Dr. Ishak Ahmad is currently a Professor at the School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) specializing in biocomposites, polymer blend and composites and polymer hydrogels. He received his Ph.D. from UMIST, Manchester, UK in 2000. He is now Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM.
His research interests are in all aspects of biopolymers and bio-nanocomposites especially using nanocellulose and the relationships between chemical, thermal and mechanical properties of polymers and composites. They cover a number of research programs in collaboration with different universities and research institute in Malaysia such as Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) and Advanced Materials Research Centre (AMREC) and also foreign institution like Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble-INP), Mahatma Gandhi University, India and Wuhan University of Technology, China. A MoU has been signed between Grenoble-INP and UKM.
He has secured many grants to conduct research in polymer chemistry and has produced more than 100 journals besides the numerous proceedings papers. He has participated in many international and local polymer conferences and meetings either as plenary speaker, keynotes, invited speakers, paper presenters or as organisers. His research has also expanded towards commercialization of production of nanocellulose, recycling process on plastic wastes such as PET and polyethylene (PE) and polymer hydrogel for pharmaceutical application. For that purpose, three national patents had been registered.
suria ramli, nur hapizah suardy, ishak ahmad, rusli daik, mohd hanif zulfakar. (2023). the effect of short chain alcohol on oleic acid based microemulsion system. - malaysia polymer international conference 2023 (mpic2023). 1.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2023). biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate (pet) using bacterial isolates from landfill. - 11th international symposium on applied engineering and sciences (saes2023). 41-42.
min rui chia, sook-wai phang, ishak ahmad. (2023). influence of polyaniline and cellulose nanocrystals on starch biopolymer film for intelligent food packaging. - food bioscience. 1-12.
siti fairus binti mohd yusoff;ishak bin ahmad;mohamad azuwa bin mohamed. (2023). synergistic interaction between bismuth ferrite and rubber/pani hydrogel for high efficiency integrated reusable photocatalyst-adsorbent system. - . .
noor afizah binti rosli;ishak bin ahmad;chen ruey shan. (2023). antimicrobial active food packaging from liquid natural rubber toughened poly(lactic acid)/cinnamon-rosemary essential oil. - . .
min rui chia, sook-wai phang, ishak ahmad. (2023). influence of polyaniline and cellulose nanocrystals on starch biopolymer film for intelligent food packaging. - food bioscience. 1-12.
atiqah salleh, norlaila mustafa, yeit haan teow, mohd nor fatimah , fauzul azim khairudin, ishak ahmad and mh busra fauzi. (2022). dual-layered approach of ovine collagen-gelatin/cellulose hybrid biomatrix containing graphene oxide-silver nanoparticles for cutaneous wound healing: fabrication, physicochemical, cytotoxicity and an. - biomedicines. 1-17.
yi he, siyuan liu, na zhou, ishak ahmad, lin gan, jin huang. (2022). co-assembled cellulose nanocrystal-based materials with enhanced long-term stabilization in the air of black phosphorus nanosheets via integrating physical coverage with chemical interactions. - macromolecular materials and engineering. 21006-21020.
min-rui chia, ishak ahmad, sook-wai phang. (2022). starch/polyaniline biopolymer film as potential intelligent food packaging with colourimetric ammonia sensor. - polymers. 1-19.
noor afizah rosli, fauzul azim khairudin, hanieh kargarzadeh, rizafizah othaman, ishak ahmad. (2022). hydrophobic-oleophilic gamma-irradiated modified cellulose nanocrystal/ gelatin aerogel for oil absorption. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 213-223.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2022). potensi bioremediasi plastik polietilena tereftalat (pet). - sains malaysiana. 3081-3094.
manjusha elizabeth mathew, ishak ahmad, sabu thomas, muhammad bin kassim, rusli daik. (2021). a preliminary study on the synthesis of poly(vinylbenzyl chloride) with different solvents. - sains malaysiana. 1767-1773.
ummi habibah abdullah, ishak ahmad, ainon hamzah, noor afizah rosli. (2020). kecekapan filem kanji/minyak kayu manis sebagai pembungkus makanan dengan sifat antimikrob. - sains malaysiana. 1935-1945.
nur afiqah mustafa kamal, tuan mazlelaa tuan mahmood, ishak ahmad, suria ramli. (2020). improving rate of gelatin/carboxymethylcellulose dissolving microneedle for transdermal drug delivery. - sains malaysiana. 2269-2279.
nurzam ezdiani zakaria, ishak ahmad, wan nazri wan busu, khairunnizah hazila khalid, azizah baharum. (2019). kesan penambahan kepingan nanozarah grafin terhadap sifat mekanik dan terma hibrid komposit serabut sansevieria-getah asli-polietilena berketumpatan tinggi. - sains malaysiana. 1121-1128.
min rui chia, sook-wai phang, ishak ahmad. (2023). influence of polyaniline and cellulose nanocrystals on starch biopolymer film for intelligent food packaging. - food bioscience. 1-12.
khalida khalil, wan syaidatul aqma, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohamad yusof maskat, ishak ahmad. (2022). potensi bioremediasi plastik polietilena tereftalat (pet). - sains malaysiana. 3081-3094.
min-rui chia, ishak ahmad, sook-wai phang. (2022). starch/polyaniline biopolymer film as potential intelligent food packaging with colourimetric ammonia sensor. - polymers. 1-19.
min-rui chia, ishak ahmad, sook-wai phang. (2022). emerging applications of polyaniline-based versatile polymers in the food industry. - polymers. 1-21.
atiqah salleh, norlaila mustafa, yeit haan teow, mohd nor fatimah , fauzul azim khairudin, ishak ahmad and mh busra fauzi. (2022). dual-layered approach of ovine collagen-gelatin/cellulose hybrid biomatrix containing graphene oxide-silver nanoparticles for cutaneous wound healing: fabrication, physicochemical, cytotoxicity and an. - biomedicines. 1-17.
nurzam ezdiani zakaria, azizah baharum & ishak ahmad. (2018). mechanical properties of chemically modified sansevieria trifasiata/natural rubber /high density polyethylene (stf/nr/hdpe) composites: effect of silane coupling agent. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. .
naqiya f.m.z., ahmad i. & airianah o.b.. (2018). resistant-hemicelluloses toward successive chemical treatment during cellulose fibre extraction. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. .
siat, w.h., aminah abdullah, and ishak ahmad. (2014). development, characterization and potential application of edible film from seaweed (kppaphycus alverazii). - aip conference proceeding - the 2014 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 192-197.
nor fazelin mat zain, salma mohamad yusop, dan ishak ahmad. (2013). cellulose nanocrystal from pomelo (c. grandis osbeck) albedo: chemical, morphology and crystallinity evaluation. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
nor rabbi`atul `adawiyah norzali, khairiah haji badri, and ishak ahmad. (2013). physicochemical properties of phosphate ester from palm kernel oil. - aip conference proceedings- ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad. (2021). recent developments in plastic recycling. - . 18.
norhidayu zainuddin, suria ramli, ishak ahmad. (2019). mikroemulsi nanoselulosa: penghantar topikal kurkumin. - . 126.
nur hanis adila azhar, noor faeiza mohd noor, nur aida syakirah mohd tahir, siti fairus mohd yusoff, ishak ahmad. (2019). polimer baharu berasaskan getah asli. - . 90.
nadia halib, ishak ahmad. (2019). handbook of ecomaterials. - . 19.
fauziah ahmad, mahzan arshad, andanastuti muchtar, aminah md yusof, zaidatun tasir, siti halijah sharif, nawawi seroji, romlah jaffar, zuhaina zakaria, hasrina mustafa, ashinida aladdin, mustafa mamat & [six others). (2018). laporan pelan halatuju pengajian siswazah malaysia 2017-2025. - malaysia postgraduate blueprint 2017-2025. 166.
noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad. (2021). recent developments in plastic recycling. - . 18.
nadia halib, ishak ahmad. (2019). handbook of ecomaterials. - . 19.
chong yan yi, mark lee wun fui, ishak ahmad, mohammad kassim. (2018). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2018. - . 9.
hanieh kargarzadeh, ishak ahmad. (2015). polysaccharide based nanocrystals - chemistry and`applications. - . Bab 5 (165-212).
hanieh kargarzadeh, ishak ahmad. (2015). polysaccharide-based nanocrystals: chemistry and applications. - . 165-213.
nur hanis adila azhar, noor faeiza mohd noor, nur aida syakirah mohd tahir, siti fairus mohd yusoff, ishak ahmad. (2019). polimer baharu berasaskan getah asli. - . 90.
norhidayu zainuddin, suria ramli, ishak ahmad. (2019). mikroemulsi nanoselulosa: penghantar topikal kurkumin. - . 126.
fauziah ahmad, mahzan arshad, andanastuti muchtar, aminah md yusof, zaidatun tasir, siti halijah sharif, nawawi seroji, romlah jaffar, zuhaina zakaria, hasrina mustafa, ashinida aladdin, mustafa mamat & [six others). (2018). laporan pelan halatuju pengajian siswazah malaysia 2017-2025. - malaysia postgraduate blueprint 2017-2025. 166.
noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad. (2018). plastik boleh urai. - . 85.
hanieh kargarzadeh, ishak ahmad, sabu thomas & alain dufresne. (2017). handbook of nanocellulose and cellulose nanocomposites. - . 860.
suria ramli, nur hapizah suardy, ishak ahmad, rusli daik, mohd hanif zulfakar. (2023). the effect of short chain alcohol on oleic acid based microemulsion system. - malaysia polymer international conference 2023 (mpic2023). 1.
noor afizah binti rosli;ishak bin ahmad;chen ruey shan. (2023). antimicrobial active food packaging from liquid natural rubber toughened poly(lactic acid)/cinnamon-rosemary essential oil. - . .
suria binti ramli;ishak bin ahmad. (2023). mikroemulsi berasaskan terbitan selulosa dalam penghantaran agen antioksidan melalui kulit. - . .
siti fairus binti mohd yusoff;ishak bin ahmad;mohamad azuwa bin mohamed. (2023). synergistic interaction between bismuth ferrite and rubber/pani hydrogel for high efficiency integrated reusable photocatalyst-adsorbent system. - . .
ishak bin ahmad;mohammad bin kassim;suria binti ramli. (2022). gelatin reinforced cellulose nanocrystals hydrogels for drug delivery applications. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LLDPE/NANOCLAY NANOCOMPOSITES MASTERBATCH | rb energy sdn. bhd | 97.8% (2022-08-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |