• Bachalor of Science (Biology Conservation, UKM) - 2000
• Master in Environment Management, UKM – 2002
• Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Sciences -Entomology, UKM)- 2006
PAST/CURRENT POSITIONS: University Assoc. Prof. DS54 (8 April 2013 – present) University Senior Lecturer DS52 (27 May 2008 – 7 April 2013) University Lecturer DS45 (22 Sept 2006 – 26 May 2008) Tutor DA41
CURRENT POSITIONS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: Life member & auditor (2010-present) – Malaysian Entomology Society (ENTOMA) Assistant Secretary (2011-2016) – Malaysian Agriculture Institute (AIM) Life member (2011-present) – Malaysian Agriculture Institute (AIM) Ordinary member (2009-present) – World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), Malaysia
Head of Biology Program – Faculty of Science and Technology (2018 – present) Adviser of Biology Club – Faculty of Science and Technology (2018 – present) Committee member of Malaysia Biology Olympiad (2015 – present) Coordinator of Entrepreneurship Course, Faculty of Science and Technology (2015 – 2018) Jury member of International Biology Olympiad, United Kingdom 2017
Business Concept Pitching Competition Fundamental of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2017 Workshop on Building Spriti of Entrepreneurship through Sceince and Education, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation 2017
(1 Dec 2004 – 26 May 2008)
SUPERVISION: PhD: 4 MSc: 23 BSc: 32
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). population dynamics of flowers associated thrips (thysanoptera) in the canopy of dipterocarp forest. - 5th international symposium on insects: unveiling the hidden prospect of insects.. 44.
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). dragonflies (insecta: odonata) from the hulu cheka forest reserved, jerantut, pahang. - seminar saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan, hulu cheka, jerantut, pahang.. 20-21.
ng, y.f., ain, n., rafti, n.s.. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 4.
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). thrips (insecta: thysanoptera) from the hulu cheka forest reserved, jerantut, pahang. - seminar saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan, hulu cheka, jerantut, pahang.. 22-23.
ng, y.f., ain, n., rafti, n.s., lau, k.h.. (2023). a new genus and species of scirtothrips genus-group (thysanoptera, thripidae), with two new species of scirtothrips, from dipterocarp forest canopy in malaysia. - zootaxa. 586-594.
y. f. ng. (2017). organothrips stongensis sp. n. and watanabeothrips yasuakii okajima: new records from peninsular malaysia of thysanoptera: thripidae. - zootaxa. 283-286.
rory a. dow, chee yen choong & yong foo ng. (2017). drepanosticta rahmani sp. nov., from kedah, malaysia (odonata: zygoptera: platystictidae). - zootaxa. 44-50.
y.f. ng. (2015). a new species of amalothrips ananthakhrishnan from malaysia, with first description of male. - zootaxa. 246-250.
y.f. ng & l.a. mound. (2015). species of thripinae (thysanoptera) from bamboo in malaysia, with one new species and six new records. - zootaxa. 492-502.
y.f. ng & l.a. mound. (2015). genera of the scirtothrips genus-group (thysanoptera, thripidae) with a new species of siamothrips from malaysia. - zootaxa. 387-394.
ng, y.f., ain, n., rafti, n.s., lau, k.h.. (2023). a new genus and species of scirtothrips genus-group (thysanoptera, thripidae), with two new species of scirtothrips, from dipterocarp forest canopy in malaysia. - zootaxa. 586-594.
l.a. mound, y.f. ng. (2021). studies on the genus lefroyothrips, with new records from malaysia, new caledonia and a new species from australia (thysanoptera, thripidae). - zootaxa. 567-575.
y. f. ng, l. a. mound. (2020). character state variation among species of thrips genus (thysanoptera) in malaysia, with one new species and two new records. - zootaxa. 239-245.
y.f. ng, n. aini & k.h. lau. (2019). a new species of tenothrips pollinating dipterocarpus sublamellatus in malaysia. - zootaxa. 397-400.
y.f. ng & l.a. mound. (2018). merothripidae from malaysia: merothrips with one new species and two new species records. - zootaxa. .
ng yong foo; nurul afiqah, m.. (2023). inventori kekayaan spesies pepatung (pemangsa di sekitar habitat sawah padi di sungai panjang, hulu selangor, malaysia). - serangga. 240-249.
ng, y.f., ain, n., rafti, n.s., lau, k.h.. (2023). a new genus and species of scirtothrips genus-group (thysanoptera, thripidae), with two new species of scirtothrips, from dipterocarp forest canopy in malaysia. - zootaxa. 586-594.
l.a. mound, y.f. ng. (2021). studies on the genus lefroyothrips, with new records from malaysia, new caledonia and a new species from australia (thysanoptera, thripidae). - zootaxa. 567-575.
y. f. ng, l. a. mound. (2020). character state variation among species of thrips genus (thysanoptera) in malaysia, with one new species and two new records. - zootaxa. 239-245.
y.f. ng, n. aini & k.h. lau. (2019). a new species of tenothrips pollinating dipterocarpus sublamellatus in malaysia. - zootaxa. 397-400.
nur atiqah, zubaid akbar, syafrinna, nur ubaidah & ng yong foo. (2015). comparison of the ranging behaviour of scotophilus kuhlii (lesser asiatic yellow bat) in agricultural and urban landscape. - aip conference proceedings. 020026-1 - 020026-6.
ting jin sia, akbar zubaid & ng yong foo. (2015). population trends of rhinolophus affinis during the breeding and nonbreeding season roosting at the kota gelanggi limestone complex, pahang. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 020033-1 - 020033-6.
ganaswary aruchunnan, ng yong foo, wee suk ling, & izfa riza hazmi. (2015). diversity and abundance of dung beetles attracted to different ages of cow dung at tasik chini biosphere reserve, pahang. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 020005(1-7).
ng, y.f., ain, n., rafti, n.s.. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 4.
choong chee yen, hanisah ali, ng yong foo. (2018). a natural heritage the flora and fauna of universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 4.
ng yong foo, maimon abdullah dan norella sulaimain. (2009). bukit fraser : crown of the titiwangsa range. - . 37-51.
ng, y.f., ain, n., rafti, n.s.. (2023). hutan simpan sungai menyala, port dickson, negeri sembilan: persekitaran fizikal dan kepelbagaian biologi. - . 4.
norhayati a., a. latiff, y.f. ng, muhamad a. (2021). taman negeri rompin pahang: a world of wonders and enchantments. - . 9.
a. latiff, norhayati a., y.f. ng, muhamad anas a.. (2021). taman negeri rompin pahang: a world of wonders and enchantments. - . 13.
norhayati ahmad, a latiff, ng y.f.. (2021). taman negeri rompin pahang: a world of wonders and enchantmentscs. - . 140.
k. shamsul, a. norhayati, y.f. ng, a. latiff. (2020). biodiversity of water catchment forest: hutan simpan bukit cherakah, selangor. - . 31.
a.g. shaffie, a. latiff, norhayati ahmad & ng yong foo. (2021). perlis state park : the jewel of perlis limestones. - . 116.
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). population dynamics of flowers associated thrips (thysanoptera) in the canopy of dipterocarp forest. - 5th international symposium on insects: unveiling the hidden prospect of insects.. 44.
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). dragonflies (insecta: odonata) from the hulu cheka forest reserved, jerantut, pahang. - seminar saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan, hulu cheka, jerantut, pahang.. 20-21.
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). the thysanoptera (thrips) fauna of sungai menyala forest reserve, negeri sembilan with the second collection record of peractinothrips peratus after half a century.. - seminar sainstifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan: hutan simpan sungai menyala port dickson.. 51.
ng yong foo, nur shuhaida ratfi, nur ain nasaruddin. (2023). thrips (insecta: thysanoptera) from the hulu cheka forest reserved, jerantut, pahang. - seminar saintifik kepelbagaian biologi hutan, hulu cheka, jerantut, pahang.. 22-23.
ng, y.f. & nuratikah, a.. (2018). species composition and daily population fluctuation of thrips (thysanoptera) on the flower of misai kucing herd (orthosiphon stamineus benth). - international symposium on insects (isoil 2018). .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SARAWAK) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 44.6% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SABAH) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 44.6% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |