Ir. Dr. Shahrum Abdullah ialah profesor di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, UKM dan menerima ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) di The University of Sheffield UK pada tahun 2005. Bidang penyelidikan nya ialah penilaian hayat lesu, integriti struktur mekanikal, kebolehtahanan, analisis isyarat dan reka bentuk kejuruteraan. Beliau telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 400 penulisan yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal (WoS/SCOPUS) dan juga prosiding persidangan. Beliau juga terlibat dengan organisasi dalam dan luar negara sebagai penilai kertas proposal, pengerusi persidangan antarabangsa, pewasit makalah jurnal, ahli jawatankuasa persidangan dan sebagainya. Beliau juga sering dijemput sebagai pembentang jemputan dan ucaptama dalam beberapa persidangan tempatan dan antarabangsa. Sumbangan kepakaran Prof Shahrum kepada industri berkaitan di Malaysia adalah penting dalam memperkukuhkan bidang penyelidikan beliau, juga menghubungan elemen akademia dan industri.
s.s.k. singh, l. abdullah, s. abdullah, a.h. azman, a.k. ariffin. (2024). strain-based running reliability characterisation in time-domain for risk monitoring under various load conditions. - eksploatacja i niezawodnosc - maintenance and reliability. 1-22.
c.h. chin, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, s.s.k. singh, a. arifin. (2024). a review of the wavelet transform for durability and structural health monitoring in automotive applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 204-216.
l. abdullah , s. s. k. singh , s. abdullah, a. h. azman, a. k. ariffin. (2023). fatigue characterization under effective strain damage model on various road load conditions. - journal of failure analysis and prevention. 529-539.
m.a.f. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, s. abdullah, m.f.m. tahir. (2023). dynamic characterisation of thin metal plates using piezoelectric film sensor. - journal of acoustics and vibration research (javr). 41-52.
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
c.h. chin, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, s.s.k. singh, a. arifin. (2024). a review of the wavelet transform for durability and structural health monitoring in automotive applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 204-216.
s.s.k. singh, l. abdullah, s. abdullah, a.h. azman, a.k. ariffin. (2024). strain-based running reliability characterisation in time-domain for risk monitoring under various load conditions. - eksploatacja i niezawodnosc - maintenance and reliability. 1-22.
lennie abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin, syifa syuhaidah meor zainal. (2023). fatigue reliability characterisation of effective strain damage model using extreme value distribution for road load conditions. - materials. 1-22.
m.a. fauthan, s. abdullah, m.f. abdullah. (2023). entropy generation approach for evaluating energy dissipation and temperature rise to predict the fatigue life behaviour in magnesium alloy. - journal of materials research and technology. 4387-4404.
noorsuhada md nor, shahrum abdullah,mohamad afiq hazwan mohamad halim and azli arifin. (2023). evaluation of the behaviour of steel bar in the concrete under cyclic loading using magnetic flux leakage and acoustic emission techniques. - materials. 1-20.
n.m. hamzi, s.s.k. singh, s. abdullah, m.r.m. rasani, l. abdullah. (2023). characterising multiaxial fatigue random strain time domain in assessing the durability of a suspension coil spring. - experimental techniques. 655-667.
c. h. chin, s. abdullah, a. g. yin & a. k. ariffin. (2022). vibration fatigue analysis through frequency response function of variable amplitude loading. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 33-43.
c. h. chin, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, a. k. ariffin & d. schramm. (2022). probabilistic-based fatigue reliability assessment of carbon steel coil spring from random strain loading excitation. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 109-118.
y. s. kong, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh. (2021). clustering of decomposed strain signal energy for durability classification. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 1-12.
c. h. chin, s. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, a. k. ariffin and d. schramm. (2021). neuro-fuzzy fatigue life assessment using the wavelet-based multifractality parameters. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 439-447.
c.h. chin, s. abdullah, a.k. ariffin, s.s.k. singh, a. arifin. (2024). a review of the wavelet transform for durability and structural health monitoring in automotive applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 204-216.
s.s.k. singh, l. abdullah, s. abdullah, a.h. azman, a.k. ariffin. (2024). strain-based running reliability characterisation in time-domain for risk monitoring under various load conditions. - eksploatacja i niezawodnosc - maintenance and reliability. 1-22.
lennie abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin, syifa syuhaidah meor zainal. (2023). fatigue reliability characterisation of effective strain damage model using extreme value distribution for road load conditions. - materials. 1-22.
m.a. fauthan, s. abdullah, m.f. abdullah. (2023). entropy generation approach for evaluating energy dissipation and temperature rise to predict the fatigue life behaviour in magnesium alloy. - journal of materials research and technology. 4387-4404.
c.h. chin, s. abdullah a, s.s.k. singh, d. schramm, a.k. ariffin. (2023). strain generation for fatigue-durability predictions considering load sequence effect of random vibration loading. - international journal of fatigue. 1-18.
sajjad hussain, wan aizon w. ghopa, salvinder singh, abdul hadi azman, shahrum abdullah, hafizan kamaruddin. (2022). comparison of lattice structure configurations for suitability in turbine blades using modal and harmonic response analysis. - symposium on damage mechanism in materials and structures. 57-74.
m. k. faidzi, s. abdullah, m. f. abdullah, s. s. k. singh, a. h. azman, josé a. f. o. correia , and d. hui. (2022). fatigue damage simulation of a metal sandwich panel under four-point bending conditions. - the xx international colloquium on mechanical fatigue of metals. 29-38.
n. m. hazmi, s. s. k. singh, s. abdullah, l. abdullah, a. h. azman, and m. r. m. rasani. (2022). characterization of multiaxial strain road loads in assessing the durability of automotive coil spring. - the xx international colloquium on mechanical fatigue of metals. 101-109.
asliah seharing, abdul hadi azman, and shahrum abdullah. (2022). systematic review: overview on trends and future opportunities of additive manufactured lattice structures. - 5th symposium on damagemechanism inmaterials and structures (sdmms 2021). 75-90.
nazirul muhaimin hamzi, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, lennie abdullah, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani, abdul hadi azman, and noorsuhada md. nor. (2022). durability assessment of multiaxial strain loads for rural road condition in time frequency domain. - virtual conference on mechanical fatigue (vcmf 2020). 237-246.
s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, a.h. azman. (2022). sistem keselamatan pemanduan bas ekspres. - . 167.
mohd haniff osman, zulkifli mohd nopiah, shahrum abdullah. (2022). petua lesu: fahami isyarat secara algoritma berevolusi. - . 203.
mashitah mahmud, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh. (2021). penilaian hayat lesu berasaskan pendekatan kebarangkalian. - . 91.
mohd faridz mod yunoh, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh. (2021). pengelasan kerosakan lesu berasaskan analisis isyarat. - . 91.
shahrum abdullah, azli arifin, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan dan sity ainy nor mohamed. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 15.
shahrum abdullah, azli arifin, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan dan sity ainy nor mohamed. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 15.
a. arifin, s. abdullah, m. iqram, n. jamaluddin. (2018). advances in materials processing and integrity metals and semi-metallics. - . 15.
c.h. azhari, m.z. omar, s. abdullah. (2018). advances in materials processing and integrity metals and semi-metallics. - . 4.
ruslizam daud, ahmad kamal ariffin, shahrum abdullah and al emran ismail. (2012). applied fracture mechanics. - . 13(359-380).
ja`afar sahari, syazrin aklili, dzuraidah abd wahab, ruhizan mohd yasin, shahrum abdullah, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, shahrir abdullah, mohd zaidi omar, norhamidi muhamad. (2012). mercu kesarjanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan tindakan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . 175-189.
s. abdullah, s.s.k. singh, a.h. azman. (2022). sistem keselamatan pemanduan bas ekspres. - . 167.
mohd haniff osman, zulkifli mohd nopiah, shahrum abdullah. (2022). petua lesu: fahami isyarat secara algoritma berevolusi. - . 203.
mohd faridz mod yunoh, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh. (2021). pengelasan kerosakan lesu berasaskan analisis isyarat. - . 91.
mashitah mahmud, shahrum abdullah, salvinder singh karam singh. (2021). penilaian hayat lesu berasaskan pendekatan kebarangkalian. - . 91.
salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, syifa syuhaidah meor zainal. (2020). pendekatan keboleharapan penilaian hayat lesu. - . 109.
abdul hadi bin azman;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab. (2023). mechanical properties and configurations of conformal lattice structures for lightweight parts in the automotive industry . - . .
salvinder singh a/l karam singh;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;azli bin arifin;abdul hadi bin azman. (2023). formulation of reliability life cycle for lattice open and closed cell structures under strain loading spectrum. - . .
dzuraidah binti abd wahab;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;rizauddin bin ramli;hawa binti hishamuddin;abdul hadi bin azman. (2023). analysis of geometric complexities and design configuration for restoration of remanufacturable components using additive manufacturing.. - . .
abdul hadi bin azman;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;mohd yazid bin bajuri. (2023). topology optimisation design framework for customised prostheses fabricated using additive manufacturing. - . .
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
WAVELET-BASED VIBRATION FATIGUE LIFE PREDICTION MODEL OF COIL SPRING CONSIDERING MULTIAXIAL STRAIN | apm engineering & research sdn bhd | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |