prof. madya dr. nazlina binti ibrahim

pensyarah universiti

jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Nazlina telah menjadi Profesor Madya di Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia sejak Mei 2012. Minat penyelidikan kumpulannya termasuk penentuan mekanisme antivirus produk semula jadi daripada tumbuhan atau produk sintesis, meneroka kepelbagaian mikrob terutamanya dengan aktiviti antimikrob dan ujian toksikologi kedua-duanya di peringkat sel dan dalam model haiwan. Pandemik COVID-19 melihat beliau sebagai salah seorang daripada segelintir saintis virologi di Malaysia yang dirujuk sebagai pakar teknikal untuk permohonan geran pembangunan vaksin, penerbitan mengenai virus dalam bahan zarah udara dalaman dan wawancara di akhbar. Dengan latihan tidak formal dalam Biokeselamatan dan Biosekuriti, beliau telah dilantik sebagai Pegawai Biokeselamatan UKM memegang tanggungjawab penting bersama Jawatankuasa Biokeselamatan dan Biosekuriti Institusi (IBBC) UKM dalam menyediakan laporan tahunan kepada Jabatan Biokeselamatan, Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Air dan juga Kementerian Pertahanan. Beliau terlibat dalam Panel Penasihat dalam merangka dasar, garis panduan dan senarai semak untuk penerbitan Dasar Biosekuriti Makmal Malaysia Dan Garis Panduan Biokeselamatan yang diterbitkan pada 2015 oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Beliau telah menerbitkan hampir 150 artikel dalam bentuk jurnal, prosiding dan buku. Penyelia yang telah menghasilkan lebih 25 graduan Doktor Falsafah, 25 graduan sarjana dan lebih daripada 140 graduan sarjana muda.
    Nazlina has been an Associate Professor in Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since May 2012. Her group research interest includes determination of antiviral mechanism of natural products from plants or synthesised products, exploring diversity of microbes especially with antimicrobial activity and testing in toxicology both at cellular level and in experimental animals.. The COVID-19 pandemic sees her as one of few virology scientists in Malaysia being referred as technical expert for vaccine development grant application, publication on virus in indoor air particulate matter and interviewes in newspapers. With the informal training in Biosafety and Biosecurity, she has been appointed as UKM Biosafety Officer holding an important responsibility with the Institutional Biosafety and Biosecurity Committee (IBBC) in providing UKM annual report to the Biosafety Department, Ministry of Natural Resource and Water and also Ministry of Defense. Her teamhas been asked to provide training programme in biosafety, biosecurity and biorisk management in and out of UKM. She was involved in the Advisory Panel in drafting the policy, guideline and checklist for publication of the Malaysia Laboratory Biosecurity Policy And Guideline Biosafety that was published in 2015 by the Malaysian Ministry of Health.. She has published almost 150 articles in the form of journals, proceedings and books. A keen supervisor to 25 completed PhD graduates, 25 completed masters graduates and more than 140 bachelor graduates.

  • nur aqilah, n.r., mohd rohaizad, m.r., nazlina, i..  (2024).  interaksi sebatian ekstrak air phaleria macrocarpa terhadap virus herpes manusia (hhv-1) secara in siliko.  - prosiding simposium biologi kebangsaan ke-10.  1-5. 


    muhammad haziq anwar bin azlan, nur farah ain zainee and nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  antibacterial activity and bioactive compounds of a marine macroalgae endophytic fungi, hypoxylon monticulosum.  - malaysian journal of microbiology.  148-157. 


    ainulkhir hussin, sheila nathan, muhammad ashraf shahidan, mohamad yusof nor rahim, mohamad yusof zainun, nurul aiman nafisah khairuddin, nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  identification and mechanism determination of the efflux pump subunit amrb gene mutations linked to gentamicin susceptibility in clinical burkholderia pseudomallei from malaysian borneo.  - molecular genetics and genomics.  12. 


    nazlina ibrahim, badrul munir md zain, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur farah ain zainee, noraini talip, wan kiew lian.  (2024).  modul bengkel penulisan buku daripada tesis jilid 2.  - 1-131. 


    lee j.x. dan nazlina, i..  (2024).  aktiviti antimikrob kunyahan gabungan ekstrak cengkih (syzygium aromaticum) dan pudina (mentha piperita).  - prosiding simposium biologi kebangsaan ke-10.  87-91. 


    ainulkhir hussin, sheila nathan, muhammad ashraf shahidan, mohamad yusof nor rahim, mohamad yusof zainun, nurul aiman nafisah khairuddin, nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  identification and mechanism determination of the efflux pump subunit amrb gene mutations linked to gentamicin susceptibility in clinical burkholderia pseudomallei from malaysian borneo.  - molecular genetics and genomics.  12. 


    ainulkhir hussin, mohd yusof nor rahim, frederick dalusim, muhammad ashraf shahidan, sheila nathan, nazlina ibrahim.  (2023).  improving the clinical recognition, prognosis, and treatment of melioidosis through epidemiology and clinical findings: the sabah perspective.  - plos neglected tropical diseases.  1-18. 


    danish sanuri, ahmad al-khdhairawi, rahmad akbar, su datt lam, shobana sugumar, nazlina ibrahim, sylvia chieng, fareed sairi.  (2023).  machine learning and molecular simulation ascertain antimicrobial peptide against klebsiella pneumoniae from public database.  - computational biology and chemistry.  1-13. 


    noor zarina abd wahab; nazlina ibrahim.  (2022).  styrylpyrone derivative (spd) extracted from goniothalamus umbrosus binds to dengue virus serotype-2 envelope protein and inhibits early stage of virus replication.  - molecules.  1-16. 


    abdul fattah shaima, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, nazlina ibrahim, mohd sobri takriff, darvien gunasekaran, mahmud y.y. ismaeel.  (2022).  unveiling antimicrobial activity of microalgae chlorella sorokiniana (ukm2), chlorella sp. (ukm8) and scenedesmus sp. (ukm9).  - saudi journal of biological sciences.  1043-1052. 


    ainulkhir hussin, rusmah yusof, mohd yusof nor rahim, frederick dalusim, nor insyirah othman, nazlina ibrahim, muhammad ashraf shahidan.  (2022).  true-positive reflex threshold value for hcv antibody screening test.  - the journal of infection in developing countries.  522-527. 


    nur farah ain zainee, nazlina ibrahim, nur hidayah, mohammad rozaimi.  (2021).  variation in antibacterial properties of endophytic fungi isolated from malaysian phaeophytes and rhodophytes of johor, malaysia.  - journal of environmental biology.  840-848. 


    maysam dahham habboo, norefrina shafinaz md. nor, nazlina ibrahim.  (2020).  orthosiphon stamineus water extracts inhibit human herpes virus 1 kos-1 and acyclovir-resistant strains by virucidal activity and suppressing virus early infection.  - malaysian journal of microbiology.  285-293. 


    azizan, f. f., hanafiah, r. m., msarah, m. j., nor, n. s. m., ibrahim, n. aqma, w. s..  (2020).  antibacterial and antibiofilm analyses of melastoma malabathricum leaves extract against streptococcus mutans on tooth surfaces.  - malaysian journal of microbiology.  454-460. 


    hudamisral, suhaila sapari, tajudin rahman, nazlina ibrahim , bohari m. yamin, siti aishah hasbullah.  (2018).  evaluation of novel n-(dibenzylcarbamothioyl)benzamide derivatives as antibacterial agents by using dft and drug-likeness assessment.  - journal of chemistry. 


    noor zarina abd wahab, nur sahira mohd jaafar, nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  syzygium polyanthum inhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) replication cycle in vitro.  - malaysian journal of chemistry.  134-142. 


    muhammad haziq anwar bin azlan, nur farah ain zainee and nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  antibacterial activity and bioactive compounds of a marine macroalgae endophytic fungi, hypoxylon monticulosum.  - malaysian journal of microbiology.  148-157. 


    ainulkhir hussin, sheila nathan, muhammad ashraf shahidan, mohamad yusof nor rahim, mohamad yusof zainun, nurul aiman nafisah khairuddin, nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  identification and mechanism determination of the efflux pump subunit amrb gene mutations linked to gentamicin susceptibility in clinical burkholderia pseudomallei from malaysian borneo.  - molecular genetics and genomics.  12. 


    noor zarina abd wahab, tharane ganasen, nor iza a.rahman, nazlina ibrahim.  (2023).  in vitro virucidal activity of kyllinga nemoralis aqueous extract against herpes simplex virus.  - journal of applied biology & biotechnology.  208-213. 


    danish sanuri, ahmad al-khdhairawi, rahmad akbar, su datt lam, shobana sugumar, nazlina ibrahim, sylvia chieng, fareed sairi.  (2023).  machine learning and molecular simulation ascertain antimicrobial peptide against klebsiella pneumoniae from public database.  - computational biology and chemistry.  1-13. 


    ropisah me, muhammad hafiz istamam, noor hidayah pungot, nazlina ibrahim, alice shanthi.  (2022).  plant-mediated silver nanoparticles by using eleusine indica and its antibacterial activity.  - aip conference proceedings: international conference on bioengineering and technology (iconbet2021).  06004. 


    nur halimah sairi, norhayati muhammad, aslia natasha pauzi, mohd fadzelly abu bakar, balkis hj. a. talip, norazlin abdullah, laily b. din, nazlina ibrahim.  (2019).  the evaluation of antiurolithiathic properties of ananas nanus, aquilaria malaccensis, curcuma xanthorrhiza, pandanus atrocarpus and garcinia mangostana.  - materials today: proceedings, e international conference on chemical sciences and engineering: advance and new materials, iccse 2018.  1145-1150. 


    nazlina ibrahim, saleha shahar, noor zarina abdul wahab, norefrina shafinaz md. nor.  (2019).  effect of styrylpyrone derivative (spd) and spd/foscarnet combination towards virus infected cell.  - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  1-4. 


    kamarulzaman ibrahim, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohammad hafizuddin hj. jumali, mohd talib latif, nazlina ibrahim, noor hayati ahmad raso, siti aishah hasbullah.  (2019).  preface: the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  10001-60024. 


    siti aishah jalani and nazlina ibrahim.  (2016).  mutation of domain iii and domain vi in l gene conserved domain of nipah virus.  - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, fst , ukm.  1-3. 


    siti noor adnalizawati adnan, nazlina ibrahim.  (2020).  phyllanthus columnaris: perencat bakteria rintang.  - 148. 


    rnazlina ibrahim, mariya mohd tahir.  (2020).  paku langsuir perencat virus alternatif.  - 130. 


    nazlina ibrahim, rashidah iberahim.  (2020).  rumput sambau: penawar jangkitan kulit virus.  - 98. 


    syazwani mohd fadzil, nazlina ibrahim.  (2020).  kesihatan dan kesejahteraan di tempat kerja.  - 326. 


    nur farah ain zainee, nazlina ibrahim, ahmad ismail.  (2019).  kepelbagaian pencilan kulat endofit rumpai laut.  - 115. 


    nur farah ain zainee, nazlina ibrahim, asmida ismail.  (2019).  rumpai laut johor.  - 2. 


    nur farah ain zainee, ahmad ismail, nazlina ibrahim.  (2019).  rumpai laut johor.  - 10. 


    nurusyifa muhamad zamri, nurul farah ain zainee, nazlina ibrahim.  (2018).  siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018.  - 4. 


    suria atika mahadi, nur farah ain zainee, ahmad ismail, nazlina ibrahim.  (2018).  siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018.  - 4. 


    wong yoke ting, nazlina ibrahim.  (2018).  siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018.  - 4. 


    noor zarina abd wahab, nazlina ibrahim.  (2023).  sebatian daripada kenerak perencat virus denggi.  - 171. 


    sarani zakaria, andanastuti muchtar, aisyah abdul rahman, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, babul airianah othman, norazlin hassim, abdul munir abd. murad,.  (2021).  peraturan-peraturan universiti kebangsaan malaysia (pengajian siswazah) 2021.  - 57. 


    siti noor adnalizawati adnan, nazlina ibrahim.  (2020).  phyllanthus columnaris: perencat bakteria rintang.  - 148. 


    syazwani mohd fadzil, nazlina ibrahim.  (2020).  kesihatan dan kesejahteraan di tempat kerja.  - 326. 


    rnazlina ibrahim, mariya mohd tahir.  (2020).  paku langsuir perencat virus alternatif.  - 130. 


    nazlina bt. ibrahim;mohamad azwani shah bin mat lazim;norefrina shafinaz binti md nor;lam su datt.  (2024).  structure-activity relationship and elucidation of the antiviral mechanism of selected plants using metabolomics approach.  -


    nazlina ibrahim, badrul munir md zain, haja maideen kader maideen, nik norhazrina nik mohd kamil, nur farah ain zainee, noraini talip, wan kiew lian.  (2024).  modul bengkel penulisan buku daripada tesis jilid 2.  - 1-131. 


    nazlina ibrahim.  (2024).  plant extracts antiviral strategies in the inhibition of human viral replication.  - international applied biology conference 2024 (iabc2024).  27-28. 


    anis farhan fatimi ab wahab, izwan bharudin, nazlina ibrahim.  (2023).  pendekatan bioteknologi mengawal kulat penyebab penyakit reput pangkal batang pokok kelapa sawit.  - dewan kosmik.  20-23. 


    nazlina ibrahim, noor athirah ma ad.  (2023).  daun ketapang pilihan terbaik membalut tempeh.  - dewan kosmik.  40-41.