Bidang kepakaran Prof Zaidi ialah Biologi dan Ekologi Marin, dengan lebih 20 tahun pengalaman penyelidikan sejak menyertai UKM pada tahun 1995. Minat penyelidikan beliau adalah terutamanya dalam mengkaji biodiversiti dan kefungsian ekologi pelbagai habitat marin, sebagai tindak balas terhadap isu-isu seperti kelestarian, pencemaran, dan perubahan iklim.
Prof Zaidi’s area of expertise is Marine Biology and Ecology, with more than 20 years of research experience since joining UKM in 1995. His research interest is primarily in studying the biodiversity and ecological functioning of various marine habitats, in response to issues such as sustainability, pollution, and climate change.
noorashikin binti md noor;zaidi bin che cob;khairul nizam abdul maulud;wee hin boo. (2025). cross-sectional research on water quality and bacteria indicator in connection with fish diversity along the johor straits. - . .
sonia mohd kasihmuddin, zaidi che cob, noorashikin md noor, simon kumar das. (2024). effect of different temperature variations on the physiological state of catfish species: a systematic review. - fish physiology and biochemistry. 413-434.
nur addawiah mohamad rodzi; mohamed fahmy yusof; zaidi che cob. (2024). coral cover percentage and health condition in tioman island marine protected area, pahang, malaysia. - turkish journal of zoology. 1-8.
nurdini nabila mustafa, fatimah nurrahmah razali, zaidi che cob, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, suriyanti su nyun pau. (2024). growth of marine diatom in silica source from disposable contact lens. - ecomarine project final conference on marine habitat monitoring in malaysia and india 2024. 47.
noorashikin md noor, mai izatul nuraishah mior hazri, wee hin boo, zaidi che cob. (2023). a brief overview of the issues faced by harmful algal blooms along johor strait. - 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022). 1-7.
sonia mohd kasihmuddin, zaidi che cob, noorashikin md noor, simon kumar das. (2024). effect of different temperature variations on the physiological state of catfish species: a systematic review. - fish physiology and biochemistry. 413-434.
nur syuhada iskandar, noorashikin md noor, zaidi che cob, simon kumar das. (2023). elevated carbon dioxide and its impact on growth, blood properties, and vertebral column of freshwater fish mahseer, tor tambroides juveniles. - fishes. 1-12.
simon kumar das*, moumita de, noorashikin md noor, yosni bakar, zaidi che cob and mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2022). cross effects of diets and rearing temperatures on gastrointestinal evacuation and growth performance in adult sabah groupers (epinephelus fuscoguttatus × e. lanceolatus). - animals. 1-16.
zaidi che cob; simon kumar das. (2022). marine ecology and fisheries biology management. - water. 1.
ahmed awadh sas, su nyun pau suriyanti, simon kumar das, zaidi che cob. (2022). effect of seawater and surface sediment variables on epipelic diatom diversity and abundance in the coastal area of negeri sembilan malaysia. - water. 1-13.
nur addawiah mohamad rodzi; mohamed fahmy yusof; zaidi che cob. (2024). coral cover percentage and health condition in tioman island marine protected area, pahang, malaysia. - turkish journal of zoology. 1-8.
zaidi che cob, simon kumar das. (2021). early juvenile growth and behavior of laevistrombus turturella (gastropoda: strombidae) in a laboratory microcosm experiment. - thalassas: an international journal of marine sciences. 641-649.
m. de, m.a. ghaffar, y. bakar, z.c. cob, s.k. mazumder, s.k. das. (2021). effects of temperature and diet on pepsin enzyme activity of tggg hybrid grouper, epinephelus fuscoguttatus x e. lanceolatus. - journal of environmental biology. 812-816.
noorashikin md noor, zaidi che cob, mazlan abd ghaffar & simon kumar das. (2019). an evaluation of the effect of salinities on oxygen consumption and wellbeing in the hybrid grouper epinephelus fuscoguttatus x e. lanceolatus. - turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. 1017-1023.
moumita de, mazlan abd. ghaffar, noorashikin md. noor, zaidi che cob, yosni bakar, simon kumar das. (2019). effects of water temperature and diet on blood parameters and stress levels t in hybrid grouper (epinephelus fuscoguttatus × e. lanceolatus) juveniles. - aquaculture reports. 100-219.
sonia mohd kasihmuddin, zaidi che cob, noorashikin md noor, simon kumar das. (2024). effect of different temperature variations on the physiological state of catfish species: a systematic review. - fish physiology and biochemistry. 413-434.
nur addawiah mohamad rodzi; mohamed fahmy yusof; zaidi che cob. (2024). coral cover percentage and health condition in tioman island marine protected area, pahang, malaysia. - turkish journal of zoology. 1-8.
nur syuhada iskandar, noorashikin md noor, zaidi che cob, simon kumar das. (2023). elevated carbon dioxide and its impact on growth, blood properties, and vertebral column of freshwater fish mahseer, tor tambroides juveniles. - fishes. 1-12.
ahmed awadh ahmed sas; aziz arshad; simon kumar das; suriyanti su nyun pau; zaidi che cob. (2023). optimum temperature and salinity conditions for growth, lipid contents, and fatty acids composition of centric diatoms chaetoceros calcitrans and thalassiosira weissflogii. - pertanika journal of science and technology. 689-707.
simon kumar das*, moumita de, noorashikin md noor, yosni bakar, zaidi che cob and mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2022). cross effects of diets and rearing temperatures on gastrointestinal evacuation and growth performance in adult sabah groupers (epinephelus fuscoguttatus × e. lanceolatus). - animals. 1-16.
noorashikin md noor, mai izatul nuraishah mior hazri, wee hin boo, zaidi che cob. (2023). a brief overview of the issues faced by harmful algal blooms along johor strait. - 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022). 1-7.
noorashikin md. noor, simon kumar das, zaidi che cob & mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2018). effects of salinity on gastric emptying time in hybrid grouper, epinephelus fuscoguttatus x e. lanceolattus juveniles. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. .
noorsakinah md noor, zaidi che cob, and mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2013). development and growth of larvae of the volute, cymbiola nobilis lightfoot. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
mohammad mokhtari, mazlan abd ghaffar, gires usup, and zaidi che cob. (2013). the ecology of fiddler crab uca forcipata in mangrove forest. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
loke hai xin, julian hyde, zaidi che cob and kee alfian abd adzis. (2013). growth study of branching coral acropora formosa between natural reef habitats and in situ coral nurseries. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
wan lotfi wan muda, abdullah samat, zaidi che cob, mazlan abd. ghaffar.. (2010). siri penyelidikan & maklumat perairan malaysia. - . 203-212.
zaidi che cob, aziz arshad, wan latfi wan muda, mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2008). ekosistem marin malaysia : penyelidikan pantai timur johor darul takzim. - . 89-99.
wan lotfi wan muda, abdullah samat, zaidi che cob, mazlan abd. ghaffar.. (2010). siri penyelidikan & maklumat perairan malaysia. - . 203-212.
wan lotfi wan muda, abdullah samat, zaidi che cob & mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2010). penyelidikan pantai timur johor: mersing warisan terpelihara. - . 21:203-212.
zaidi che cob, aziz arshad, wan latfi wan muda, mazlan abd. ghaffar. (2008). ekosistem marin malaysia : penyelidikan pantai timur johor darul takzim. - . 89-99.
wan lotfi wan muda, mazlan abd ghaffar, ramlan omar, zaidi che cob , abdullah samat. (2008). ekosistem marin malaysia : penyelidikan pantai timur johor darul takzim. - . 23-30.
zurina mahadi, zalita zainuddin, zaidi che cob, muzzneena ahmad mustapha dan tukimat lihan. (2003). kepelbagaian biologi dan ekologi fauna di malaysia. - . 214-223.
che abd rahim mohamed, fathul karim sahrani, azima abdul manaf, mustaffa omar, zaidi che cob & lee jen nie. (2010). penyelidikan pantai timur johor : mersing warisan terpelihara = the studies of johor east coast : preserve mersing heritage. - . 50.
che abd. rahim mohamed, fathul karim sahrani, masni mohd ali, zaidi che cob, norhayati ahmad. (2008). ekosistem marin malaysia : penyelidikan pantai timur johor darul takzim. - . 176.
noorashikin binti md noor;zaidi bin che cob;khairul nizam abdul maulud;wee hin boo. (2025). cross-sectional research on water quality and bacteria indicator in connection with fish diversity along the johor straits. - . .
nurdini nabila mustafa, fatimah nurrahmah razali, zaidi che cob, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, suriyanti su nyun pau. (2024). growth of marine diatom in silica source from disposable contact lens. - ecomarine project final conference on marine habitat monitoring in malaysia and india 2024. 47.
mohammad rozaimi bin jamaludin;zaidi bin che cob. (2022). seagrass investigation, monitoring and reporting. - . .
rozaimi,weehinboo, che rahim, zaidi che cob, suriyanti su nyun pau, wan lotfi, aslinda oon, azizah ahmad, khairul nizam, wan shafrina, ahmad tarmizi, syarina, khirunnisa, khairun ayuni. (2022). program data alam sekitar di sepanjang selat johor, sekitar batuan tengah dan tubir selatan tahun 2021/2022. - . 1-363.
khairul nizam abdul maulud, zaidi che cob, shahriman mohd ghazali, wan juliana wan ahmad. (2022). pelan pengurusan pantai bersepadu (ismp) negeri kedah. - . 21.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EVALUATION OF OLEIC ACID ENHANCED FISH FEED AS POTENTIAL IMMUNOSTIMULANT ON GUT-MICROBIOTA AND PROTEOME OF VIBRIO-RESISTANT GROUPER | fisheries research institute, fri tg demong, terengganu | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |