Dr. Siti Aminah Osman (S. A. Osman) is graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1992 with BEng(Hons) in Civil Engineering, MSc in Structural Engineering from Unversity of Bradford, UK (1995) and PhD in Civil & Structural Engineering from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2006). Her interest is in structural engineering, wind engineering, structural dynamics, industrial building system (IBS) construction and engineering education. She is an Associate Professor in Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and currently she is the Deputy Dean of Networking and Income Generation of the faculty. She is also a member of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM)..
esraa kh. abuzaida, s.a. osman, azrul bin a. mutalib, salah r. al zaidee. (2024). slurry infiltrated fiber concrete properties: a review. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 155-167.
azrul bin a mutalib;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;siti aminah bt. osman;iskandar bin yahya;mohd reza bin azmi;abdul hadi bin azman. (2024). development of 3d-printable ultra-high performance nano concrete composites using nanographene. - . .
peer mohamed abdul, mohd hafiz baharuddin, siti aminah osman. (2023). evolution of industrial training implementation due to the covid-19 pandemic. - prosiding peka 2023. 1-3.
siti aminah osman, mohd syuhaimi ab. rahman, firdaus mohd hamzah, noraini hamzah, wan nor roslam wan isahak & mohamad fadle mohamad abu sadin. (2023). pemerkasaan dan kesejahteraan komuniti mukim pulau manis, pekan pahang. - . 11.
siti aminah bt. osman;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;abdul khalim bin abdul rashid;azrul bin a mutalib. (2023). wind-roof stucture interaction of residential house under extreme wind loads. - . .
faesal alatshan, siti aminah osman, abdelmajeed altlomate, mohammed alkair, roszilah hamid, fidelis mashiri. (2023). design model of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under axial compression. - buildings. 1-23.
faesal alatshan, siti aminah osman, roszilah hamid, fidelis mashiri. (2020). stiffened concrete-filled steel tubes: a systematic review. - thin-walled structures. 1-18.
mustafa m. ali, s.a. osman, m.y.m. yatim, al zand a.w.. (2020). hysteretic characteristics of steel plate shear walls: effects of openings. - structural engineering and mechanics. 687-708.
faesal alatshan, siti aminah osman, fidelis mashiri & roszilah hamid. (2020). explicit simulation of circular cfst stub columns with external steel confinement under axial compression. - materials. 1-24.
ali pabarja, moahmmadreza vafaei, sophia c. alih, mohd yazmil md yatim, siti aminah osman. (2019). experimental study on the efficiency of tuned liquid dampers for vibration mitigation of a vertically irregular structure. - mechanical systems and signal processing. .
mustafa m. ali, s.a. osman, al zand aw, m.y.m. yatim, faesal alatshana, salam j. hilo. (2021). concrete-filled twin-layer steel-sheet cws system: a systematic review of the literature. - latin american journal of solids and structures. 1-43.
s. y. laseima, a. a. mutalib, s. a. osman, n. h. hamid. (2020). seismic behavior of exterior rc beam-column joints retrofitted using cfrp sheets. - latin american journal of solids and structures. 1-21.
r. ahmad, r. hamid, and s. a. osman. (2019). effect of fibre treatment on the physical and mechanical properties of kenaf fibre reinforced blended cementitious composites. - ksce journal of civil engineering. 4022-4035.
r. ahmad, r. hamid and s. a. osman. (2019). physical and chemical modifications of plant fibres for reinforcement in cementitious composites. - advances in civil engineering. .
ibrahim h. alfahdawi, siti a. osman, roszilah hamid, abdulkader i. al-hadithi. (2018). modulus of elasticity and ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete containing polyethylene terephthalate (pet) waste heated to high temperature. - journal of engineering science and technology. 3577-3592.
faesal alatshan, siti aminah osman, abdelmajeed altlomate, mohammed alkair, roszilah hamid, fidelis mashiri. (2023). design model of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under axial compression. - buildings. 1-23.
ali joharchi, siti aminah osman, mohd yazmil md yatim, mohammad ansari. (2021). seismic evaluation of new steel infill panels for steel shear walls. - civil engineering journal. 633-648.
mustafa m. ali, s.a. osman, al zand aw, m.y.m. yatim, faesal alatshana, salam j. hilo. (2021). concrete-filled twin-layer steel-sheet cws system: a systematic review of the literature. - latin american journal of solids and structures. 1-43.
ali joharchi ,siti aminah osman, mohd yazmil md yatim, mohammad ansari. (2021). numerical parametric study on the cyclic performance of trapezoidally corrugated steel shear walls. - civil engineering and architecture. 462-476.
roziyah ahmad, roszilah hamid, siti aminah osman. (2020). effect of chemical and heat treatment on the tensile strength, crystalinity and surface morphology of kenaf fibres. - journal of engineering science and technology. 78-85.
shafie rahim, siti aminah osman, siti fatin mohd razali, mohd reza azmi, muhamad nazri borhan, azman mohd jais, rohaya abdullah and suhayya rofik. (2021). a state-of-the-art review on green roof implementation. - proceedings of the 6th international conference on civil, offshore and environmental engineering (iccoee2020). 1035-1043.
siti fatin mohd razali, hasrul hazman hasan, siti aminah osman, melisa ismail, mohd reza azmi, muhamad nazri borhan, azman mohd jais, rohaya abdullah, suhayya rofik. (2021). an evaluation of hydrological simulation of extensive green roof, lecture notes in civil engineering. - proceedings of the 6th international conference on civil, offshore and environmental engineering (iccoee2020). 47-55.
r. ahmad, r. hamid and s. a.osman. (2019). effect of different curing conditions on compressive strength and durability of kenaf fibre reinforced blended cementitious composites. - matec web of conferences, 2018 international joint conference on metallurgical and materials engineering (jcmme 2018). .
mohd radzi abu mansor, w ghopa wan aizon, siti aminah osman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni, darman nordin, suhana johar. (2018). the effectiveness of industrial training from the perspective of engineering students. - 2017 7th world engineering education forum (weef). .
s. a. osman, muhamad azry khoiry, nasri nasir, nur izzi md yusof, a. mutalib, noraini hamzah & kamaruddin taib. (2016). implementation of bridge modeling competition in evaluating the students competency. - proceedings of 2016 ieee global engineering education conference, educon 2016. 1109-1114.
roziyah ahmad, roszilah hamid & siti aminah hj. osman. (2023). kenaf dan enapcemar alum: modifikasi dan prestasi dalam komposit bersimen. - . 260.
siti aminah osman, mohd syuhaimi ab. rahman, firdaus mohd hamzah, noraini hamzah, wan nor roslam wan isahak & mohamad fadle mohamad abu sadin. (2023). pemerkasaan dan kesejahteraan komuniti mukim pulau manis, pekan pahang. - . 11.
noraini hamzah, muhamad azry khoiry, fatin ashyqin shamenan dan siti aminah osman. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 7.
siti aminah osman, siti fatin mohd. razali, muhamad nazri borhan, mohd reza azmi. (2018). inovasi rumah lestari. - . 24.
siti aminah osman, siti fatin mohd razali, muhamad nazri borhan & mohd reza azmi. (2018). ig-home inovasi rumah lestari. - . 20.
siti aminah osman, mohd syuhaimi ab. rahman, firdaus mohd hamzah, noraini hamzah, wan nor roslam wan isahak & mohamad fadle mohamad abu sadin. (2023). pemerkasaan dan kesejahteraan komuniti mukim pulau manis, pekan pahang. - . 11.
noraini hamzah, muhamad azry khoiry, fatin ashyqin shamenan dan siti aminah osman. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 7.
siti aminah osman, siti fatin mohd. razali, muhamad nazri borhan, mohd reza azmi. (2018). inovasi rumah lestari. - . 24.
siti aminah osman, siti fatin mohd razali, muhamad nazri borhan & mohd reza azmi. (2018). ig-home inovasi rumah lestari. - . 20.
siti aminah osman, siti fatin mohd. razali, muhammad nazri borhan & muhammad imran mohd. junaidi. (2017). aktiviti ig-home inovasi rumah lestari. - . 24.
roziyah ahmad, roszilah hamid & siti aminah hj. osman. (2023). kenaf dan enapcemar alum: modifikasi dan prestasi dalam komposit bersimen. - . 260.
zulkifli mohd nopiah, siti aminah osman, norhana arsad. (2019). pengukuran rasch dalam penilaian hasil pembelajaran pendidikan kejuruteraan. - . 275.
azrul bin a mutalib;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;siti aminah bt. osman;iskandar bin yahya;mohd reza bin azmi;abdul hadi bin azman. (2024). development of 3d-printable ultra-high performance nano concrete composites using nanographene. - . .
siti aminah bt. osman;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;abdul khalim bin abdul rashid;azrul bin a mutalib. (2023). wind-roof stucture interaction of residential house under extreme wind loads. - . .
mohd. yazmil bin md. yatim;wan hamidon bin wan badaruzzaman;siti aminah bt. osman;azrul bin a mutalib;mohd reza bin azmi. (2023). punching shear behaviour of two-way flat slabs reinforced with inclined stirrups. - . .
mohd syuhaimi bin ab rahman;othman bin a. karim;siti aminah bt. osman;noraini binti hamzah;mohd khairul azhar bin mat sulaiman;wan nor roslam bin wan isahak;azreena binti abu bakar. (2023). pembangunan prototip dan modul shield (stem tauhidiyah) untuk kem rahsia alam di taman aulia, pulau gajah kelantan. - . .
roszilah binti hamid;siti aminah bt. osman;mohd. yazmil bin md. yatim;muhamad razuhanafi bin mat yazid. (2023). solidification of petroleum sludge incorporating phosphogypsum in cementitious composite as roadbed subgrade materials. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PUNCHING SHEAR BEHAVIOUR OF FLAT SLABS WITH OPENINGS STRENGTHENED BY ANGLE PLATES | mmsa global builders sdn. bhd. | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |