pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains bumi & alam sekitar
Pemohon merupakan profesor VK7 di Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar (JSBAS) Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, UKM. Mendapat ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) pada tahun 2007 di Universiti Loughborough, UK. Beliau mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang pengurusan ekosistem akuatik dan mengkhusus kepada pemonitoran biologi menggunakan ikan dan makroinvertebrat bentik sebagai agen pemonitoran. beliau mengajar sebanyak 9 matapelajaran untuk peringkat prasiswazah dan siswazah. beliau merupakan konsultan alam sekitar yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan telah menyiapkan lebih daripada 100 laporan EIA sama ada peringkat kebangsaan ataupun antarabangsa.
The applicant is a VK7 professor at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JSBAS) of the Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM. Obtained a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in 2007 at Loughborough University, UK. He has expertise in the field of aquatic ecosystem management and specializes in biological monitoring using fish and benthic macroinvertebrates as monitoring agents. He teaches 9 subjects for undergraduate and graduate level. he is an environmental consultant registered with the Department of Environment and has completed more than 100 EIA reports either nationally or internationally.
ahmad hadri jumaat, junfung wong, ahmad abas kutty, raja m. zuha. (2023). chironomids (diptera: chironomidae) as potential candidates for forensic indicators in freshwater ecosystem - a preliminary study from bangi, selangor. - 5th international symposium on insects 2023. 147.
sri fitria retnawaty, aweng a/l eh rak, ahmad abas kutty, wahyu meka, yeeri badrun. (2023). water quality and heavy metal pollution status in the rupat strait, indonesia. - 5th international conference on tropical resources and sustainable sciences (ctress 5.0 2023). 1-9.
nadeesha dilani hettige, rohasliney hashim, ahmad abas kutty, zulfa hanan ashaari. (2023). a new model for organic contamination assessments using benthic macroinvertebrates as biological indicators. - turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. 1-15.
nadeesha dilani hettige, rohasliney hashim, ahmad abas kutty, zulfa hanan ashaari, nor rohaizah jamil. (2022). using benthic macroinvertebrate distribution and water quality as organic pollution indicators for fish farming areas in rawang sub-basin, selangor river, malaysia: a correlation analysis. - journal of fisheries and environment. 180-197.
ahmad bin abas kutty. (2022). kironomid: morfologi dan sitogenetik. - . .
taweel, abdulali; shuhaimi-othman, m.; ahmad, a. k.. (2013). assessment of heavy metals in tilapia fish (oreochromis niloticus) from the langat river and engineering lake in bangi, malaysia, and evaluation of the health risk from tilapia consumption. - ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 93:45-51.
nadeesha dilani hettige, rohasliney hashim, ahmad abas kutty, zulfa hanan ashaari. (2023). a new model for organic contamination assessments using benthic macroinvertebrates as biological indicators. - turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. 1-15.
hasya shazwani hasnoramri, lau hor yue, ahmad, a.k.. (2022). kepelbagaian makroinvertebrat bentik di sungai jeriau, bukit fraser, pahang, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 2365-2375.
nurul akhma zakaria, ahmad abas kutty, mohd akmal mahazar, marina zainal abidin. (2018). penggunaan spesies ikan air tawar terpilih sebagai penunjuk biologi pencemaran kromium dan selenium di malaysia. - sains malaysiana. .
marina zainal abidin, ahmad abas kutty, tukimat lihan & nurul akhma zakaria. (2018). hydrological change effects on sungai langat water quality. - sains malaysiana. .
ahmad, a.k., a. siti hafizah & m. shuhaimi-othman. (2015). potensi makroinvertebrat bentik sebagai penunjuk biologi di sungai ikan, hulu terengganu, terengganu. - sains malaysiana. 663-670.
nadeesha dilani hettige, rohasliney hashim, ahmad abas kutty, zulfa hanan ashaari. (2023). a new model for organic contamination assessments using benthic macroinvertebrates as biological indicators. - turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. 1-15.
nadeesha dilani hettige, rohasliney hashim, ahmad abas kutty, zulfa hanan ashaari, nor rohaizah jamil. (2022). using benthic macroinvertebrate distribution and water quality as organic pollution indicators for fish farming areas in rawang sub-basin, selangor river, malaysia: a correlation analysis. - journal of fisheries and environment. 180-197.
hasya shazwani hasnoramri, lau hor yue, ahmad, a.k.. (2022). kepelbagaian makroinvertebrat bentik di sungai jeriau, bukit fraser, pahang, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 2365-2375.
a.k. ahmad, a. hafizah, s.o. sharifah aisyah. (2021). chironomidae (order: diptera) diversity in relation to water quality of highland rivers at cameron highlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental biology. 824-831.
farah safiah, a. n., ahmad, a. k., nurhafizah-azwa, s. (2021). kualiti air dan kepelbagaian makroinvertebrat bentik, di sungai durian perangin, pulau langkawi, kedah, malaysia. - serangga. 10-23.
n d hettige, h rohasliney, z h b ashaari, a b a kutty, n r b jamil. (2021). application of gis for water quality monitoring in the aquaculture impacted rawang sub-basin of the selangor river, malaysia. - 10th annual international conference (aic) on environmental and life sciences (els) 2020 (earth and environmental science). 1-11.
hettige, n. d., rohasliney, h., ashaari, z. h. b., kutty, a. b.a., jamil, n. r. b. (2021). application of gis for water quality monitoring in the aquaculture impacted rawang sub-basin of the selangor river, malaysia. - the 10th annual international conference 2020 on environmental and life sciences. 1-11.
akmal mahazar, mohammad shuhaimi-othman, and ahmad abas kutty. (2013). benthic macroinvertebrate as biological indicator for water quality in sungai penchala. - aip conference proceedings -ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. .
m. mustaqim-alias and a.k. ahmad. (2013). benthic macroinvertebrates diversity and water quality assessment at sungai congkak recreational are, hulu langat selangor. - aip conference proceeding-ukm fst postgraduate colloqium. .
ahmad abas kutty, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, muhamad syahmin aiman sahrir. (2022). tasik chini: kepelbagaian ikan. - . 109.
zalela abd aziz, ahmad abas kutty. (2020). kironomid: khazanah sungai. - . 271.
ahmad abas kutty, syafinaz salleh, hanisah ibrahim. (2020). chironomidae: morfologi dan sitogenetik. - . 87.
maimon abdullah, ahmad abas kutty, abdullah samat, salmijah surif, shuhaimi othman. (2009). environmental monitoring and auditing in sensitive areas. - . Bab 7 ; 93-111.
mohd. shuhaimi othman, e.c. lim, mushrifah idris & ahmad abas kutty. (2009). sumber asli tasik chini: ekspedisi saintifik. - . 43-54.
ahmad abas kutty & nik mohd alwi nik buliamin. (2004). indicators of sustainable development: assessing changes in environmental conditions. - . Ms. 319-328.
ahmad-abas k. dan che sarina abdul wahab. (2003). kepelbagaian biologi dan ekologi fauna di malaysia. - . 157-168.
ahmad abas kutty, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, muhamad syahmin aiman sahrir. (2022). tasik chini: kepelbagaian ikan. - . 109.
zalela abd aziz, ahmad abas kutty. (2020). kironomid: khazanah sungai. - . 271.
ahmad abas kutty, syafinaz salleh, hanisah ibrahim. (2020). chironomidae: morfologi dan sitogenetik. - . 87.
aweng eh rak, ahmad abas kutty. (2018). etak : lokan air tawar. - . 91.
saiful arif abdullah, norhayati ahmad, mohammad shuhaimi othman, ahmad abas kutty, zulfahmi ali rahman. (2008). 3rd regional symposium on enviroment and natural resources "conservation for a green future". - . 135.
ahmad hadri jumaat, junfung wong, ahmad abas kutty, raja m. zuha. (2023). chironomids (diptera: chironomidae) as potential candidates for forensic indicators in freshwater ecosystem - a preliminary study from bangi, selangor. - 5th international symposium on insects 2023. 147.
ahmad bin abas kutty. (2022). kironomid: morfologi dan sitogenetik. - . .
shukor bin md. nor;zaidi bin che cob;ahmad bin abas kutty. (2021). stream ecology study at the surrounding areas of hulu terengganu dam sites, terengganu. - . .
shukor bin md. nor;zaidi bin che cob;ahmad bin abas kutty. (2021). stream ecology study at the surrounding areas of hulu jelai dam site, pahang . - . .
sharifah mastura, khairul nizam,ahmad abas, mohd shahrul,mohd marzuki,mohd talib,rakmi,norghani,kamisah,lilia,zaini,rosniza,lam,mokhtar,novel,syarina,aslinda,ahmad tarmizi,azizah,khirunisa. (2019). loading analysis and carrying capacity study in pasir gudang. - . 1-384.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EFFICIENCY OF NANO-SILICA ENRICHED MARINE DIATOM IN THE REMOVAL OF MICROPLASTICS FROM SEAWATER. | nuaim corporation (m) sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |