pensyarah farmasi
pejabat dekan fakulti farmasi
Profesor Dr. Haliza Katas berkelulusan Doktor Falsafah, PHD (Farmaseutik) pada tahun 2007 daripada the School of Pharmacy, University of London (kini dikenali sebagai UCL The School of Pharmacy), United Kngdom dan Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) pada tahun 2002 daripada Universti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau merupakan pensyarah di Disiplin Farmaseutik, Fakulti Farmasi UKM. Beliau terlibat secara aktif dalam pentadbiran, pengajaran dan penyelidikan. Beliau kini merupakan Timbalan Dekan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi. Beliau terlibat secara aktif dalam penyelidikan dan antara yang pertama yang meneroka sistem penghantaran dadah inovatif untuk asid nukleik terapeutik seperti RNA penganggu kecil (siRNA) dan siRNA Dicer-substrat (DsiRNA). Beliau adalah perintis yang membangunkan nanopartikel berasaskan polimer semulajadi, kitosan sebagai sistem penyampaian ubat untuk siRNA dan DsiRNA. Penyelidikan beliau telah menyumbang kepada pembangunan dan penggunaan kitosan serta nanopartikel untuk aplikasi penghantaran gen. Selain itu, penyelidikan beliau terhadap nanopartikel kitosan sebagai sistem penyampaian ubat transkutan telah menghasilkan formulasi yang telah memasuki ujian klinikal untuk rawatan dermatitis atopik. Beliau juga merupakan seorang pakar di Malaysia yang meneroka potensi nanopartikel kitosan sebagai agen antimikrob dengan mensintesis derivatif kitosan baru dan menggunakan nanoteknologi hijau dalam membangunkan nanokomposit antibakteria.
She is a Professor in Pharmaceutics Discipline at Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM. She received her PhD in pharmaceutics (drug delivery systems) from the School of Pharmacy, University of London (currently known as UCL The School of Pharmacy), United Kingdom in 2007. She is actively involved in administration, teaching and research and holding several administrative posts. Currently, she is the Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation. She is actively involved in research that explores drug delivery systems for therapeutic proteins and genes, particularly RNA interfering (RNAi)-based molecules such as small interfering RNA (siRNA) and Dicer-substrate siRNA (DsiRNA). The focus of her research mainly on the development of nanoparticles based on chitosan and its derivatives. Currently, she also explores the potential of tiger milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerotis) with Lignas Bio Synergy Plt. (Malaysia) for wound healing agents by converting it into nanoparticles. By actively involved in research, she has been awarded Young Researcher Award (2014) of the university, JT Special Award in Tech-Planter Demo Day in Malaysia (2018) and several other awards at national level. She has published more than 75 publications and filed 4 patents and 2 copyrights.
babay asih suliasih, setia budi, haliza katas. (2024). synthesis and application of gold nanoparticles as antioxidants. - pharmacia. 1-19.
na yu, wenbao zuo, linyu ma, jianhong yang, haliza katas. (2024). tailoring oleogel-in-hydrogel pickering emulsion fluid gels as an oral delivery system for different levels of dysphagia: from microstructure to rheological properties. - food hydrocolloids. 1-15.
chua eng wee, hazni falina mohamad, haliza katas, ng shiow fern, khairana husain, chong wei wen, nurizuana johari, amirul faiz abd. razak, et al.. (2024). garis panduan penggunaan peranti elektronik mudah alih di makmal fakulti farmasi. - . 1-8.
syaifuzah sapian; asma ali ibrahim mze; fatin farhana jubaidi; nor anizah mohd nor; izatus shima taib; zariyantey abd hamid; satirah zainalabidin; nur najmi mohamad anuar;haliza katas; jalifah latip; juriyati jalil; nur faizah abu bakar; siti balkis budin. (2023). therapeutic potential of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. in attenuating cardiovascular risk factors. - pharmaceuticals. 1-25.
fatin hanani mohd fadhil, ng shiow-fern, haliza katas. (2023). gel mengandungi nanozarah kitosan yang dimuatkan dengan dsirna dan kurkumin sebagai pembalut luka kencing manis: pelepasan bahan aktif dan kesan kesitotoksikan. - sains malaysiana. 1545-1556.
na yu, wenbao zuo, linyu ma, jianhong yang, haliza katas. (2024). tailoring oleogel-in-hydrogel pickering emulsion fluid gels as an oral delivery system for different levels of dysphagia: from microstructure to rheological properties. - food hydrocolloids. 1-15.
mohammad aqil m. fathil, haliza katas. (2023). antibacterial, anti-biofilm and pro-migratory effects of double layered hydrogels packaged with lactoferrin-dsirna-silver nanoparticles for chronic wound therapy. - pharmaceutics. 1-34.
syaifuzah sapian; asma ali ibrahim mze; fatin farhana jubaidi; nor anizah mohd nor; izatus shima taib; zariyantey abd hamid; satirah zainalabidin; nur najmi mohamad anuar;haliza katas; jalifah latip; juriyati jalil; nur faizah abu bakar; siti balkis budin. (2023). therapeutic potential of hibiscus sabdariffa linn. in attenuating cardiovascular risk factors. - pharmaceuticals. 1-25.
farha yasmin faris taufeq, nur hamizah habideen, loageshwari nagaswa rao, promit kumar podder, haliza katas. (2023). potential hemostatic and wound healing effects of thermoresponsive wound dressing gel loaded with lignosus rhinocerotis and punica granatum extracts. - gels. 1-21.
syaifuzah sapian, izatus shima taib, haliza katas, jalifah latip, satirah zainalabidin, zariyantey abd hamid, nur najmi mohamad anuar, siti balkis budin. (2022). the role of anthocyanin in modulating diabetic cardiovascular disease and its potential to be developed as a nutraceutical. - pharmaceuticals. 1-21.
fatin hanani mohd fadhil, ng shiow-fern, haliza katas. (2023). gel mengandungi nanozarah kitosan yang dimuatkan dengan dsirna dan kurkumin sebagai pembalut luka kencing manis: pelepasan bahan aktif dan kesan kesitotoksikan. - sains malaysiana. 1545-1556.
saima tufail, muhammad irfan siddique, muhammad sarfraz, muhammad farhan sohailc, muhammad nabeel shahid, muhammad ovais omer, haliza katas, fatima rasool. (2022). simvastatin nanoparticles loaded polymeric film as a potential strategy for diabetic wound healing: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. - current drug delivery. 588-600.
haliza katas, maryam arinah mohd akhmar, sundos suleman ismail abdalla. (2021). biosynthesized silver nanoparticles loaded in gelatine hydrogel for a natural antibacterial and anti-biofilm wound dressing. - journal of bioactives and compatible polymers. 111-123.
ahmad yasser hamdi nor azlan, haliza katas, nur qaisara jalluddin, mohd fauzi mh busra. (2020). gold nanoparticles biosynthesized using lignosus rhinocerotis extracts: comparative evaluation of biostatic and cytotoxicity effects. - sains malaysiana. 1697-1712.
sundos suleman ismail abdalla, haliza katas, fazren azmi, mohd fauzi mh busra. (2020). antibacterial and anti-biofilm biosynthesised silver and gold nanoparticles for medical applications: mechanism of action, toxicity and current status. - current drug delivery. 88-100.
babay asih suliasih, setia budi, haliza katas. (2024). synthesis and application of gold nanoparticles as antioxidants. - pharmacia. 1-19.
na yu, wenbao zuo, linyu ma, jianhong yang, haliza katas. (2024). tailoring oleogel-in-hydrogel pickering emulsion fluid gels as an oral delivery system for different levels of dysphagia: from microstructure to rheological properties. - food hydrocolloids. 1-15.
mohammad aqil m. fathil, haliza katas. (2023). antibacterial, anti-biofilm and pro-migratory effects of double layered hydrogels packaged with lactoferrin-dsirna-silver nanoparticles for chronic wound therapy. - pharmaceutics. 1-34.
fatin hanani mohd fadhil, ng shiow-fern, haliza katas. (2023). gel mengandungi nanozarah kitosan yang dimuatkan dengan dsirna dan kurkumin sebagai pembalut luka kencing manis: pelepasan bahan aktif dan kesan kesitotoksikan. - sains malaysiana. 1545-1556.
farha yasmin faris taufeq, nur hamizah habideen, loageshwari nagaswa rao, promit kumar podder, haliza katas. (2023). potential hemostatic and wound healing effects of thermoresponsive wound dressing gel loaded with lignosus rhinocerotis and punica granatum extracts. - gels. 1-21.
haliza katas, syaifuzah sapian. (2023). merungkai khasiat rosel dalam bidang kesihatan. - . 24.
haliza katas. (2023). functional bio-based materials for regenerative medicine: from bench to bedside - part 1. - . 16.
haliza katas. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 15.
haliza katas. (2019). teknologi penghantaran dadah dalam perubatan. - . 15.
haliza katas. (2019). teknologi penghantaran dadah dalam perubatan. - . 6.
haliza katas, syaifuzah sapian. (2023). merungkai khasiat rosel dalam bidang kesihatan. - . 24.
haliza katas. (2023). functional bio-based materials for regenerative medicine: from bench to bedside - part 1. - . 16.
haliza katas. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 15.
haliza katas. (2020). targeting chronic inflammatory lung diseases using advanced drug delivery systems. - . 18.
haliza katas. (2019). teknologi penghantaran dadah dalam perubatan. - . 15.
chua eng wee, hazni falina mohamad, haliza katas, ng shiow fern, khairana husain, chong wei wen, nurizuana johari, amirul faiz abd. razak, et al.. (2024). garis panduan penggunaan peranti elektronik mudah alih di makmal fakulti farmasi. - . 1-8.
mohd fauzi bin mh busra;ruszymah binti haji idrus;haliza binti katas. (2023). bioactive gelatin hydrogel fortified with hydroxytyrosol for the treatment of full-thickness wound in mice model. - . .
haliza katas. (2022). fluid gels: a new oral pharmaceutical formulation with all-in-one solution for patients with dysphagia. - international conference and exhibition on pharmaceutical sciences and technology 2022. 1-11.
haliza binti katas;norsyahida binti mohd fauzi;mohd fauzi bin mh busra;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong;abdul hafiz bin mat sulaiman. (2022). 3d bioprinted of multi-action film dressings containing lignosus rhinocerotis extracts for wound healing applications. - . .
haliza katas, zul hadif abdul aziz, marhanis salihah omar, noraida mohamed shah, salma mohamad yusop. (2022). fluid gels as a potential age-appropriate dosage form for elderly patients with dysphagia. - international conference and exhibition on pharmaceutical sciences and technology 2022. 8.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPMENT OF TOPICAL PRODUCTS FOR DRY AND SENSITIVE SKIN USING MORINGA OLEIFERA | rock herbs ind sdn bhd | 56.9% (2024-08-15 sehingga 2025-08-14) |
NEXT GENERATION SUSTAINABLE FUNGICIDES FOR NATURAL RUBBER PRODUCTION BOOST | forest research institute malaysia (frim) | 67.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |
NEXT GENERATION SUSTAINABLE FUNGICIDES FOR NATURAL RUBBER PRODUCTION BOOST | lembaga getah malaysia | 67.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |