Zurina Mahadi ialah seorang Pensyarah Kanan dan Penyelidik di Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Bidang penyelidikan beliau ialah Nilai dan Etika dalam konteks Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan Lestari.
Zurina Mahadi is a senior lecturer and researcher at Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia whom research interests are values and ethics specifically from environmental and sustainable development perspectives.
hukil bin sino;zurina binti mahadi. (2024). pamantapan jatidiri alam sekitar pelajar prasiswazah ukm. - . .
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, noor sharizad rusly, mashitoh yaacob, zurina mahadi, mohd istajib mokhtar & wardah mustafa din. (2024). faktor-faktor peramal sikap pihak berkepentingan terhadap vaksin denggi di lembah klang, malaysia. - international conference on islam and global issues 2024. 1-20.
wardah mustafa din, farida islahudin, zurina mahadi, mazlina md. said, nur syamila mohd roziman. (2023). qualitative study on constructs for safe-use of commercial herbal products among practitioners. - asian symposium on medicinal plants, spices and other natural products 2023 (asomps 2023). 58.
nur syamila mohd roziman, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, farida islahudin, mazlima md. said. (2023). constructs for safe-use of natural health products among malaysian consumers. - international journal of social science research. 10-27.
rozita ibrahim, zurina mahadi, wardah mustafa din. (2023). kerangka excel dalam program pra-siswazah pendidikan liberal. - knovasi 2023. 1-15.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, mohamad muhidin patahol wasli, noor sharizad rusly. (2023). fogging to combat dengue: factors influencing stakeholders' attitudes in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1140.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, ahmad fadhly arham, nor sabrena norizan. (2022). to do, or not to do determinants of stakeholders acceptance on dengue vaccine using pls sem analysis in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-11.
angelina p olesen, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, maznah ibrahim. (2022). exploring the organisational context of research misconduct in higher learning institutions in malaysia. - developing world bioethics. 76-85.
muhammad adzran che mustapa, mohamed faizal noor batcha, latifah amin, ahmad firdhaus arham, zurina mahadi, noor ashikin mohamed yusoff, mashitoh yaacob, nor asiah omar, wan hirwani wan hussain. (2021). farmers' attitudes towards gm crops and their predictors. - journal of the science of food and agriculture. 5457-5468.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob & maznah ibrahim. (2021). determinants of stakeholders attitudes and intentions toward supporting the use of wolbachia-infected aedes mosquitoes for dengue control. - bmc public health. 1-12.
ahmad firdhaus arham, nur asmadayana hasim, mohd istajib mokhtar, nurhafiza zainal, noor sharizad rusly, latifah amin, shaikh mohd saifuddeen, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi. (2022). the lesser of two evils, application of maslahah mafsadah criteria in islamic ethical legal assessment of genetically modified mosquitoes in malaysia. - journal of bioethical inquiry. 587-598.
zurina mahadi, emirul adzhar yahya, latifah amin, mashitoh yaacob, hukil sino. (2021). investigating malaysian stakeholders perceptions of the governments aim to replace conventional plastic bags with biodegradable and compostable bioplastic bags. - journal of material cycles and waste management. 1-15.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad rizal razman, zurina mahadi, noor sharizad rusly, nur-fadhilah mazlan, edison eukun sage, nurliza haslin muslim. (2021). participatory: stakeholder's engagement toward dengue control techniques in klang valley, malaysia. - sage open. 1-8.
latifah amin, ahmad firdhaus arham, zurina mahadi, muhammad rizal razman ,noor sharizad rusly. (2019). sikap pihak berkepentingan terhadap teknik fogging di malaysia. - akademika. 187-200.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, nor ashikin mohamed yusof, anisah che ngah, mashitoh yaacob, azwira abdul aziz. (2019). bioteknologi moden: aplikasi, status, isu etika dan perspektif penyelidik dan industri terhadap prinsip etika utama. - akademika. 57-69.
nur syamila mohd roziman, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, farida islahudin, mazlima md. said. (2023). constructs for safe-use of natural health products among malaysian consumers. - international journal of social science research. 10-27.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, mohamad muhidin patahol wasli, noor sharizad rusly. (2023). fogging to combat dengue: factors influencing stakeholders' attitudes in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1140.
ahmad firdhaus arham, muhammad adzran che mustapa, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, muhammad rizal razman, noor sharizad rusly, ahmad fadhly arham, nor sabrena norizan. (2023). a proposal for conceptual framework of stakeholders' attitudes and the factors that influence their acceptance towards dengue prevention techniques in malaysia. - european chemical bulletin. 2784-2793.
ahmad firdhaus arham, nur asmadayana hasim, mohd istajib mokhtar, nurhafiza zainal, noor sharizad rusly, latifah amin, shaikh mohd saifuddeen, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi. (2022). the lesser of two evils, application of maslahah mafsadah criteria in islamic ethical legal assessment of genetically modified mosquitoes in malaysia. - journal of bioethical inquiry. 587-598.
angelina p olesen, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, maznah ibrahim. (2022). exploring the organisational context of research misconduct in higher learning institutions in malaysia. - developing world bioethics. 76-85.
afifuddin husairi hussain, norsuzlin mohd sahar, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, kuhan chandru. (2019). using space science as a tool to promote stem education to high school students in malaysia. - 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019). 257-260.
latifah amin, zurina mahadi, rozita ibrahim, mashitoh yaacob & zubaidah nasir. (2012). the effectiveness of the environment & health course in increasing students awareness & knowledge on environmental health issues. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. .
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2023). indikator bagi prinsip etika dalam bioteknologi moden di malaysia. - . 155.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, azwira abdul aziz, mashitoh yaacob, nor ashikin mohamed yusof, anisah che ngah. (2021). bioteknologi moden prinsip panduan etika: perspektif pihak berkepentingan. - . 11.
ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 10.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2021). bioteknologi moden: prinsip panduan etika. - . 139.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2021). bioteknologi moden: prinsip panduan etika. - . 8.
nor kamaliana khamis, razinah sharif & zurina mahadi. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 5.
zurina mahadi, nor kamaliana khamis & razinah sharif. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 5.
asma abu-samah, ahmad yunus mohd noor & zurina mahadi. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 12.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, azwira abdul aziz, mashitoh yaacob, nor ashikin mohamed yusof, anisah che ngah. (2021). bioteknologi moden prinsip panduan etika: perspektif pihak berkepentingan. - . 11.
ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 10.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2023). indikator bagi prinsip etika dalam bioteknologi moden di malaysia. - . 155.
razinah sharif, nor kamaliana khamis, zurina mahadi. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
razinah sharif, nor kamaliana khamis, zurina mahadi. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 167.
ahmad yunus mohd noor, asma abu-samah, zurina mahadi. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 230.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2021). bioteknologi moden: prinsip panduan etika. - . 139.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, noor sharizad rusly, mashitoh yaacob, zurina mahadi, mohd istajib mokhtar & wardah mustafa din. (2024). faktor-faktor peramal sikap pihak berkepentingan terhadap vaksin denggi di lembah klang, malaysia. - international conference on islam and global issues 2024. 1-20.
hukil bin sino;zurina binti mahadi. (2024). pamantapan jatidiri alam sekitar pelajar prasiswazah ukm. - . .
rozita ibrahim, zurina mahadi, wardah mustafa din. (2023). kerangka excel dalam program pra-siswazah pendidikan liberal. - knovasi 2023. 1-15.
wardah mustafa din, farida islahudin, zurina mahadi, mazlina md. said, nur syamila mohd roziman. (2023). qualitative study on constructs for safe-use of commercial herbal products among practitioners. - asian symposium on medicinal plants, spices and other natural products 2023 (asomps 2023). 58.
rozita binti ibrahim;zurina binti mahadi;wardah binti mustafa din;azmi bin omar;mohd nazri bin bajuri. (2023). pembangunan sistem pengurusan work-based learning (wbl) bagi program pengajian tersedia masa hadapan mod 2u2i dan 3u1i. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN MODUL PERSPEKTIF BELIA TERHADAP RUMAH MAMPU MILIK DAN MAMPAN (MODUL R3M) UNTUK KEPERLUAN INDUSTRI HARTANAH | persatuan perlindungan dan prihatin pengguna malaysia | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
ANALISIS KEPERLUAN PEMBANGUNAN STANDARD HALAL BAGI MAKANAN TERNAKAN DI MALAYSIA | jabatan kemajuan islam malaysia (jakim) bahagian penyelidikan | 60.1% (2024-04-15 sehingga 2025-10-14) |
ANALISIS KEPERLUAN PEMBANGUNAN STANDARD HALAL BAGI MAKANAN TERNAKAN DI MALAYSIA | majlis ugama islam dan adat resam negeri pahang (muip) | 60.1% (2024-04-15 sehingga 2025-10-14) |
hukil bin sino;zurina binti mahadi. (2024). pamantapan jatidiri alam sekitar pelajar prasiswazah ukm. - . .
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, noor sharizad rusly, mashitoh yaacob, zurina mahadi, mohd istajib mokhtar & wardah mustafa din. (2024). faktor-faktor peramal sikap pihak berkepentingan terhadap vaksin denggi di lembah klang, malaysia. - international conference on islam and global issues 2024. 1-20.
wardah mustafa din, farida islahudin, zurina mahadi, mazlina md. said, nur syamila mohd roziman. (2023). qualitative study on constructs for safe-use of commercial herbal products among practitioners. - asian symposium on medicinal plants, spices and other natural products 2023 (asomps 2023). 58.
nur syamila mohd roziman, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, farida islahudin, mazlima md. said. (2023). constructs for safe-use of natural health products among malaysian consumers. - international journal of social science research. 10-27.
rozita ibrahim, zurina mahadi, wardah mustafa din. (2023). kerangka excel dalam program pra-siswazah pendidikan liberal. - knovasi 2023. 1-15.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, mohamad muhidin patahol wasli, noor sharizad rusly. (2023). fogging to combat dengue: factors influencing stakeholders' attitudes in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1140.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, ahmad fadhly arham, nor sabrena norizan. (2022). to do, or not to do determinants of stakeholders acceptance on dengue vaccine using pls sem analysis in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-11.
angelina p olesen, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, maznah ibrahim. (2022). exploring the organisational context of research misconduct in higher learning institutions in malaysia. - developing world bioethics. 76-85.
muhammad adzran che mustapa, mohamed faizal noor batcha, latifah amin, ahmad firdhaus arham, zurina mahadi, noor ashikin mohamed yusoff, mashitoh yaacob, nor asiah omar, wan hirwani wan hussain. (2021). farmers' attitudes towards gm crops and their predictors. - journal of the science of food and agriculture. 5457-5468.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob & maznah ibrahim. (2021). determinants of stakeholders attitudes and intentions toward supporting the use of wolbachia-infected aedes mosquitoes for dengue control. - bmc public health. 1-12.
ahmad firdhaus arham, nur asmadayana hasim, mohd istajib mokhtar, nurhafiza zainal, noor sharizad rusly, latifah amin, shaikh mohd saifuddeen, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi. (2022). the lesser of two evils, application of maslahah mafsadah criteria in islamic ethical legal assessment of genetically modified mosquitoes in malaysia. - journal of bioethical inquiry. 587-598.
zurina mahadi, emirul adzhar yahya, latifah amin, mashitoh yaacob, hukil sino. (2021). investigating malaysian stakeholders perceptions of the governments aim to replace conventional plastic bags with biodegradable and compostable bioplastic bags. - journal of material cycles and waste management. 1-15.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad rizal razman, zurina mahadi, noor sharizad rusly, nur-fadhilah mazlan, edison eukun sage, nurliza haslin muslim. (2021). participatory: stakeholder's engagement toward dengue control techniques in klang valley, malaysia. - sage open. 1-8.
latifah amin, ahmad firdhaus arham, zurina mahadi, muhammad rizal razman ,noor sharizad rusly. (2019). sikap pihak berkepentingan terhadap teknik fogging di malaysia. - akademika. 187-200.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, nor ashikin mohamed yusof, anisah che ngah, mashitoh yaacob, azwira abdul aziz. (2019). bioteknologi moden: aplikasi, status, isu etika dan perspektif penyelidik dan industri terhadap prinsip etika utama. - akademika. 57-69.
nur syamila mohd roziman, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, farida islahudin, mazlima md. said. (2023). constructs for safe-use of natural health products among malaysian consumers. - international journal of social science research. 10-27.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, mohamad muhidin patahol wasli, noor sharizad rusly. (2023). fogging to combat dengue: factors influencing stakeholders' attitudes in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1140.
ahmad firdhaus arham, muhammad adzran che mustapa, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, mashitoh yaacob, muhammad rizal razman, noor sharizad rusly, ahmad fadhly arham, nor sabrena norizan. (2023). a proposal for conceptual framework of stakeholders' attitudes and the factors that influence their acceptance towards dengue prevention techniques in malaysia. - european chemical bulletin. 2784-2793.
ahmad firdhaus arham, nur asmadayana hasim, mohd istajib mokhtar, nurhafiza zainal, noor sharizad rusly, latifah amin, shaikh mohd saifuddeen, muhammad adzran che mustapa, zurina mahadi. (2022). the lesser of two evils, application of maslahah mafsadah criteria in islamic ethical legal assessment of genetically modified mosquitoes in malaysia. - journal of bioethical inquiry. 587-598.
angelina p olesen, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, maznah ibrahim. (2022). exploring the organisational context of research misconduct in higher learning institutions in malaysia. - developing world bioethics. 76-85.
afifuddin husairi hussain, norsuzlin mohd sahar, wardah mustafa din, zurina mahadi, kuhan chandru. (2019). using space science as a tool to promote stem education to high school students in malaysia. - 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace2019). 257-260.
latifah amin, zurina mahadi, rozita ibrahim, mashitoh yaacob & zubaidah nasir. (2012). the effectiveness of the environment & health course in increasing students awareness & knowledge on environmental health issues. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. .
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2023). indikator bagi prinsip etika dalam bioteknologi moden di malaysia. - . 155.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, azwira abdul aziz, mashitoh yaacob, nor ashikin mohamed yusof, anisah che ngah. (2021). bioteknologi moden prinsip panduan etika: perspektif pihak berkepentingan. - . 11.
ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 10.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2021). bioteknologi moden: prinsip panduan etika. - . 139.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2021). bioteknologi moden: prinsip panduan etika. - . 8.
nor kamaliana khamis, razinah sharif & zurina mahadi. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 5.
zurina mahadi, nor kamaliana khamis & razinah sharif. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 5.
asma abu-samah, ahmad yunus mohd noor & zurina mahadi. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 12.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi, azwira abdul aziz, mashitoh yaacob, nor ashikin mohamed yusof, anisah che ngah. (2021). bioteknologi moden prinsip panduan etika: perspektif pihak berkepentingan. - . 11.
ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 10.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2023). indikator bagi prinsip etika dalam bioteknologi moden di malaysia. - . 155.
razinah sharif, nor kamaliana khamis, zurina mahadi. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
razinah sharif, nor kamaliana khamis, zurina mahadi. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 167.
ahmad yunus mohd noor, asma abu-samah, zurina mahadi. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 230.
nur asmadayana hasim, latifah amin, zurina mahadi. (2021). bioteknologi moden: prinsip panduan etika. - . 139.
ahmad firdhaus arham, latifah amin, noor sharizad rusly, mashitoh yaacob, zurina mahadi, mohd istajib mokhtar & wardah mustafa din. (2024). faktor-faktor peramal sikap pihak berkepentingan terhadap vaksin denggi di lembah klang, malaysia. - international conference on islam and global issues 2024. 1-20.
hukil bin sino;zurina binti mahadi. (2024). pamantapan jatidiri alam sekitar pelajar prasiswazah ukm. - . .
rozita ibrahim, zurina mahadi, wardah mustafa din. (2023). kerangka excel dalam program pra-siswazah pendidikan liberal. - knovasi 2023. 1-15.
wardah mustafa din, farida islahudin, zurina mahadi, mazlina md. said, nur syamila mohd roziman. (2023). qualitative study on constructs for safe-use of commercial herbal products among practitioners. - asian symposium on medicinal plants, spices and other natural products 2023 (asomps 2023). 58.
rozita binti ibrahim;zurina binti mahadi;wardah binti mustafa din;azmi bin omar;mohd nazri bin bajuri. (2023). pembangunan sistem pengurusan work-based learning (wbl) bagi program pengajian tersedia masa hadapan mod 2u2i dan 3u1i. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN MODUL PERSPEKTIF BELIA TERHADAP RUMAH MAMPU MILIK DAN MAMPAN (MODUL R3M) UNTUK KEPERLUAN INDUSTRI HARTANAH | persatuan perlindungan dan prihatin pengguna malaysia | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
ANALISIS KEPERLUAN PEMBANGUNAN STANDARD HALAL BAGI MAKANAN TERNAKAN DI MALAYSIA | jabatan kemajuan islam malaysia (jakim) bahagian penyelidikan | 60.1% (2024-04-15 sehingga 2025-10-14) |
ANALISIS KEPERLUAN PEMBANGUNAN STANDARD HALAL BAGI MAKANAN TERNAKAN DI MALAYSIA | majlis ugama islam dan adat resam negeri pahang (muip) | 60.1% (2024-04-15 sehingga 2025-10-14) |