pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian toksikologi & risiko kesihatan (core)
Kepakaran dan minat utama aktiviti penyelidikan, pengajaran dan pembelajaran: Farmakologi dan Toksikologi. Kini, sedang menjalankan penyelidikan kanser terutamanya aspek kemopencegahan kanser dari pterostilbene dan bahan aktif serta hasilan semulajadi yang lain. Penyelidikan komuniti semasa juga melibatkan promosi kesihatan yang baik dan keselamatan pekerjaan dalam kalangan petani dan pelajar sekolah di Malaysia.
Expertise and primary research, teaching and learning interests: Pharmacology and Toxicology. I am currently carrying out research on cancer particularly on cancer chemoprevention aspects of pterostilbene and other natural products and their active compounds. Current community research activity also includes promoting good health and occupational safety among farmers and school students in Malaysia.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre , dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). potential chemopreventive role of pterostilbene in its modulation of the apoptosis pathway. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-18.
maryam mohd nazri,ismarulyusda ishak, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). digitalization of modul mentor berkesan © under project tunas fsk (mentor-mentee system) at the faculty of health science (fsk), universiti kebangsaan malaysia (ukm). - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical science 2023. 1.
muhammad luqman nul hakim rohaizad, ahmad rohi ghazali, elly liyana zainodin. (2023). antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effects of plukenetia volubilis (sacha inchi) oil on human keratinocytes (hacat). - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical science. 1.
nur fatihah rashidi, ahmad rohi ghazali, elly liyana zainodin. (2023). antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effect of virgin coconut oil on human keratinocyte cells (hacat). - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical science. 26.
muhammad luqman nul hakim rohaizad, ahmad rohi ghazali & elly liyana zainodin. (2023). antioxidant activity of plukenetia volubilis (sacha inchi) oil and its effects on the viability of human keratinocytes (hacat). - international journal of allied health sciences. 73-74.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre , dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). potential chemopreventive role of pterostilbene in its modulation of the apoptosis pathway. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-18.
ismarulyusda ishak [and sixteen others].. (2022). development and validation of huffaz prohealth 1.0©: a module to improve the well-being of tahfiz students in selangor, malaysia. - international journal of environmental research & public health. 1-15.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre, dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2022). chemopreventive effects of oral pterostilbene in multistage carcinogenesis of skin squamous cell carcinoma mouse model induced by dmba/tpa. - biomedicines. 1-17.
nur azra m. pauzi, manraj s. cheema, amin ismail, ahmad rohi ghazali, rozaini abdullah. (2022). safety assessment of natural products in malaysia: current practices, challenges, and new strategies. - reviews on environmental health. 1-11.
omchit surien, ahmad rohi ghazali & siti fathiah masre. (2021). chemopreventive effects of pterostilbene through p53 and cell cycle in mouse lung of squamous cell carcinoma model. - scientific reports. 1-11.
tava shelan nagapan, wenna nallance lim, ahmad rohi ghazali & dayang fredalina basri. (2021). pterostilbene supplementation inhibits early inflammatory response and oxidative stress in uvb-induced balb/c mice. - sains malaysiana. 1407-1414.
omchit surien, ahmad rohi ghazali, siti fathiah masre. (2020). histopathological effect of pterostilbene as chemoprevention in n-nitroso-tri-chloroethylurea (ntcu)-induced lung squamous cell carcinoma (scc) mouse model. - histology and histopathology. 1159-1170.
norsham juliana, mohd effendy nadia, nadia ahmad roslan, ahmad rohi ghazali, nor farah mohamad fauzi, mohd azmani sahar, ainul huda sulaiman, abd rahman hayati, abdul latiff mohamed. (2019). comparison of heart rate variability among malay male young adult with different bmi and level of adiposity. - the international medical journal of malaysia. 73-79.
mohd fuad rahmat sam, asmah hamid, ahmad rohi ghazali, santhana raj louis & siti balkis budin. (2019). protective effects of zingiber zerumbet ethyl acetate extract on hydrogen peroxide-induced damage of red blood cells. - sains malaysiana. 781-790.
nurul hafizah amil bangsa, bariah mohd ali, bashirah ishak, che nurul nabihah abdul aziz, nor fariza ngah, hanizasurana hashim and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2019). total protein concentration and tumor necrosis factor in tears of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. - optometry and vision science : official publication of the american academy of optometry. 934-939.
omchit surien , siti fathiah masre , dayang fredalina basri and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). potential chemopreventive role of pterostilbene in its modulation of the apoptosis pathway. - international journal of molecular sciences. 1-18.
muhammad wahizul haswan abdul aziz, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). chemopreventive measurements and oxidative stress effects of terpenoid-rich canarium odontophyllum miq. leaf extract (trco) in ultraviolet b-induced in-vitro skin carcinogenesis model. - biomedical and pharmacology journal. 1537-1548.
muhammad wahizul haswan abdul aziz, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). uvb induced skin cancer development in experimental mouse model: a review. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 754-761.
ismarulyusda ishak [and sixteen others].. (2022). development and validation of huffaz prohealth 1.0©: a module to improve the well-being of tahfiz students in selangor, malaysia. - international journal of environmental research & public health. 1-15.
ahmad rohi ghazali, chan kam soon, noraisah akbar ali and dayang fredalina basri. (2022). promising phyto-antioxidant methanolic extract from canarium odontophyllum miq. (dabai) leaves against uvb induced b164a5 melanoma cells as a potential skin chemoprevention agent. - biomedical & pharmacology journal. 1383-1391.
ahmad rohi ghazali, ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, rifina arlin zainal arifin, asmah hamid, yanti rosli, zainora mohammed, mohd sham othman & firdaus kamarulzaman. (2012). students` perception on lecture delivery effectiveness among the faculty of health sciences lecturers. - procedia - social and behavioral sciences / ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. .
nur zakiah mohd saat, ismarulyusda ishak, syarif husin, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2011). the effect of merit score towards the stress score among first year student. - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010; tanjung keling, melaka (procedia social and behavioral sciences). .
muhammad wahizul haswan aa, siti fathiah m, dayang fredalina b & ahmad rohi g. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
ahmad rohi ghazali, chan kam soon, dayang fredalina basri & noraisah akbar ali. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
ismarulyusda bt ishak, nor malia bt abd warif, farah wahida bt ibrahim, sabri bin mohamed, dzalani bt harun, normah bt che din, ahmad rohi bin ghazali. (2020). hubungan tahap hafazan al-quran dengan status kesihatan, tahap kecerdasan dan kualiti hidup dalam kalangan pelajar tahfiz. - . 119.
izatus shima taib, siti balkis budin, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2020). pestisid orgonofosfat merosakkan sistem reproduktif lelaki: peranan vitamin e dan antioksidan. - . 141.
a.r ghazali dan s.h inayat-hussain. (2013). encyclopedia of toxicology. - . 594-597.
muhammad wahizul haswan aa, siti fathiah m, dayang fredalina b & ahmad rohi g. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
ahmad rohi ghazali, chan kam soon, dayang fredalina basri & noraisah akbar ali. (2021). bridging traditional knowledge & natural products innovations towards wellness and shared prosperity. - . 5.
a.r ghazali dan s.h inayat-hussain. (2013). encyclopedia of toxicology. - . 594-597.
ahmad rohi ghazali, asmah hamid, dayang fredalina basri, hawa ismail, ismarulyusda ishak, mazlyzam abdul latif, nor fadilah rajab, nihayah mohammad & yanti rosli. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran: penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . Bab 9, 140-143.
ahmad rohi ghazali, asmah hamid, dayang fredalina basri, hawa ismail, ismarulyusda ishak, mazlyzam abdul latif, nor fadilah rajab, nihayah mohammad & yanti rosli .. (2010). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. - . 146-149.
ahmad rohi g, anisah n, asmah h, mahanem mn, hassan md, mohd hafiz s, john shia ks, kamisah y, khairul o, low kc, mohd hanafi ad, norazrina a, nur azlina mf, siti balkis b, siti fatimah i, tay st, vivian jg, zamirah za, chen hc. (2022). universiti kebangsaan malaysia ethical principles and guidelines on the use of laboratory animals. - . 93.
ahmad rohi ghazali, anisah nordin, asmah hamid, kamisah yusof, khairul osman, low kiat cheong, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, norazrina azmi, nur azlina mohd fahami, siti balkis budin, siti fatimah ibrahim, tay sun tee, zamirah zainal abidin. (2020). prinsip dan garis panduan etika penggunaan haiwan makmal universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 94.
ismarulyusda bt ishak, nor malia bt abd warif, farah wahida bt ibrahim, sabri bin mohamed, dzalani bt harun, normah bt che din, ahmad rohi bin ghazali. (2020). hubungan tahap hafazan al-quran dengan status kesihatan, tahap kecerdasan dan kualiti hidup dalam kalangan pelajar tahfiz. - . 119.
izatus shima taib, siti balkis budin, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2020). pestisid orgonofosfat merosakkan sistem reproduktif lelaki: peranan vitamin e dan antioksidan. - . 141.
maryam mohd nazri,ismarulyusda ishak, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). digitalization of modul mentor berkesan © under project tunas fsk (mentor-mentee system) at the faculty of health science (fsk), universiti kebangsaan malaysia (ukm). - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical science 2023. 1.
nur fatihah rashidi, ahmad rohi ghazali, elly liyana zainodin. (2023). antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effect of virgin coconut oil on human keratinocyte cells (hacat). - 13th malaysian symposium of biomedical science. 26.
ahmad rohi bin ghazali;bariah bt. mohd. ali;shazli ezzat bin ghazali;mahadir bin ahmad;zaini bin said;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;ponnusamy subramaniam;ismarulyusda ishak;norhayati binti ibrahim;noh bin amit;mazlyzam bin abdul latif;gan chun hong. (2023). pendigitalan projek tunas fsk dalam cabaran pandemik covid-19. - . .
elly liyana zainodin, haliza abdul mutalib, bashirah ishak, ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). effect of solvent and surfactants for use in the development of periocular skin protection agents. - 23rd asia pacific of optometric congress. 11.
omchit surien, dayang fredalina basri, siti fathiah masre and ahmad rohi ghazali. (2023). oral pterostilbene as a chemopreventive agent against dmba/tpa induced skin squamous cell carcinoma mouse model. - postgraduate colloqium 2023. 37.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
KESAN KETAGIHAN DAN KETOKSIKAN BAHAN PSIKOAKTIF BAHARU (NPS) TERPILIH | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 42.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2026-12-31) |