Professor Dr. Noriszura binti Ismail.
Professor in Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since Aug 2016.
Specializes in Risk Modelling, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Science.
Current research interests are non-life insurance, GLM, zero-inflation, pension, social security, and copula.
BSc (Actuarial Science, 1991) and MSc (Actuarial Science, 1993) from University of Iowa, USA.
PhD (Statistics, 2007) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Passed 5 professional papers from Society of Actuaries USA in 1994 (SOA100, SOA110, SOA120, SOA140 & SOA165).
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). recent advances in estimating the criminal population. - salus journal. 1-14.
yan-yong zhao, yuchun zhang, yuan liu, noriszura ismail. (2024). distributed debiased estimation of high-dimensional partially linear models with jumps. - computational statistics and data analysis. 1-18.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). on stochastic representations of the zero-one-inflated poisson lindley distribution. - mathematics. 1-16.
muhammad khahfi zuhanda, noriszura ismail, rezzy eko caraka, rahmad syah, prana ugiana gio. (2023). hybrid local search algorithm for optimization route of travelling salesman problem. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 325-332.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). a new one-parameter size-biased poisson distribution for modelling underdispersed count data. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 164-172.
yan-yong zhao, yuchun zhang, yuan liu, noriszura ismail. (2024). distributed debiased estimation of high-dimensional partially linear models with jumps. - computational statistics and data analysis. 1-18.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). on stochastic representations of the zero-one-inflated poisson lindley distribution. - mathematics. 1-16.
siti nurasyikin shamsuddin, noriszura ismail, nur firyal roslan. (2023). life insurance prediction and its sustainability using machine learning approach. - sustainability. 1-21.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail, kamarulzaman ibrahim, shaiful anuar abu bakar. (2022). a new zero-one-inflated poisson-lindley distribution for modeling overdispersed count data. - bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society. 21-35.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2022). comment on aljohani et al. the uniform poisson ailamujia distribution: actuarial measures and applications in biological science. symmetry 2021, 13, 1258. - symmetry. 1-3.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail, kamarulzaman ibrahim. (2022). several two-component mixture distributions for count data. - communications in statistics - simulation and computation. 3760-3771.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail, kamarulzaman ibrahim, shaiful anuar abu bakar. (2022). a four-parameter negative binomial-lindley distribution for modeling over and underdispersed count data with excess zeros. - communications in statistics - theory and methods. 414-426.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail, kamarulzaman ibrahim. (2021). comparison of estimation methods for one-inflated positive poisson distribution. - journal of taibah university for science. 869-881.
zun liang chuan, sayang mohd deni, soo-fen fam, noriszura ismail. (2020). the effectiveness of a probabilistic principal component analysis model and expectation maximisation algorithm in treating missing daily rainfall data. - asia-pacific journal of atmospheric sciences. 119-129.
nurul hanis aminuddin jafry, ruzanna ab razak, noriszura ismail. (2020). ukuran kebersandaran bagi pulangan lima-minit berbanding pulangan harian menggunakan kopula statik dan dinamik. - sains malaysiana. 2023-2034.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). recent advances in estimating the criminal population. - salus journal. 1-14.
yan-yong zhao, yuchun zhang, yuan liu, noriszura ismail. (2024). distributed debiased estimation of high-dimensional partially linear models with jumps. - computational statistics and data analysis. 1-18.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2024). on stochastic representations of the zero-one-inflated poisson lindley distribution. - mathematics. 1-16.
muhammad khahfi zuhanda, noriszura ismail, rezzy eko caraka, rahmad syah, prana ugiana gio. (2023). hybrid local search algorithm for optimization route of travelling salesman problem. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 325-332.
siti nurasyikin shamsuddin, noriszura ismail, nur firyal roslan. (2023). life insurance prediction and its sustainability using machine learning approach. - sustainability. 1-21.
siti nurasyikin shamsuddin, noriszura ismail, nur firyal roslan. (2022). a bibliometric analysis of insurance literacy using bibliometrix an r package. - aip conference proceedings - the 5th innovation and analytics conference & exhibition (iace 2021). 1-7.
riaman, sukono firman, sudradjat supian, noriszura ismail. (2021). determining the premium of paddy insurance using the extreme value theory method and the operational value at risk approach. - tenth international conference and workshop on high dimensional data analysis (icwhdda-x) 2020. 1-10.
siti mariam saad, noriszura ismail. (2020). multifractal properties of temporal rainfall series in peninsular malaysia. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-8.
halim shukri kamaruddin, noriszura ismail. (2019). statistical comparison of projection malaysia mortality rate using lee-carter model and lee-carter extension of hyndman-ullah. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium aip conference proceedings. 1-7.
ros idayuwati alaudin, noriszura ismail. (2019). projection of retirement adequacy with withdrawals and investment elements using simulation approach. - the 4th innovation and analytics conference & exhibition 2019, aip conference proceedings. 1-7.
shamshimah samsuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). jangka hayat kerja di malaysia. - . 181.
siti nurasyikin shamsuddin, noriszura ismail, nur firyal roslan. (2022). driving creativity & innovation in global crisis. - . 5.
ros idayuwati alaudin, noriszura ismail, zaidi isa. (2020). model kecukupan pencen: teori dan aplikasi menggunakan r. - . 130.
ruzana ab razak, noriszura ismail. (2020). kebersandaran pasaran saham : impak terhadap pelaburan dan risiko portfolio. - . 200.
muhammad darwiis mahadzir & noriszura ismail. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2017. - . 4.
siti nurasyikin shamsuddin, noriszura ismail, nur firyal roslan. (2022). driving creativity & innovation in global crisis. - . 5.
auswenik paramasivan, noriszura ismail. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2018. - . 4.
wong yan ying, noriszura ismail. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2018. - . 4.
tan shie mei, noriszura ismail. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2018. - . 4.
muhammad darwiis mahadzir & noriszura ismail. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains matematik 2017. - . 4.
shamshimah samsuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). jangka hayat kerja di malaysia. - . 181.
ruzana ab razak, noriszura ismail. (2020). kebersandaran pasaran saham : impak terhadap pelaburan dan risiko portfolio. - . 200.
ros idayuwati alaudin, noriszura ismail, zaidi isa. (2020). model kecukupan pencen: teori dan aplikasi menggunakan r. - . 130.
razik ridzuan mohd tajuddin, noriszura ismail. (2023). penentuan saiz populasi penjenayah. - majalah scitech. 1-4.
noriszura bt. ismail;saiful hafizah binti jaaman @ sharman. (2023). analisis kebersandaran dinamik bagi data multivariat kewangan islamik dan konvensional berfrekuensi rendah serta tinggi. - . .
noriszura bt. ismail;hamizun bin ismail;rozita binti ramli. (2023). several new distributions for count data with applications in insurance and health care areas. - . .
nur firyal binti roslan;noriszura bt. ismail;zamira hasanah binti zamzuri. (2023). predicting financial market using bayesian estimators during pandemic and prolonged economic crisis. - . .
saiful izzuan bin hussain;mohd salmi bin md noorani;noriszura bt. ismail;nurulkamal bin masseran. (2022). modeling extreme returns in cryptocurrency market using extreme value theory and copula approach. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
A SPATIOTEMPORAL ANALYSIS AND HOTSPOTS DETECTION FOR NARCOTIC-RELATED ACTIVITIES IN MALAYSIA | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |