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Dr. Darman bin Nordin is an esteemed academic currently serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Dr. Darman obtained his bachelor`s degree in chemical engineering with Honors from UKM. His academic excellence was recognized during the UKM Convocation Ceremony in 2005 when he was honored with the Royal Scholar Award in the Bumiputera category.
Having embarked on his academic journey at UKM as a tutor in 2005, Dr. Darman`s commitment to education and research flourished over the years. In 2012, he completed his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) studies at Newcastle University, UK. His research interests include bio-based engineering, fuel cell technology, risk assessment and hazard identification, and engineering education. His research`s significance became evident when he successfully secured research funding from internal and external sources.
Throughout his career, Dr. Darman has been dedicated to advancing knowledge and innovation in his field. His research efforts have made significant contributions to the academic community and had a tangible impact on industries and society. He actively participates in consultancy activities conducted by government agencies and industries through UKM Pakarunding. In addition to his academic achievements, Dr. Darman is known for his steadfast commitment to service and administration. He has previously held positions such as Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, and currently serves as the principal of one of the residential colleges at UKM.
muhammad zikri aiman zulkifli, darman nordin, norazuwana shaari, siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). overview of electrospinning for tissue engineering applications. - polymers. 1-27.
mohd shaiful bin sajab;masturah binti markom;darman bin nordin;peer mohamed. (2023). a new integrated liquid printing-electrospinning for the tunable structures of nanoscale 3d printed biopolymer. - . .
muthieah mulliyatdi, darman nordin, nurzailyn shamsuddin, masli irwan rosli, zamira hasanah zamzuri. (2023). penaksiran risiko sel bahan api oksida pepejal (sofc) menggunakan rangkaian bayesan. - sains malaysiana. 245-260.
masli irwan bin rosli;darman bin nordin;edy herianto. (2023). pembangunan model penyebaran biohidrogen dan penilaian risiko dan keselamatan untuk loji jana kuasa sel fuel membran pertukaran proton. - . .
goh choo ta, noorazman soud, kasman nasir, fairuz anwar abdullah, masli irwan rosli, darman nordin, jarinah mohd ali, syazwani mohd fadzil, nurul izzaty hassan, siti zubaidah hasan, mohd sobri takriff, mardiana abdul latif. (2022). prevention of technological disasters: adoption of indicative criteria associated with ghs in regulating major accident hazards. - process safety and environmental protection. 583-594.
muhammad zikri aiman zulkifli, darman nordin, norazuwana shaari, siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). overview of electrospinning for tissue engineering applications. - polymers. 1-27.
goh choo ta, noorazman soud, kasman nasir, fairuz anwar abdullah, masli irwan rosli, darman nordin, jarinah mohd ali, syazwani mohd fadzil, nurul izzaty hassan, siti zubaidah hasan, mohd sobri takriff, mardiana abdul latif. (2022). prevention of technological disasters: adoption of indicative criteria associated with ghs in regulating major accident hazards. - process safety and environmental protection. 583-594.
wong siew ming, muhammad zikri aiman zulkifli, darman nordin, teow yeit haan. (2021). synthesis of cellulose/nano-hydroxyapatite composite hydrogel absorbent for removal of heavy metal ions from palm oil mill effluents. - journal of polymers and the environment. 4106-4119.
tiang ming foong, darman nordin, peer mohamed abdul. (2020). effect of feeding strategies and inoculums applied on two-stage biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates from palm oil mill effluent. - journal of polymers and the environment. 1934-1943.
n.y.m. yusuf, m.s. masdar, w.n.r.w. isahak, d. nordin, t. husaini, e.h. majlan, s.y. wu, s.a.m. rejab, c.c. lye. (2019). impregnated carbon-ionic liquid as innovative adsorbent for h2/co2 separation from biohydrogen. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 3414-3424.
muthieah mulliyatdi, darman nordin, nurzailyn shamsuddin, masli irwan rosli, zamira hasanah zamzuri. (2023). penaksiran risiko sel bahan api oksida pepejal (sofc) menggunakan rangkaian bayesan. - sains malaysiana. 245-260.
ming foong tiang, arina atiqah azhar, muhammad alif fitri hanipa, peer mohamed abdul, mohd shaiful sajab, darman nordin, safa senan mahmod, abdullah amru indera luthfi & jamaliah md. jahim. (2022). strategi pengoptimuman lanjutan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan biohidrogen foto-fermentasi oleh bakteria ungu bukan sulfur. - sains malaysiana. 3567-3578.
norsuriani che hashim, daniel frankel, darman nordin. (2019). graphene oxide-modified hydroxyapatite nanocomposites in biomedical applications: a review. - ceramics-silikaty. 426-448.
norsuriani che hashim, darman nordin. (2019). a comparative study of solid-to-solid and wet precipitation for the fabrication of graphene oxide-hydroxyapatite nanocomposite. - digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures. 991-1002.
muhammad zikri aiman zulkifli, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, darman nordin. (2019). polycaprolactone/chlorophyllin sodium copper salt nanofibrous mats prepared by electrospinning for soft tissue engineering. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 69-76.
