pensyarah pergigian
jabatan diagnostik kraniofasial & biosains
Atika Ashar ialah pensyarah pergigian dan pakar odontologi forensik di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), kini memegang jawatan Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Inovasi Pedagogi dan Penilaian. Kepakarannya merangkumi odontologi forensik, pengimejan, pendidikan pergigian, dan inovasi, dengan penekanan terhadap kelestarian dan keterlibatan komuniti. Komited untuk mengintegrasikan alat digital dan pendekatan pelbagai disiplin, Atika mengaplikasikan prinsip ini dalam bidang forensik dan pengajaran. Beliau juga merupakan penyokong kuat penilaian autentik, memperkasakan pelajar, meningkatkan kesihatan oral, dan menyumbang secara bermakna kepada akademik dan masyarakat.
Atika Ashar is a dental lecturer and forensic odontologist at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), where she currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Division of Pedagogical Innovation and Assessment. Passionate about advancing education and research, her expertise spans forensic odontology, imaging, dental education, and innovation, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and community engagement. Dedicated to integrating digital tools and multidisciplinary approaches, Atika applies these principles in both forensic odontology and teaching. She is a strong advocate for authentic assessments, empowering students, enhancing oral health, and contributing meaningfully to academia and society.
kamal i, kamar s, ashar a, ahmad fauzi a. (2024). effectiveness of intraoral radiography training kit for dental undergraduates: a preliminary study. - journal of health and translational medicine. 289-293.
yeo yw, cheng pj, ashar a, rosli ti. (2024). association between chewing ability and cognitive function among older patients. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 282-288.
abdul rauf badrul hisham, hairuladha abdul razak, atika ashar, leong kei joe. (2024). recognising child abuse and neglect in the dental practice: an overview for malaysian practitioners. - compendium of oral science. 35-48.
thao liang chiam, jowayne choo, atika ashar, haizal mohd hussaini, rama krsna rajandram, rifqah nordin. (2024). efficacy of natural enzymes mouthwash: a randomised controlled trial. - clinical oral investigations. 1-12.
ima nirwana soelaiman. (2023). rangka manusia prasejarah nenggiri dihantar ke makmal untuk dianalisis. - buletin bernama tv; laporan khas. .
thao liang chiam, jowayne choo, atika ashar, haizal mohd hussaini, rama krsna rajandram, rifqah nordin. (2024). efficacy of natural enzymes mouthwash: a randomised controlled trial. - clinical oral investigations. 1-12.
tepirou chher, sithan hak, thomas george kallarakkal, callum durward, anand ramanathan, wan maria nabillah ghani, ishak abdul razak,masitah hayati harun, nor atika md ashar, rama krsna rajandram,pisethraingseyprak, haizal mohd hussaini & rosnah binti zain. (2018). prevalence of oral cancer, oral potentially malignant disorders and other oral mucosal lesions in cambodia. - ethnicity & health. 1-15.
shalini kanagasingam, mohd haizal hussaini, eason soo, safura anita baharin, nor atika ashar, shanon patel. (2017). accuracy of single and parallax film and digital periapical radiographs in diagnosing apical periodontitis - a cadaver study. - international endodontic journal. 427-436.
nes nawi, alizae marny mohamed, murshida marizan nor, nor atika ashar. (2018). correlation and agreement of a digital and conventional method to measure arch parameters. - journal of orofacial orthopedics. 19-27.
thavamalar marimuthoo, nor atika md ashar, mariati abd. rahman, s. nagarajan m.p. sockalingam. (2017). in-vitro comparative study of marginal leakage and penetration ability of moisture-tolerant and conventional resin-based pit and fissure sealants with different surface preparations. - archives of orofacial sciences. 12-22.
thao liang chiam, jowayne choo, atika ashar, haizal mohd hussaini, rama krsna rajandram, rifqah nordin. (2024). efficacy of natural enzymes mouthwash: a randomised controlled trial. - clinical oral investigations. 1-12.
kamal i, kamar s, ashar a, ahmad fauzi a. (2024). effectiveness of intraoral radiography training kit for dental undergraduates: a preliminary study. - journal of health and translational medicine. 289-293.
yeo yw, cheng pj, ashar a, rosli ti. (2024). association between chewing ability and cognitive function among older patients. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 282-288.
chiam thao liang, denice higgins, atika ashar. (2023). evidentiary value of smile photographs from the internet for human identification: a pilot study. - forensic imaging. 1-9.
waleed sigali, mohd fadhli bin khamis, atika ashar, ahmad hadif zaidin samsudin. (2021). digital analysis of mental foramen position reveals effects of ethnicity and gender on malaysian population. - journal of international dental and medical research. 286-291.
nor atika md ashar. (2022). unravelling the mysteries of bone health in ancient humans from the malay peninsula. - . 12.
nor atika md ashar. (2022). unravelling the mysteries of bone health in ancient humans from the malay peninsula. - . 8.
nor atika md ashar. (2022). unravelling the mysteries of bone health in ancient humans from the malay peninsula. - . 8.
nor atika md ashar. (2022). unravelling the mysteries of bone health in ancient humans from the malay peninsula. - . 12.
atika ashar. (2017). sains-lah 2 : catatan saintis muda. - . 13.
atika ashar, toby hughes, helen james, john kaidonis, fadhli khamis, grant townsend. (2012). new directions in dental anthropology. - . 65-80.
siti zuriana mohd zamzuri, abu razali saini, afzan adilah ayoub, azizah ahmad fauzi, eileen yap ai ling, hartinie muhamad, mahendran a/l v. ponnudurai, nor atika md ashar, et al.. (2023). guidelines on continuing professional development for practitioners in malaysia. - . 1-48.
ima nirwana soelaiman. (2023). rangka manusia prasejarah nenggiri dihantar ke makmal untuk dianalisis. - buletin bernama tv; laporan khas. .
toh chooi gait, atika ashar, noor hayaty abu kasim. (2023). professional qualifying examination of the malaysian dental council: pilot study of part i theory examination using fresh dental graduates. - south east asia association for dental education (seaade) 2023 34th annual scientific conference. 1.
atika ashar, noor hayaty abu kasim. (2023). liberal studies in the dental curriculum: the road less travelled. - south east asia association for dental education (seaade) 2023 34th annual scientific conference. 1-39.
komalam mugunam, roszalina ramli, atika ashar, abd jabar nazimi. (2023). analysis of the orbital posterior ledge in an orbital fracture: a retrospective study. - 27th malaysian association of oral & maxillofacial surgeons (maoms) annual scientific meeting 2023. 1.
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