pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem
Mardina Abdullah received her B. Eng degree from University of the Ryukyus, Japan in Electronics and Information Engineering in 1991. In 1996, she was awarded a M. Sc degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering. She obtained her PhD from the University of Leeds, UK, specialising in ionospheric effects on GPS satellite range determination. Since then, she has consistently pursued ionospheric research, focusing primarily on space weather. Given the rapid space-related technological advancements, understanding space weather has become increasingly vital. Currently, Mardina and her team are meticulously examining earthquake precursors through Lithospheric-Atmospheric-Ionospheric coupling, employing multiple ground and space-based geophysical parameters. Passionate about nurturing future talent, she introduced low-cost systems using Raspberry Pi for student-led ground-based solar activity monitoring. Her aspiration is to promote space weather studies among youth through STEAM for a sustainable and comfortable future for all. Throughout her academic tenure spanning 25 years, Mardina has published over 200 high impact publications in reputable journals and more than five research books. She has five patents filed, including one granted, along with other intellectual properties. She has garnered numerous research-related awards and earned international recognition through research collaborations. She is a registered professional engineer in Malaysia since 2002 and a member of IEM, Malaysia. Mardina presently holds the position of Professor in the Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering Department and is the Deputy Director at the Institute of Climate Change, UKM.
mardina bt. abdullah;siti aminah binti bahari;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;teh wai leong. (2025). ionospheric disturbance index for space weather monitoring over malaysia. - . .
rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren. (2024). srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications. - heliyon. 1-17.
imran md jelas, mohd asyraf zulkifley, mardina abdullah, martin spraggon. (2024). deforestation detection using deep learning-based semantic segmentation techniques: a systematic review. - frontiers in forests and global change. 1-24.
brelveenraj kaur rajwant singh, aiffah mohd ali, siti aminah bahari, mardina abdullah. (2024). a review on gbas: ionospheric effects at low-latitude regions. - proceedings of the 8thinternational conferenceon space science and communication. 337-346.
khairul adib yusof, syamsiah mashohor, mardina abdullah, mohd amiruddin abd rahman, nurul shazana abdul hamid, kasyful qaedi, khamirul amin matori, masashi hayakawa. (2024). earthquake prediction model based on geomagnetic field data using automated machine learning. - ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters. 1-5.
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, rasheduzzaman sifat, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah. (2024). crossed arm based quad t shaped metallic arm with a circular loop resonator with wider bandwidth for high frequency based wireless communication. - applied physics a-materials science & processing. 1-14.
rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren. (2024). srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications. - heliyon. 1-17.
rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al-mugren. (2024). development of double-layer metamaterial with high effective medium ratio values for s and c band applications. - helioyon. 1-17.
imran md jelas, mohd asyraf zulkifley, mardina abdullah, martin spraggon. (2024). deforestation detection using deep learning-based semantic segmentation techniques: a systematic review. - frontiers in forests and global change. 1-24.
khairul adib yusof, syamsiah mashohor, mardina abdullah, mohd amiruddin abd rahman, nurul shazana abdul hamid, kasyful qaedi, khamirul amin matori, masashi hayakawa. (2024). earthquake prediction model based on geomagnetic field data using automated machine learning. - ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters. 1-5.
sulaiman ali mohammad, mohd riduan ahmad, mardina abdullah, park sangjong, shamsul ammar shamsul baharin, norbayah yusop, gaopeng lu and vernon cooray. (2022). characteristics of lightning electromagnetic fields produced by antarctica storms. - atmosphere. 1-17.
nouf abd elmunim, mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari. (2021). evaluating the performance of iri-2016 using gps-tec measurements over the equatorial region. - atmosphere. 1-17.
khairul adib yusof, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, suaidi ahadi, akimasa yoshikawa. (2021). correlations between earthquake properties and characteristics of possible ulf geomagnetic precursor over multiple earthquakes. - universe. 1-17.
wan nur izzaty ismail, nurul shazana abdul hamid, mardina abdullah, akimasa yoshikawa, teiji uozumi, zahira mohd radzi. (2021). comparison of eej longitudinal variation from satellite and ground measurements over different solar activity levels. - universe. 1-13.
n.s.arshad, m.abdullah, s.a.samad, n.abdullah. (2021). high-intensity lightning recognition system using very low frequency signal features. - journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics. 1-9.
