noraziani zainal abidin, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, noorain purhanudin, rozidawati awang, jarinah mohd ali, harisun yaakob. (2024). enhancing polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coated film for food processing: unveiling surface transformations through oxygenated plasma treatment and parameter optimization using response surface methodology. - plos one. 1-21.
nur afira anuar, nurul hidayah mohamad nor, mei yuen chia, boon tong goh, wee siong chiu, zarina aspanut, rozidawati awang, hideki nakajima, sarayut tunmee, mehran sookhakian, yatimah alias. (2024). improved photoelectrochemical performance of tungsten-catalyzed graphene nanoplatelet electrodes prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition at low substrate temperatures. - thin solid films. 1-11.
muhammad izz rosli, fatin saiha omar, rozidawati awang, norshahirah m. saidi. (2024). optimization of heating temperature on the growth of manganese sulfide nanosheets binder free electrode for supercapattery. - ionics. 1-14.
m.i. rosli, m.s. aziz, m. abdullah, g. krishnan, n. basar, s.w. harun, r. awang, f.s. omar. (2023). a comparative analysis of power-dependent nonlinear optical traits in unique star-type triphenylmethane chromophores via facile z-scan measurement. - optical materials. 1-7.
madihah mujaini, a.b.p.ilhamsyah, k.muhammad-najib, nasri a. hamid, rozidawati awang, fatin saiha omar, faridah mohamad idris, abi muttaqin jalal bayar, r. abd-shukor. (2023). fast neutron irradiation effects on (bi1.6pb0.4)sr2ca2cu3o10 superconductor prepared using co-precipitation technique. - journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism. 101-110.
noraziani zainal abidin, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, noorain purhanudin, rozidawati awang, jarinah mohd ali, harisun yaakob. (2024). enhancing polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coated film for food processing: unveiling surface transformations through oxygenated plasma treatment and parameter optimization using response surface methodology. - plos one. 1-21.
madihah mujaini, a.p.b.ilhamsyah, k. muhammad-najib, nasri a. hamid, rozidawati awang, faridah mohamad idris, naim syaugi hamzah, r. abd-shukor. (2023). critical current density of bi2223 superconductor irradiated with neutron in in-core facilities: rotary track and dry tube at puspati triga reactor. - applied physics a. 1-13.
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marjoni imamora ali umar, chi chin yap, rozidawati awang, muhamad mat salleh. (2017). effect of thermal reduction temperature on the optical and electrical properties of multilayer graphene. - journal of materials science: materials in electronics. 1038-1041.
nur afira anuar, nurul hidayah mohamad nor, mei yuen chia, boon tong goh, wee siong chiu, zarina aspanut, rozidawati awang, hideki nakajima, sarayut tunmee, mehran sookhakian, yatimah alias. (2024). improved photoelectrochemical performance of tungsten-catalyzed graphene nanoplatelet electrodes prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition at low substrate temperatures. - thin solid films. 1-11.
muhammad izz rosli, fatin saiha omar, rozidawati awang, norshahirah m. saidi. (2024). optimization of heating temperature on the growth of manganese sulfide nanosheets binder free electrode for supercapattery. - ionics. 1-14.
madihah mujaini, a.b.p.ilhamsyah, k.muhammad-najib, nasri a. hamid, rozidawati awang, fatin saiha omar, faridah mohamad idris, abi muttaqin jalal bayar, r. abd-shukor. (2023). fast neutron irradiation effects on (bi1.6pb0.4)sr2ca2cu3o10 superconductor prepared using co-precipitation technique. - journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism. 101-110.
m.j. masnita, rozidawati awang, r. abd-shukor. (2022). ac susceptibility and electrical properties of pbs added bi1.6pb0.4sr2cacu2o8 superconductor. - sains malaysiana. 315-328.
siti aisyah abd aziz, rozidawati awang. (2020). komposisi ikatan kimia dan mekanisme pertumbuhan filem nipis a-cnx oleh teknik rf-pecvd suhu rendah (chemical bonding composition and growth mechanism of a-cnx thin films by low-temperature rf-pecvd. - sains malaysiana. 1461-1470.
noraziani zainal abidin, haslaniza hashim, saiful irwan zubairi, mohamad yusof maskat, noorain purhanudin, rozidawati awang, jarinah mohd ali, harisun yaakob. (2024). enhancing polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) coated film for food processing: unveiling surface transformations through oxygenated plasma treatment and parameter optimization using response surface methodology. - plos one. 1-21.
nur afira anuar, nurul hidayah mohamad nor, mei yuen chia, boon tong goh, wee siong chiu, zarina aspanut, rozidawati awang, hideki nakajima, sarayut tunmee, mehran sookhakian, yatimah alias. (2024). improved photoelectrochemical performance of tungsten-catalyzed graphene nanoplatelet electrodes prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition at low substrate temperatures. - thin solid films. 1-11.
muhammad izz rosli, fatin saiha omar, rozidawati awang, norshahirah m. saidi. (2024). optimization of heating temperature on the growth of manganese sulfide nanosheets binder free electrode for supercapattery. - ionics. 1-14.
m.i. rosli, m.s. aziz, m. abdullah, g. krishnan, n. basar, s.w. harun, r. awang, f.s. omar. (2023). a comparative analysis of power-dependent nonlinear optical traits in unique star-type triphenylmethane chromophores via facile z-scan measurement. - optical materials. 1-7.
madihah mujaini, a.p.b.ilhamsyah, k. muhammad-najib, nasri a. hamid, rozidawati awang, faridah mohamad idris, naim syaugi hamzah, r. abd-shukor. (2023). critical current density of bi2223 superconductor irradiated with neutron in in-core facilities: rotary track and dry tube at puspati triga reactor. - applied physics a. 1-13.
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