Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, UKM, 1993.
PhD in Polymer Chemistry, University of Durham, UK, 1997.
Specializes in polymer synthesis, nano-structured polymers and bio-synthetic polymers.
Focuses on application of polymers in opto-electronics, sensors, energy and health sciences.
Delivered more than 30 invited talks in Malaysia, Asian Countries, Middle East and USA.
Rceived more than 25 awards from national and international organisations, and owned 6 Intellectual Properties, and written more than 125 manuscripts in journals, 6 books and 18 book chapters.
Member of the SIRIM Technical Committee and the Committee Chairman on General Purpose Chemicals, and Paints and Coatings.
Member IKM Polymers and Materials Chemistry Division.
Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, Schoolof Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2004-2008
Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2012-2017
Chairman of Pro-Tem Committee of Persatuan Polimer Malaysia.
Chairman of Pro-Tem Committee of Persatuan Alumni Sains Kimia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Founding Chairman of the Persatuan Polimer Malaysia.
Founding Deputy Chairman of the Persatuan Alumni Sains Kimia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Malaysian Representative to the Council of Federation of Asian Polymer Societies since 2012.
General Secretary of the Council of Federation of Asian Polymer Societies, 2016 – 2017.
Member of the Council of Asian Science Editors since 2017, for which he contributes as a member of the Education and Training Committee for the period of 2018 – 2020.
Awarded with Fellowship of Akademi Sains Malaysia in 2019.
Associate Member of the Cheminformatics Data Standards (CPCDS) Standing Committee of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) for the term 2020-2021.
A registered professional technologist (Chemical Technology) with the MBOT.
firdaus jamal rashid, norsyazfirah mohamed, rusli daik, abang annuar ehsan. (2024). customizing ultraviolet curable polymer-ink properties via reactive diluent modification and viscosity control. - journal of applied polymer science. 1-13.
zakira amalin mohamad, siti nurul ain md jamil, nur nida syamimi subri, farhana syakirah ismail, rusli daik. (2023). adsorption of diclofenac from aqueous solution by amine-functionalized poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) microparticles adsorbent. - sains malaysiana. 3189-3209.
roslinda fauzi, rusli daik, basirah fauzi, siti nur liyana mamauod. (2023). physicochemical properties of n,n-diethylethanolammonium chloride/ethylene glycol-based deep eutectic solvent for replacement of ionic liquid. - journal of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. 1-5.
suria ramli, nur hapizah suardy, ishak ahmad, rusli daik, mohd hanif zulfakar. (2023). the effect of short chain alcohol on oleic acid based microemulsion system. - malaysia polymer international conference 2023 (mpic2023). 1.
siti hajar ahmad shariff, rusli daik, muhammad salahuddin haris, mohamad wafiuddin ismail. (2023). hydrophobic drug carrier from polycaprolactone-b-poly(ethylene glycol) star-shaped polymers hydrogel blend as potential for wound healing application. - polymers. 1-22.
firdaus jamal rashid, norsyazfirah mohamed, rusli daik, abang annuar ehsan. (2024). customizing ultraviolet curable polymer-ink properties via reactive diluent modification and viscosity control. - journal of applied polymer science. 1-13.
wan khartini wan abdul khodir, mohamad wafiuddin ismail, shafida abd hamid, rusli daik, deny susanti, muhammad taher, vincenzo guarino. (2023). synthesis and characterization of ciprofloxacin loaded star shaped polycaprolactone polyethylene glycol hydrogels for oral delivery. - micromachines. 1-16.
nur syazwani athirah sazuan, saiful irwan zubairi, nurul hanisah mohd & rusli daik. (2023). synthesising injectable molecular self-curing polymer from monomer derived from lignocellulosic oil palm empty fruit bunch biomass: a review on treating osteoarthritis. - arabian journal of chemistry. 1-26.
siti hajar ahmad shariff, rusli daik, muhammad salahuddin haris, mohamad wafiuddin ismail. (2023). hydrophobic drug carrier from polycaprolactone-b-poly(ethylene glycol) star-shaped polymers hydrogel blend as potential for wound healing application. - polymers. 1-22.
muhammad asif a. khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, chin-hoong teh, rusli daik, ahmad ghadafi ismail, burhanuddin yeop majlis, muhammad mat salleh, wan ahmad hafiz wan md adnan, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad ashrif a bakar, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2022). electrochemical metallization process on screen-printed electrode for creatinine monitoring application. - ieee sensors journal. 9268-9275.
zakira amalin mohamad, siti nurul ain md jamil, nur nida syamimi subri, farhana syakirah ismail, rusli daik. (2023). adsorption of diclofenac from aqueous solution by amine-functionalized poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) microparticles adsorbent. - sains malaysiana. 3189-3209.
roslinda fauzi, rusli daik, basirah fauzi, siti nur liyana mamauod. (2023). physicochemical properties of n,n-diethylethanolammonium chloride/ethylene glycol-based deep eutectic solvent for replacement of ionic liquid. - journal of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. 1-5.
manjusha elizabeth mathew, ishak ahmad, sabu thomas, muhammad bin kassim, rusli daik. (2021). a preliminary study on the synthesis of poly(vinylbenzyl chloride) with different solvents. - sains malaysiana. 1767-1773.
nur farahein hadina ismail, tan meng chai, rusli daik, rizafizah othaman. (2020). epoxidised natural rubber (enr)/polyvinyl chloride (pvc)/silica (sio2) membrane for treating palm oil mill effluents (pome). - plastics, rubber and composites. 134-140.
wafiuddin ismail, rusli daik, shafida abd hamid & wan khartini wan abdul khodir. (2019). synthesis and characterization of star-shaped (pcl-b-peg) as potential electrospun microfibres. - sains malaysiana. 2265-2275.
firdaus jamal rashid, norsyazfirah mohamed, rusli daik, abang annuar ehsan. (2024). customizing ultraviolet curable polymer-ink properties via reactive diluent modification and viscosity control. - journal of applied polymer science. 1-13.
wan khartini wan abdul khodir, mohamad wafiuddin ismail, shafida abd hamid, rusli daik, deny susanti, muhammad taher, vincenzo guarino. (2023). synthesis and characterization of ciprofloxacin loaded star shaped polycaprolactone polyethylene glycol hydrogels for oral delivery. - micromachines. 1-16.
rahmadini syafri, emriadi, zulhadjri, mai efdi, delovita ginting, chairil, edy saputra, rika taslim, rusli daik. (2023). synthesis and characterization of polymer electrolyte membrane based on cellulose-chitosan-alginate as li-ion battery separator. - international journal on advanced science, engineering and information technology. 585-591.
zakira amalin mohamad, siti nurul ain md jamil, nur nida syamimi subri, farhana syakirah ismail, rusli daik. (2023). adsorption of diclofenac from aqueous solution by amine-functionalized poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) microparticles adsorbent. - sains malaysiana. 3189-3209.
siti hajar ahmad shariff, rusli daik, muhammad salahuddin haris, mohamad wafiuddin ismail. (2023). hydrophobic drug carrier from polycaprolactone-b-poly(ethylene glycol) star-shaped polymers hydrogel blend as potential for wound healing application. - polymers. 1-22.
rahmadini syafri, siti zahidah, prasetya, rusli daik. (2023). synthesis and characterization of edible film from seaweed (euchema cottonii) with calcium lactate and glycerol plasticizer. - proceedings of the 7th international conference of science, technology, and interdisciplinary research (ic-star 2021). 1-11.
m. deraman, n.s.m. nor, e. taer, b. yatim, awitdrus, r. farma, n.h. basri, m.a.r. othman, r. omar, m.r.m. jasni, r. daik, s. soltaninejad, m. suleman, g. hegde, a.a. astimar. (2016). review of energy and power of supercapacitor using carbon electrodes from fibres of oil palm empty fruit bunches. - materials science forum. 497-504.
roslinda zulkifli, mohamad deraman, rusli daik, maria muhammad ishak, najah syahirah mohd nor, mohamad redwani mohd jasni, sepideh soltaninejad, and mohd suleman. (2016). electrochemical characterization of supercapacitor electrodes prepared by activation of green monoliths consist of self-adhesive carbon grains and lignin. - materials science forum. 545-550.
m.r.m. jasni, m. deraman, e. hamdan, n.e.s. sazali, n.s.m. nor, m.m. ishak, n.h. basri, r. omar, m.a.r. othman, r. zulkifli, r. daik, m. suleman. (2016). effect of koh treated graphene in green monoliths of pre-carbonized biomass fibers on the structure, porosity and capacitance of supercapacitors carbon electrodes. - materials science forum. 551-558.
m. deraman, n. s. m. nor, n. h. basri, b. n. m. dollah, s. soltaninejad, r. daik, r. omar, m. a. hashim and m. a. r. othman. (2015). graphene and activated carbon based supercapacitor electrodes. - advanced materials research. 231-235.
chin-hoong teh, mohd asri mat teridi, rusli daik. (2022). third generation solar cells: materials, methods and future perspectives. - . 35.
satriani aga pasma, rusli daik, mohamad yusof maskat. (2021). polimer terbiodegradasi dari tandan kosong buah kelapa sawit. - . 175.
rusli daik, mohd suzeren md jamil, azizah baharum. (2018). polimer fungsian: cabaran baharu & aplikasi. - . 173.
rusli daik, mohd suzeren md jamil, azizah baharum. (2018). polimer fungsian: cabaran baharu & aplikasi. - . 5.
mohd suzeren md jamil, rusli daik, azizah baharum. (2018). polimer fungsian: cabaran baharu & aplikasi. - . 6.
rusli daik, phang sook wai, teh chin hoong. (2022). encyclopedia of materials: plastics and polymers. - . 13.
chin-hoong teh, mohd asri mat teridi, rusli daik. (2022). third generation solar cells: materials, methods and future perspectives. - . 35.
rusli daik, nurul ain md jamil, mastura khairuddin. (2019). water and society in malaysia. - . 21.
mohd suzeren md jamil, rusli daik, azizah baharum. (2018). polimer fungsian: cabaran baharu & aplikasi. - . 6.
rusli daik, mohd suzeren md jamil, azizah baharum. (2018). polimer fungsian: cabaran baharu & aplikasi. - . 5.
satriani aga pasma, rusli daik, mohamad yusof maskat. (2021). polimer terbiodegradasi dari tandan kosong buah kelapa sawit. - . 175.
rusli daik, mohd suzeren md jamil, azizah baharum. (2018). polimer fungsian: cabaran baharu & aplikasi. - . 173.
kartini noorsal, rusli daik, mohamad ariff baharom. (2007). carbon fibre : process, application and commercialization in malaysia. - . 165.
suria ramli, nur hapizah suardy, ishak ahmad, rusli daik, mohd hanif zulfakar. (2023). the effect of short chain alcohol on oleic acid based microemulsion system. - malaysia polymer international conference 2023 (mpic2023). 1.
nurul asikin binti mijan;rusli bin daik;darfizzi bin derawi. (2023). catalytic deoxygenation-cracking of tung oil over tungsten-cobalt supported silica-alumina catalyst for production of bio-jet fuel. - . .
saiful irwan zubairi, rusli daik, badrul hisyam yahaya, mohd suzeren md. jamil. (2023). injectable ultra sound curable polymer from biomass-derived monomer for 3-d scaffold materials to treat osteoarthritis. - laporan teknik geran universiti penyelidikan (gup-2018-057). 1-11.
saiful irwan zubairi;rusli bin daik;mohd suzeren bin md jamil. (2023). injectable ultra sound curable polymer from biomass-derived monomer for 3-d scaffold materials to treat osteoarthritis. - . .
teh chin hoong;rusli bin daik;mohd asri bin mat teridi. (2022). synthesis and characterization of organic materials based perylene-diimide (pdi) derivatives as hole organic conductor for methylammonium lead iodide (ch3nh3pbi3) perovskite solar cell. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LLDPE/NANOCLAY NANOCOMPOSITES MASTERBATCH | rb energy sdn. bhd | 97.8% (2022-08-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
BIFUNCTIONAL EFFECT OF OXIDIZED EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH (EFB) FIBERS FOR ABSORBENCY AND NEUTRALIZATION OF ACID AND BASE IN CHEMICAL SPILL KITS | sahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan, jabatan bomba dan penyelamat malaysia | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |