Dr. Masli’s research interest includes working on process modeling, computational fluid dynamic simulations and experimental works in various fields such as in fuel cell development, drying technologies and fluidizations. He also involves in developing process system engineering and performing hazard identification and risk assessment for process safety applications. Currently he is an associate professor in Department of Chemical and Process Engineering and an associate fellow in Fuel Cell Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
hock chin low, bee huah lim, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli. (2024). understanding the factors influencing the corrosion of bipolar plate to the performance and durability of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 420-430.
c.t aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2024). optimizing proton exchange membrane fuel cell across varied inlet and outlet dimensions. - 15th international unimas engineering conference 2024. 1.
c.a. sarjuni, b.h lim, e.h majlan , m.i rosli. (2024). a review: fluid dynamic and mass transport behaviour in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-17.
lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2024). sel fuel reka bentuk kelestarian tenaga hidrogen. - . 193.
nur izzati husna ahmad nadzri, nur tantiyani ali othman, masli irwan rosli. (2024). analysis on chemical and physical properties of dried sago bagasse. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 1-10.
hock chin low, bee huah lim, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli. (2024). understanding the factors influencing the corrosion of bipolar plate to the performance and durability of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 420-430.
c.a. sarjuni, b.h lim, e.h majlan , m.i rosli. (2024). a review: fluid dynamic and mass transport behaviour in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-17.
khairul naim ahmad, salma samidin, masli irwan rosli, muhammad rahimi yusop, mohammad b. kassim, bamidele victor ayodele, mohd ambar yarmo, wan nor roslam wan isahak. (2023). alkaline earth metal modified nickel nanoparticles supported on exfoliated g-c3n4 for atmospheric co2 methanation. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-11.
dyg siti nurzailyn abg shamsuddin, ahmad faris mohd fekeri, andanastuti muchtar, faisal khan, bee chin khor, bee huah lim, masli irwan rosli, mohd sobri takriff. (2023). computational fluid dynamics modelling approaches of gas explosion in the chemical process industry: a review. - process safety and environmental protection. 112-138.
goh choo ta, noorazman soud, kasman nasir, fairuz anwar abdullah, masli irwan rosli, darman nordin, jarinah mohd ali, syazwani mohd fadzil, nurul izzaty hassan, siti zubaidah hasan, mohd sobri takriff, mardiana abdul latif. (2022). prevention of technological disasters: adoption of indicative criteria associated with ghs in regulating major accident hazards. - process safety and environmental protection. 583-594.
c.t. aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli, wong wai yin. (2023). analysis of fluid flow behaviour in different proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow field configurations. - asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering. 1-13.
muthieah mulliyatdi, darman nordin, nurzailyn shamsuddin, masli irwan rosli, zamira hasanah zamzuri. (2023). penaksiran risiko sel bahan api oksida pepejal (sofc) menggunakan rangkaian bayesan. - sains malaysiana. 245-260.
khairul naim ahmad, salma samidin, fairous salleh, wan nor roslam wan isahak, ahmed al-amiery, mohd shahbudin masdar, muhammad rahimi yusop, waleed khalid al-azzawi, masli irwan rosli, mohd ambar yarmo. (2022). carbon monoxide desorption and reduction studies of graphitic carbon nitride supported nickel catalysts for co methanation. - chemistryselect. 1-7.
masli irwan rosli, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, teuku husaini, wan ramli wan daud, lim soh fong. (2022). performance analysis of pemfc with single-channel and multi-channels on the impact of the geometrical model. - energies. 1-14.
nurul ashikin mohd nazrul aman, andanastuti muchtar, masli irwan rosli, nurul akidah baharuddin, mahendra rao somalu, noor shieela kalib. (2020). influence of thermal conductivity on the thermal behavior of intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. - journal of electrochemical science and technology. 132-139.
c.a. sarjuni, b.h lim, e.h majlan , m.i rosli. (2024). a review: fluid dynamic and mass transport behaviour in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-17.
hock chin low, bee huah lim, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli. (2024). understanding the factors influencing the corrosion of bipolar plate to the performance and durability of unitized regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 420-430.
c.t. aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli, wong wai yin. (2023). analysis of fluid flow behaviour in different proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow field configurations. - asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering. 1-13.
khairul naim ahmad, salma samidin, masli irwan rosli, muhammad rahimi yusop, mohammad b. kassim, bamidele victor ayodele, mohd ambar yarmo, wan nor roslam wan isahak. (2023). alkaline earth metal modified nickel nanoparticles supported on exfoliated g-c3n4 for atmospheric co2 methanation. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-11.
muthieah mulliyatdi, darman nordin, nurzailyn shamsuddin, masli irwan rosli, zamira hasanah zamzuri. (2023). penaksiran risiko sel bahan api oksida pepejal (sofc) menggunakan rangkaian bayesan. - sains malaysiana. 245-260.
ct aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2023). simplification techniques of cfd simulations and experimental validation for fluid flow analysis in pem fuel cells: a review. - 2022 international conference on science & technology applications in climate change (staclim 2022). 1-12.
siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, nurina anuar, masli irwan rosli, noorhisham tan kofli and norliza abd rahman. (2013). improvement in the implementation of undergraduate research project. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - international forum on engineering education 2012 (ifee 2012). .
nowilin james rubinsin, wan ramli wan daud, siti kartom kamarudin, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli, kean long lim. (2022). pembelahan air secara fotoelektrokimia: teknologi penghasilan hidrogen masa hadapan. - . 9.
nowilin james rubinsin, wan ramli wan daud, siti kartom kamarudin, mohd shahbudin masdar, masli irwan rosli, kean long lim. (2022). pembelahan air secara fotoelektrokimia: teknologi penghasilan hidrogen masa hadapan. - . 9.
lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2024). sel fuel reka bentuk kelestarian tenaga hidrogen. - . 193.
mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;jamaliah binti md jahim;masli irwan bin rosli;wan nor roslam bin wan isahak;rozan binti mohamad yunus. (2024). adsorption-desorption profile and mechanism on dual-metal impregnated carboneous material for hydrogen sulfide (h2s) removal in biogas production.. - . .
mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;masli irwan bin rosli;edy herianto;azran bin mohd zainoodin. (2024). development of efficient lightweight fuel cell: design, fabrication and evaluation of flow field metallic bipolar plate . - . .
c.t aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2024). optimizing proton exchange membrane fuel cell across varied inlet and outlet dimensions. - 15th international unimas engineering conference 2024. 1.
c.t aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2023). effects of flow field and distribution zone design with elliptical baffles on fluid distribution. - 8th international conference on fuel cell & hydrogen technology in collaboration with the 3rd symposium on fuel cell and hydrogen technology (icfcht-sfcht 2023). 1-2.
c.t aisyah sarjuni , lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2023). numerical prediction of flow uniformity in proton exchange membrane fuel cell channels. - the 9th international conference & exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials. 1-15.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PENTAKSIRAN RISIKO KESELAMATAN PEKERJAAN BAGI INDUSTRI YANG MENGGUNAKAN GAS AMMONIA SEBAGAI SISTEM PENYEJUKAN | jabatan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan | 82.3% (2023-12-16 sehingga 2025-06-15) |