pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan kimia & proses
Assoc. Prof. Ts.Dr. Norliza Binti Abd.Rahman is a Assoc. Professor at the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
nidhi rajesh mavani, jarinah mohd ali, m.a. hussain, norliza abd. rahman, haslaniza hashim. (2024). determining food safety in canned food using fuzzy logic based on sulphur dioxide, benzoic acid and sorbic acid concentration. - heliyon. 1-14.
faezah esa, norliza abd.rahman. (2023). nata de coco: kelestarian sumber bahan api. - . 145.
nurul farhana a. razak, norliza rahman, jamia azdina jamal, mazlina mohd said. (2023). classification of gelatin raw material by ftir and partial least square discriminant analysis (pls-da). - medicine & health. 30.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, nor yuliana yuhana, masli irwan rosli. (2023). meningkatkan kompetensi teknikal dan simulasi melalui projek kursus kawalan proses lanjutan. - persidangan penyelidikan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina 2023 (peka 2023). 17-20.
jofry othman norliza abd. rahman, jarinah mohd ali and siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). an overview of reactive distillation for mono ethylene glycol production control. - 2nd mace research symposium (mars). 1-7.
nidhi rajesh mavani, jarinah mohd ali, m.a. hussain, norliza abd. rahman, haslaniza hashim. (2024). determining food safety in canned food using fuzzy logic based on sulphur dioxide, benzoic acid and sorbic acid concentration. - heliyon. 1-14.
nidhi rajesh mavani, jarinah mohd ali, suhaili othman, m. a. hussain, haslaniza hashim & norliza abd rahman. (2022). application of artificial intelligence in food industry - a guideline. - food engineering reviews. 134-175.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd. rahman & jarinah mohd ali. (2022). multifactor assessments to determine the overall performance of supercritical fuid extraction from gynura procumbens essential oil. - scientific reports. 1-12.
nidhi rajesh mavani, lim chou yuh, haslaniza hashim, norliza abd. rahman, jarinah mohd ali. (2021). fuzzy mamdani based user-friendly interface for food preservatives determination. - food and bioproducts processing. 282-292.
nurul nadiah zulkarnain, nurina anuar, norliza abd. rahman, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, muhammad nazir alias, mashitoh yaacob, zhongren ma, and gongtao ding. (2021). cell-based influenza vaccine: current production, halal status assessment, and recommendations towards islamic-compliant manufacturing. - human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. 2158-2168.
h. abdullah, savisha mahalingam, n. h. azami, siti khairani bejo, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman, brian yuliarto, iskandar yahya, abreeza manap, s. fatihah, norliza abd rahman, nor yuliana yuhana, jian xian kang. (2023). characterization of polyanilineagrgo nanocomposites for saprophytic and pathogenic leptospira bacteria detection in water. - polymer bulletin. 2713-2718.
rafidah j, mohd-sahaid k, norliza ar, aidil ah & mohd-farid a. (2020). effect of sodium hydroxide pretreatment on chemical composition of treated acacia mangium using response surface methodology. - journal of tropical forest science. 391-401.
norliza binti abd.rahman, jarinah binti mohd ali, mohd afiq bin baharom. (2019). preliminary development of myaras: level 1 mobile virtual lab. - international journal of emerging technologies in learning. 131-139.
norliza abd. rahman, nur syafiqah kamarudin, faezah esa, mohd sahaid kalil, siti kartom kamarudin. (2019). bacterial cellulose as a potential hard gelatin capsule. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 151-155.
indriana hidayah, teguh bharata adji, noor akhmad setiawan, norliza abd rahman. (2018). enhancing student clustering to generate adaptive metacognitive instructions in learning system for vocational high school. - international journal of innovation and learning. 419-436.
nidhi rajesh mavani, jarinah mohd ali, m.a. hussain, norliza abd. rahman, haslaniza hashim. (2024). determining food safety in canned food using fuzzy logic based on sulphur dioxide, benzoic acid and sorbic acid concentration. - heliyon. 1-14.
nor afida abu samah, norliza abd. rahman, nurul nadiah zulkarnain. (2023). production of biocellulose by acetobacter xylinum 0416 using pineapple peel. - journal of engineering science and technology. 751-764.
suhaili othman, nidhi rajesh mavani, m.a. hussain, norliza abd rahman, jarinah mohd ali. (2023). artificial intelligence-based techniques for adulteration and defect detections in food and agricultural industry: a review. - journal of agriculture and food research. 1-15.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd. rahman & jarinah mohd ali. (2022). multifactor assessments to determine the overall performance of supercritical fuid extraction from gynura procumbens essential oil. - scientific reports. 1-12.
sitinoor adeib idris, masturah markom, norliza abd rahman, jarinah mohd ali. (2022). prediction of overall yield of gynura procumbens from ethanol-water + supercritical co2 extraction using artificial neural network model. - case studies in chemical and environmental engineering. 1-9.
a h norhanifah a r norliza j rafidah. (2022). production of monoethylene glycol from lignocellulosic biomass via catalytic hydrogenation: a review. - 33rd symposium of malaysian chemical engineers (somche 2022). 1-6.
n md nor, m n mohd fuad and n abd rahman. (2020). water quality control of tasik kejuruteraan ukm water channel using artificial neural network and neural fuzzy network. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-18.
aliya mohamad ros, f. n.; rahman, norliza abd; ali, jarinah mohd; anuar, nurina; abdullah, siti rozaimah bt. sheikh; jusoh yusoff, amir fazlim bin. (2020). comparative study between avian cell and mammalian cell in production of influenza vaccine shariah compliance. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-6.
fadil ismail, n a rahman, faezah esa. (2019). catalytic production of levulinic acid from matured coconut water. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-9.
norliza abd rahman, muhammad atif azhari mohd azmi, mohd izzuddin ahmad zainuri, stephina lupang laing, norasila kasim, jaylakshumi givajothi, faezah esa. (2015). application of process control in production of biocellulose: a case study. - advanced materials engineering and technology iii icamet 2014. 960-963.
faezah esa, norliza abd.rahman. (2023). nata de coco: kelestarian sumber bahan api. - . 145.
mohd shahbudin masdar, noorhisham tan kofli, darman nordin, norliza abd. rahman, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2021). pendidikan kejuruteraan sederap ke hadapan. - . 30.
norliza abd rahman, nur syafiqah kamarudin, mohd sahid khalil. (2021). air kelapa tua: potensi kesihatan, selulosa bakteria dan kapsul ubat. - . 97.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2019). kurikulum & instruksi ( curriculum & instruction). - . 8.
noorhisham tan kofli, norliza abdul rahman & mohd sobri takriff. (2010). striving for excellence governing practice through action research. - . 8:111-119.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, nor yuliana yuhana, mohd shabudin mastar@masdar, mohd zulhaziman, shuhaida harun, siti kartom kamaruddin. (2022). pembangunan produk dan rekabentuk siri 7. - . 11.
mohd shahbudin masdar, noorhisham tan kofli, darman nordin, norliza abd. rahman, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2021). pendidikan kejuruteraan sederap ke hadapan. - . 30.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2019). kurikulum & instruksi ( curriculum & instruction). - . 8.
noorhisham tan kofli, norliza abdul rahman & mohd sobri takriff. (2010). striving for excellence governing practice through action research. - . 8:111-119.
faezah esa, norliza abd.rahman. (2023). nata de coco: kelestarian sumber bahan api. - . 145.
norliza abd rahman, nur syafiqah kamarudin, mohd sahid khalil. (2021). air kelapa tua: potensi kesihatan, selulosa bakteria dan kapsul ubat. - . 97.
romlah jaafar, norliza abd.rahman, mohd al adib samuri, wahiza wahi, siti aishah samsudin, musa zainal abidin othman, rabaiah arham, mursidi ahamad, zulkfli amat, rajan munusamy, noor salini mohamed salim, khalid hashim, azlina mat ludin. (2019). buku panduan integriti: buat jangan tak buat. - . 30.
nur akmal abdullah goh, mohd. marzuki mustapha, abd. wahab mohammad, othman jaafar, siti fatin mohd razali, azrul a. mutalib, wan aizon wan ghopa, zambri harun [and (seven) others]. (2016). laporan akhir rintis program inisiatif libat sama (pilbs). - . 87.
norliza abd.rahman, jarinah mohd ali, nor yuliana yuhana & masli irwan rosli. (2023). meningkatkan kompetensi teknikal dan simulasi melalui projek kursus kawalan proses lanjutan. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan 2023, peka. 1-3.
masturah binti markom;norliza binti abd rahman;noorashikin binti md saleh;jarinah binti mohd ali. (2022). overall performance index prediction by hybrid artificial neural network for scaling-up the supercritical fluid extraction of gynura procumbens. - . .
jarinah binti mohd ali;norliza binti abd rahman;haslaniza binti hashim;wan fariza binti paizi @ fauzi;tan siok yee. (2022). artificial intelligence based identification of preservatives content in canned food. - . .
nurul f. a. razak, jamia a. jamal, norliza a. rahman, mazlina m. said. (2021). model development to discriminate pharmaceutical excipient sources. - pharmacy research day 2021. 35.
norliza binti abd rahman;nurina bt. anuar;siti rozaimah bt. sheikh abdullah;amir fazlim bin jusoh @ yusoff;jarinah binti mohd ali. (2021). pembangunan model bioreaktor dan kawalan termaju dalam penghasilan vaksin influenza patuh syariah.. - . .
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