pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi kecerdasan buatan (cait)
Shahrul Azman Mohd Noah received the BSc with honors in Mathematics from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1992, MSc and PhD degrees in Information Studies from the University of Sheffield, UK, in 1994 and 1998, respectively. He is a professor in the Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and currently heads the Knowledge Technology research group. His research interests include information retrieval and ontology with special emphasis on semantic search and recommender systems. He has published more than 200 research articles in these areas. Prof. Shahrul Azman was also elected as a research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA for its Program on Mathematics of Knowledge and Search Engines. He also serves as technical expert assessor for various research grants such as the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) IGS, MSC Multimedia Super Corridor R&D (MGS) and MOSTI Technofund grant schemes. Prof. Shahrul Azman is currently a member of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA) and IEEE Computer Science Society associations.
amjed abbas ahmed, mohammad kamrul hasan, shahrul azman mohd noah, azana hafizah aman. (2024). design of time-delay convolutional neural networks (tdcnn) model for feature extraction for side-channel attacks. - international journal of computing and digital systems. 341-351.
neeraj tiwary, shahrul azman mohd noah, fariza fauzi, tan siok yee. (2024). max explainability score a quantitative metric for explainability evaluation in knowledge graph-based recommendations. - computers and electrical engineering. 1-16.
nurul hidayah md fadzil, suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh, roslee rajikan, divya vanoh, nazlena mohamad ali dan shahrul azman mohd noah. (2024). mapping the landscape: a bibliometric analysis of information and communication technology adoption by older adults with cognitive frailty or impairment. - geriatrics & gerontology international. 251-262.
nur izyan yasmin saat, shahrul azman mohd noah, masnizah mohd. (2024). enhanced content-based recommendation using topic modelling and knowledge graph. - elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 73-79.
sumaia mohammed al-ghuribi, shahrul azman mohd noah, saeed amer al ameri, masnizah mohd, arifah che alhadi. (2024). a trusted user model for collaborative multi-criteria recommendation using user review elements. - icaai '23: proceedings of the 2023 7th international conference on advances in artificial intelligence. 48-53.
neeraj tiwary, shahrul azman mohd noah, fariza fauzi, tan siok yee. (2024). max explainability score a quantitative metric for explainability evaluation in knowledge graph-based recommendations. - computers and electrical engineering. 1-16.
nurul hidayah md fadzil, suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh, roslee rajikan, divya vanoh, nazlena mohamad ali dan shahrul azman mohd noah. (2024). mapping the landscape: a bibliometric analysis of information and communication technology adoption by older adults with cognitive frailty or impairment. - geriatrics & gerontology international. 251-262.
sumaia al-ghuribi, shahrul azman mohd noah, mawal mohammed. (2023). an experimental study on the performance of collaborative filtering based on user reviews for large-scale datasets. - peerj computer science. 1-26.
suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh, roslee rajikan, nazlena mohamad ali and shahrul azman mohd noah. (2023). digital technology usage among older adults with cognitive frailty: a survey during covid-19 pandemic. - digital health. 1-14.
sumaia mohammed al-ghuribi, shahrul azman mohd noah, mawal a. mohammed, sultan noman qasem, belal abdullah hezam murshed. (2023). to cluster or not to cluster: the impact of clustering on the performance of aspect-based collaborative filtering. - ieee access. 41979-41994.
mohamad amin osman, shahrul azman mohd noah, saidah saad. (2024). identifying terms to represent concepts of a work process ontology. - indian journal of science and technology. 2519-2528.
nur izyan yasmin saat, shahrul azman mohd noah, masnizah mohd. (2024). enhanced content-based recommendation using topic modelling and knowledge graph. - elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 73-79.
israa akram alzuabidi, layla safwat jamil, amjed abbas ahmed, shahrul azman mohd noah, mohammad kamrul hasan. (2023). a hybrid technique for detecting extremism in arabic social media texts. - elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 70-78.
yasir hadi farhan, shahrul azman mohd noah, masnizah mohd, jaffar atwan. (2023). word-embedding-based query expansion: incorporating deep averaging networks in arabic document retrieval. - journal of information science. 1168-1186.
noor huzaimi@karimah mohd noor, shahrul azman mohd noah, mohd juzaiddin ab aziz. (2020). classification of short possessive clitic pronoun nya in malay text to support anaphor candidate determination. - journal of information and communication technology. 513-532.
nurul hidayah md fadzil, suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh, roslee rajikan, divya vanoh, nazlena mohamad ali dan shahrul azman mohd noah. (2024). mapping the landscape: a bibliometric analysis of information and communication technology adoption by older adults with cognitive frailty or impairment. - geriatrics & gerontology international. 251-262.
nur izyan yasmin saat, shahrul azman mohd noah, masnizah mohd. (2024). enhanced content-based recommendation using topic modelling and knowledge graph. - elektronika ir elektrotechnika. 73-79.
amjed abbas ahmed, mohammad kamrul hasan, shahrul azman mohd noah, azana hafizah aman. (2024). design of time-delay convolutional neural networks (tdcnn) model for feature extraction for side-channel attacks. - international journal of computing and digital systems. 341-351.
neeraj tiwary, shahrul azman mohd noah, fariza fauzi, tan siok yee. (2024). max explainability score a quantitative metric for explainability evaluation in knowledge graph-based recommendations. - computers and electrical engineering. 1-16.
suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh, roslee rajikan, nazlena mohamad ali and shahrul azman mohd noah. (2023). digital technology usage among older adults with cognitive frailty: a survey during covid-19 pandemic. - digital health. 1-14.
sumaia mohammed al-ghuribi, shahrul azman mohd noah, saeed amer al ameri, masnizah mohd, arifah che alhadi. (2024). a trusted user model for collaborative multi-criteria recommendation using user review elements. - icaai '23: proceedings of the 2023 7th international conference on advances in artificial intelligence. 48-53.
masita abdul jalil, nurul azarina abd. rahman, noraida hj. ali, shahrul azman mohd noah, noor maizura mohamad noor, fatihah mohd. (2020). development of a learning model on software design pattern selection for novice developers. - iceit 2020: proceedings of the 2020 9th international conference on educational and information technology. 108-113.
mahyuddin k m nasution, shahrul azman mohd noah. (2020). comparison of the social network weight measurements. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-7.
mohamed lubani, shahrul azman mohd noah. (2019). text relation extraction using sentence-relation semantic similarity. - multi-disciplinary trends in artificial intelligence 13th international conference, miwai 2019,. 3-14.
nurul aida osman & shahrul azman mohd noah. (2018). sentiment-based model for recommender systems. - 2018 fourth international conference on information retrieval and knowledge management (camp). .
nurhafizah moziyana mohd yusop, mohammad khatim hasan, shahrul azman mohd noah. (2024). simulasi berkomputer dengan pelbagai skema poligon. - . 156.
divya vanoh, suzana shahar, nazlena mohamad ali, shahrul azman mohd noah. (2021). inovasi teknologi kesihatan digital bagi kesejahteraan warga emas dan b40. - . 14.
b.z.halimah, a.azlina, t.m.sembok, i.sufian, shahrul azman m.n.,a.b.azuraliza,a.o.zulaiha,o.nazlia, a.salwani, a.sanep,m.t.hailani, m.z.zaher, j.azizah,m.y.nor faezah,w.o.choo, chew abdullah and b. so. (2009). visual informatics: bridging research and practice. - . 288-301.
divya vanoh, suzana shahar, nazlena mohamad ali, shahrul azman mohd noah. (2021). inovasi teknologi kesihatan digital bagi kesejahteraan warga emas dan b40. - . 14.
ali muttaleb hasan, noorhuzaimi mohd noor, taha hussein rassem, shahrul azman mohd noah, ahmed muttaleb hasan. (2020). information science and applications. - . 13.
abdul razak hamdan, shahrul azman mohd noah, mastura sahak & nurdiyana mohd yassin. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 6.
b.z.halimah, a.azlina, t.m.sembok, i.sufian, shahrul azman m.n.,a.b.azuraliza,a.o.zulaiha,o.nazlia, a.salwani, a.sanep,m.t.hailani, m.z.zaher, j.azizah,m.y.nor faezah,w.o.choo, chew abdullah and b. so. (2009). visual informatics: bridging research and practice. - . 288-301.
nurhafizah moziyana mohd yusop, mohammad khatim hasan, shahrul azman mohd noah. (2024). simulasi berkomputer dengan pelbagai skema poligon. - . 156.
aziz deraman, abdul razak hamdan. (2019). pembangunan bakat digital. - . 77.
abdul razak hamdan, shahrul azman mohd noah, mastura sahak & nurdiyana mohd yassin. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 223.
ashour ali, shahrul azman mohd noah, lailatul qadri zakaria. (2023). a bert-based model: improving crime news documents classification through adopting pre-trained language models. - . 1-16.
elankovan a/l a sundararajan;muriati bt. mukhtar;shahrul azman bin mohd noah;masnizah binti mohd;azrulhizam bin shapi`i. (2021). machine learning data analytics for adult obesity intervention. - . .
nurul hidayah md fadzil1, suzana shahar, roslee rajikan, divya vanoh, devinder kaur ajit singh, arimi fitrimat ludin, ponnusamy subramaniam, norhayati ibrahim, nazlena mohd ali, shahrul azman mohd noah, chin ai-vyrn. (2020). a scoping review on telerehabilitation application used among older adults with mild cognitive impairment and cognitive frailty. - holistic approach in preserving cognitive function. 12.
shahrul azman bin mohd noah;nazlia binti omar;shereena binti mohd arif;masnizah binti mohd. (2018). sentiment-based model for recommender systems. - . .
bassam al-salemi, masri ayob, shahrul azman mohd noah, mohd. juzaiddin ab aziz. (2017). feature selection based on supervised topic modeling for boosting-based multi-label text categorization. - 6th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei2017). 1-6.
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