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anuar bin mohd ishak;roslinda bt. mohd. nazar;sakhinah binti abu bakar. (2024). boundary layer flow and heat transfer in a hybrid nanofluid. - . .
ireen munira ibrahim, sakhinah abu bakar, ahmad farid najmuddin. (2023). simulation modeling: improving patient waiting time in emergency department. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 2090-2099.
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mohd sabri ismail, nurulkamal masseran, mohd almie alias, sakhinah abu bakar. (2024). modeling asymmetric dependence structure of air pollution characteristics: a vine copula approach. - mathematics. 1-23.
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anuar bin mohd ishak;roslinda bt. mohd. nazar;sakhinah binti abu bakar;mohd almie bin alias. (2023). numerical study of fluid flow and heat transfer over a flat/curved surface in a hybrid nanofluid. - . .
anuar bin mohd ishak;roslinda bt. mohd. nazar;sakhinah binti abu bakar. (2021). mathematical modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer in a dusty nanofluid. - . .
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