pensyarah pergigian
jabatan kesihatan pergigian keluarga
Merupakan Profesor dan Konsultan Kanan bagi kepakaran Ortodontik di Disiplin Ortodontik, Jabatan Kesihatan Pergigian Keluarga, Fakulti pergigian UKM. Penyelidikan dalam penanda biologi, sel stem regeneratif dan klef bibir dan lelangit
Is a Professor and Senior Consultant for Orthodontic expertise in the Orthodontic Discipline, Department of Family Dental Health, UKM Faculty of Dentistry. Research in biological markers, regenerative stem cells and cleft lip and palate
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
marisa kiong, asma ashari, nurul syahira mohamad zamani, reuben axel how wee ming, rohaya megat abdul wahab, alizae marny fadzlin syed mohamed, heejeong jasmine lee, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar. (2024). effect of attachment flash on clear aligner force delivery an in-vitro study. - bmc oral health. 1-4.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab, thanaletchumi manogaran, farinawati yazid, siti nur zahidah zahari, rus dina rus din, intan zarina zainol abidin. (2023). protein rembesan sel stem pulpa gigi susu manusia (shed) semasa pembezaan kepada sel osteoblas. - sains malaysiana. 1771-1783.
dwen-tjin lui, rohaya megat abdul wahab, elavarasi kuppusamy, nur hana hamzaid, mohd rohaizat hassan, farinawati yazid. (2023). association of early childhood caries and nutritional status: a scoping review. - journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 11-25.
fakhitah ridzuan, gururajaprasad kaggal lakshmana rao, rohaya megat abdul wahab, maryati md dasor, norehan mokhtar. (2023). enabling virtual learning for biomechanics of tooth movement: a modified nominal group technique. - dentistry journal. 1-9.
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
marisa kiong, asma ashari, nurul syahira mohamad zamani, reuben axel how wee ming, rohaya megat abdul wahab, alizae marny fadzlin syed mohamed, heejeong jasmine lee, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar. (2024). effect of attachment flash on clear aligner force delivery an in-vitro study. - bmc oral health. 1-4.
milton hongli tsai, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, fazren azmi, farinawati yazid. (2023). enhanced osteogenesis potential of mg-63 cells through sustained delivery of vegf via liposomal hydrogel. - gels. 1-17.
nur atmaliya luchman, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, nurrul shaqinah nasruddin, seng fong lau, farinawati yazid. (2022). comparison between hydroxyapatite and polycaprolactone in inducing osteogenic differentiation and augmenting maxillary bone regeneration in rats. - peerj. 1-29.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abdul wahab, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2022). chemometrics analysis for the detection of dental caries via uv absorption spectroscopy. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-6.
intan zarina zainol abidin, thanaletchumi manogaran, rohaya megat abdul wahab, saiful anuar karsani, muhammad dain yazid, farinawati yazid, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2023). label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of ascorbic acid-induced differentially expressed osteoblast-related proteins in dental pulp stem cells from deciduous and permanent teeth. - current stem cell research & therapy. 417-428.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab, thanaletchumi manogaran, farinawati yazid, siti nur zahidah zahari, rus dina rus din, intan zarina zainol abidin. (2023). protein rembesan sel stem pulpa gigi susu manusia (shed) semasa pembezaan kepada sel osteoblas. - sains malaysiana. 1771-1783.
dwen-tjin lui, rohaya megat abdul wahab, elavarasi kuppusamy, nur hana hamzaid, mohd rohaizat hassan, farinawati yazid. (2023). association of early childhood caries and nutritional status: a scoping review. - journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 11-25.
w. chew, f. yazid, n. nasruddin, r. abdul wahab. (2023). diversity and abundance study of oral microbiomes in school children based on 16s ribosomal rna sequencing: a scoping review. - international journal of paediatric dentistry. 88.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, thanaletchumi manogaran, rohaya megat abdul wahab, saiful anuar karsani, intan zarina zainol abidin, farinawati yazid, muhammad dain yazid, zaidah zainal ariffin. (2022). profil protein sekretom sel stem pulpa gigi manusia semasa aruhan asid askorbik. - sains malaysiana. 2173-2186.
marisa kiong, asma ashari, nurul syahira mohamad zamani, reuben axel how wee ming, rohaya megat abdul wahab, alizae marny fadzlin syed mohamed, heejeong jasmine lee, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar. (2024). effect of attachment flash on clear aligner force delivery an in-vitro study. - bmc oral health. 1-4.
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
intan zarina zainol abidin, thanaletchumi manogaran, rohaya megat abdul wahab, saiful anuar karsani, muhammad dain yazid, farinawati yazid, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2023). label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of ascorbic acid-induced differentially expressed osteoblast-related proteins in dental pulp stem cells from deciduous and permanent teeth. - current stem cell research & therapy. 417-428.
w. chew, f. yazid, n. nasruddin, r. abdul wahab. (2023). diversity and abundance study of oral microbiomes in school children based on 16s ribosomal rna sequencing: a scoping review. - international journal of paediatric dentistry. 88.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab, thanaletchumi manogaran, farinawati yazid, siti nur zahidah zahari, rus dina rus din, intan zarina zainol abidin. (2023). protein rembesan sel stem pulpa gigi susu manusia (shed) semasa pembezaan kepada sel osteoblas. - sains malaysiana. 1771-1783.
farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, fairul syazwani hj. ghazali, siti aisyah zulkifli, najah mohd nadri, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin and rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2020). caries detection analysis in human saliva alpha amylase. - the 2nd international conference on advance photonics and electronic (incape 2019). 1-7.
m.n.m. zain , z.m. yusof , f. yazid , a. ashari , k.s.h. wong , w.j. lee , k.f. tan , s.h.z. ariffin and r.m.a wahab. (2020). absorption spectrum analysis of dentine sialophosphoprotein (dspp) in orthodontic patient. - the 2nd international conference on applied photonics and electronics 2019 (incape 2019) aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
farah amirah mohd nasri, rohaya megat abdul wahab, saiful anuar karsani, and shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2016). differences of protein profile before and after orthodontic treatment. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. 1-4.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, thanaletchumi manogaran, intan zarina zainol abidin, sahidan senafi, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2016). isolation and morphology of stem cells from deciduous tooth (shed) and human dental pulp stem cells (hdpsc). - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. 1-5.
zulham yamamoto, ikmal mohamad jaafar, rohaya m. a. w., intan zarina zainol abidin, sahidan senafi, zaidah zainal ariffin and shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2013). orthodontic treatment effects on inflammatory marker profiles in saliva before and after 2 archwire changes. - aip conference proceeding-ukm fst postgraduate colloqium. .
aliimran nordin, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abd wahab, murshida marizan nor, e. kuppusamy, g. l. goo, m. s. a. rosli. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 28.
rus dina rus din, nursyafiqah zafira mahyasi, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rus dina rus din & rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2018). masyarakat protosejarah pulau kelumpang. - . 112.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, nur akmal mohamed rozali, intan zarina zainol abidin & rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2017). enzymes and their application. - . 9.
rohaya megat abdul wahab, zulham yamamoto, intan zarina zainol abidin & shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2017). enzymes and their application. - . 16.
aliimran nordin, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abd wahab, murshida marizan nor, e. kuppusamy, g. l. goo, m. s. a. rosli. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 28.
rus dina rus din, nursyafiqah zafira mahyasi, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, nur akmal mohamed rozali, intan zarina zainol abidin & rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2017). enzymes and their application. - . 9.
rohaya megat abdul wahab, zulham yamamoto, intan zarina zainol abidin & shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2017). enzymes and their application. - . 16.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab & wong woan yeen. (2016). advance in biosciences. - . 13.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rus dina rus din & rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2018). masyarakat protosejarah pulau kelumpang. - . 112.
shabnam kermani, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2014). dental pulp as a new source of stem cells. - . 67.
shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab & intan zarina zainol abidin. (2011). bioteknologi perubatan: sejarah dan pengenalan. - . 101.
muhammad ashraf bin shahidan;rohaya binti megat abdul wahab. (2023). epitop karbohidrat pada dentine sialofosfoprotein (dspp) sebagai penanda biologi untuk menentukan keterukan penyerapan akar gigi. - . .
asma binti ashari;alizae marny fadzlin bt. syed mohamed;rohaya binti megat abdul wahab;sawal hamid bin md ali;gan kok beng;mohd hadri hafiz bin mokhtar. (2023). topographical and tactile force measurement of clear aligners with composite attachments. - . .
noor sam bin ahmad;rohaya binti megat abdul wahab;nurul asyikin binti yahya. (2023). modelling the role of orthodontist in combating experimental smokers in adolescent patients. - . .
marisa kiong, asma ashari, reuben axel how wee ming, rohaya megat abdul wahab, alizae marny fadzlin syed mohamed, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar. (2023). effect of attachment flash on clear aligner force delivery: an in vitro study. - 29th malaysian association of orthodontists international scientific conference & trade exhibition (maoiscte). 1.
tan, j. h. s., rohaya, m. a. w. , farinawati, y.. (2023). the efficacy of a newly developed kit in apical root resorption detection. - research, innovation and entrepreneurship international symposium 2023. 56.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DENTAL ROOT RESORPTION DIAGNOSTIC KIT COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION FOR CLINICAL READY MARKET | vivantis technologies sdn bhd. | 90.7% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |
A DEVELOPMENT OF LEADING ENHANCEMENT ASSISTIVE PLANNING (LEAP), A MACHINE LEARNING PROTOCOL FOR CLEAR ALIGNER AND ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT | star3d material development company (singapore) pte. ltd. | 53.6% (2023-08-01 sehingga 2026-07-31) |
IN-VITRO EVALUATION OF EXOSOME-HYALURONIC ACID SYNERGY IN ORAL WOUND HEALING | wari technologies sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |