pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian psikologi & kesejahteraan manusia (psitra)
Dr. Fatimah wati Halim is an Associate Professor at the Research Centre for Psychology and Human Well-being, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). In 1997, she obtained a MSC in Occupational Psychology from the University of Wales Cardiff, UK. She received her Doctoral Degree in 2012 and was awarded with a Distinguished Doctorate from UKM. She is a registered member of the Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU) Occupational, Personality and Ability since 2017 which has been recognized by the University of Cambridge, The Psychometrics Center and the British Psychological Society. She has led 10 researches and co-researched in 32 other researches with a total value of RM3,646,737.85 in the field of Industrial/Personnel and Organizational Psychology which led to 19 SCOPUS/ISI publications, 4 policy papers, 13 intellectual properties, 49 peer-reviewed articles, 18 proceedings, 6 chapters in a book. Five of her IPs have been utilized by the Public Service Commission for the purpose of selection of Civil Servants in Malaysia (2019-2029) and the selection of SEA-2017 Sports Volunteers. In 2016, Fatimah wati and her team developed APPiKA- (Alat Psikometrik Pemilihan Kakitangan Akademik), a Computing Development software used in UKM’s academic staff selection. Her total citation in Google scholar is 330 (H index = 9, i10 index = 8) and has consulted more than 30 public and private organizations involving more than 100 projects. To date, 2252 graduates had graduated under her from six Master courses and five Undergraduate courses.
nor azean hasan adali, fariza md sham,jalina karim,haslinda abdullah, fatimah wati halim, siti jamiah abdul jalil. (2024). nurses' psychospiritual coping strategy instruments (stdps) in handling psychological impact during treatment for covod-19 patients. - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences. 165-179.
marilah sarman, azimah husin, fatimah wati halim. (2023). geosekolah dalam geopark. - . 1-10.
siti zuliana md zuki, fatimah wati halim, siti fardaniah abdul aziz, norshaffika izzaty zaiedy nor. (2023). influence of extraversion, agreeableness and learning motivation on learning performance. - human resource management academic research society. 1013-1024.
salamiah hasan; fatimawati halim; nurul azza abdullah. (2023). relationship motivation and job performance among public sector employee: a systematic literature review. - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences. 257-269.
kartini binti aboo talib khalid;fatimah wati bt. halim;salasiah binti hanin hamjah;ahmad munawar bin ismail;mohd irwan syazli bin saidin;teo lee ken. (2023). women and terrorism: measuring the rehabilitation program in malaysia. - . .
norhayati ibrahim, normah che din, mahadir ahmad, noh amit, shazli ezzat ghazali, suzaily wahab, nor ba'yah abdul kadir, fatimah wati halim, mohd radzi tarmizi a. halim. (2019). the role of social support and spiritual wellbeing in predicting suicidal ideation among marginalized adolescents in malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-8.
fatimah wati halim , arifin zainal , khairul a mastor. (2016). or1291 personality and job performance: test of the mediating effects of achievement motivation and self efficacy among malaysian public administrator officers. - international journal of psychology. 755-756.
wan shahrazad wan sulaiman, fatimah wati halim, fatimah omar, sarah waheeda muhammad hafidz & arena che kassim. (2016). a qualitative analysis of personality and transformational leadership traits of diplomatic and administrative officers. - international journal of psychology. 781-781.
khairul a mastor, gerard saucier, fatimah wati halim, jas laile suzana jaafar. (2016). or1636 the factor structure of malaysianpersonality adjectives using lexi-cal approach. - international journal of psychology. 900.
nor ba`yah abdul kadir, wan shahrazad wan sulaiman, asmawati desa, fatimah omar, fatimah wati halim & fatimah yusoof. (2017). relationship of adult attachment styles and external shame on depression symptoms among married couples: a preliminary study. - journal of muslim mental health. 3-18.
wan shahrazad wan sulaiman, nor ba`yah abd kadir, fatimah omar, fatimah wati halim. (2012). relationship between personality traits, positive affect, negative affect and life satisfaction. - international journal of psychology. 47(Supp.1):259.
nor azean hasan adali, fariza md sham,jalina karim,haslinda abdullah, fatimah wati halim, siti jamiah abdul jalil. (2024). nurses' psychospiritual coping strategy instruments (stdps) in handling psychological impact during treatment for covod-19 patients. - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences. 165-179.
siti zuliana md zuki, fatimah wati halim, siti fardaniah abdul aziz, norshaffika izzaty zaiedy nor. (2023). influence of extraversion, agreeableness and learning motivation on learning performance. - human resource management academic research society. 1013-1024.
salamiah hasan; fatimawati halim; nurul azza abdullah. (2023). relationship motivation and job performance among public sector employee: a systematic literature review. - international journal of academic research in business & social sciences. 257-269.
azlyn ahmad zawawi, nur daieyan abd khalid, nur hidayah mohamad jamil, fatimah wati halim. (2023). assessing the influence of organizational communication and management on healthcare employee performance: evidence from northern malaysia. - malaysian journal of public health medicine. 79-87.
salamiah hasan, fatimah wati halim, nurul azza abdullah. (2022). development and practicability of the performance improvement training module (mlpp). - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1764-1779.
dian novita siswanti, rozainee khairudin, fatimah wati halim. (2018). the effect of spiritual intelligence, emotion and social competence to the leadership competence. - journal of physics: conference series. .
syarifah farradinna dan fatimah wati halim. (2016). the consequences of work-family conflict, burnout, and organizational commitment among women in indonesia. - 3rd global conference on business and social sciences (gcbss-2016) on contemporary issues in management and social sciences research, kuala lumpur, malaysia (procedia- social and behavioral sciences. 241-247.
zainah ahmad zamani, rohany nasir, wan shahrazad wan sulaiman, rozainee khairudin, fatimahwati halim. (2014). resilience and cognitive styles among pre and post- independence generations in malaysia. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - psysoc 2013. 145-149.
rohany nasir, zainah ahmad zamani, wan shahrazad wan sulaiman, rozainee khairudin, fatimah wati halim. (2014). personality and values of pre-independence and post-independence malaysians. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - psysoc 2013. 535-541.
kartini aboo talib @ khalid, ahmad munawar ismail, salasiah hanin hamjah, irwan syazli saidin, fatimahwati ab halim, zaireeni azmi, teo lee ken, muhammad helmy ab gapar, noorrulhawa abu bakar. (2021). initial report of round table discussion with royal malaysian police force unit e8 bukit aman. - women and terrorism: understanding the rehabilitation process. 19.
nur atiqah abdullah, fatimah wati halim, fatimah omar, zainah ahmad zamani, rohany nasir. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 10.
fatimah wati halim. (2014). kesan psikologi bencana alam kes banjir kuala lumpur di cameron highlands. - . 5: 58-82.
wan shahrazad wan sulaiman, rohany nasir, zainah ahmad zamani, rozainee khairudin & fatimah wati halim. (2013). the changing values of malays, maori and pacific islanders. - . 6:93-104.
muhamad reduan abu bakar, fatimah wati halim. (2020). kesihatan dan kesejahteraan di tempat kerja. - . 23.
nur atiqah abdullah, fatimah wati halim, fatimah omar, zainah ahmad zamani, rohany nasir. (2018). pembangunan modal insan lestari. - . 10.
sharifah hafizah saad hassan, fatimah wati halim. (2018). kerja sosial dan isu-isu masyarakat sejagat. - . 9.
khaidzir hj ismail, fatimah wati halim & suzana mohd hoesni. (2018). islam dan psikologi. - . 14.
fatimah wati halim. (2014). kesan psikologi bencana alam kes banjir kuala lumpur di cameron highlands. - . 5: 58-82.
mohd nasir selamat, daniella mokhtar, fatimah wati halim. (2022). isu-isu pekerjaan semasa tempoh pandemik covid-19. - . 146.
kartini aboo talib @ khalid, ahmad munawar ismail, salasiah hanin hamjah, irwan syazli saidin, fatimahwati ab halim, zaireeni azmi, teo lee ken, muhammad helmy ab gapar, noorrulhawa abu bakar. (2021). initial report of round table discussion with royal malaysian police force unit e8 bukit aman. - women and terrorism: understanding the rehabilitation process. 19.
ruziati mior ahamad ariffin, abdul jalil hassan ,azura hamdan ,mohammad fauzi saad , fatimah wati halim, rozainee khairuddin, nor ba'yah abdul kadir dan lain-lain lihat lampiran. (2018). indeks kesejahteraan psikologi malaysia (ikpm). - . 44.
marilah sarman, azimah hussin, fatimah wati halim. (2023). pengenalan modul geosekolah peringkat rendah 2023. - . 1-36.
norshaffika izzaty binti zaiedy nor;fatimah wati bt. halim;daniella maryam binti mohamed mokhtar. (2023). exploring the predictors of attitudes towards training among cadets at training base camps. - . .
kartini binti aboo talib khalid;fatimah wati bt. halim;salasiah binti hanin hamjah;ahmad munawar bin ismail;mohd irwan syazli bin saidin;teo lee ken. (2023). women and terrorism: measuring the rehabilitation program in malaysia. - . .
marilah sarman, azimah husin, fatimah wati halim. (2023). geosekolah dalam geopark. - . 1-10.
fariza md sham, mohd al adib samuri, izhar ariff mohd kashim, fatimah wati halim, a'dawiyah ismail, norhayati ibrahim, ahmad irdha mokhtar, siti maheran ismail @ ibrahim, mahfuzah zohdi, nur izzaty mohamad, siti nursyazwani md zainal dan anisah musa. (2022). pelan tindakan strategik pemerkasaan daya tahan psikologi pegawai dan kakitangan jawi dalam mengurus kes bencana, wabak dan kerja berisiko 2022-2026. - . 78.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMERKASAAN STEM MELALUI PROGRAM RAKAN MUZIUM SEJARAH ALAM PERINGKAT SEKOLAH RENDAH | kementerian sumber asli & alam sekitar | 13.9% (2024-12-24 sehingga 2026-06-23) |
PEMERKASAAN STEM MELALUI PROGRAM RAKAN MUZIUM SEJARAH ALAM PERINGKAT SEKOLAH RENDAH | geothermal resources sdn bhd (grsb) | 13.9% (2024-12-24 sehingga 2026-06-23) |