pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem
Sawal Hamid Md Ali is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dr. Sawal received bachelor degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from University Putra Malaysia in the year 1998, Master degree in Microelectronic System Design from the University of Southampton in the year 2004 and Ph.D degree in electrical and electronics from University of Southampton, United Kingdom in the year 2010. His research interests are on Circuits and Systems, System on Chip (SoC) Design, Wearable Systems Design, circuit optimization and embedded system. His works has been published in several high-quality conference proceedings and journals. He has authored and co-authored more than 120 publications including articles and conference proceedings. He has filed several patents including a patent on Human Emotion Recognition System. He is also actively involves in the government’s policy preparation for the electrical and electronics sector. In 2015, he was appointed as the Research Fellow for drafting the Malaysia Mega Science Framework for 2013-2050 under Academy of Sciences Malaysia. He has also participated in the Malaysia National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) laboratory for the preparation of the economic transformation program policy for electrical and electronics sector. He was the recipient of ASEAN-US Fellowship for Science, Technology and Innovation in 2017.
sawal hamid bin md ali;noorfazila binti kamal;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;seri mastura binti mustaza. (2025). wearable device with non-invasive contactless chewing sensor for calorie monitoring. - . .
a. e. hamzah, a. a. a. bakar, m. m. fadhel, n. mohamad sapiee, m. m. elgaud, m. e. hamzah, a. s. k. almoosa, n. f. naim, m. h. h. mokhtar, s. h. md ali, n. arsad, m. s. d. zan. (2024). advancing the measurement speed and accuracy of conventional botda fiber sensor systems via soc data acquisition. - optical fiber technology. 1-11.
asraf bin mohamed moubark;sawal hamid bin md ali;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2024). optimizing lateral step for filtered-delay multiply and sum beamforming technique to improve segmentation in ultrasound ultrafast imaging. - . .
amith khandakar, md. ahasan atick faisal, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid md ali, mohd ibrahim shapiai abd. razak, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, sakib mahmud, rayaz a. malik. (2024). laser-induced graphene-based smart insole to measure plantar temperature. - ieee sensors journal. 1190-1199.
khang jin cheah, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, nurul huda razalli, norfilza mohd mokhtar, sawal hamid md ali. (2024). mobile apps for common noncommunicable disease management: systematic search in app stores and evaluation using the mobile app rating scale. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-13.
a. e. hamzah, a. a. a. bakar, m. m. fadhel, n. mohamad sapiee, m. m. elgaud, m. e. hamzah, a. s. k. almoosa, n. f. naim, m. h. h. mokhtar, s. h. md ali, n. arsad, m. s. d. zan. (2024). advancing the measurement speed and accuracy of conventional botda fiber sensor systems via soc data acquisition. - optical fiber technology. 1-11.
khang jin cheah, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, nurul huda razalli, norfilza mohd mokhtar, sawal hamid md ali. (2024). mobile apps for common noncommunicable disease management: systematic search in app stores and evaluation using the mobile app rating scale. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-13.
amith khandakar, md. ahasan atick faisal, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid md ali, mohd ibrahim shapiai abd. razak, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, sakib mahmud, rayaz a. malik. (2024). laser-induced graphene-based smart insole to measure plantar temperature. - ieee sensors journal. 1190-1199.
md nazmul islam shuzan, muhammad e.h. chowdhury, mamun bin ibne reaz, amith khandakar, farhan fuad abir, md. ahasan atick faisal, sawal hamid md ali, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, moajjem hossain chowdhury, zaid b. mahbub, m. monir uddin, mohammed alhatou. (2023). machine learning-based classification of healthy and impaired gaits using 3d-grf signals. - biomedical signal processing and control. 1-13.
fahmida haque, mamun b. i. reaz, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mohd ibrahim bin shapiai, rayaz a. malik, mohammed alhatou, syoji kobashi, iffat ara, sawal h. m. ali, ahmad a. a. bakar, and mohammad arif sobhan bhuiyan. (2023). a machine learning-based severity prediction tool for the michigan neuropathy screening instrument. - diagnostics. 1-16.
yanxin wei, khairun nisa minhad, nur asmiza selamat, sawal hamid md ali, mohammad arif sobhan bhuiyan, kelvin jian aun ooi, siti balqis samdin. (2022). a review of chewing detection for automated dietary monitoring. - journal of the chinese institute of engineers. 331-341.
moajjem hossain chowdhury, md nazmul islam shuzan, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mamun bin ibne reaz, sakib mahmud, nasser al emadi, mohamed arselene ayari, sawal hamid md ali, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, syed mahfuzur rahman and amith khandakar. (2022). lightweight end-to-end deep learning solution for estimating the respiration rate from photoplethysmogram signal. - bioengineering. 1-15.
noor kamal al-qazzaz, mohannad k. sabir, sawal hamid bin mohd ali, siti anom ahmad and karl grammer. (2021). complexity and entropy analysis to improve gender identification from emotional-based eegs. - journal of healthcare engineering. 1-17.
musa ali albrni, mohammad faseehuddin, jahariah sampe, sawal hamid md ali. (2021). novel vdba based universal filter topologies with minimum passive components. - journal of engineering research. 110-130.
michelle lim sern mi, md shabiul islam, sawal hamid md ali, mohd zulhakimi ab razak, yeo kim heng, wong hin yong. (2020). sub-threshold start-up circuit with dynamic body-biasing for boost converters in thermoelectric energy harvesting. - sadhana-academy proceedings in engineering sciences. 1-11.
amith khandakar, md. ahasan atick faisal, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid md ali, mohd ibrahim shapiai abd. razak, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, sakib mahmud, rayaz a. malik. (2024). laser-induced graphene-based smart insole to measure plantar temperature. - ieee sensors journal. 1190-1199.
a. e. hamzah, a. a. a. bakar, m. m. fadhel, n. mohamad sapiee, m. m. elgaud, m. e. hamzah, a. s. k. almoosa, n. f. naim, m. h. h. mokhtar, s. h. md ali, n. arsad, m. s. d. zan. (2024). advancing the measurement speed and accuracy of conventional botda fiber sensor systems via soc data acquisition. - optical fiber technology. 1-11.
khang jin cheah, zahara abdul manaf, arimi fitri mat ludin, nurul huda razalli, norfilza mohd mokhtar, sawal hamid md ali. (2024). mobile apps for common noncommunicable disease management: systematic search in app stores and evaluation using the mobile app rating scale. - jmir mhealth and uhealth. 1-13.
charn loong ng, mamun bin ibne reaz, sawal hamid bin md ali, maria liz crespo, andres cicuttin, muhammad enamul hoque chowdhury, serkan kiranyaz, noorfazila binti kamal. (2023). powerline interference suppression of a textile-insulated capacitive biomedical sensor using digital filters. - measurement. 1-18.
radhika swarnkar, harikrishnan ramachandran, , sawal hamid md ali, rani jabbar. (2023). a systematic literature review of state of health and state of charge estimation methods for batteries used in electric vehicle applications. - world electric vehicle journal. 1-10.
asraf mohamed moubark, luzhen nie, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd asyraf zulkifley, sawal hamid md ali, steven freear. (2021). selection of excitation signals and acoustic pressure measurement for in-vivo studies with ultrasound array research platform ii. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-9.
asraf mohamed moubark, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd asyraf zulkifley, sawal hamid md ali, luzhen nie, steven freear. (2021). despeckling ultrasound b-mode images denoised by a new unsharp masking method for improved cyst segmentation. - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 178-182.
musa ali albrni, jahariah sampe and sawal hamid md ali. (2020). novel dual mode universal filter with grounded passive components employing vd-ddcc. - proceedings of the 7th international conference on electronic devices, systems and applications (icedsa2020). 1-7.
kh shahriya zaman, mamun bin ibne reaz, fahmida haque, norhana arsad, sawal hamid md ali. (2020). optimization of wifi communication system using low power ring oscillator delay cell. - proceeding of 2020 8th ieee conference on systems, process & control. 85-88.
abdulwahhab essa hamzah, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, mohamed elgaud, mahmoud muhanad fadhel, sara ali alwash, abdulfatah ag abushagur, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, nur hidayah azeman, sawal hamid bin mohd ali, ahmad ashrif a bakar. (2020). signal generation using system on chip for coded fiber bragg grating sensor. - 2020 ieee 8th international conference on photonics (icp). 80-81.
mohd syuhaimi ab rahman, sawal hamid md ali, norhana arsad, noraini hamzah, norngainy mohd tawil, abdul rahman yusoff & abdul wahab mohammad. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 22.
asraf mohamed moubark, hilmi sanusi, sawal hamid md ali, mohd alauddin mohd ali.. (2020). future wireless communication with sample based demodulator. - . 102.
mohd syuhaimi ab rahman, sawal hamid md ali, norhana arsad, noraini hamzah, norngainy mohd tawil, abdul rahman yusoff & abdul wahab mohammad. (2021). pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi. - . 22.
muhammad e.h. chowdhury, tawsifur rahman, amith khandakar, nabil ibtehaz, aftab ullah khan, muhammad salman khan, nasser al-emadi, mamun bin ibne reaz, mohammad tariqul islam and sawal hamid md. ali. (2021). technology in agriculture. - . 17.
asraf mohamed moubark, hilmi sanusi, sawal hamid md ali, mohd alauddin mohd ali.. (2020). future wireless communication with sample based demodulator. - . 102.
salah hassan alkurwy, sawal hamid md ali, and md. shabiul islam.. (2014). a novel rom design for high speed direct digital frequency synthesizer. - . 1-96.
lim chin onn, azman kassim, khoo boo teong, tay eng su, nor azman zainal abidin, yeoh pit shing, johan mahmood merican, idi fazlul zainuddin, mohd radzi,ahmad ashrif abu bakar, norhana arsad,sawal ham. (2010). economic transformation programme- a roadmap for malaysia. - . 605.
sawal hamid bin md ali;noorfazila binti kamal;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;seri mastura binti mustaza. (2025). wearable device with non-invasive contactless chewing sensor for calorie monitoring. - . .
asraf bin mohamed moubark;sawal hamid bin md ali;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;mohd asyraf bin zulkifley. (2024). optimizing lateral step for filtered-delay multiply and sum beamforming technique to improve segmentation in ultrasound ultrafast imaging. - . .
asma binti ashari;alizae marny fadzlin bt. syed mohamed;rohaya binti megat abdul wahab;sawal hamid bin md ali;gan kok beng;mohd hadri hafiz bin mokhtar. (2023). topographical and tactile force measurement of clear aligners with composite attachments. - . .
jahariah binti sampe;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;badariah binti bais;sawal hamid bin md ali. (2023). ultra low power hybrid input energy harvester for self-powered semi-active rfid tag.. - . .
norazreen binti abd aziz;noorfazila binti kamal;norhana binti arsad;sawal hamid bin md ali;noor liyana binti sukiran;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong. (2023). development of mems ultrasonic transducer for plant cell transformation applications. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
OPTIMAL CUTTING TRAJECTORY PLANNING FOR TELEOPERATED IMAGE-GUIDED OIL PALM HARVESTING | malaysian palm oil board (mpob) | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
OPTIMAL CUTTING TRAJECTORY PLANNING FOR TELEOPERATED IMAGE-GUIDED OIL PALM HARVESTING | palm techno ventures sdn. bhd. | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
OPTIMAL CUTTING TRAJECTORY PLANNING FOR TELEOPERATED IMAGE-GUIDED OIL PALM HARVESTING | sime darby plantation research sdn. bhd. | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |