pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pendidikan & kesejahteraan komuniti
Denise Koh terlibat giat dalam bidang penyelidikan yang meneroka dan memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkah laku aktiviti fizikal dan senam, menguji pendekatan baharu untuk meningkatkan tahap aktiviti fizikal dan penglibatan sukan dalam kalangan populasi Malaysia yang berisiko tinggi, terutamanya dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Sebagai seorang pendidik, beliau juga berkolaborasi dengan penyelidik di dalam negara dan luar negara yang berfokus dalam penilaian dan pengukuran tingkah laku aktiviti fizikal.
Denise Koh`s research area includes exploring and understanding the correlates of physical activity and exercise, and testing novel approaches to increasing physical activity participation among high-risk populations, especially among young children. An educationist by training, she also collaborates with local and international research that focuses on objective measures of physical activity behaviour.
chong yi ting, poh bee koon, ruzita abd. talib, koh denise, woo pik xuan, nelson georgia livan, cheah whye lian, lee julia ai cheng, yatiman noor hafizah , essau cecilia a., reeves sue , summerbell carolyn and gibson edward leigh. (2024). kajian rintis penilaian literasi digital: kesediaan guru prasekolah menggunakan platform pembelajaran dalam talian untuk pendidikan pemakanan. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 71-82.
poh bee koon;ruzita binti abd talib;denise koh choon lian;noor hafizah binti yatiman;farra aidah binti jumuddin. (2024). improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in malaysia: feasibility of adapting the toybox-study. - . .
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
lee jac, cheah wl, anchang gn, noor hafizah y, abim m, ruzita at, koh d, reeves s, summerbell c, essau ca, poh bk, gibson el. (2023). teachers and parents perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: an embedded qualitative study within toybox study malaysia. - early childhood education journal. 149-161.
nurhidayah yaakop, denise koh, ruhizan mohammad yasin. (2023). a content validation of focus group discussions based on need analysis in a physical education training module for primary school teachers. - retos. 1115-1122.
w.l. cheah, b.k. poh, a.t. ruzita, j.a.c. lee, d. koh, s. reeves, c. essau, c. summerbell, y noor hafizah, g.n.j. anchang and e.l. gibson. (2023). process evaluation of a kindergarten-based intervention for obesity prevention in early childhood: the toybox study malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-13.
sue reeves, bee koon poh, yi ting chong, julia ai cheng lee, whye lian cheah, yatiman noor hafizah, georgia nelson, abd talib ruzita, denise koh, carolyn summerbell, cecilia a. essau, edward leigh gibson. (2023). from toybox study to etoybox: advancing childhood obesity reduction in malaysian kindergartens. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-13.
mohd razif shahril, tubanur irfan unal, jyh eiin wong, razinah sharif, denise koh, shoo thien lee, bee koon poh. (2023). results from the malaysia 2022 report card on physical activity for children and adolescents. - journal of exercise science & fitness. 88-94.
tawonga mwase-vum, xanne janssen, anthony okely, mark tremblay, catherine draper, alex antonio florindo, chiaki tanaka, denise koh, guan hongyan, hong k. tang, kar hau chong, marie löf, mohammad sorowar hossain, penny cross, p chathuranga, john riley. (2022). validity of low-cost measures for global surveillance of physical activity in pre-school children: the sunrise validation study. - journal of science and medicine in sport. 1002-1007.
kariippanon ke [and twenty-nine others].. (2022). levels and correlates of objectively measured sedentary behavior in young children: sunrise study results from 19 countries. - medicine and science in sports and exercise. 1123-1130.
lee jac, cheah wl, anchang gn, noor hafizah y, abim m, ruzita at, koh d, reeves s, summerbell c, essau ca, poh bk, gibson el. (2023). teachers and parents perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: an embedded qualitative study within toybox study malaysia. - early childhood education journal. 149-161.
s. reeves, b.k. poh, c. essau, c. summerbell, w.l. cheah, d. koh, j.a.c. lee, a.t. ruzita, e.l. gibson. (2018). toybox study malaysia: improving healthy energy-balance and obesity-related behaviours among pre-schoolers in malaysia. - nutrition bulletin. .
sheau tsuey chong, denise koh, fauziah ibrahim, samsudin, a. r.. (2017). neighbourhood social capital and neighbourhood safety in predicting the subjective well-being of young malaysians. - pertanika journal of social sciences and humanities. 155-164.
harold david mcintyre, ann peacock, yvette d. miller, denise koh, alison l. marshall. (2012). pilot study of an individualised early postpartum intervention to increase physical activity in women with previous gestational diabetes. - international journal of endocrinology. Article ID 892019.
denise koh, yvette d miller, alison l marshall, wendy j brown, david mcintyre. (2010). health-enhancing physical activity behaviour and related factors in postpartum women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus. - journal of science and medicine in sport. 13(1):42-45.
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
lee jac, cheah wl, anchang gn, noor hafizah y, abim m, ruzita at, koh d, reeves s, summerbell c, essau ca, poh bk, gibson el. (2023). teachers and parents perspectives on the feasibility of a preschool-based behavioral intervention to prevent obesity: an embedded qualitative study within toybox study malaysia. - early childhood education journal. 149-161.
muhammed syafiq syazwan zainuddin, nur shakila mazalan, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, denise koh choon lian, wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohamad nizam nazarudin. (2023). the impact of social factors and environment on athlete motivation and performance in sports. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 243-249.
nurhidayah yaakop, denise koh, ruhizan mohammad yasin. (2023). a content validation of focus group discussions based on need analysis in a physical education training module for primary school teachers. - retos. 1115-1122.
w.l. cheah, b.k. poh, a.t. ruzita, j.a.c. lee, d. koh, s. reeves, c. essau, c. summerbell, y noor hafizah, g.n.j. anchang and e.l. gibson. (2023). process evaluation of a kindergarten-based intervention for obesity prevention in early childhood: the toybox study malaysia. - bmc public health. 1-13.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa, norlena salamuddin, noraziah mohamad zin, denise koh choon lian. (2020). sports massage therapy towards pre-competition anxiety among malaysian high performance tennis players. - proceedings of the 1st progress in social science, humanities and education research symposium (psshers 2019). 1073-1079.
t. subahan mohd meerah, denise koh choon lian, kamisah osman, effandi zakaria, zanaton haji iksan & tuan mastura tuan soh. (2011). measuring life-long learning in the malaysian institute of higher learning context. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - kongres pengajaran dan pembelajaran ukm, 2010. .
samsudin a rahim, chong sheau tsuey, fauziah ibrahim, balan rathakrishnan, ali salman, hamisah zaharah hasan, denice koh choon lian, mohamed dahlan ibrahim & wasitah hj mohd yusof. (2016). generasi muda komuniti terpinggir : ke arah penjanaan semula pembangunan generasi muda. - . 28.
denise koh choon lian, nor farah mohamad fauzi. (2022). kesan covid-19 ke atas tingkah laku dan kesihatan komuniti. - . 15.
samsudin a rahim, chong sheau tsuey, fauziah ibrahim, balan rathakrishnan, ali salman, hamisah zaharah hasan, denice koh choon lian, mohamed dahlan ibrahim & wasitah hj mohd yusof. (2016). generasi muda komuniti terpinggir : ke arah penjanaan semula pembangunan generasi muda. - . 28.
mohd hasnun arif hassan, ahmad munir che muhamed, nur fahriza mohd ali, denise koh choon lian, kok lian yee, nik shanita safii, sarina md yusof, nor farah mohamad fauzi. (2020). lecture notes in bioengineering : enhancing health and sports performance by design. - proceedings of the 2019 movement, health & exercise (mohe) and international sports science conference (issc). 1-550.
poh bee koon;ruzita binti abd talib;denise koh choon lian;noor hafizah binti yatiman;farra aidah binti jumuddin. (2024). improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in malaysia: feasibility of adapting the toybox-study. - . .
noor hafizah yatiman, bee koon poh, whye lian cheah, abd talib ruzita, denise koh, julia ai cheng lee, carolyn summerbell, sue reeves, cecilia a. essau and edward leigh gibson7. (2023). adapting the toybox-study intervention for childhood obesity prevention in malaysia. - the 54th asia pacific academic consortium for public health (apacph) 2023. 1.
jyh eiin wong, airu chia, kar mun chong, denise choon lian koh, nor aini jamil, mary foong-fong chong, bee koon poh. (2023). prevalence of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines among school children in kuala lumpur, malaysia. - international society of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 2023. 351.
chong sheau tsuey, nasrudin subhi, salina nen, denise koh, tan joo siang, nicole chen li ping, shin pui san. (2023). development of metaphorical card in identifying work values to reduce youth unemployment. - . 1-132.
poh bee koon, nurzalinda zalbahar, denise koh, teh wai siew, ng ruey terng, nur azlina abdul aziz, mohd ismail noor. (2023). malaysian dietary guidelines for children and adolescents 2023. - key message 4: attain healthy weight for optimum growth. 83-124.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
APLIKASI URUTAN SUKAN TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN MENTAL ATLET | pro mmr resources | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.8% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |