pensyarah universiti
jabatan fizik gunaan
Mohammad Hafizuddin bin Hj Jumali, holding a PhD in Physics from the University of Warwick (1999), is an Associate Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. With 25 years of experience in teaching and research, his current focus lies in lead-free ferroelectric materials for piezoelectric energy harvesters. His prolific career includes authoring 100+ articles, earning awards, and leading/participating in 25 research projects, totalling over RM3.5 million. Actively participating in conferences and workshops, he also serves as a national committee member for the Malaysian Solid State Science Society.
noor baa`yah bt. ibrahim;sahrim bin hj. ahmad;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;zalita binti zainuddin. (2024). enhancement of bafe12o19 magnetic properties using spring exchange mechanism. - . .
roslan bin abd. shukor;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;noor baa`yah bt. ibrahim. (2024). elastic, electrical and magnetic interactions of near room temperature superconductors in superhydrides and cuprates. - . .
yap chi chin;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;rozidawati binti awang. (2023). role of cadmium selenide-coated carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer of indoor organic photovoltaics. - . .
zainab saberi; hasila jarimi; mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali; suhendri suhendri; saffa riffat; ahmad fudholi; halim hj razali; kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). performance assessment of double pass photovoltaic/thermal solar air collector using bifacial pv with cpc and mirror reflector under malaysian climate. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-12.
mohamed nafeer wajidh, chi chin yap, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, sin tee tan, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali, muslizainun mustapha, chin hua chia. (2023). photovoltaic performance improvement of inverted type organic solar cell by co-introducing isopropanol and carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-9.
k. muhammad-najib, k. muhammad-aizat, m. h. jumali, r. abd-shukor. (2023). ac susceptibility and electrical properties of cr and mo substituted tl(basr)cacu2o7 tl-1212 type phase superconductors. - applied physics a. 1-11.
mohamed nafeer wajidh, chi chin yap, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, sin tee tan, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali, muslizainun mustapha, chin hua chia. (2023). photovoltaic performance improvement of inverted type organic solar cell by co-introducing isopropanol and carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-9.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j.m. al-agealy, chi chin yap, ammar daham ayada, auday h. shaban. (2023). effect of solvents on performance of alq3/zno solar cells: a theoretical approach. - energy reports. 0-7.
zainab saberi; hasila jarimi; mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali; suhendri suhendri; saffa riffat; ahmad fudholi; halim hj razali; kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). performance assessment of double pass photovoltaic/thermal solar air collector using bifacial pv with cpc and mirror reflector under malaysian climate. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-12.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j. al-agealy, chi chin yap, y. al-douri. (2023). improved performance of d149 dye-sensitized zno-based solar cell under solvents activation effect. - the european physical journal plus. 1-8.
man kit chong, zalita zainuddin, fatin saiha omar, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali. (2023). tuning the growth of faceted na3zr2(sio4)2po4 nasicon like solid electrolyte and its effect on microstructure conductivity relationship. - ionics. 3109-3117.
khatatbeh ibtehaj, mohammad hafizuddin hj. jumali, sameer al-bati, poh choon ooi, bandar ali al-asbahi, abdullah ahmed ali ahmed. (2022). effect of beta-chain alignment degree on the performance of piezoelectric nanogenerator based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanofiber. - macromolecular research. 172-182.
farah liyana khairulaman, chi chin yap, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali & nour atallah issa. (2022). pengoptimuman lapisan p3ht:pcbm terdop cui dalam sel suria organik jenis songsang untuk aplikasi cahaya dalam. - sains malaysiana. 4059-4069.
m.d. aliff-imran, m. nur-afrina, m. j. masnita, m.h. jumali, r. abd-shukor. (2022). nano tin(iv) oxide addition effects on the transport and ac susceptibility parameters of bi1.6pb0.4sr2cacu2o8 superconductor. - journal of materials science - materials in electronics. 13947-13955.
a.i.a. alselawe, mhh jumali, g. gopir, m.m. anas. (2020). ab-initio calculations of the structural, electronic and optical properties of (cdse)2 clusters. - sains malaysiana. 1451-1460.
k. muhammad-najib, k. muhammad-aizat, m. h. jumali, r. abd-shukor. (2023). ac susceptibility and electrical properties of cr and mo substituted tl(basr)cacu2o7 tl-1212 type phase superconductors. - applied physics a. 1-11.
mohamed nafeer wajidh, chi chin yap, nour attallah issa, kam sheng lau, sin tee tan, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali, muslizainun mustapha, chin hua chia. (2023). photovoltaic performance improvement of inverted type organic solar cell by co-introducing isopropanol and carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1-9.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j.m. al-agealy, chi chin yap, ammar daham ayada, auday h. shaban. (2023). effect of solvents on performance of alq3/zno solar cells: a theoretical approach. - energy reports. 0-7.
zainab saberi; hasila jarimi; mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali; suhendri suhendri; saffa riffat; ahmad fudholi; halim hj razali; kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). performance assessment of double pass photovoltaic/thermal solar air collector using bifacial pv with cpc and mirror reflector under malaysian climate. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-12.
taif saad al maadhede, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi j. al-agealy, chi chin yap, y. al-douri. (2023). improved performance of d149 dye-sensitized zno-based solar cell under solvents activation effect. - the european physical journal plus. 1-8.
taif saad al maadhde, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, hadi, fatimah abdul razak, chi chin yap. (2021). an investigation of the fill factor and efficiency of molecular semiconductor solar cells. - 3rd international scientific conference of alkafeel university, iscku 2021. 373-381.
kamarulzaman ibrahim, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohammad hafizuddin hj. jumali, mohd talib latif, nazlina ibrahim, noor hayati ahmad raso, siti aishah hasbullah. (2019). preface: the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 10001-60024.
nor fatin khairah bahanurddin, zainal arifin ahmad, julie juliewatty mohamed, mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali.. (2019). effect of sr dopant to the knn-litasb properties. - materials characterization using x-rays and related techniques, aip conference proceedings. 02008.
babul airianah othman, doris quay xia, farah hanan anuar, kamarulzaman ibrahim khairiatul mardiana jansar, lim seng joe, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohammad hafizuddin hj. jumali, mohd salmi md noorani...etc all. (2018). the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the university kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2017 postgraduate colloquium. -.
masliana muslimin, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, tan sin tee, lee hock beng, tan chun hui & yap chi chin. (2018). influence of zr doping on structure and morphology of tio2 nanorods prepared using hydrothermal method. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
ng kim hang, lorna jeffery minggu, mohammad hafizuddin haji jumali & mohammad kassim. (2016). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2016. - . 13.
lorna jeffery minggu, wan ramli wan daud, mohammad kassim, mohammad hafizuddin jumali & ng kim hang. (2014). directory of research projects - fundamental research grant scheme - technology and engineering. - . 92-96.
mohammad b. kassim, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd hafizuddin haji jumali, akrajas, ali umar, siti fairus binti mohd yusoff, farah hannan anuar, khuzaimah arifin. (2012). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2012. - . 74.
ng kim hang, lorna jeffery minggu, mohammad hafizuddin haji jumali & mohammad kassim. (2016). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2016. - . 13.
lorna jeffery minggu, wan ramli wan daud, mohammad kassim, mohammad hafizuddin jumali & ng kim hang. (2014). directory of research projects - fundamental research grant scheme - technology and engineering. - . 92-96.
noor azlan ghazali, mohd. ekhwan toriman, muhammad fauzi mohd. zain, lee khai ern, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, jalifah latip, roslinda shamsudin, mohamad azri tukimon, mohammad shah kirin zamberi, dahliya abdul kadir [and (fourteen) othes]. (2018). instrumentation handbook: making an impact for your research. - . 57.
mohammad b. kassim, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd hafizuddin haji jumali, akrajas, ali umar, siti fairus binti mohd yusoff, farah hannan anuar, khuzaimah arifin. (2012). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2012. - . 74.
mohammad b. kassim, wan ramli wan daud, lorna jeffery minggu, kamaruzzaman sopian, mohd hafizuddin hj. jumali, akrajas ali umar, ibrahim n. hassan, siti fairus mohd yusoff, yap chi chin. (2011). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2011. - . 99.
roslan bin abd. shukor;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;noor baa`yah bt. ibrahim. (2024). elastic, electrical and magnetic interactions of near room temperature superconductors in superhydrides and cuprates. - . .
noor baa`yah bt. ibrahim;sahrim bin hj. ahmad;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;zalita binti zainuddin. (2024). enhancement of bafe12o19 magnetic properties using spring exchange mechanism. - . .
yap chi chin;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;rozidawati binti awang. (2023). role of cadmium selenide-coated carbon quantum dots in photoactive layer of indoor organic photovoltaics. - . .
zalita binti zainuddin;ramli bin omar;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;noor baa`yah bt. ibrahim;rozidawati binti awang. (2023). ferroelectric lead-free mn doped k0.5na0.5nbo3 piezoceramics for energy harvester application. - . .
roslan bin abd. shukor;mohammad hafizuddin bin jumali;noor baa`yah bt. ibrahim. (2021). topological superconductivity in cu doped bismuth selenide and underdoped cuprates. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTINUOUS CO2 MINERAL CARBONATION PROCESS | petronas research sdn bhd | 65.7% (2021-04-01 sehingga 2027-03-31) |