muthieah mulliyatdi, darman nordin, nurzailyn shamsuddin, masli irwan rosli, zamira hasanah zamzuri. (2023). penaksiran risiko sel bahan api oksida pepejal (sofc) menggunakan rangkaian bayesan. - sains malaysiana. 245-260.
muhammad zikri aiman zulkifli, darman nordin, norazuwana shaari, siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). overview of electrospinning for tissue engineering applications. - polymers. 1-27.
ming foong tiang, arina atiqah azhar, muhammad alif fitri hanipa, peer mohamed abdul, mohd shaiful sajab, darman nordin, safa senan mahmod, abdullah amru indera luthfi & jamaliah md. jahim. (2022). strategi pengoptimuman lanjutan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan biohidrogen foto-fermentasi oleh bakteria ungu bukan sulfur. - sains malaysiana. 3567-3578.
dyg siti nurzailyn abg shamsuddin, andanastuti muchtar, darman nordin, faisal khan, lim bee huah, masli irwan rosli, mohd sobri takriff. (2022). dynamic hazard identification on solid oxide fuel cell system using bayesian networks. - international journal of integrated engineering. 93-105.
goh choo ta, noorazman soud, kasman nasir, fairuz anwar abdullah, masli irwan rosli, darman nordin, jarinah mohd ali, syazwani mohd fadzil, nurul izzaty hassan, siti zubaidah hasan, mohd sobri takriff, mardiana abdul latif. (2022). prevention of technological disasters: adoption of indicative criteria associated with ghs in regulating major accident hazards. - process safety and environmental protection. 583-594.
mohd radzi abu mansor, w ghopa wan aizon, siti aminah osman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni, darman nordin, suhana johar. (2018). the effectiveness of industrial training from the perspective of engineering students. - 2017 7th world engineering education forum (weef). .
n y yusuf, m s masdar, w n r w isahak, d nordin, t husaini, e h majlan, s a m rejab, c l chew. (2017). ionic liquid-impregnated activated carbon for biohydrogen purification in an adsorption unit. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-12.
mohd shahbudin masdar, noorhisham tan kofli, darman nordin, norliza abd. rahman, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2021). pendidikan kejuruteraan sederap ke hadapan. - . 30.
noorhisham tan kofli, darman nordin, mohd shahbudin masdar, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2019). kurikulum & instruksi (curriculum & instruction). siri 9. - . 9.
mohd shahbudin masdar, noorhisham tan kofli, darman nordin, norliza abd. rahman, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2021). pendidikan kejuruteraan sederap ke hadapan. - . 30.
noorhisham tan kofli, darman nordin, mohd shahbudin masdar, siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah. (2019). kurikulum & instruksi (curriculum & instruction). siri 9. - . 9.
siti rozaimah sheikh abdullah, shuhaida harun, darman nordin. (2020). kompilasi manuskrip i-lab 2018. - . 76.
jamaliah md jahim, shuhaida harun, darman nordin, rosiah rohani, tabassum mumtaz peer mohammed, nurtantiyani ali othman, nabilah aminah lutpi and nursyakina jamali. (2014). abstract book of abhl 2014 asia biohylink meeting asia biohydrogen and biorefinery abbs symaposium. - . 228.
masli irwan bin rosli;darman bin nordin;edy herianto. (2023). pembangunan model penyebaran biohidrogen dan penilaian risiko dan keselamatan untuk loji jana kuasa sel fuel membran pertukaran proton. - . .
mohd shaiful bin sajab;masturah binti markom;darman bin nordin;peer mohamed. (2023). a new integrated liquid printing-electrospinning for the tunable structures of nanoscale 3d printed biopolymer. - . .
goh choo ta, masli irwan rosli, darman nordin, jarinah mohd ali, nurul izzaty binti hassan, syazwani binti mohd fadzil, mohd sobri takriff, siti zubaidah binti hasan. (2022). kajian semula penentuan kuantiti ambang bahan berbahaya dan kriteria indikatif menurut tanda aras dengan standard antarabangsa - laporan interim 2. - . 1-184.
goh choo ta, mohd sobri takriff, masli irwan rosli, darman nordin, jarinah mohd ali, nurul izzaty binti hassan, syazwani binti mohd fadzil. (2021). kajian semula penentuan kuantiti ambang bahan berbahaya dan kriteria indikatif menurut tanda aras dengan standard antarabangsa. - . 1-26.
mohd shaiful bin sajab;mohd sobri bin takriff;darman bin nordin. (2021). electrochemical behaviors of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol at boron-doped graphene presence in palm oil-water emulsion . - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
REDUCED GRAPHENE OXIDE/POLYANILINE POLYMER MATRIX WITH ENHANCED ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY | yakin splendour global holding berhad | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
PENTAKSIRAN RISIKO KESELAMATAN PEKERJAAN BAGI INDUSTRI YANG MENGGUNAKAN GAS AMMONIA SEBAGAI SISTEM PENYEJUKAN | jabatan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan | 82.3% (2023-12-16 sehingga 2025-06-15) |