pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem
Norbahiah Misran received her BEng in Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1999. She completed her Ph.D. degree at the Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK in 2004. She started her career as a tutor in 1999 at the Department of Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Build Environment, UKM. She later has been appointed as a lecturer (2004), an associate professor (2009) and later as a professor (2012) at the same department. Her research interest is in RF device and antenna design particularly in broadband microstrip antennas, reconfigurable antennas, reflectarray antennas and electromagnetic sensors for healthcare. She is also conducting some researches in engineering education field.
norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;rosmina jaafar;adi syazni bin muhammed. (2025). development of metamaterial antenna-based imaging system for detecting skin tumor. - . .
mdbakey billa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md rashedul islam, mohammad lutful hakim, ayed alrashidi, mohamed s soliman. (2024). polarization insensitive multiband metamaterial absorber for bio-plastic sensing application. - materials today sustainability. 1-11.
norsuzlin mohd sahar, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misranb & nur hazliza ariffin. (2024). litar setara dwi jalur antena dwikutub bersepadu untuk aplikasi rfid (equivalent circuit of dual-band dipole integrated antenna for rfid application). - jurnal kejuruteraan. 641-651.
mohd hafiz bin baharuddin;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam. (2024). high resolution two-dimensional two-probe station for stochastic em emissions characterisation. - . .
md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, norbahiah misran, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman. (2024). wideband close perfect meta surface absorber for solar photovoltaic and optical spectrum applications. - surfaces and interfaces. 1-24.
mdbakey billa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md rashedul islam, mohammad lutful hakim, ayed alrashidi, mohamed s soliman. (2024). polarization insensitive multiband metamaterial absorber for bio-plastic sensing application. - materials today sustainability. 1-11.
md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, norbahiah misran, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman. (2024). wideband close perfect meta surface absorber for solar photovoltaic and optical spectrum applications. - surfaces and interfaces. 1-24.
md mohiuddin soliman, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, sharul kamal abdul rahim, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, touhidul alam, ahmed alzamil, ahmed s. alshammari, haitham alsaif, and mohamed s. soliman. (2023). broadband near unity absorption meta-structure for solar thermophotovoltaic systems and optical window applications. - nanoscale. 12972-12994.
mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, saleh albadran, ayed m. alrashdi, haitham alsaif, ahmed s. alshammari, ahmed alzamil, mohamed s. soliman. (2023). interconnected square splits ring resonator based single negative metamaterial for 5g (n258, n257, n260 and n259) band sensor/emi shielding/and antenna applications. - alexandria engineering journal. 419-436.
md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, abdulrahman alqahtani, farayi musharavati, touhidul alam, ahmed s. alshammari, norbahiah misran, mohamed s. soliman, sakib mahmudc and amith khandakar. (2023). advancement in total hip implant: a comprehensive review of mechanics and performance parameters across diverse novelties. - journal of materials chemistry b. 10507-10537.
haitham alsaif, touhidul alam, tanveer ahsan, akm ariful haque siddique,mengu cho, norbahiah binti misran, mohammad tariqul islam. (2023). meta resonator based lower s-band antenna for cube satellite communication system. - optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications. 224-229.
ismail hossain, md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, golam md. muradul bashir chinmay bepery, mohammad tariqul islam. (2021). a compact twofold spoon-shaped antenna for ultra-wideband (uwb) applications. - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications. 555-563.
md samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, md tarikul islam, mohammad tariqul islam. (2020). wideband 8×8 patch antenna array for 5g wireless communications. - optoelectronics and advanced materials - rapid communications. 163-171.
md. samsuzzaman, norbahiah misran, m. tarikul islam, m. r. i. faruque, mohammad tariqul islam. (2019). right hand circularly polarized 2.40 ghz truncated corner patch antenna for small satellite application. - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 570-576.
md samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, md t. islam, abdullah a. s. shovon, rashed i. faruque, norbahiah misran. (2019). a 16 modified antipodal vivaldi antenna array for microwave based breast tumor imaging applications. - microwave and optical technology letters. 2110-2118.
mdbakey billa, touhidul alam, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran, md rashedul islam, mohammad lutful hakim, ayed alrashidi, mohamed s soliman. (2024). polarization insensitive multiband metamaterial absorber for bio-plastic sensing application. - materials today sustainability. 1-11.
md mohiuddin soliman, mohammad tariqul islam, touhidul alam, norbahiah misran, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, ahmed s. alshammari, mohamed s. soliman. (2024). wideband close perfect meta surface absorber for solar photovoltaic and optical spectrum applications. - surfaces and interfaces. 1-24.
abdullah al mahfazur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, sharul kamal abdul rahim, mandeep singh, norbahiah misran, md. shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman. (2023). h-shaped modifiers loaded mirror symmetric resonator based double negative metamaterial for multi-band wireless communications. - scientific reports. 1-19.
abdullah al mahfazur rahman, mohammad tariqul islam, md. moniruzzaman, norbahiah misran, fawzi alorifi, zaid ahmed shamsan, khalid almuhanna, sharul kamal abdul rahim, md shabiul islam, mohamed s. soliman. (2023). triple band frequency tunable polarization insensitive metamaterial absorber for wlan and 5g applications. - optical materials. 1-15.
md. bakey billa, mohammad lutful hakim,touhidul alam, ali f. almutairi, norbahiah misran, mohamed s. soliman, mohammad tariqul islam. (2023). near ideal absorption high oblique incident angle stable metamaterial structure for visible to infrared optical spectrum applications. - optical and quantum electronics. 1-21.
mohammad lutful hakim, touhidul alam, norsuzlin mohd sahar, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor. (2021). elliptical slot metasurface high gain microstrip line antenna for sub-6 ghz 5g wireless communication. - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 156-160.
aymen dheyaa khaleel al-obaidi; mohd fais mansor; norbahiah misran; mohammad tariqul islam. (2020). study and implementation frequency reconfigurable of dielectric resonator antenna using ground feed switch for s band applications. - 2020 ieee 5th international symposium on telecommunication technologies (istt). 65-69.
norbahiah misran; mohammad shahidul islam; gan kok beng; nowshad amin; mohammad tariqul islam. (2020). iot based health monitoring system with lora communication technology. - proceeding 2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 514-517.
md tarikul islam, md samsuzzaman, iskandar yahya, a. e. kogut, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam. (2020). metamaterial inspired high gain antenna for microwave breast imaging. - 2019 ieee asia-pacific conference on applied electromagnetics (apace). 1-4.
kamarulzaman mat, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam, mohd fais mansor. (2020). partial ring element with a gap for dual frequencies application. - 2019 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 648-652.
marlina ramli, norbahiah misran dan mohd fais mansor. (2023). reconfigurable antenna for wireless communication system. - . 29.
arshad selamat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor dan mohammad tariqul islam. (2021). antena tatasusun pantulan terintegrasi sel suria. - . 112.
md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran. (2018). broadband patch antenna for 5g mobile and wireless communications. - . 53.
azami zaharim, norbahiah misran, norngainy mohd tawil, nizaroyani saibani, manal ismail, suraya sharil, anuar mikdad muad dan wardah fatimah mohamad yusoff. (2014). 10 tahun pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina ukm. - . 152.
afida ayob, norazreen abd aziz, norbahiah misran. (2010). penilaian prestasi pendidikan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . 100.
marlina ramli, norbahiah misran dan mohd fais mansor. (2023). reconfigurable antenna for wireless communication system. - . 29.
norbahiah misran, syahirah abd. halim, noorfazila kamal & salina abd. samad. (2020). teori dan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran: menyusuri pandemik covid-19. - . 11.
afida ayob, norazreen abd aziz, norbahiah misran. (2010). penilaian prestasi pendidikan di institusi pengajian tinggi. - . 100.
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran. (2010). "computers and simulation in modern science" (volume iv). - . 6: 63-72.
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque, mohammad tariqul islam & norbahiah misran. (2010). "computers and simulation in modern science" (volume iii). - . Ch:5, 57-66.
siti hafizah yusop, mohd fais mansor, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam. (2022). antena tatasusun pantulan bagi penerima satelit. - . 154.
norsuzlin mohd sahar, norbahiah misran, mohammad tariqul islam. (2021). reconfigurable multiband antenna for rfid and gps applications. - . 81.
arshad selamat, norbahiah misran, mohd fais mansor dan mohammad tariqul islam. (2021). antena tatasusun pantulan terintegrasi sel suria. - . 112.
md. samsuzzaman, mohammad tariqul islam, norbahiah misran. (2018). broadband patch antenna for 5g mobile and wireless communications. - . 53.
azami zaharim, norbahiah misran, norngainy mohd tawil, nizaroyani saibani, manal ismail, suraya sharil, anuar mikdad muad dan wardah fatimah mohamad yusoff. (2014). 10 tahun pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina ukm. - . 152.
norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;rosmina jaafar;adi syazni bin muhammed. (2025). development of metamaterial antenna-based imaging system for detecting skin tumor. - . .
mohd hafiz bin baharuddin;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;mohammad tariqul islam. (2024). high resolution two-dimensional two-probe station for stochastic em emissions characterisation. - . .
badariah binti bais;norbahiah binti misran;norazreen binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam. (2023). pixelated metasurface rectenna based on symmetric resonator for electromagnetic energy harvesting. - . .
norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;mohammad rashed iqbal faruque. (2023). development of high accuracy gps receiving antenna for sensing climate change.. - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;sabirin bin abdullah. (2022). a new split-triangular metamaterial for electromagnetic radiation reduction in human body . - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
COMPACT UNIDIRECTIONAL ANTENNA FOR MICROWAVE IMAGING SYSTEM | electrical engineering department, college of engineering & petroleum, kuwait university | 73.7% (2022-12-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |