pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains bumi & alam sekitar
Pensyarah di Program Sains Sekitaran, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi UKM. Terlibat dengan pengajaran dan penyelidikan berkaitan pencirian tanah tropika, pengitaran semula sisa kepada produk, pembaikpulihan geoteknik tanah bermasalah dan biokejuruteraan dalam kawalan hakisan cerun
Lecturer at the Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM. Involve in teaching and research related to the characterization of tropical soil, recycling of waste into alternative products, geotechnical improvement of problematic soils, and bioengineering approaches to slope erosion control.
aznan, m. e., rahman, z. a., tarmidzi, s. n. a., idris, w. m. r., lihan, t.. (2024). soil physicochemical characteristics, growth and root tensile strength of selected potential shrubs for slope bio-engineering. - international soil science conference 2024. 65-70.
zulfahmi ali rahman, tukimat lihan, wan mohd razi idris, siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi. (2024). utilization of selected pennisetum species as biological material and their influence on shear strength of root-permeated soil. - international soils science conference 2024. 187-192.
nor shahidah binti mohd nazer;azimah binti hussin;zulfahmi bin ali rahman;mohd hariri bin arifin. (2024). sistem jaringan rekahan kering sebagai indeks pengelasan batuan induk tanah baki. - . .
ahmad tarmidzi, s. n., ali rahman, z., aznan, m. e., idris, w. m. r. and lihan, t.. (2023). international soil science conference. - growth performance & root tensile resistance of pseuderanthemum carruthersii as biomaterial for soil bio-engineering technique. 1-19.
muhammad rendana; wan mohd razi idris; sahibin abdul rahim; zulfahmi ali rahman; tukimat lihan. (2023). predicting soil erosion potential under cmip6 climate change scenarios in the chini lake basin, malaysia. - geoscience letters. 1-16.
muhammad rendana; wan mohd razi idris; sahibin abdul rahim; zulfahmi ali rahman; tukimat lihan. (2023). predicting soil erosion potential under cmip6 climate change scenarios in the chini lake basin, malaysia. - geoscience letters. 1-16.
suziyanna arshad, tukimat lihan, zulfahmi ali rahman, wan mohd razi idris. (2023). site suitability analysis for sanitary landfills using geospatial methods in a part of southern peninsular malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 93760-93778.
khin zaw, charles makoundi, mohd basril iswadi basori, goh thian lai, zulfahmi ali rahman. (2022). emerging trends in earth science for sustainable futures in the se asia region. - journal of asian earth sciences. 1-9.
noor fadzilah yusof, tukimat lihan, wan mohd razi idris, zulfahmi ali rahman, muzneena ahmad mustapha, mohd. abdul wahab yusof. (2021). spatially distributed soil losses and sediment yield: a case study of langat watershed, selangor, malaysia. - journal of asian earth sciences. 1-12.
afaff emhemed ettbeb, zulfahmi ali rahman, wan mohd razi idris, jumaat adam, sahibini abd. rahim, tukimat lihan, siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi, nurul atiqah mohd azlam. (2020). growth performance of mission and kyasuwa grasses (pennisetum sp.) under different npk ratios as potential slope cover. - australian journal of crop science. 161-171.
zulfahmi ali rahman, hafis nazarah, wan mohd razi idris, tukimat lihan. (2023). mechanical characteristics of developed brick from drinking water sludge under different firing temperatures and rice husk ash contents. - sains malaysiana. 2115-2126.
zulfahmi ali rahman, aifahana syamimie mohd suhaimi, wan mohd razi idris, tukimat lihan. (2022). developing and mechanical properties of low fired and geopolymer bricks from drinking water sludge with different contents of added fly ash. - sains malaysiana. 4071-4085.
muhammad rendana, wan mohd razi idris, sahibin abd rahim, zulfahmi ali rahman, tukimat lihan. (2022). effects of organic amendment on heavy metal and macronutrient contents in paddy soil. - sains malaysiana. 379-388.
zulfahmi ali rahman, akrimi maswa othman, wan mohd. razi idris, tukimat lihan. (2021). kesan suhu dan bahan tambah abu terbang terhadap pencirian mekanik bata daripada sisa rawatan air mentah. - sains malaysiana. 1563-1575.
z.a. rahman, a.e. ettbeb, w.m.r. idris, s.n.a. tarmidzi. (2021). contribution of root tensile of pennisetum polystachion on shear strength of sandy soil in slope bio-engineering technique. - journal of environmental biology. 857-864.
muhammad rendana; wan mohd razi idris; sahibin abdul rahim; zulfahmi ali rahman; tukimat lihan. (2023). predicting soil erosion potential under cmip6 climate change scenarios in the chini lake basin, malaysia. - geoscience letters. 1-16.
suziyanna arshad, tukimat lihan, zulfahmi ali rahman, wan mohd razi idris. (2023). site suitability analysis for sanitary landfills using geospatial methods in a part of southern peninsular malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 93760-93778.
zulfahmi ali rahman, hafis nazarah, wan mohd razi idris, tukimat lihan. (2023). mechanical characteristics of developed brick from drinking water sludge under different firing temperatures and rice husk ash contents. - sains malaysiana. 2115-2126.
khin zaw, charles makoundi, mohd basril iswadi basori, goh thian lai, zulfahmi ali rahman. (2022). emerging trends in earth science for sustainable futures in the se asia region. - journal of asian earth sciences. 1-9.
zulfahmi ali rahman, aifahana syamimie mohd suhaimi, wan mohd razi idris, tukimat lihan. (2022). developing and mechanical properties of low fired and geopolymer bricks from drinking water sludge with different contents of added fly ash. - sains malaysiana. 4071-4085.
z. a. rahman, a. s. m. suhaimi, w. m. r. idris, t. lihan. (2021). development and mechanical properties of low fired bricks from drinking water sludge and fly ash. - 4th international conference on science and technology applications in climate change 2021. 1-8.
n. s. harun, z. rahman ali, a. s. rahim, t. lihan, and r. m. w. idris. (2013). effects of leachate on geotechnical characteristics of sandy clay soil. - aip conference proceeding-ukm fst postgraduate colloqium. .
amelia hazreena abdul ghani, tukimat lihan, sahibin abdul rahim, muzzneena ahmad musthapha, wan mohd razi idris, and zulfahmi ali rahman. (2013). prediction of sedimentation using integration of rs, rusle model and gis in cameron highlands, pahang, malaysia. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
dawi muftah ayele, tukimat lihan, sahibin abdul rahim, and zulfahmi ali rahman. (2013). influence of wind magnitude and direction to the variability of pahang river plume distribution. - aip conference proceeding- the 2013 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
toll, d.g. ali rahman, z. and gallipoli, d.. (2008). critical state conditions for an unsaturated artificially bonded soil. - unsaturated soils: advances in geo-engineering. .
zulfahmi ali rahman, siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi, wan mohd razi idris, tukimat lihan, nurul atiqah ahmad azlam. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi dan persekitaran fizikal. - . 11.
nurul shafiqah amir, zulfahmi ali rahman. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran dan sumber alam 2018. - . 5.
mohammad shafiq aqmar sabturo & zulfahmi ali rahman. (2017). siri penyelidikan pusat sains sekitaran dan sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
jumaat h.adam, irdayu hairani, abd rahim othman, khairul muna mohamed, siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi, hafiza a. hamid & zulfahmi ali rahman. (2011). biokejuruteraan penilaian ekosistem dan spesies 2010 bukit fraser. - . 1-22.
siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi, zulfahmi ali rahman, mohd shahidan alwi shahrul alam, jumaat adam, jasni yaakob, mohd hafiz rosli & mohd armi abu samah. (2010). bio-kejuruteraan penilaian ekosistem & spesies 2010 bukit fraser. - . 135-146.
abdul ghani rafek, sahibin abd rahim, zulfahmi ali rahman, siti-norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi. (2022). key aspects in soil bio-engineering for slope protection in a tropical setting. - . 10.
sahibin abd rahim, abdul ghani rafek, jumaat h adam, zulfahm ali rahman. (2022). key aspects in soil bio-engineering for slope protection in a tropical setting. - . 15.
sahibin abdul rahim, wan mohd. razi idris, tukimat lihan, zulfahmi ali rahman, jumaat haji adam, nur nabihah hamim. (2020). lata jarum : biodiversity richness & inconceivable environments. - . 195.
zulfahmi ali rahman, siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi, wan mohd razi idris, tukimat lihan, nurul atiqah ahmad azlam. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi dan persekitaran fizikal. - . 11.
wan mohd razi idris, sabihin abd. rahim, zulfahmi ali rahman, tukimat lihan, sia pei fang. (2018). penilaian kualiti air di malaysia. - . 14.
jumaat h.adam, muhammad barzani gasim, zaini sakawi, er ah choy, zulfahmi ali rahman, noordeyana tambi, mohd afiq aizat juhari. (2010). bio-kejuruteraan penilaian ekosistem dan spesies 2010 bukit fraser. - . 261.
jumaat h. adam, muhamad barzani gasim, zaini sakawi, er ah choy, zulfahmi ali rahman, noordeyana tambi, mohd afiq aizat juhari. (2010). biokejuruteraan penilaian ekosistem dan spesies 2010 bukit fraser: kesihatan persekitaran untuk kesejahteraan masa hadapan. - . 259.
saiful arif abdullah, norhayati ahmad, mohammad shuhaimi othman, ahmad abas kutty, zulfahmi ali rahman. (2008). 3rd regional symposium on enviroment and natural resources "conservation for a green future". - . 135.
zulfahmi ali rahman, tukimat lihan, wan mohd razi idris, siti norhafizah ahmad tarmidzi. (2024). utilization of selected pennisetum species as biological material and their influence on shear strength of root-permeated soil. - international soils science conference 2024. 187-192.
nor shahidah binti mohd nazer;azimah binti hussin;zulfahmi bin ali rahman;mohd hariri bin arifin. (2024). sistem jaringan rekahan kering sebagai indeks pengelasan batuan induk tanah baki. - . .
zulfahmi bin ali rahman;wan zuhairi bin wan yaacob;wan mohd razi bin idris. (2023). kualiti mekanik bata geopolimer campuran amang lombong dan sisa plastik mikro. - . .
siti norhafizah binti ahmad tarmidzi;zulfahmi bin ali rahman;muhammad shafiq bin ruslan;mohd afiq aizat bin juhari. (2023). penggunaan tumbuhan renek sebagai bahan biologi dalam aplikasi biokejuruteraan cerun tanah di kampus ukm. - . .
ali rahman, z., ettabeb, a.e., idris, w.m.r., ahmad tarmidzi, s.n.m lihan, t.. (2023). assessment of soil erosion using rusle model on slope planted with selected pennisetum sp.. - the international soil science conference 2023. 205-209.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF LEACHED-RARE EARTH ELEMENT (REE) SOIL UNDER SATURATED CONDITION | agensi nuklear malaysia (anm) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |