pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi kecerdasan buatan (cait)
AZIZI ABDULLAH obtained the BSc Computer Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and completed the MSc in Software Engineering at University of Malaya, Malaysia. He received the PhD Degree from Utrecht University, The Netherlands in 2010. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Center for Artificial Intelligent (CAIT), Faculty of Technology and Information Science, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. His current research focuses on the algorithmic aspects of computer vision, machine learning and robotics, like the algorithm design and analysis, and experimental verification.
syaimak abdul shukor, zalinda othman, azizi abdullah, shahnorbanun sahran, mohd ridzwan yaakub, kerk yi wen, norsamsiah sani, nuramni ashikin anuar, iqraq kamal, sivadas chandra sekaran, mohd faizzuan mohammad. (2024). penyelenggaraan ramalan - menjamin kualiti terbaik. - buletin akses (advancing knowledge for success), ftsm, ukm. 12-13.
dheeb albashish, hossam m. j. mustafa, ruba abu khurma, basela hasan, sulieman bani-ahmad, azizi abdullah, anas arram. (2024). enhanced meta-heuristic methods for industrial winding process modelling. - expert system. 1-23.
azizi bin abdullah;shahnorbanun binti sahran;afzan binti adam;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). ensemble of convolutional neural networks using multiple heterogeneous filter models for image classification.. - . .
diah arianti, azizi abdullah, shahnorbanun sahran, wong zhyqin. (2024). weighted pso ensemble using diversity of cnn classifiers and color space for endoscopy image classification. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 1137-1114.
adrus mohamad tazuddin, azizi abdullah, zainal rasyid mahayuddin. (2023). enhancing hierarchical cnn via pathway loss and reference forwarding syynergy method. - 2023 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics. 161-166.
dheeb albashish, hossam m. j. mustafa, ruba abu khurma, basela hasan, sulieman bani-ahmad, azizi abdullah, anas arram. (2024). enhanced meta-heuristic methods for industrial winding process modelling. - expert system. 1-23.
xuanzhi liao, shahnorbanun sahran, azizi abdullah and syaimak abdul shukor. (2022). adacb: an adaptive gradient method with convergence range bound of learning rate. - applied sciences. 9389-9404.
nor ashidah selamat dan azizi abdullah dan norizan mat diah. (2022). association features of smote and rose for drug addiction relapse risk. - journal of king saud university - computer and information sciences. 7710-7719.
monirul islam pavel, siok yee tan, and azizi abdullah. (2022). vision-based autonomous vehicle systems based on deep learning: a systematic literature review. - applied sciences. 1-51.
siok yee tan, haslina arshad, azizi abdullah. (2021). an improved colour binary descriptor algorithm for mobile augmented reality. - virtual reality. 1193-1219.
siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, abbas salimi zaini, bedir yilmaz, azizi abdullah, nor sakinah binti md othman, ven jyn kok. (2019). contour based tracking for driveway entrance counting system. - international journal of integrated engineering. 1-10.
dheeb albashish, shahnorbanun sahran, azizi abdullah, mohammed alwesha, afzan adam. (2018). a hierarchical classifier for multiclass prostate histopathology image gleason grading. - journal of information and communication technology. .
mohammed omar salameh, azizi abdullah and shahnorbanun sahran. (2017). ensemble of bayesian filters for loop closure detection. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 235-242.
fauziah kasmin, azizi abdullah dan anton satria prabuwono. (2017). weight determination for supervised binarization algorithm based on or decomposition. - jurnal teknologi. 97-106.
s. nashat, a. abdullah, m. z. abdullah. (2012). unimodal thresholding for laplacian-basedcanny deriche filter. - pattern recognition letters. 33(10):1269-1286.
dheeb albashish, hossam m. j. mustafa, ruba abu khurma, basela hasan, sulieman bani-ahmad, azizi abdullah, anas arram. (2024). enhanced meta-heuristic methods for industrial winding process modelling. - expert system. 1-23.
diah arianti, azizi abdullah, shahnorbanun sahran, wong zhyqin. (2024). weighted pso ensemble using diversity of cnn classifiers and color space for endoscopy image classification. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 1137-1114.
ahmad jazimin jusoh, muh khairul wajedi imami, ciptro handrianto, ahmad nazir mohd isa, siti zobidah omar, azizi abdullah, suzaily wahab. (2023). verification the reliability and validity of a malaysian version of rathus assertiveness schedule as drug prevention scale. - islamic guidance and counseling journal. 1-16.
xuanzhi liao, shahnorbanun sahran, azizi abdullah and syaimak abdul shukor. (2022). adacb: an adaptive gradient method with convergence range bound of learning rate. - applied sciences. 9389-9404.
amran binomairah, azizi abdullah, bee ee khoo, zeinab mahdavipour, teow wee teo, nor shahirah mohd noor and mohd zaid abdullah. (2022). detection of microcracks and dark spots in monocrystalline perc cells using photoluminescene imaging and yolo-based cnn with spatial pyramid pooling. - epj photovoltaics. 1-12.
zul hilmi abdullah, waidah ismail, lailatul qadri zakaria, shaharudin ismail & azizi abdullah. (2023). classification of exercise game data for rehabilitation using machine learning algorithms. - the international conference on data science and emerging technologies. 293-304.
adrus mohamad tazuddin, azizi abdullah, zainal rasyid mahayuddin. (2023). hierarchical cnn automated hierarchy creation using output prediction analysis with misprediction matrix. - 2023 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics. 155-160.
ken lun lam, azizi abdullah, and dheeb albashish. (2023). ensemble of fully convolutional neural networks with end-to-end learning for small object semantic segmentation. - robot intelligence technology and applications 7. 125-135.
adrus mohamad tazuddin, azizi abdullah, zainal rasyid mahayuddin. (2023). enhancing hierarchical cnn via pathway loss and reference forwarding syynergy method. - 2023 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics. 161-166.
zaidah ibrahim, norizan mat diah, muhammad eirfan azmi, azizi abdullah, and nor azan mat zin. (2022). real-time mobile application for handwritten digit recognition using mobilenet. - proceedings of the 11th international conference on robotics, vision, signal processing and power applications. 1003-1008.
joko siswantoro, azizi abdullah, anton satria prabuwono, bahari idrus. (2022). sistem penglihatan komputer: pengukuran isipadu produk menggunakan kaedah monte carlo. - . 158.
shahnorbanun sahran, ashwaq qasem, khairuddin omar, dheeb albashih, afzan adam, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, rizuana iqbal hussain, fuad ismail, norlia abdullah, suria hayati md pauzi, nurdashima abd shukor. (2018). breast cancer and surgery. - . 19.
tan siok yee, haslina arshad & azizi abdullah. (2017). computational intelligence for data science application. - . 6.
abdul hadi abd rahman, shahnorbanun sahran, khairul akram zainol ariffin, salwani abdullah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, lailatul qadri zakaria, nazatul aini abd majid & sabrina tiun abdullah. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
wan noor aziezan baharuddin, rizuana iqbal hussain, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, neno fitri, and azizi abdullah. (2013). soft computing applications and intelligent systems. - . CCIS 378, 99-110.
azizi abdullah, mohammed omar salameh dan abdul hadi abd rahman. (2021). robot dan kecerdasan buatan era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 12.
shahnorbanun sahran, ashwaq qasem, khairuddin omar, dheeb albashih, afzan adam, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, rizuana iqbal hussain, fuad ismail, norlia abdullah, suria hayati md pauzi, nurdashima abd shukor. (2018). breast cancer and surgery. - . 19.
tan siok yee, haslina arshad & azizi abdullah. (2017). computational intelligence for data science application. - . 6.
abdul hadi abd rahman, shahnorbanun sahran, khairul akram zainol ariffin, salwani abdullah, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, siti norul huda sheikh abdullah, azizi abdullah, lailatul qadri zakaria, nazatul aini abd majid & sabrina tiun abdullah. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
azizi abdullah & nor samsiah sani. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
joko siswantoro, azizi abdullah, anton satria prabuwono, bahari idrus. (2022). sistem penglihatan komputer: pengukuran isipadu produk menggunakan kaedah monte carlo. - . 158.
fauziah kasmin, azizi abdullah dan anton satria prabuwono. (2021). pembinaan imej perduaan menggunakan penggabungan penormalan dan kemudi kejiranan setempat. - . 177.
azizi bin abdullah. (2010). supervised learning algorithms for visual object categorization. - . 131.
zawiyah mohammad yusof, hairudin harun, masnizah mohd, nazura abdul manap, azizi abdullah. (2007). teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi: etika, undang-undang dan sosial.. - . 227.
zawiyah mohammad yusof, hairudin harun, masnizah mohd, nazura abdul manap, azizi abdullah. (2007). teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi: etika, undang-undang dan sosial. - . 284.
syaimak abdul shukor, zalinda othman, azizi abdullah, shahnorbanun sahran, mohd ridzwan yaakub, kerk yi wen, norsamsiah sani, nuramni ashikin anuar, iqraq kamal, sivadas chandra sekaran, mohd faizzuan mohammad. (2024). penyelenggaraan ramalan - menjamin kualiti terbaik. - buletin akses (advancing knowledge for success), ftsm, ukm. 12-13.
azizi bin abdullah;shahnorbanun binti sahran;afzan binti adam;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). ensemble of convolutional neural networks using multiple heterogeneous filter models for image classification.. - . .
wong wei soong, azizi abdullah. (2023). river drowsiness detection using deep learning branched ensemble learning. - . 1-25.
ho wei ren, azizi bin abdullah. (2023). forecasting natural rubber price in malaysia by using branching bi-lstm. - . 1-22.
nor samsiah binti sani;azizi bin abdullah;shahnorbanun binti sahran;afzan binti adam. (2023). adaptive load balancing task based on genetic programming in mapreduce for parallel computing . - . .