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, air mohammad siddiky, rasheduzzaman sifat, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, sabirin abdullah. (2024). crossed arm based quad t shaped metallic arm with a circular loop resonator with wider bandwidth for high frequency based wireless communication. - applied physics a-materials science & processing. 1-14.
rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al mugren. (2024). srr inspired inversion symmetry shaped left handed metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio for asr and wlan applications. - heliyon. 1-17.
rasheduzzaman sifat, mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, tayaallen ramachandran, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, k s al-mugren. (2024). development of double-layer metamaterial with high effective medium ratio values for s and c band applications. - helioyon. 1-17.
imran md jelas, mohd asyraf zulkifley, mardina abdullah, martin spraggon. (2024). deforestation detection using deep learning-based semantic segmentation techniques: a systematic review. - frontiers in forests and global change. 1-24.
khairul adib yusof, syamsiah mashohor, mardina abdullah, mohd amiruddin abd rahman, nurul shazana abdul hamid, kasyful qaedi, khamirul amin matori, masashi hayakawa. (2024). earthquake prediction model based on geomagnetic field data using automated machine learning. - ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters. 1-5.
brelveenraj kaur rajwant singh, aiffah mohd ali, siti aminah bahari, mardina abdullah. (2024). a review on gbas: ionospheric effects at low-latitude regions. - proceedings of the 8thinternational conferenceon space science and communication. 337-346.
sulaiman ali mohammmad, mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari, mohd riduan ahmad. (2024). vertical total electron content variation due to lightning activities near malaysia. - proceedings of the 8th international conference on space science and communication. 219-225.
s a bahari, s r s husin, m abdullah, e ghamry. (2023). preliminary study of topside ionospheric variations using swarm satellites over the malaysia region. - 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022). 1-8.
imran md jelas; mohd asyraf zulkifley; mardina abdullah. (2023). automated ground truth annotation for forest and non-forest classification in satellite remote sensing images. - proceedings of 2023 4th international conference on artificial intelligence and data sciences (aidas). 331-336.
sadia mostofa, mardina abdullah, mohammad tariqul islam, siti aminah bahari, mohammad badal ahmmed. (2022). a gps tec-based ionospheric-m index over malaysia. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 185-189.
k.a. yusof, m. abdullah, n. s. abdul hamid. (2023). international handbook of disaster research. - . 15.
mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
rohaida mat akir, mardina abdullah, kalaivani a/p chellapan, siti aminah bahari. (2022). meramal ionosfera dengan pendekatan rangkaian neural. - . 127.
montadar abas taher, mandeep singh jit singh, mardina abdullah. (2021). wireless communication system : power reduction energy consumption. - . 139.
n.a. elmunim, m. abdullah. (2021). ionospheric delay investigation and forecasting. - . 100.
k.a. yusof, m. abdullah, n. s. abdul hamid. (2023). international handbook of disaster research. - . 15.
mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
mandeep jit singh, mardina abdullah, baharudin yatim, mahamod ismail and wayan suparta. (2010). satellite communication. - . 253-281.
norsuzila yaacob, mardina abdullah and mahamod ismail. (2010). trends in telecommunications technologies. - . 485-508.
mardina abdullah. (2022). cuaca angkasa kesan kepada langit dan bumi. - . 101.
rohaida mat akir, mardina abdullah, kalaivani a/p chellapan, siti aminah bahari. (2022). meramal ionosfera dengan pendekatan rangkaian neural. - . 127.
montadar abas taher, mandeep singh jit singh, mardina abdullah. (2021). wireless communication system : power reduction energy consumption. - . 139.
n.a. elmunim, m. abdullah. (2021). ionospheric delay investigation and forecasting. - . 100.
sarani zakaria, andanastuti muchtar, aisyah abdul rahman, wan hanna melini wan mohtar, babul airianah othman, norazlin hassim, abdul munir abd. murad,. (2021). peraturan-peraturan universiti kebangsaan malaysia (pengajian siswazah) 2021. - . 57.
mardina bt. abdullah;siti aminah binti bahari;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;teh wai leong. (2025). ionospheric disturbance index for space weather monitoring over malaysia. - . .
sulaiman ali mohammmad, mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari , mohd riduan ahmad. (2023). vertical total electron content variation due to lightning activities near malaysia. - 8th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace 2023). 1-11.
muhammad khairul adib muhammad yusof, nurul shazana abdul hamid, mardina abdullah, siti aminah bahari. (2023). petanda gempa bumi siap siaga dengan teknologi sains angkasa. - majalah impak kluster tse bil1/2023. 18-19.
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid , khairul adib yusof. (2023). monitoring geomagnetic disturbances and surface deformation for earthquake precursor detection. - international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss). 1.
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, khairul adib yusof. (2023). analysis of geomagnetic and ionospheric total electron content disturbances for earthquake precursor detection. - ieee workshop on geoscience and remote sensing (iwgrs). 1-10.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
VARIABILITY OF SOLAR ACTIVITIES AND ITS IMPACT ON EQUATORIAL CLIMATE | jabatan meteorologi malaysia (jmm) | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |