pensyarah universiti
jabatan seni bina & alam bina
I am a Professor at the Department of Architecture & Built Environment (SErAMBI), Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) - The National University of Malaysia.
rabeah md zin, noor aisyah mokhtar, adi irfan che ani, afifuddin husairi mat jusoh@hussain, mohd nasrun mohd nawi. (2024). unraveling the dynamics of user acceptance on the internet of things: a systematic literature review on the theories and elements of acceptance and adoption. - journal of electrical systems. 2217-2227.
suhana binti johar;adi irfan bin che ani;mazlan bin mohd tahir;wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff. (2024). kajian kecacatan kayu pada bangunan kayu-teknik mengenal pasti kayu dari ejen-ejen kerosakan dan pembaikan sewajar mengikut tatacara pemuliharaan bangunan. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud;adi irfan bin che ani;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain;biswajeet pradhan. (2024). integrasi bim-gis bagi perancangan pemindahan pengguna melalui simulasi ruang tiga dimensi bagi tindakbalas kecemasan. - . .
suhana binti johar;noraini binti hamzah;salasiah binti hanin hamjah;adi irfan bin che ani;mazlan bin mohd tahir;noraziah binti mohammad;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain. (2024). pembangunan kerangka pemantauan keadaan fizikal masjid bagi menguruskan kecacatan bangunan menggunakan platform pengkomputeran awan. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud, sarah shaharuddin, syed ahmad fadhli syed abdulrahman, adi irfan che ani. (2023). spatial analysis for indoor fire hazard detection using cost-effective iot-based sensor. - the 3rd international conference on green construction and engineering education. 1-22.
sarah shaharuddin, khairul nizam abdul maulud, syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman, adi irfan che ani, biswajeet pradhan. (2023). the role of iot sensor in smart building context for indoor fire hazard scenario: a systematic review of interdisciplinary articles. - internet of things. 1-29.
wan norhishamuddin wan rodi, adi irfan che-ani, norsafiah norazman, syahrul nizam kamaruzzaman, afaq hyder chohan. (2022). prioritizing green building attributes on conventional office building rental depreciation using analytic hierarchy process (ahp). - buildings. 1-17.
norsafiah norazman, adi irfan che ani, wan norisma wan ismail, afifuddin husairi hussain, khairul nizam abdul maulud. (2021). indoor environmental quality classrooms comforts level: case study at malaysian secondary school buildings. - applied sciences. 1-16.
syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman, khairul nizam abdul maulud, biswajeet pradhan, sharifah nurul ain syed mustorpha, adi irfan che ani. (2021). impact of evacuation design parameter on users evacuation time using a multi agent simulation. - ain shams engineering journal. 2355-2369.
s.n. kamaruzzaman, e.c.w. lou, p.f. wong, r. wood, a.i. che-ani. (2018). developing weighting system for refurbishment building assessment scheme in malaysia through ahp approach. - energy policy. 280-290.
norsafiah norazman, adi irfan che-ani and nor haslina jaafar, muhamad azry khoiry. (2019). standard compliance and suitability of classroom capacity in secondary school buildings. - journal of facilities management. 238-248.
nur yasmin yaaman, norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani. (2019). campus sustainability: the level of knowledge on sustainable development issues and perception on community college physical development. - pertanika journal of social science and humanities. 507-517.
adi irfan che-ani and roslan ali. (2019). facility management demand theory: impact of proactive maintenance on corrective maintenance. - journal of facilities management. 344-355.
noraini hamzah, eric choen weng lou, syahrul nizam kamaruzzaman, phui fung wong, adi irfan che-ani, muhamad azry khoiry. (2019). an environmental study on development of refurbishment assessment themes for heritage nondomestic buildings in malaysia. - ekoloji. 3-15.
wan norhishamuddin wan rodi, adi irfan che-ani, norngainy mohd tawil, kien hwa ting, fatin aziz. (2019). the driving factors to rental depreciation of purpose built office (pbo) buildings: a pls-sem approach. - journal of facilities management. 107-120.
rabeah md zin, noor aisyah mokhtar, adi irfan che ani, afifuddin husairi mat jusoh@hussain, mohd nasrun mohd nawi. (2024). unraveling the dynamics of user acceptance on the internet of things: a systematic literature review on the theories and elements of acceptance and adoption. - journal of electrical systems. 2217-2227.
sarah shaharuddin, khairul nizam abdul maulud, syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman, adi irfan che ani, biswajeet pradhan. (2023). the role of iot sensor in smart building context for indoor fire hazard scenario: a systematic review of interdisciplinary articles. - internet of things. 1-29.
iffah sahira bakeri, siti rashidah hanum abd wahab, adi irfan che ani2. (2023). the technology adaptation measures to reduce impacts of covid-19 pandemic on the construction industry. - journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. 34-52.
adi irfan che ani, norngainy mohd tawil, noraziah mohammad, nor haliza mahmood. (2022). has the advent of green office buildings influenced the rental depreciation of conventional office buildings? a case study in the kuala lumpur golden triangle. - journal of building pathology and rehabilitation. 1-11.
siti hamidah husain, afifuddin husairi hussain, adi irfan che ani, haryanti mohd affandi, hasnizan aksah. (2022). application of rasch measurement model in establishing roles hierarchy for malaysian building surveying graduates. - wseas transactions on environment and development. 54-68.
sarah shaharuddin, khairul nizam abdul maulud, syed ahmad fadhli syed abdul rahman, adi irfan che ani. (2022). digital twin for indoor disaster in smart city: a systematic review. - the international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. 315-322.
mohd aizat saiful bahri, khairul nizam abdul maulud, muhammad amartur rahman, aslinda oon binti ridzuan oon, adi irfan che ani, che hafify che hashim, hairi karim, muhammad syahidi hasbullah, mohd zaim aziz.. (2019). development of gis database and facility management system: asset and space in ukm. - the international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. 563-571.
n. hamzah, z. ismail, s.n. kamaruzzaman, a.a. mutalib, a.i. che-ani. (2016). a cmms expert using bim for ibs building maintenance. - the 4th international building control conference (ibcc) 2016. matec web of conferences. 1-10.
a.i. che-ani, a. sairi, n.m. tawil, s.r.h.a. wahab, m.z.a. razak. (2016). classification of basic facilities for high-rise residential: a survey from 100 housing scheme in kajang area. - proceedings of the international conference on applied science & technology (icast 2016). 020032-1 - 020032-5.
m.f. omar, m.n.m. nawi, a.i. che-ani, n.i.s. sulaiman, k.c. goh. (2016). innovative approach for ibs vendor selection problem. - the 3rd international conference on civil & environmental engineering for sustainability (iconcees 2015). matec web of conferences. vol. 47. malacca, malaysia.. 04018.p1-p6.
nor haliza mahmood, adi irfan che ani, norngainy mohd tawil, afifuddin husairi hussain & noraziah mohammad. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 16.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani dan noraini hamzah. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 183.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani, nor haliza mahmood. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 211.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani dan noraini hamzah. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 4.
habibah ahmad, hamzah jusoh, rokiah omar, mohd ekhwan toriman, nik hairi omar, adi irfan che ani, er ah choy, mohd fuad mat jali, mohd kazar razali. (2019). jejak muslim kota ligor : kembara ilmu dan silaturrahim ukm-pondok bantan, nakhon si thammarat, thailand. - . 14.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani, nor haliza mahmood. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 211.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani dan noraini hamzah. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 4.
nor haliza mahmood, adi irfan che ani, norngainy mohd tawil, afifuddin husairi hussain & noraziah mohammad. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 16.
nurul eizzaty sohimi, haryanti mohd affandi, adi irfan che ani, zulkifli mohd nopiah, norazlinda mohamad. (2022). kurikulum dan instruksi siri 13. - . 14.
wahiza wahi, fazilah idris, adi irfan che ani, mazuki mohd yasim, asmadi ishak, naida khalil, nur izura udzir, paramasivam muthusamy, siti suriawati isa. (2020). kokurikulum dan pembangunan mahasiswa holistik. - . 20.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani dan noraini hamzah. (2022). perkembangan perumahan di malaysia. - . 183.
norngainy mohd tawil, adi irfan che ani, azalillah ramdani musa. (2019). dana pengurusan perumahan bertingkat dan aspek kewangan. - . 116.
nur akmal abdullah goh, mohd. marzuki mustapha, abd. wahab mohammad, othman jaafar, siti fatin mohd razali, azrul a. mutalib, wan aizon wan ghopa, zambri harun [and (seven) others]. (2016). laporan akhir rintis program inisiatif libat sama (pilbs). - . 87.
h. akbar, a.i. che-ani, a. sairi. (2015). learning building defects via visual novel approach. - . 141.
h.s. hashim, n.a.g. abdullah, a. ismail, m.f. mohd zain, a.i che ani, i. arshad, i.m.s. usman, m. surat, n. utaberta, n.m. tawil, m. mohd tahir, m. jamil, m.f.i. mohd nor, m.k.a. mat sulaiman. (2011). polisi dan strategi garis panduan rekabentuk kampus lestari ukm : versi 1 januari 2011. - . 98.
suhana binti johar;adi irfan bin che ani;mazlan bin mohd tahir;wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff. (2024). kajian kecacatan kayu pada bangunan kayu-teknik mengenal pasti kayu dari ejen-ejen kerosakan dan pembaikan sewajar mengikut tatacara pemuliharaan bangunan. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud;adi irfan bin che ani;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain;biswajeet pradhan. (2024). integrasi bim-gis bagi perancangan pemindahan pengguna melalui simulasi ruang tiga dimensi bagi tindakbalas kecemasan. - . .
suhana binti johar;noraini binti hamzah;salasiah binti hanin hamjah;adi irfan bin che ani;mazlan bin mohd tahir;noraziah binti mohammad;afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain. (2024). pembangunan kerangka pemantauan keadaan fizikal masjid bagi menguruskan kecacatan bangunan menggunakan platform pengkomputeran awan. - . .
afifuddin husairi bin mat jusoh @ hussain;rozmel binti abdul latiff;adi irfan bin che ani;muhamad azry bin khoiry;hasimi bin sallehudin;kuhan chandru a/l balasanthiran. (2023). lmcr1582: using space industry as a tool for developing career-proof curriculum. - . .
khairul nizam abdul maulud, sarah shaharuddin, syed ahmad fadhli syed abdulrahman, adi irfan che ani. (2023). spatial analysis for indoor fire hazard detection using cost-effective iot-based sensor. - the 3rd international conference on green construction and engineering education. 1-22.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
CONDENSATION AND MOLD PREVENTION IN HEALTHCARE FACILITIES IN MALAYSIA | rockwool malaysia sdn. bhd. | 86% (2024-05-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |