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jabatan patologi
Raja Zahratul Azma is a Professor of Pathology (Hematology) and senior consultant pathologist (general hematology and molecular genetic in hematology disorder) in Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, UKM. She is also the current Head of Molecular Genetic Unit, Department of Laboratory Diagnostic Services, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She received her MBBS degree from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia in 1994, and Professional Doctor of Pathology (Hematology) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia in 2004. Throughout her career, she has trained a significant number of pathologists (hematology), who later became the main providers of pathology (hematology) services in the country.
She has led multiple research projects in the field of haematology covering a wide variety of topics. Her main scientific interests are in blood cell disorders and molecular genetics of hematology diseases with her current research centred on thalassaemia, G6PD deficiency, leukaemia, drones in medical field and digital haematology. She has authored a number of publications in haematology discipline including articles on thalassaemia, G6PD, leukemia, drones and artificial intelligence in red cell disorders. She had been invited to deliver lectures at both national and international levels. In addition to this, she is also one of the editorial board members and reviewers of several local and international journals. Currently she is a conjoint board members of postgraduate pathology programme (MPath), Malaysia and committee members of postgraduate transfusion programme (Masters of medicine (Transfusion). She is also a committee member of the National Thalassemia Registry, Malaysia and Executive Comittee Member for Global Globin Network, The Human Variome Project.
cheah fook choe;azlin binti ithnin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;norunaluwar binti jalil;goon jo aan;tan jen kit. (2025). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations. - . .
hari priya raghvan, rabeya yousuf, nor fadzliana abdullah thalith, tang yee loong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2024). case report of anti jmh: a high-titer, low-avidity antibody posing difficulty in immunohematological tests. - indian journal of case reports. 127-129.
raja zahratul azma. (2024). molecular analysis of g6pd gene mutations: the malaysia experience. - the 1st international symposium and workshop on medical genetics update: from genomic to clinic 2024. 1.
zaleha abdullah mahdy, rahana abd rahman, mohamad afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, aniza ismail, shamsuriani md jamal, ismail mohd saiboon. (2024). healthcare delivery in the era of ir4.0: the rise of the drone. - ifmbe proceedings. 3-7.
farhuda zulaikha dol, yong woon lee, nurul haifa mohamed hafiz, raja zahratul azma, farah azima abdul muttlib. (2024). concurrent cold aiha in a newly diagnosed paediatric b all - a case report. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology (asm-msh). 1.
muhammad zaim sahul hameed, rosdiadee nordin, aniza ismail, muhammad aidiel zulkifley, aina suraya helmy sham, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, ismail mohd saiboon, zaleha abdullah mahdy. (2023). acceptance of medical drone technology and its determinant factors among public and healthcare personnel in a malaysian urban environment: knowledge, attitude, and perception. - frontiers in public health. 1-9.
danny xuan-rong koh, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, sanggari muniandy, nur awatif akmal muhamad hata, siti noor baya mohd noor, norhazilah zakaria, ainoon othman, endom ismail. (2023). prevalence and molecular heterogeneity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) deficiency in the senoi malaysian orang asli population. - plos one. 1-11.
siti sarah azman, muhammad dain yazid, nur azurah abdul ghani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, mohd ramzisham abdul rahman & nadiah sulaiman. (2023). generation of a novel ex-vivo model to study re-endothelialization. - artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology. 408-416.
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti aishah sulaiman, endom ismail, ainoon othman. (2023). population screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency using quantitative point-of-care tests: a systematic review. - frontiers in genetics. 1-11.
nor rafeah tumian, ahmad farhan kamarudin, sivakumar palaniappan, guang yong chong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, salwati shuib, siti afiqah muhamad jamil. (2023). clinicopathological features and treatment responses in elderly onset cml in a single tertiary-level hospital in malaysia. - british journal of haematology. 97.
aida nurul hanim rahman , alina md fauzi, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, ainoon binti othman, cheah fook choe, wan ahmad shukri aziz. (2023). evaluation of carestart s1 analyzer biosensor quantitative assay of g6pd activity and establishment of reference range for point of care testing in diagnosis of g6pd deficiency.. - malaysian journal of pathology. 540.
lin hui wong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, sabariah md noor, nor rafeah tumian, guang yong chong, mohd fikri mustapa, reena rahayu md zain. (2023). characteristics of chronic myeloid leukaemia patients with atypical pattern of bcrabl1 rearrangement: a case series from a single referral centre in malaysia. - malaysian jurnal of pathology. 535.
siti nurrazan zulkifli, mohd fikri mustapa, lailatul hadziyah mohd pauzy, qhasmira abu hazir, ramlah mohamed ibrahim, raja zahratul azma.. (2023). we are not the same! a case report of discordant lymphoma from a single referral centre in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 532.
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, muhammad ziqrill mohd zapri, muhammad dinie afif jamaludin, najiah ajlaa ayub, siti aishah sulaiman, ainoon othman. (2023). small device, big impact: point-of-care testing for glucose-6-phosphate dehyrogenase (g6pd) deficiency in six proto malay orang asli settlements. - malaysian journal of pathology. 529-530.
alia suzana asri, joclyn priscilla jipun, mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, farah azima, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz, rinie awai @ albert, hafiza alauddin, raja zahratul azma. (2023). thalassaemia and hemoglobinopathies screening among proto malay orang asli community in peninsular malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 530.
siti nur azwa md shahid, azlin itnin, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, hafiza alauddin, toh leong tan. (2023). evaluation of mean neutrophil volume and immature to total neutrophil ratio as a biomarker for bacterial sepsis in adult patients. - malaysian journal of pathology. 77-85.
mohamed afiq hidayat z, raja zahratul azma rs, darnina aj, azlin i, najiah-ajlaa a, hafiza a, norunaluwar j, alina mf, fook choe cheah, lee sim lim, nazarudin s, malisa moh y, ainoon o. (2023). evaluation of quantitative point-of-care test for measurement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in malaysia. - malaysian journal of pathology. 31-41.
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, hafiza alauddin, siti aishah sulaiman, endom ismail, ainoon othman. (2023). population screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency using quantitative point-of-care tests: a systematic review. - frontiers in genetics. 1-11.
aida nurul hanim rahman , alina md fauzi, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, ainoon binti othman, cheah fook choe, wan ahmad shukri aziz. (2023). evaluation of carestart s1 analyzer biosensor quantitative assay of g6pd activity and establishment of reference range for point of care testing in diagnosis of g6pd deficiency.. - malaysian journal of pathology. 540.
lin hui wong, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, sabariah md noor, nor rafeah tumian, guang yong chong, mohd fikri mustapa, reena rahayu md zain. (2023). characteristics of chronic myeloid leukaemia patients with atypical pattern of bcrabl1 rearrangement: a case series from a single referral centre in malaysia. - malaysian jurnal of pathology. 535.
zaleha abdullah mahdy, rahana abd rahman, mohamad afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, aniza ismail, shamsuriani md jamal, ismail mohd saiboon. (2024). healthcare delivery in the era of ir4.0: the rise of the drone. - ifmbe proceedings. 3-7.
danny koh xuan rong, endom ismail, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, noor hamidah hussin and ainoon othman. (2015). hemoglobinopathies and thalassemia screening among senoi orang asli in peninsular malaysia. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2015 postgraduate colloquium. 030033.
cheah fook choe;azlin binti ithnin;raja zahratul azma raja sabudin;norunaluwar binti jalil;goon jo aan;tan jen kit. (2025). characterization of the biochemical and enzymatic properties of two novel g6pd mutations. - . .
raja zahratul azma raja sabudin. (2024). newborn screening - g6pd. - newborn screening workshop in conjunction with rare disease day 2024. 1.
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, najiah ajlaa ayub, wan ahmad syukri wan abdul aziz2, siti aishah sulaiman, muhammad redha abdullah zawawi, ainoon othman. (2024). prevalence and molecular spectrum of g6pd deficiency in malaysian proto-malay orang asli: a comprehensive analysis. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology. 0.
raja zahratul azma. (2024). molecular analysis of g6pd gene mutations: the malaysia experience. - the 1st international symposium and workshop on medical genetics update: from genomic to clinic 2024. 1.
mohamed afiq hidayat zailani, roihan awg isa, raja zahratul azma raja sabudin, azlin ithnin, najiah ajlaa ayub, muhammad dinie afif jamaludin, ramdiah m.wasnin,chan kok seong, ainoon othman. (2024). g6pd deficiency in sabahan neonates: analysis of prevalence and molecular spectrum. - 21st annual scientific meeting malaysian society of haematology (asm-msh). 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
THE ROLE OF GENETIC MODIFIERS IN HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES: A GLOBAL INITIATIVE THROUGH INHERENT | international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent) | 88.8% (2021-08-21 sehingga 2025-08-20) |
THE ROLE OF GENETIC MODIFIERS IN HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES: A GLOBAL INITIATIVE THROUGH INHERENT | international hemoglobinopathy research network (inherent) | 88.8% (2021-08-21 sehingga 2025-08-20) |