pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian bahasa & linguistik (pbl)
Khazriyati Salehuddin (Ph.D) is an Associate Professor and a Psycholinguist at the Centre for Research in Language & Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She received her PhD in 2010 from Western Sydney University. Khazriyati has led several research groups related to the area, including two national-level grants, namely Qur’anic Memorisation Techniques: A Psycholinguistic Module for Non-Arabic-Speaking Malay Speakers (FRGS) and Exploring the Cognitive and Perceptual Processes in Reading among Malaysian Readers (ERGS). Khazriyati uses various methods in her research and has published several journal articles, books, and book chapters on the area. One of her works is published in South and Southeast Asian Psycholinguistics by Cambridge University Press and her book, Psikolinguistik: Penerokaan Minda Berlandaskan Bahasa, is published by UKM Press. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Gema Online Journal of Language Studies, a Scopus-indexed journal. For full CV, click
khazriyati salehuddin, nurjanah mohd. jaafar. (2024). reformasi ejaan jawi untuk literasi dan revitalisasi jawi: satu kertas konsep. - gema online® journal of language studies. 117-135.
fatin nadiah mahmud, khazriyati salehuddin. (2024). the language practices of parents and caregivers in raising malay-english bilinguals - a conceptual paper. - international psychological application conference and trends (inpact 2024). 562-566.
zhao yali, nor fariza mohd nor, khazriyati salehuddin. (2024). metaphorical and metonymical conceptualizations of the term ocean (yang) in chinese idioms. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 181-196.
nurjanah binti mohd jaafar;khazriyati bt. salehuddin;kesumawati binti a. bakar. (2024). bilinguals` use of pictures in multimodal texts and its effects on comprehension: an eyetracking investigation. - . .
khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). skbe2083 knowing a word lecture. - . 1-17.
hiran perera-w.a, khazriyati salehuddin, rozainee khairudin, alexandre schaefer. (2021). the relationship between socioeconomic status and scalp event-related potentials: a systematic review. - frontiers in human neuroscience. 1-16.
suriani mohd yusof, zalina mohd lazim, khazriyati salehuddin, mizhanim mohamad shahimin. (2019). graphic novels: understanding how 5th graders read literary text through eye movement analysis. - kritika kultura. 388-427.
khazriyati salehuddin, mizhanim mohamad shahimin, mohamed zain sulaiman, rasyiqah batrisya md zolkapli. (2019). heat maps and scan paths - qualitative eye-tracking evidence on how the quran is memorized through reading. - journal of nusantara studies. 318-334.
yusniza mohd yusoff, khazriyati salehuddin, imran ho abdullah, hasnah toran. (2019). english morphosyntactic performance of a high-functioning asd child: its implications on the teaching and learning of english. - malaysian journal of learning and instruction. 155-179.
rasyiqah batrisya md zolkapli, khazriyati salehuddin. (2019). lexical access patterns of second language speakers of english. - gema online journal of language studies. 48-65.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2018). the value of knowledge in the malay mind: a cognitive semantic analysis. - international journal of asia pacific studies. .
khazriyati salehuddin, nurjanah mohd. jaafar. (2024). reformasi ejaan jawi untuk literasi dan revitalisasi jawi: satu kertas konsep. - gema online® journal of language studies. 117-135.
zhao yali, nor fariza mohd nor, khazriyati salehuddin. (2024). metaphorical and metonymical conceptualizations of the term ocean (yang) in chinese idioms. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 181-196.
chong yin sheun, khazriyati salehuddin, bahiyah dato' abdul hamid. (2023). utilising authentic production data in a psycholinguistic-based study on code-switching: a conceptual paper. - 3l: language, linguistics, literature® the southeast asian journal of english language studies. 214-227.
chong yin sheun, khazriyati salehuddin, normalis amzah, bahiyah abdul hamid. (2023). triggered code-switching: a bottom-up approach to code-switching among l2 teachers. - issues in language studies. 246-263.
noraishah gulnazir; khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). uncovering the lexical variation and change in malaysian english: a corpus-driven analysis. - gema online® journal of language studies. 15-33.
khazriyati salehuddin, noraini ibrahim, radha nambiar. (2014). fostering lifelong interest in research among teachers at their postgraduate infancy. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - 5th world conference on educational sciences (wces 2013). .
khazriyati salehuddin & heather winskel. (2014). reducing the cognitive complexity in reading the arabic script of written malay via diacritics. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - 4th world conference on psychology, counselling and guidance wcpcg-2013. .
khazriyati salehuddin, noraini ibrahim, ashinida aladdin, intan safinaz zainudin. (2012). making compartmentalized learning a history through reflective diary writing. - procedia social and behavioral sciences (wces 2012). .
khazriyati salehuddin, noraini ibrahim, intan safinaz zainudin, ashinida aladdin. (2012). promoting decompartmentalised learning through topical presentation and reflective diary writing. - procedia social and behavioral sciences -ukm teaching and learning congress 2011. .
nazrul muhamin abdul aziz, sharifah raihan syed jaafar, khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). hetrogen sebutan bahasa. - . 22.
husna liyana mohd taib, khazriyati salehuddin. (2021). isu dalam linguistik. - . 15.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2018). kiasan, kognitif dan akal budi melayu. - . 25.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2018). psikolinguistik : penerokaan minda berlandaskan bahasa. - . 233.
maryam alipoor & khazriyati salehuddin. (2017). multiple research issues in english language studies. - . 17.
nazrul muhamin abdul aziz, sharifah raihan syed jaafar, khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). hetrogen sebutan bahasa. - . 22.
husna liyana mohd taib, khazriyati salehuddin. (2021). isu dalam linguistik. - . 15.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2018). kiasan, kognitif dan akal budi melayu. - . 25.
maryam alipoor & khazriyati salehuddin. (2017). multiple research issues in english language studies. - . 17.
khazriyati salehuddin, rosniah mustaffa, noraini ibrahim, kemboja ismail & thang siew ming. (2016). action research: a window to new experiences in teaching and learning. - . 12.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2018). psikolinguistik : penerokaan minda berlandaskan bahasa. - . 233.
shanta nair-venugopal, khazriyati sallehuddin, shanthini pillai, vanjuree sirdlapan. (2006). writing the past into the present : reflections of 35 years of scholarship in language and literary studies. - . ms 55 - 71.
shanta nair-venugopal, khazriyati salehuddin, shantini pillai, vanjuree sriadulpan. (2006). writing the past into the present : 35 years of scholarship in language and literary studies. - . 364.
khazriyati salehuddin, azhar jaludin, nor hashimah jalaluddin. (2005). pembinaan negara bangsa: persepsi, reaksi & manifestasi. - . 127.
nurjanah binti mohd jaafar;khazriyati bt. salehuddin;kesumawati binti a. bakar. (2024). bilinguals` use of pictures in multimodal texts and its effects on comprehension: an eyetracking investigation. - . .
khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). skbe2083 yes-no question tutorial. - . 1-2.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). skbe2083 yes-no question lecture. - . 1-11.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). skbe2083 negation tutorial. - . 1-2.
khazriyati salehuddin. (2023). skbe2083 a word and its structure lecture. - . 1-14.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPING “EZ-JAWI” – A COGNITIVELY LESS COMPLEX NEW JAWI SPELLING SYSTEM – FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF JAWI | bahagain penyelidikan bahasa dewan bahasa dan pustaka | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |