pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
muhamad alias bin md. jedi;shahrum bin abdullah;wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood. (2023). thermal fatigue resistance of hybrid nanofluids for thin film applications. - . .
norhidayah mat taib, wan mohd faizal wan mahmooda, hasan koten, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). ignition stability of hydrogen in noble gases atmosphere in compression ignition engine. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 239-247.
hind azeez mohammed hussein, rozli zulkifli, wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood, raheem k. ajeel. (2023). numerical investigation and parameter analysis of oblique-finned with square corrugations to improve heat transfer performance. - alexandria engineering journal. 669-688.
nurul nadia nor hamran, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, rizauddin ramli, u. mohammed iqbal. (2023). utilization of taguchi method in screening significant factors affecting spray droplets in minimum quantity lubricant using computational fluid dynamic. - jurnal tribologi. 19-28.
jaharah a ghani, yan guoliang, nurul nadia nor hamran, pin han yap, haniff abdul rahman, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, rizauddin ramli, jing ni, u.mohammed iqbal. (2023). simulation study of the parameters that affecting the droplets size produced in a minimum quantity lubrication (mql) system using a computational fluid dynamic (cfd). - jurnal tribologi. 116-126.
hind azeez mohammed hussein, rozli zulkifli, wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood, raheem k. ajeel. (2023). numerical investigation and parameter analysis of oblique-finned with square corrugations to improve heat transfer performance. - alexandria engineering journal. 669-688.
norhidayah mat taib, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, wan aizon w. ghopa, hasan köten, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). numerical study of heat transfer of hydrogen combustion in noble gases atmosphere in compression ignition engine. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 28970-28979.
hind azeez mohammed hussein, rozli zulkifli, wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood, raheem k. ajeel. (2022). structure parameters and designs and their impact on performance of different heat exchangers: a review. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-21.
norhidayah mat taib, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2022). combustion characteristics of hydrogen direct injection in a helium-oxygen compression ignition engine. - energy reports. 494-511.
pin han yap, jaharah a. ghani, wan md. faizal wan mahmood. (2022). optimisation on the performance of bubble-bursting atomisation for minimum quantity lubrication with vegetable oil using computational fluid dynamics simulation. - materials. 1-17.
haniff a rahman, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohammad rasidi rasani and nabil jouini. (2023). hydrodynamic performance study of a dimple textured surface at various area ratios and sliding speeds using cfd. - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part j: journal of engineering tribology. 1632-1646.
javad zareei, abbas rohani, wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah. (2020). effect of ignition timing and hydrogen fraction in natural gas blend on performance and exhaust emissions in a di engine. - iranian journal of science and technology, transactions of mechanical engineering. 737-747.
raden achmad chairdino leuveano, mohd nizam ab rahman, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood and chairul saleh. (2019). integrated vendor buyer lot sizing model with transportation and quality improvement consideration under just in time problem. - mathematics. 944-969.
fadzli ibrahim, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2019). study on soot mass fraction and size distribution in a direct injection diesel engine using particulate size mimic soot model. - journal of thermal science and engineering applications. .
zambri harun, ng jie suang, w. m. faizal w. mahmood, mahir faris abdullah & eslam reda lotfy. (2019). computational fluid dynamics simulation on the heat sink performance of a graphics processing unit thermal management. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 139-147.
haniff a rahman, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohammad rasidi rasani and nabil jouini. (2023). hydrodynamic performance study of a dimple textured surface at various area ratios and sliding speeds using cfd. - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part j: journal of engineering tribology. 1632-1646.
hind azeez mohammed hussein, rozli zulkifli, wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood, raheem k. ajeel. (2023). numerical investigation and parameter analysis of oblique-finned with square corrugations to improve heat transfer performance. - alexandria engineering journal. 669-688.
jaharah a ghani, yan guoliang, nurul nadia nor hamran, pin han yap, haniff abdul rahman, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, rizauddin ramli, jing ni, u.mohammed iqbal. (2023). simulation study of the parameters that affecting the droplets size produced in a minimum quantity lubrication (mql) system using a computational fluid dynamic (cfd). - jurnal tribologi. 116-126.
norhidayah mat taib, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, wan aizon w. ghopa, hasan köten, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). numerical study of heat transfer of hydrogen combustion in noble gases atmosphere in compression ignition engine. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 28970-28979.
nurul nadia nor hamran, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, rizauddin ramli, u. mohammed iqbal. (2023). utilization of taguchi method in screening significant factors affecting spray droplets in minimum quantity lubricant using computational fluid dynamic. - jurnal tribologi. 19-28.
norhidayah mat taib; mohd radzi abu mansor; wan mohd faizal wan mahmood. (2020). combustion characteristics of direct injection hydrogen in noble gases atmosphere. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-6.
norhidayah mat taib; mohd radzi abu mansor; wan mohd faizal wan mahmood; nik rosli abdullah. (2019). simulation of optimizing diesel-ethanol-palm oil methyl ester blends combustibility in direct injection diesel engine. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-6.
hilmi amiruddin, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah, mohd radzi mansor & mohd fadzli abdollah. (2017). experimental investigation of performance and emissions of a stratified charge cng direct injection engine with turbocharger. - matec web of conferences volume 124 (2017) 6th international conference on transportation and traffic engineering (ictte 2017). 1-5.
norhidayah mat taib; mohd radzi abu mansor; wan mohd faizal wan mahmood; fais ahmad shah; nik rosli nik abdullah. (2017). investigation of diesel-ethanol blended fuel properties with palm methyl ester as co-solvent and blends enhancer. - matec web of conferences. 1-11.
fadzli ibrahim, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, shahrir abdullah, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2017). numerical investigation on soot particles emission in compression ignition diesel engine by using particulate mimic soot model. - matec web of conferences: the 2nd international conference on automotive innovation and green vehicle (aigev 2016). 1-11.
shahrir abdullah, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, saad aljamali & azhari shamsudeen. (2017). advances in natural gas emerging technologies. - . 16.
shahrir abdullah, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, saad aljamali & azhari shamsudeen. (2017). advances in natural gas emerging technologies. - . 16.
muhamad alias bin md. jedi;shahrum bin abdullah;wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood. (2023). thermal fatigue resistance of hybrid nanofluids for thin film applications. - . .
mohd radzi bin abu mansor;shahrir bin abdullah;wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood. (2022). pencirian nyalaan pengoksidaan deras jet hidrogen dalam enjin hidrogen peredaran gas adi. - . .
mohd radzi bin abu mansor;wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood;wan aizon bin w ghopa. (2021). kajian ciri-ciri pembakaran dan termo-fizikal campuran metil ester minyak sawit-diesel-etanol dalam enjin diesel suntikan langsung. - . .
jaharah bt. a ghani;che hassan bin che haron;siti masrinda bt. tasirin;wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood. (2020). performance of bio-metal cutting fluid from treated recycled cooking oil in machining ferrous and non ferrous metal for sustainable manufacturing. - . .
shahrir bin abdullah;wan mohd faizal bin wan mahmood;mohd radzi bin abu mansor. (2018). kajian kebolehbakaran campuran gas asli termampat dan hidrogen di dalam bom pembakaran dan enjin cng-di. - . .
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