pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin telah berkecimpung dalam bidang Fisioterapi dan rehabilitasi sejak tahun 1990. Di awal kerjaya, beliau telah berkhidmat sebagai Ahli Fisioterapi di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dari tahun 1993 hingga 2003. Minat yang mendalam dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran membuatkan beliau mengambil keputusan untuk menyertai Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia sebagai tutor pada tahun 2004. Beliau adalah graduan dari program `Master of Physiotherapy`, University of Queensland (2006); susulan itu beliau menerima pelantikan selaku pensyarah di program Fisioterapi, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan. Pada tahun 2009, beliau mengikuti pengajian Doktor Falsafah (kesihatan masyarakat) dengan tumpuan rehabilitasi strok di United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health, dengan kerjasama Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and berjaya menamatkan pengajian pada tahun 2013. Pada masa ini, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin adalah profesor madya di Program Fisioterapi dan juga merupakan pengerusi bagi Pusat Kajian Rehabilitasi dan Keperluan Khas, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, UKM. Bidang penyelidikan beliau ialah rehabilitasi neurologi terutamanya strok, rehabilitasi dalam komuniti, keberkesanan kos rehabilitasi dan program terapi dan latihan dibantu penjaga.
Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin has been in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation since the year 1990. She served Ministry of Health as a physiotherapist from the year 1993 to 2003. With passion to teach, she joined Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as a tutor in the year 2004. She graduated from Master in Physiotherapy program, University of Queensland in the year 2006, following which she received appointment as a lecturer at the Physiotherapy program, Faculty of Health Sciences. In the year 2009, she pursued a PhD in community health focusing on stroke rehabilitation at the United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and completed the study in the year 2013. Presently, she is an associate professor at Physiotherapy Program and the chairperson for the Center for Rehabilitation and Special Needs Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. Her research area of interest includes neurology especially stroke rehabilitation, community-based rehabilitation, cost-effectiveness of therapy and carer-assisted therapy and training program.
nor azlin mohd nordin. (2024). program latihan tempatan anjuran ukm dan penyayang lahirkan ahli terapi limfedema bertauliah. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-4.
fatimah hani binti hassan;rogayah bt a razak;nor azlin binti mohd nordin. (2024). the comprehension and production abilities of bilingual (malay-english) malay adults with aphasia on language-related tasks. - . .
hafifi hisham, mohd azzuan ahmad, nor azura azmi, nor azlin nordin. (2023). enhancing undergraduate physiotherapy experience: assessing learning satisfaction, interpersonal skill development, and character growth through early field work. - knovasi: kongress dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran 2023. 84-86.
nor azlin mohd nordin, samruhaizad samian, nor ayuslinawati che sidek, muhammad hafifi sulaiman, nur izyan mohd amin.. (2023). laporan kajian kualiti kehidupan masyarakat islam daripada sudut kesihatan di negeri sembilan. - . 1-46.
nor azlin mohd nordin. (2023). kualiti kehidupan dari sudut kesihatan masyarakat islam di negeri sembilan. - . 1-55.
estu meilani, asfarina zanudin,nor azlin mohd nordin. (2022). psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaires for patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a systematic review. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-37.
estu meilani, asfarina zanudin, nor azlin mohd nordin. (2020). psychometric properties of quality of life questionnaires for patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a protocol for a systematic review. - medicine. 1-6.
aznida firzah abdul aziz, nor azlin mohd nordin, amrizal muhd nur, saperi sulong, syed mohamed aljunid. (2020). the integrated care pathway for managingpost stroke patients (icapps©) in publicprimary care healthcentres in malaysia:impact on quality adjusted life years(qalys) and cost effectiveness analysis. - bmc geriatrics. 1-10.
chong pui kei, nor azlin mohd nordin, aznida firzah abdul aziz. (2020). the effectiveness of home-based therapy on functional outcome, self-efficacy and anxiety among discharged stroke survivors. - medicine. 1-6.
nor azlin mohd nordin, noor azah ab aziz, saperi sulong, syed mohamed aljunid. (2019). effectiveness of home-based carer-assisted in comparison to hospital-based therapist delivered therapy for people with stroke: a randomised controlled trial. - neurorehabilitation. 87-97.
sharmila gopala krishna pillai, nor azlin mohd nordin, norlinah mohamed ibrahim. (2023). the multifaceted impact of structured training program on persons with parkinson disease and their adult caregiver: a protocol for a systematic review. - medicine. 1-5.
huda aliah mohd iqbal, wei sheng ho, asfarina zanudin, hafifi hisham, nor azlin mohd nordin. (2023). effects of video game-based therapy in an adolescent with cerebral palsy: a case report. - world journal of clinical cases. 8595-8602.
mahmoud m. dboba, nor azlin mohd nordin, haidzir manaf, hanif farhan mohd rasdi,. (2023). effect of constraint-induced movement therapy combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on upper extremity function in stroke survivors a protocol for systematic review. - medicine. 1-4.
mohd naqiuddin johar, nor azlin mohd nordin, aznida firzah abdul aziz. (2022). the effect of game-based in comparison to conventional circuit exercise on functions, motivation level, self-efficacy and quality of life among stroke survivors. - medicine. 1-7.
deepak thazhakkattu vasu, nor azlin mohd nordin, shazli ezzat ghazali. (2021). effectiveness of autogenic relaxation training in addition to usual physiotherapy on emotional state and functional independence of stroke survivors. - medicine. 1-5.
nor azlin mohd nordin, sin jie lian, haniz naqib hazaidi, ke yee ong. (2023). evaluation of e-physical activity coaching program in improving the level of physical activity and self efficacy among stroke survivors: preliminary findings. - journal of health sciences and medical research. 109.
huda aliah mohd iqbal, wei sheng ho, asfarina zanudin, hafifi hisham, nor azlin mohd nordin. (2023). effects of video game-based therapy in an adolescent with cerebral palsy: a case report. - world journal of clinical cases. 8595-8602.
sharmila gopala krishna pillai, nor azlin mohd nordin, norlinah mohamed ibrahim. (2023). the multifaceted impact of structured training program on persons with parkinson disease and their adult caregiver: a protocol for a systematic review. - medicine. 1-5.
haliza hasan, aznida firzah abdul aziz, nor azlin mohd nordin, syed mohamed aljunid. (2023). impacts of community-based rehabilitation program (centre-based care vs. home-based care) on health outcomes among children with disabilities in east coast region of peninsular malaysia. - journal of health science and medical research. 98.
mahmoud m. dboba, nor azlin mohd nordin, haidzir manaf, hanif farhan mohd rasdi,. (2023). effect of constraint-induced movement therapy combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation on upper extremity function in stroke survivors a protocol for systematic review. - medicine. 1-4.
asma sahrim, nor azlin mohd nordin & munayati munajar. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 5.
mak khar hang, nor azlin mohd nordin & deepak thazhakkattu vasu. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 5.
asma sahrim, nor azlin mohd nordin & munayati munajar. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 5.
mak khar hang, nor azlin mohd nordin & deepak thazhakkattu vasu. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022 mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 5.
nor azlin mohd nordin, mohd naqiuddin johar, normala mesbah. (2020). terapi realiti maya dalam pengurusan osteoartritis lutut. - . 110.
nor azlin mohd nordin. (2024). program latihan tempatan anjuran ukm dan penyayang lahirkan ahli terapi limfedema bertauliah. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-4.
fatimah hani binti hassan;rogayah bt a razak;nor azlin binti mohd nordin. (2024). the comprehension and production abilities of bilingual (malay-english) malay adults with aphasia on language-related tasks. - . .
asfarina binti zanudin;nor azizah binti mohamad;nor azlin binti mohd nordin;norshita binti mat nayan. (2023). development of mobile application for screening of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in malaysia. - . .
nor azlin mohd nordin, samruhaizad samian, nor ayuslinawati che sidek, muhammad hafifi sulaiman, nur izyan mohd amin.. (2023). laporan kajian kualiti kehidupan masyarakat islam daripada sudut kesihatan di negeri sembilan. - . 1-46.
nor azlin mohd nordin. (2023). kualiti kehidupan dari sudut kesihatan masyarakat islam di negeri sembilan. - . 1-55.