pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem
Profesor Madya Ir. Dr. Nasharuddin Zainal merupakan pensyarah dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Komputer & Komunikasi di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Elektronik dan Sistem di Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, UKM. Beliau menerima Ijazah Sarjana Muda dan Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang Kejuruteraan di Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepun. Beliau merupakan Jurutera Profesional berdaftar dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia, ahli senior IEEE dan juga Ahli berdaftar dengan Institut Jurutera Malaysia. Beliau telah banyak memberi perkongsian berkaitan bidang robotic kepada pelbagai lapisan umur termasuk kepada pelajar tadika. Terbaru, beliau telah menjadi pengadil di kejohanan robotik MakeX World Robotics Championship sejak 2019 yang berlangsung di Guangzhou, China. Hobi beliau pada waktu lapang adalah berlari dan meluangkan masa bersama keluarga.
Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Nasharuddin Zainal is a lecturer in the field of Computer & Communication Engineering in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM. He received his Bachelor`s Degree and Doctorate in Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), a senior member of IEEE and also a registered Member with the Institution Of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). He has given a lot of sharing related to the field of robotics to various age groups including kindergarten students. Most recently, he has been a referee at the MakeX World Robotics Championship since 2019 held in Guangzhou, China. His hobbies in his free time are running and spending time with his family.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
nasharuddin zainal, seri mastura mustaza, muhammad faiz bukhori. (2024). research on image processing and internet of things. - 3rd edition of robotics and artificial intelligence 2024 (vrobo2024). 1-22.
nasharuddin zainal, alaa rishek hoshi, mahamod ismail, abd al-razak t. rahem, salim muhsin wadi. (2024). a hybrid steganography and watermark algorithm for copyright protection by using multiple embedding approaches. - bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics. 1877-1896.
nasharuddin zainal, mohd. hairi mohd. zaman, nurin adriana binti endri @ mohd adli, muhammad ikhwan bin abd zalil, muhammad rizqun kareem bin bahari, muhammad danial hakimi bin mohd nasir & muhammad alif bin kamarulzaman. (2023). pengukuhan kefahaman sistem kawalan kejuruteraan melalui pembelajaran berasaskan masalah. - persidangan pendidikan kejuruteraan dan alam bina (peka) 2023. 1-5.
mariam md ghazaly, siau ping tee, nasharuddin zainal. (2023). anti-windup modified proportional integral derivative controller for a rotary switched reluctance actuator. - bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics. 3311-3324.
muhammad azwan ibrahim, faizan qamar, zarina shukur, nasharuddin zainal, nazri marzuki, maria ulfah siregar. (2023). formalizing attack tree on security object for mysani in legal metrology. - systems. 1-16.
md mahadi hasan imran, shahrizan jamaludin, ahmad faisal mohamad ayob, ahmad ali imran mohd ali, sayyid zainal abidin syed ahmad, mohd faizal ali akhbar, mohammed ismail russtam suhrab, nasharuddin zainal, syamimi mohd norzeli and saiful bahri mohamed. (2023). application of artificial intelligence in marine corrosion prediction and detection.. - journal of marine science and engineering. 1-26.
chang soon tony hii, kok beng gan, nasharuddin zainal, norlinah mohamed ibrahim, shahrul azmin, siti hajar mat desa, bart van de warrenburg and huay woon you. (2023). automated gait analysis based on a marker-free pose estimation model. - sensor mdpi. 1-19.
fazdliana samat, mandeep jit singh, aduwati sali, nasharuddin zainal. (2021). a comprehensive review of the site diversity technique in tropical region: evaluation of prediction models using site diversity gain of greece and india. - ieee access. 5060-5071.
salim muhsin wadi & nasharuddin zainal. (2018). enhanced hybrid image security algorithms for high definition images in multiple applications. - multidimensional systems and signal processing. .
shahrizan jamaludin, nasharuddin zainal, w mimi diyana w zaki. (2018). sub-iris technique for non-ideal iris recognition. - arabian journal for science and engineering. .
shervin shokri, mahamod ismail, nasharuddin zainal, and majid moghaddasi. (2017). audio-speech watermarking using a channel equalizer. - wireless personal communication. 4457-4476.
wadi s.m., zainal n.. (2015). decomposition by binary codes-based speedy image encryption algorithm for multiple applications. - iet image processing. 413-423.
abduljalil radman, kasmiran jumari, nasharuddin zainal. (2014). iris segmentation in visible wavelength images using circular gabor filters and optimization. - arabian journal for science and engineering. 3039-3049.
salim muhsinwadi, nasharuddin zainal. (2014). high definition image encryption algorithm based on aes modification. - wireless personal communication. 811-829.
nasharuddin zainal, alaa rishek hoshi, mahamod ismail, abd al-razak t. rahem, salim muhsin wadi. (2024). a hybrid steganography and watermark algorithm for copyright protection by using multiple embedding approaches. - bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics. 1877-1896.
md mahadi hasan imran, shahrizan jamaludin, ahmad faisal mohamad ayob, ahmad ali imran mohd ali, sayyid zainal abidin syed ahmad, mohd faizal ali akhbar, mohammed ismail russtam suhrab, nasharuddin zainal, syamimi mohd norzeli and saiful bahri mohamed. (2023). application of artificial intelligence in marine corrosion prediction and detection.. - journal of marine science and engineering. 1-26.
mariam md ghazaly, siau ping tee, nasharuddin zainal. (2023). anti-windup modified proportional integral derivative controller for a rotary switched reluctance actuator. - bulletin of electrical engineering and informatics. 3311-3324.
muhammad azwan ibrahim, faizan qamar, zarina shukur, nasharuddin zainal, nazri marzuki, maria ulfah siregar. (2023). formalizing attack tree on security object for mysani in legal metrology. - systems. 1-16.
chang soon tony hii, kok beng gan, nasharuddin zainal, norlinah mohamed ibrahim, shahrul azmin, siti hajar mat desa, bart van de warrenburg and huay woon you. (2023). automated gait analysis based on a marker-free pose estimation model. - sensor mdpi. 1-19.
nasharuddin zainal, muhammad hafiz abu hassan. (2022). automated essay scoring (aes) using english essay question. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 1-6.
c. s. tony hii, k. b. gan, n. zainal, n. m. ibrahim, s. a. md. rani and n. a. shattar. (2022). marker free gait analysis using pose estimation model. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 109-113.
wadi s.m., zainal n., abdulgader a.. (2015). grey scale image hiding method based on decomposition operation. - proceeding - 2013 ieee student conference on research and development, scored 2013. 315-318.
zergat k.y., amrouche a., taher m.a., zainal n.. (2015). contribution of prosodic and cepstral features in improvment of a synthesized arabic speaker recognition task performance. - proceeding - 2013 ieee student conference on research and development, scored 2013. 70-73.
salim m. wadi, nasharuddin zainal. (2013). rapid encryption method based on aes algorithm for grey scale hd image encryption. - procedia technology - 4th international conference on electrical engineering and informatics. .
nasharuddin zainal, mardhiyah md jan, seri mastura mustaza.. (2022). corak telinga: pengecaman biometrik, keselamatan dan identiti. - . 159.
nasharuddin zainal, mardhiyah md jan, seri mastura mustaza.. (2022). corak telinga: pengecaman biometrik, keselamatan dan identiti. - . 159.
hafizah husain, nasharuddin zainal, rizauddin ramli, noorfazila kamal, iskandar yahya & mohd faisal ibrahim. (2017). inovasi melalui arduino. - . 167.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
nasharuddin zainal, seri mastura mustaza, muhammad faiz bukhori. (2024). research on image processing and internet of things. - 3rd edition of robotics and artificial intelligence 2024 (vrobo2024). 1-22.
nasharuddin bin zainal;lilia bt. halim;seri mastura binti mustaza;mohamad sattar bin rasul. (2023). mendidik generasi muda berinovasi melalui modul microbit. - . .
nasharuddin zainal. (2023). research on image processing and internet of things. - . 1-29.
aqilah baseri huddin, norhana arsad, nasharuddin zainal, mohd hairi mohd zaman, syahirah abdul halim, muhammad rafiq hishamudeen yahya, wan muhammad noor haeikal w mamat, muhammad syahmi mohd yusoff, yee kin kit. (2023). buletin invebot jkees. - . 1-12.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
NEXT GENERATION LIGHTING FOR BICYCLES WITH ENHANCED SAFETY AND VISIBILITY | institut penyelidikan keselamatan jalan raya malaysia (miros) | 96.2% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
GENERASI MUDA BERINOVASI MELALUI MODUL ARDUINO | elvira system sdn bhd | 97.1% (2023-04-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |