pensyarah universiti
jabatan fizik gunaan
Zeti heads Bioinformatics & Computational Systems Biology (BCSB) group at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Her group investigates how protein-protein interactions influences organisms and their genome. To achieve this objective, she primarily uses bioinformatics approaches, including sequence- and structure-based analysis and integrative omics analysis using expression data, comparative genomics analysis, network analysis, genomic variation and phenotype data. Her group focuses on diseases associations in human and investigating plant defence systems to understand phenotype associations between proteins and diseases, and to identify many interesting modules, which can’t be fully annotated using a single type of data only.
mohamad hazwan fikri khairi, nor azlan nor muhammad, hamidun bunawan, kauthar mohd daud, suhaila sulaiman, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, mui-yun wong, ahmad bazli ramzi. (2024). current progress on the computational methods for prediction of host-pathogen protein-protein interaction in the ganoderma boninense-oil palm pathosystem. - physiological and molecular plant pathology. 1-11.
nur fathiah rosilan, muhamad arif mohamad jamali, siti aishah sufira, khor waiho, hanafiah fazhan, noraznawati ismail, yeong yik sung, zeti-azura mohamed- hussein, azzmer azzar abdul hamid, nor afiqah-aleng. (2024). molecular docking and dynamics simulation studies uncover the host-pathogen protein-protein interactions in penaeus vannamei and vibrio parahaemolyticus. - plos one. 1-21.
francis yew fu tieng, muhammad-redha abdullah-zawawi, nur alyaa afifah md shahri, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, learn-han lee, nurul-syakima ab mutalib. (2024). a hitchhiker's guide to rna-rna structure and interaction prediction tools. - briefings in bioinformatics. 1-37.
sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2024). plant specialized metabolites: phytochemistry, ecology and biotechnology. - . 27.
anatasha nur muhammad melvin, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein and nisha govender. (2023). the mechanistic insights of carica papaya leaf-derived alkaloids in complex with main protease of sars-cov-2. - international conference on natural products 2023. 105.
nur fathiah rosilan, muhamad arif mohamad jamali, siti aishah sufira, khor waiho, hanafiah fazhan, noraznawati ismail, yeong yik sung, zeti-azura mohamed- hussein, azzmer azzar abdul hamid, nor afiqah-aleng. (2024). molecular docking and dynamics simulation studies uncover the host-pathogen protein-protein interactions in penaeus vannamei and vibrio parahaemolyticus. - plos one. 1-21.
francis yew fu tieng, muhammad-redha abdullah-zawawi, nur alyaa afifah md shahri, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, learn-han lee, nurul-syakima ab mutalib. (2024). a hitchhiker's guide to rna-rna structure and interaction prediction tools. - briefings in bioinformatics. 1-37.
mohamad hazwan fikri khairi, nor azlan nor muhammad, hamidun bunawan, kauthar mohd daud, suhaila sulaiman, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, mui-yun wong, ahmad bazli ramzi. (2024). current progress on the computational methods for prediction of host-pathogen protein-protein interaction in the ganoderma boninense-oil palm pathosystem. - physiological and molecular plant pathology. 1-11.
nur fathiah rosilan, khor waiho, hanafiah fazhan, yeong yik sung, nor hafizah zakaria, nor afiqah-aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2023). current trends of host pathogen relationship in shrimp infectious disease via computational protein protein interaction a bibliometric analysis. - fish and shellfish immunology. 1-10.
vinothienii vengatharajuloo, hoe-han goh, maizom hassan, nisha govender, suhaila sulaiman, nor afiqah-aleng, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2023). gene co-expression network analysis reveals key regulatory genes in metisa plana hormone pathways. - insects. 1-20.
mohd shakir mohamad yusop, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, ahmad bazli ramzi, hamidun bunawan. (2022). cymbidium mosaic virus infecting orchids: what, how, and what next?. - iranian journal of biotechnology. 1-11.
anis-nadyra zifruddin, khairunnisa-atiqah mohamad-khalid, saidi-adha suhaimi, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, maizom hassan. (2021). molecular characterization and enzyme inhibition studies of nadp+- farnesol dehydrogenase from diamondback moth, plutella xylostella (lepidoptera: plutellidae). - bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 1628-1638.
rabiatul-adawiah zainal-abidin, norliza abu-bakar, yun-shin sew, sanimah simoh and zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2019). discovery of functional snps via genome-wide exploration of malaysian pigmented rice varieties. - international journal of genomics. 1-12.
khalidah-syahirah ashari, muhammad-redha abdullah-zawawi, sarahani harun & zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). reconstruction of the transcriptional regulatory network in arabidopsis thaliana aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthetic pathway. - sains malaysiana. 2993-3002.
nurul-syafika mohamad-fauzi, rabiatul-adawiah zainal-abidin, mohd waznul adly zaidan, sanimah simoh, alizah zainal, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). reconstruction of curcuma aeruginosa secondary metabolite biosynthetic pathway using omics data. - sains malaysiana. .
nur fathiah rosilan, muhamad arif mohamad jamali, siti aishah sufira, khor waiho, hanafiah fazhan, noraznawati ismail, yeong yik sung, zeti-azura mohamed- hussein, azzmer azzar abdul hamid, nor afiqah-aleng. (2024). molecular docking and dynamics simulation studies uncover the host-pathogen protein-protein interactions in penaeus vannamei and vibrio parahaemolyticus. - plos one. 1-21.
mohamad hazwan fikri khairi, nor azlan nor muhammad, hamidun bunawan, kauthar mohd daud, suhaila sulaiman, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, mui-yun wong, ahmad bazli ramzi. (2024). current progress on the computational methods for prediction of host-pathogen protein-protein interaction in the ganoderma boninense-oil palm pathosystem. - physiological and molecular plant pathology. 1-11.
francis yew fu tieng, muhammad-redha abdullah-zawawi, nur alyaa afifah md shahri, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, learn-han lee, nurul-syakima ab mutalib. (2024). a hitchhiker's guide to rna-rna structure and interaction prediction tools. - briefings in bioinformatics. 1-37.
nur fathiah rosilan, khor waiho, hanafiah fazhan, yeong yik sung, siti azizah mohd nor, nor azlan nor muhammad, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein, nor afiqah-aleng. (2023). protein-protein interaction network analysis on the whiteleg shrimp penaeus vannamei and vibrio parahaemolyticus host-pathogen relationship reveals possible proteins and pathways involved during infection. - aquaculture reports. 1-13.
vinothienii vengatharajuloo, hoe-han goh, maizom hassan, nisha govender, suhaila sulaiman, nor afiqah-aleng, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2023). gene co-expression network analysis reveals key regulatory genes in metisa plana hormone pathways. - insects. 1-20.
abdul-rahman s., mohamed-hussein z.-a., bakar a.a.. (2011). velocity-based reinitialisation approach in particle swarm optimisation for feature selection. - 2011 11th international conference on hybrid intelligent systems, his 2011;malacca. .
shuzlina abdul rahman, azuraliza abu bakar, zeti azura mohd hussain. (2010). integrating rough set theory and particle swarm optimisation in feature selection. - 2010 10th international conference on intelligent systems design and applications, cairo, egypt. .
nora muda, abdul rahman othman, nazalan najimudin & zeti azura mohamed hussein. (2009). the phylogenetic tree of rna polymerase constructed using mom method. - international conference on soft computing and pattern recognition (socpar 2009)/conference publishing services, ieee, usa. .
nor afiqah-aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2021). computational methods in synthetic biology. - . 14.
nor afiqah aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2020). patobiologi sindrom ovari polisistik. - . 120.
nor afiqah-aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2020). polycystic ovarian syndrome. - . 24.
aliah hazmah hawari, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). model tapak jalan biosintesis terpenoid. - . 73.
sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). tapak jalan penghasilan sebatian dalam tumbuhan. - . 103.
sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2024). plant specialized metabolites: phytochemistry, ecology and biotechnology. - . 27.
nor afiqah-aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2021). computational methods in synthetic biology. - . 14.
rabiatul-adawiah zainal-abidin, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2021). recent advances in rice research. - . 17.
nor afiqah-aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2020). polycystic ovarian syndrome. - . 24.
md altaf-ul-amin, shigehiko kanaya, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2019). reference module in life sciences: encyclopedia of bioinformatics and computational biology. - . 15.
nor afiqah aleng, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2020). patobiologi sindrom ovari polisistik. - . 120.
sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). tapak jalan penghasilan sebatian dalam tumbuhan. - . 103.
balqis ramly, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). interaksi protein-protein dalam sindrom ovari polisistik. - . 88.
aliah hazmah hawari, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2018). model tapak jalan biosintesis terpenoid. - . 73.
govender, n., algalad, a.r.f., hameezah, h.s. and mohamed-hussein, z.a.. (2023). moringa oleifera lam pyrrolemorines are sars cov-2 main protease (mpro) inhibitors a biophysical insight. - proceedings of the 10th national biology symposium. 11-15.
mohd firdaus bin mohd raih;zeti azura binti mohamed hussein;norfarhan binti mohd assa`ad. (2023). computational comparisons of rna 3d base arrangements to identify ligand binding sites in rna structures. - . .
anatasha nur muhammad melvin, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein and nisha govender. (2023). the mechanistic insights of carica papaya leaf-derived alkaloids in complex with main protease of sars-cov-2. - international conference on natural products 2023. 105.
muhammad azrai bin abu;zeti azura binti mohamed hussein;nur azurah binti abdul ghani;nor haslinda binti abd aziz;abdul kadir bin abdul karim;chew kah teik;mohd helmy bin mokhtar;mohd faizal bin ahmad;reena rahayu md zin. (2023). endometrial heparin-binding epidermal growth factor expression in implantation window of obese women with polycystic ovarian syndrome(pcos) . - . .
sarahani binti harun;zeti azura binti mohamed hussein. (2023). construction of species-specific cyanogenic glycoside biosynthetic pathways in local crops. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
RESEARCH OF HOT SPRINGS VERIFICATION (SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE MANIFESTATION) AT LOT 1909 & 1150, SEMENYIH, SELANGOR. | persatuan geologi malaysia | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |