prof. ir. dr. jaharah binti a.ghani

pensyarah universiti

jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Jaharah A. Ghani is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her research interests are in the machining process; cutting tool performance and material characterisation, and focusing on its tribological effect such as machining-induced grain refinement and performance of surface texturing such as dimple using machining process . She utilising Design of Experiment especially the Taguchi Method to reduce the experimental runs and for optimisation purposes. She and team has developed a dynamometer for measuring cutting forces in machining process and this complete system is known as Neo-MoMac.

  • rizauddin bin ramli;jaharah binti a.ghani;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;hawa binti hishamuddin.  (2025).  radial basis functional network(rbfn) based adaptive neural-fuzzy controller for multi-joint rehabilitation device.  -


    maria iruj, saima yaqoob, jaharah a. ghani, hadi jaber, nizaroyani saibani, mohammad alkhedher.  (2024).  state-of-the-art hybrid lubrication (cryo-mql) supply systems, performance evaluation, and optimization studies in various machining processes.  - results in engineering.  1-17. 


    abdulaziz kurdi, ahmed degnah, afifah z. juri, jaharah a. ghani, animesh k. basak.  (2024).  deformation behavior of the hybrid s-phase layer formed on a stainless-steel substrate by thermochemical heat treatment under mechanical loading.  - materials science and engineering: a.  1-14. 


    muhammad rizal, jaharah a ghani, husni usman, muhammad dirhamsyah, amir zaki mubarak.  (2024).  development and testing of a stationary dynamometer using crossbeam-type force-sensing elements for three-axis cutting force measurement in milling operations.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part b: journal of engineering manufacture.  950-961. 


    jaharah a ghani, muhammad asyraf ismanizan, haniff abdul rahman, che hassan che haron, afifah zakiyyah juri, mohd. shahir kasim, muhammad rizal.  (2024).  machining analysis of s45c carbon steel using finite element method.  - jurnal tribologi.  226-246. 


    muhammad rizal, jaharah a ghani, husni usman, muhammad dirhamsyah, amir zaki mubarak.  (2024).  development and testing of a stationary dynamometer using crossbeam-type force-sensing elements for three-axis cutting force measurement in milling operations.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part b: journal of engineering manufacture.  950-961. 


    abdulaziz kurdi, ahmed degnah, afifah z. juri, jaharah a. ghani, animesh k. basak.  (2024).  deformation behavior of the hybrid s-phase layer formed on a stainless-steel substrate by thermochemical heat treatment under mechanical loading.  - materials science and engineering: a.  1-14. 


    saima yaqoob, jaharah a. ghani, affah z. juri, shalina sheik muhamad, che hassan che haron, nabil jouini.  (2024).  a review of sustainable hybrid lubrication (cryo-mql) techniques in machining processes.  - the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology.  151-169. 


    h.n. abu bakar, j.a. ghani, c.h. che haron, m.j. ghazali , m.s. kasim, s. al-zubaidi, n. jouini.  (2023).  wear mechanisms of solid carbide cutting tools in dry and cryogenic machining of aisi h13 steel with varying cutting-edge radius.  - wear.  1-8. 


    afifah z. juri, firdaus azmi, animesh k. basak, jaharah a. ghani, mohd shahir kasim, rodianah alias.  (2023).  tribological and corrosion behaviour of medical grade 316lvm steel by low temperature hybrid gaseous nitriding and carburizing.  - tribology international.  1-11. 


    haniff a rahman, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohammad rasidi rasani and nabil jouini.  (2023).  hydrodynamic performance study of a dimple textured surface at various area ratios and sliding speeds using cfd.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part j: journal of engineering tribology.  1632-1646. 


    ahsana aqilah ahmad, jaharah a. ghani, che hassan che haron.  (2022).  effect of cutting parameters on tool life during end milling of aisi 4340 under mql condition.  - industrial lubrication and tribology.  392-401. 


    faarih farhan mohd nasir, jaharah a. ghani, mohd shahir kasim, wan fathul hakim w. zamri.  (2022).  characteristics of dimple structure on aluminium silicon alloy fabricated using turning machine.  - industrial lubrication and tribology.  421-430. 


    n. a. kasim, m. z. nuawi, j. a. ghani, muhammad rizal, n. a. ngatiman & c. h. c. haron.  (2021).  enhancing clustering algorithm with initial centroids in tool wear region recognition.  - international journal of precision engineering and manufacturing.  843-863. 


    shalina sheikh muhamad, jaharah a. ghani, che hassan che haron, hafizal yazid.  (2020).  wear mechanism of a coated carbide tool in cryogenic machining of aisi 4340.  - industrial lubrication and tribology.  509-514. 


    jaharah a ghani, muhammad asyraf ismanizan, haniff abdul rahman, che hassan che haron, afifah zakiyyah juri, mohd. shahir kasim, muhammad rizal.  (2024).  machining analysis of s45c carbon steel using finite element method.  - jurnal tribologi.  226-246. 


    saima yaqoob, jaharah a. ghani, affah z. juri, shalina sheik muhamad, che hassan che haron, nabil jouini.  (2024).  a review of sustainable hybrid lubrication (cryo-mql) techniques in machining processes.  - the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology.  151-169. 


    muhammad rizal, jaharah a ghani, husni usman, muhammad dirhamsyah, amir zaki mubarak.  (2024).  development and testing of a stationary dynamometer using crossbeam-type force-sensing elements for three-axis cutting force measurement in milling operations.  - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part b: journal of engineering manufacture.  950-961. 


    abdulaziz kurdi, ahmed degnah, afifah z. juri, jaharah a. ghani, animesh k. basak.  (2024).  deformation behavior of the hybrid s-phase layer formed on a stainless-steel substrate by thermochemical heat treatment under mechanical loading.  - materials science and engineering: a.  1-14. 


    maria iruj, saima yaqoob, jaharah a. ghani, hadi jaber, nizaroyani saibani, mohammad alkhedher.  (2024).  state-of-the-art hybrid lubrication (cryo-mql) supply systems, performance evaluation, and optimization studies in various machining processes.  - results in engineering.  1-17. 


    nurul hayati abdul halim, che hassan che haron, jaharah abdul ghani, and muammar faiq azhar.  (2021).  optimization of surface roughness in cryogenic co2 milling of inconel 718 using rsm.  - lecture notes in mechanical engineering,.  409-422. 


    shalina sheik muhamad, jaharah a. ghani1, che hassan che haron , hafizal yazid.  (2020).  the effects of cutting environment on surface roughness and tool life in milling of aisi 4340.  - 3rd international conference on advances in mechanical engineering (icame 2020).  xx. 


    musfirah abdul hadi, jaharah a.ghani.  (2020).  enhancement of surface integrity in cryogenic high speed ball nose end milling process of inconel 718.  - proceedings of the 4th international manufacturing engineering conference and the 5th asia pacific conference on manufacturing systems.  512-517. 


    m. suhaily, c.h. che hassan, a.g. jaharah, h azmi, m.a. afifah & m.k.nor khairusshima.  (2018).  study on drilling induced delamination of woven kenaf fiber reinforced epoxy composite using carbide drills.  - 6th international conference on nano and materials science- aip conf. proc. 


    h. azmi, c.h. c. haron, j. a. ghani, m. suhaily & a.r. yuzairi.  (2018).  machinability study on milling kenaf fiber reinforced plastic composite materials using design of experiments.  - iop conf. series: materials science and engineering. 


    shalina sheik muhamad, jaharah a. ghani, che hassan che haron.  (2021).  pemesinan keluli dalam keadaan mampan.  - 132. 


    mohd nor azmi mohd rodzi , jaharah a.g. , eghawail a.m. , kamal othman, ab rahman m.n. and che hassan c.h..  (2010).  iaeng transaction in engineering technologies vol 5.  - 260-265. 


    jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, mohd zaki nuawi, che hasan che haron, and rizauddin ramlia.  (2010).  iaeng transactions on engineering technologies volume 5.  - 249-260. 


    jaharah a ghani, nurul nadia nor hamran.  (2024).  tribology in sustainable manufacturing.  - 15. 


    salah al-zubaidi, jaharah a. ghani, che hassan che haron, hakim s. sultan, adnan n. jameel al-tamimi, mohammed n. abdulrazaq alshekhly & m. alfiras.  (2024).  artificial intelligence and transforming digital marketing.  - 17. 


    akm aminul islam, zahira yaakob, jaharah a ghani, nurina anuar.  (2014).  biomass and bioenergy applications.  - 31-62. 


    mohd nor azmi mohd rodzi , jaharah a.g. , eghawail a.m. , kamal othman, ab rahman m.n. and che hassan c.h..  (2010).  iaeng transaction in engineering technologies vol 5.  - 260-265. 


    jaharah a. ghani, muhammad rizal, mohd zaki nuawi, che hasan che haron, and rizauddin ramlia.  (2010).  iaeng transactions on engineering technologies volume 5.  - 249-260. 


    mohd shahir kasim, saiful bahri mohamed, raja izamshah raja abdullah, jaharah a. ghani, che hassan che haron.  (2024).  pemesinan mapan inkonel konsep dan praktik.  - 219. 


    sarani zakaria, andanastuti muchtar, aisyah abdul rahman, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, babul airianah othman, norazlin hassim, abdul munir abd. murad,.  (2021).  peraturan-peraturan universiti kebangsaan malaysia (pengajian siswazah) 2021.  - 57. 


    shalina sheik muhamad, jaharah a. ghani, che hassan che haron.  (2021).  pemesinan keluli dalam keadaan mampan.  - 132. 


    rizauddin bin ramli;jaharah binti a.ghani;sallehuddin bin mohamed haris;hawa binti hishamuddin.  (2025).  radial basis functional network(rbfn) based adaptive neural-fuzzy controller for multi-joint rehabilitation device.  -


    che hassan bin che haron;jaharah bt. a ghani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri.  (2023).  high speed machining of inconel alloys 718 under cryogenic machining of liquid nitrogen.  -


    norhamidi bin muhamad;che hassan bin che haron;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;jaharah bt. a ghani;abu bakar bin sulong.  (2022).  parameter study of metal injection moulding and machining of titanum alloy.  -


    jaharah bt. a ghani;che hassan bin che haron;manal binti ismail;rizauddin bin ramli;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri.  (2022).  development of a nano-scale mql system to enhance the performance of cutting fluids in machining process.  -


    wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;jaharah bt. a ghani;intan fadhlina binti mohamed.  (2022).  mechanical and tribological properties of multilayer coatings with a hierarchical architecture for the metal forming industry.  -