnam, sity daud. (2021). social security and economic well-being of the orang asli (indigenous community) pos legap, perak malaysia. - contemporary global challenges and trends: human dignity at crossroads. 1-4.
muhamad takiyuddin bin ismail;sity bt. daud;muhamad nadzri bin mohamed noor. (2021). ke arah pemantauan pilihan raya asean: kajian kes pilihan raya umum terbaru di filipina (2016), malaysia (2018) dan indonesia (2019) . - . .
mohd ikbal bin mohd huda;sity bt. daud;muhamad takiyuddin bin ismail. (2020). 50 tahun bantuan pembangunan rasmi (oda) jepun ke malaysia: satu analisis. - . .
sity bt. daud;rashila haji ramli;prof. dr. rahimah abdul aziz. (2020). inclusive social development through research and training: most academy in malawi, africa. - . .
sity daud, rashila ramli, noraini md. yusof, noraini md. yusof, muhamad nadzri mohamed noor, muhamad azwan abd rahman, husyairi harunarashid, sarjit singh gill, fadilah puteh, mohd roslan rosnon, bakri mat, abdul rashid bin abdul kader. (2020). pelan tindakan majlis tindakan sara hidup negara tahun 2020-2022. - . 159.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PERBANDINGAN KONSEP DAN TADBIR URUS BANDAR PINTAR DI MALAYSIA DAN INDONESIA | institut pemerintahan dalam negeri (ipdn), indonesia | 94.2% (2024-04-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
ERASMUS+ MOBILITY PROGRAM: REGIONAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON GOVERNANCE, MARKETS AND SOCIETY IN GERMANY AND MALAYSIA | frankfurt university of applied sciences | 86.9% (2022-08-01 sehingga 2025-07-31) |