zaleha md isa, siti fairuz abu bakar, aniza ismail, faiz daud, roszita ibrahim, rozita ibrahim, ummi mirza baharudin. (2024). pembinaan dan validasi soal selidik faktor sosiobudaya berkaitan covid-19 dalam kalangan orang asli di malaysia. - international journal of public health research. 1846-1852.
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rubayah yakob, zaidi isa, ahmad raflis che omar, rozita ibrahim. (2024). policy review and the impacts of financing msme in selected east asian economies, with a focus on indonesia sme masterplan and performance of msmes: country case: malaysia. - . 1-56.
rozita ibrahim, zurina mahadi, wardah mustafa din & ahmad saiful bahri mat amin. (2023). citrawbl: web-based management system for consolidating and moderating 360 degree assessment for work-based learning. - international university carnival on e-learning (iucel) 2023. 1.
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rozita ibrahim, nor kaisah zainal. (2023). lensa ipt: kurikulum berfokus masa hadapan. - rtm. .
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