pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penciptaan nilai & kesejahteraan insan (insan)
Ahmad Raflis Che Omar berkelayakan PhD (UPSI), MBA (UKM) dan BBA (UKM) merupakan Pensyarah Kanan di Pusat Kajian Penciptaan Nilai dan Kesejahteraan (INSAN), Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Bidang kepakaran beliau ialah Keusahawanan, Keusahawanan Sosial dan Kewangan.
Ahmad Raflis Che Omar hold PhD (UPSI), MBA (UKM) and BBA (UKM). Currently he is a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Management, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. His area of expertise are Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship and Finance.
laith ali zgair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, nur atiqah abdullah, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 13.
asma-qamaliah abdul-hamid, mohd helmi ali, lokhman hakim osman, ming-lang tseng, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). an industry 4.0 adoption in the circular economy application hierarchical model: driver, enable and barrier aspects. - industrial management & data systems. 386-415.
mohd helmi bin ali;ahmad raflis bin che omar;lokhman hakim osman. (2024). exploration of the drivers, enablers, and barriers to i4.0-ce adoption in the palm oil industry: the case of malaysia. - . .
mohd fairuz md salleh, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman, azlina ahmad, ahmad raflis che omar, 'ainul huda jamil, muhammad syahir abd wahab. (2024). garis panduan pelaburan dan pembiayaan oleh universiti awam tahun 2024. - . 54.
saadan mohamed senin, noor hasni juhdi, ahmad raflis che omar, noor azuan hashim. (2024). a systematic review of adaptation of ir 4.0 during covid-19 pandemic among global smes. - journal of logistics, informatics and service science. 61-83.
asma-qamaliah abdul-hamid, mohd helmi ali, lokhman hakim osman, ming-lang tseng, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). an industry 4.0 adoption in the circular economy application hierarchical model: driver, enable and barrier aspects. - industrial management & data systems. 386-415.
asma qamaliah abdul hamid, lokhman hakim osman, ahmad raflis che omar, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman, mohd helmi ali. (2023). what have we learned? a bibliometric review of a three-decade investigation into the supply chain uncertainty and a revised framework to cope with the challenges. - sustainability. 1-19.
suraiya ishak, sarmila md sum, ahmad raflis che omar & abdullah sanusi othman. (2019). menjejaki amalan model perniagaan koperasi pekebun kecil sawit di malaysia. - geografia online : malaysian journal of society and space. 67-83.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar, fahruddin mustafa al bakri, lokhman hakim osman. (2018). amalan pembelajaran dan kesannya terhadap pembentukan pengetahuan serta kemahiran perniagaan dalam kalangan generasi z. - geografia malaysian journal of society and space. 15-28.
azhar ahmad, ahmad raflis che omar, lokhman hakim osman, norazlan alias, mara ridhuan abdul rahman, suraiya ishak, mohd abdullah jusoh, md shafiin shukor. (2017). influencing factors in doing business: the case of oil palm smallholders. - international journal of advanced and applied sciences. 108-113.
suraiya ishak, mohd yusof hussain, ahmad raflis che omar, abd hair awang & novel lyndon. (2017). meneroka refleksi simpati rasional orang tengah dalam rantaian pengeluaran kelapa sawit pekebun kecil. - akademika. 45-61.
asma-qamaliah abdul-hamid, mohd helmi ali, lokhman hakim osman, ming-lang tseng, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). an industry 4.0 adoption in the circular economy application hierarchical model: driver, enable and barrier aspects. - industrial management & data systems. 386-415.
saadan mohamed senin, noor hasni juhdi, ahmad raflis che omar, noor azuan hashim. (2024). a systematic review of adaptation of ir 4.0 during covid-19 pandemic among global smes. - journal of logistics, informatics and service science. 61-83.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar, azima abdul manaf, md shafiin shukor. (2024). factors influencing palm oil smallholders' income sustainability. - journal of southwest jiaotong university. 189-203.
ahmad raflis che omar; suraiya ishak; azima abdul manaf. (2023). quality income: what is in the mind of the palm oil smallholders?. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 1234-1259.
asma qamaliah abdul hamid, lokhman hakim osman, ahmad raflis che omar, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman, mohd helmi ali. (2023). what have we learned? a bibliometric review of a three-decade investigation into the supply chain uncertainty and a revised framework to cope with the challenges. - sustainability. 1-19.
laith ali zgair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, nur atiqah abdullah, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 13.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). etika dan pembangunan masyarakat. - . 290.
ahmad raflis che omar, suraiya ishak, lokhman hakim osman. (2023). industri sawit pemacu kemakmuran ekonomi keluarga malaysia. - . 14.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar, abdullah sanusi othman, lokhman hakim osman dan mohd helmi ali. (2022). pengurusan mapan minyak sawit di malaysia. - . 15.
ahmad raflis che omar, suraiya ishak. (2022). keusahawanan sosial: konsep dan perlaksanaan. - . 164.
laith ali zgair, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, nur atiqah abdullah, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). the key to a thriving future for organizations and society. - . 13.
ahmad raflis che omar, suraiya ishak, lokhman hakim osman. (2023). industri sawit pemacu kemakmuran ekonomi keluarga malaysia. - . 14.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar, azima abdul manaf, azhar ahmad, zafir mohd makhbul. (2022). pengurusan mapan minyak sawit di malaysia. - . 14.
lokhman hakim osman, zafir mohd makhbul, wan hirwani wan hussain, ahmad raflis che omar. (2022). inovasi dalam pengurusan minyak sawit malaysia mendepani cabaran globalisasi. - . 9.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar, abdullah sanusi othman, lokhman hakim osman dan mohd helmi ali. (2022). pengurusan mapan minyak sawit di malaysia. - . 15.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar. (2024). etika dan pembangunan masyarakat. - . 290.
ahmad raflis che omar, suraiya ishak. (2022). keusahawanan sosial: konsep dan perlaksanaan. - . 164.
lokhman hakim osman, zafir mohd makhbul, wan hirwani wan hussain, ahmad raflis che omar. (2022). inovasi dalam pengurusan minyak sawit malaysia: mendepani cabaran globalisasi. - . 173.
lokhman hakim osman, ahmad raflis che omar, mohd helmi ali. (2022). supply chain management challenges among the small and medium enterprises. - . 125.
suraiya ishak, ahmad raflis che omar. (2021). introspektif mengurus perniagaan dalam krisis covid-19. - . 127.
mohd fairuz md salleh, zafir khan mohamed makhbul, mohd helmi ali, mara ridhuan che abdul rahman, azlina ahmad, ahmad raflis che omar, 'ainul huda jamil, muhammad syahir abd wahab. (2024). garis panduan pelaburan dan pembiayaan oleh universiti awam tahun 2024. - . 54.
mohd helmi bin ali;ahmad raflis bin che omar;lokhman hakim osman. (2024). exploration of the drivers, enablers, and barriers to i4.0-ce adoption in the palm oil industry: the case of malaysia. - . .
rubayah yakob, zaidi isa, ahmad raflis che omar, rozita ibrahim. (2024). policy review and the impacts of financing msme in selected east asian economies, with a focus on indonesia sme masterplan and performance of msmes: country case: malaysia. - . 1-56.
norazlan bin alias;ahmad raflis bin che omar;mohd hasimi bin yaacob. (2023). financing schemes and oil palm smallholders’ financial sustainability. - . .
ahmad raflis che omar, lokhman hakim osman, suraiya ishak dan abdullah sanusi othman. (2023). social entrepreneurship journey in agriculture:balancing vulnerable farmers and food security. - majalah insan @ fakulti ekonomi dan pengurusan. 36-38.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
MEMPERKASA USAHAWAN KOMUNITI: KAJIAN KES ADAB GROCER SDN BHD | adab grocer sdn bhd | 63.7% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
KEBOLEHLAKSANAAN MODEL HIBRID PUSAT KEHIDUPAN BERDIKARI UNTUK OKU AUTISME: KAJIAN KES DI RAUDHAH AUTISME, JENDERAM HULU, DENGKIL, SELANGOR | pertubuhan raudha autisme islam selangor (raudha autisme) | 63.7% (2023-12-01 sehingga 2025-11-30) |
MODEL EKOSISTEM KE ARAH TRANSFORMASI KOPERASI SEBAGAI PERUSAHAAN SOSIAL | suruhanjaya koperasi malaysia (skm), cawangan selangor | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
PEMBANGUNAN MODEL OPERASI INKUBATOR KEUSAHAWANAN WAKAF UNTUK MEMPERKASA EKONOMI INSTITUSI TAHFIZ | maahad tahfiz al-quran lil muttaqin (instaqlim) | 11.5% (2024-12-16 sehingga 2026-12-15) |