pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Dr. Norhayati Ibrahim, aged 50, married with two children. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Health Psychology Programme, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She specializes in mental health and quality of life of chronic illness patients, caregivers’ burden, mental health literacy and suicide assessment, epidemiology and intervention. Dr. Norhayati has been a licensed counsellor since 2005. She is an editor of the Malaysian Journal of Psychology and Jurnal Personalia Pelajar. She has published 64 articles in various high impact journals/proceedings. She also has published 10 books and 1 book chapter with Penerbit Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and Penerbit UKM. Having 14 years of teaching experience, Dr. Norhayati has taught many courses especially in psychology area in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He has successfully supervised many postgraduate students, including 8 PhD 16 Masters. She was involved in exhibiting, patenting or copywriting a few innovations in her field of research. These innovations are CgCOPE (2017), Effective Mentor Module (2016), Depression Literacy Module (2019) and Yatt Suicide Attitude Scale(2019). After being appointed as Senior Lecturer, she has received internal and external grant related to research in mental health literacy among the B40, suicide assessment, epidemiology and prevention, caregivers’ burden, and psychology of chronic diseases.
choy qing cham , norhayati ibrahim, clarisse roswini kalaman,meng chuan ho, uma visvalingam, farah ahmad shahabuddin,fairuz nazri abd rahman, mohd radzi tarmizi a. halim, manveen kaur harbajan singh, fatin liyana azhar, amira najih, samsilah roslan, chin. (2024). factors associated with depression, anxiety, and satisfaction with life among malaysian parental caregivers of adolescent psychiatric patients: a cross-sectional study. - cambridge prisms: global mental health. 1-12.
aisyah mohd safien, norhayati ibrahim, ponnusamy subramaniam, devinder kaur ajit singh, arimi fitri mat ludin, ai- vyrn chin and suzana shahar. (2024). prevalence of depression and clinical depressive symptoms in community dwelling older adults with cognitive frailty. - geriatrics & gerontology international. 225-233.
norhayati ibrahim, a'isyah mohd safien, siau ching sin. (2024). literasi kesihatan mental. - . 186.
siau ching sin;norhayati binti ibrahim;caryn chan mei hsien. (2024). risk and protective factors of suicide among undergraduates in multi-racial and multi-religious in the klang valley, malaysia: a mixed-method study. - . .
rozmi ismail, nurul shafini shafurdin, md shafiin shukor, azmawati mohammed nawi, mohd rizal abdul manaf, norhayati ibrahim, roziah mohd rasdi, novel anak lyndon, noh amit, siti aishah hassan,norshafizah hanafi, fauziah ibrahim, fatimah nahla, suzaily wah. (2024). predictors of drug and substance abuse among school-going adolescents living in drug hotspot in malaysia. - plos one. 1-18.
rozmi ismail, nurul shafini shafurdin, md shafiin shukor, azmawati mohammed nawi, mohd rizal abdul manaf, norhayati ibrahim, roziah mohd rasdi, novel anak lyndon, noh amit, siti aishah hassan,norshafizah hanafi, fauziah ibrahim, fatimah nahla, suzaily wah. (2024). predictors of drug and substance abuse among school-going adolescents living in drug hotspot in malaysia. - plos one. 1-18.
choy qing cham , norhayati ibrahim, clarisse roswini kalaman,meng chuan ho, uma visvalingam, farah ahmad shahabuddin,fairuz nazri abd rahman, mohd radzi tarmizi a. halim, manveen kaur harbajan singh, fatin liyana azhar, amira najih, samsilah roslan, chin. (2024). factors associated with depression, anxiety, and satisfaction with life among malaysian parental caregivers of adolescent psychiatric patients: a cross-sectional study. - cambridge prisms: global mental health. 1-12.
aisyah mohd safien, norhayati ibrahim, ponnusamy subramaniam, devinder kaur ajit singh, arimi fitri mat ludin, ai- vyrn chin and suzana shahar. (2024). prevalence of depression and clinical depressive symptoms in community dwelling older adults with cognitive frailty. - geriatrics & gerontology international. 225-233.
woan yin tan, nur hana hamzaid, norhayati ibrahim. (2023). parental perceptions on the importance of nutrients for children with autism spectrum disorder (asd) and the coping strategies: a qualitative study. - nutrients. 1-21.
yee kee tan, ching sin siau, lai fong chan, kairi kõlves, jie zhang, meng chuan ho, bee seok chua, rose manisah sulong, suzanna a. bono, mimi fitriana, abdul latiff bin hj jamaludin, norfaizadatul akma binti mohamad maswan, amira. (2023). validation of the malay version of the life events checklist for dsm-5 among malaysian undergraduates. - asian journal of psychiatry. 1-5.
norhayati ibrahim, normah che din, noh amit, shazli e. ghazali, aisyah mohd safien, ching sin siau. (2022). psychometric properties and the cut-off point of the english version of the yatt suicide attitude scale. - inquiry: the journal of health care organization, provision, and financing. 1-9.
shue kien ting, ching sin siau, muhamad nur fariduddin, mimi fitriana, kam fong lee, amira najiha yahya, norhayati ibrahim. (2022). childhood, adulthood, and cumulative interpersonal violence as determinants of suicide risk among university students. - journal of aggression maltreatment and trauma. 1-18.
nurul fatin malek rivan [et all.]. (2020). general psychological health status and coping strategies during lock-down due to covid-19 outbreak among malaysian older adults. - european geriatric medicine. 95.
norhayati ibrahim, aisyah mohd safien, ching sin siau, suzana shahar. (2020). the effectiveness of a depression literacy program on stigma and mental help-seeking among adolescents in malaysia: a control group study with 3-month follow-up. - inquiry: the journal of health care organization, provision, and financing. 1-10.
deborah chew, wong zhiqin, norhayati ibrahim,raja affendi raja ali. (2018). optimizing the multidimensional aspects of the patient-physician relationship in the management of inflammatory bowel disease. - intestinal research. 509-521.
choy qing cham , norhayati ibrahim, clarisse roswini kalaman,meng chuan ho, uma visvalingam, farah ahmad shahabuddin,fairuz nazri abd rahman, mohd radzi tarmizi a. halim, manveen kaur harbajan singh, fatin liyana azhar, amira najih, samsilah roslan, chin. (2024). factors associated with depression, anxiety, and satisfaction with life among malaysian parental caregivers of adolescent psychiatric patients: a cross-sectional study. - cambridge prisms: global mental health. 1-12.
rozmi ismail, nurul shafini shafurdin, md shafiin shukor, azmawati mohammed nawi, mohd rizal abdul manaf, norhayati ibrahim, roziah mohd rasdi, novel anak lyndon, noh amit, siti aishah hassan,norshafizah hanafi, fauziah ibrahim, fatimah nahla, suzaily wah. (2024). predictors of drug and substance abuse among school-going adolescents living in drug hotspot in malaysia. - plos one. 1-18.
aisyah mohd safien, norhayati ibrahim, ponnusamy subramaniam, devinder kaur ajit singh, arimi fitri mat ludin, ai- vyrn chin and suzana shahar. (2024). prevalence of depression and clinical depressive symptoms in community dwelling older adults with cognitive frailty. - geriatrics & gerontology international. 225-233.
koon, w. c., siau, c. s., fitriana, m., fariduddin, m. n., amini, m., chu, s. y., ravindran, l., ibrahim, n. (2023). hofstede's cultural values as factors influencing malaysian university students' attitude toward help-seeking: a preliminary study. - malaysian journal of public health medicine. 28-35.
yee kee tan, ching sin siau, lai fong chan, kairi kõlves, jie zhang, meng chuan ho, bee seok chua, rose manisah sulong, suzanna a. bono, mimi fitriana, abdul latiff bin hj jamaludin, norfaizadatul akma binti mohamad maswan, amira. (2023). validation of the malay version of the life events checklist for dsm-5 among malaysian undergraduates. - asian journal of psychiatry. 1-5.
siti fadzilah mat noor, tengku siti meriam tengku wook, nur fazidah elias, hazura mohamed, nor hidayah hussain, wan salwina wan ismail, norhayati ibrahim, anuradha thiagarajan, norasikin fabil. (2023). designing a mindful computerized therapy module to reduce depression. - international conference on electrical engineering and informatics, iceei 2023. 1-6.
fatimah yusooff, asmawati desa, norhayati ibrahim, nor ba`yah abd kadir, roseliza murni ab rahman. (2014). a study of the relationship between eq and personality among lecturers at a research university. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - 4th world conference on psychology, counseling and guidance wcpcg-2013. 351-354.
asmawati desa, fatimah yusoff, norhayati ibrahim, nor ba`yah abd kadir, roseliza murni abd rahman. (2014). a study of the relationship and influence of personality on job stress among academic administrators at a university. - procedia social and behavioral sciences - 4th world conference on psychology, counseling and guidance (wcpcg 2013). 355-359.
norhayati ibrahim, a'isyah mohd safien, siau ching sin. (2024). literasi kesihatan mental. - . 186.
azmawati mohammed nawi & norhayati ibrahim. (2021). remaja dan dadah: punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 10.
rozmi ismail, norhayati ibrahim, azmawati mohamed nawi. (2021). remaja dan dadah; punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 12.
rozmi ismail, norhayati ibrahim, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2021). remaja dan dadah: punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 186.
norhayati ibrahim dan azmawati mohammed nawi. (2021). remaja dan dadah: punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 16.
azmawati mohammed nawi & norhayati ibrahim. (2021). remaja dan dadah: punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 10.
norhayati ibrahim dan azmawati mohammed nawi. (2021). remaja dan dadah: punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 16.
rozmi ismail, norhayati ibrahim, azmawati mohamed nawi. (2021). remaja dan dadah; punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 12.
norhayati ibrahim, noor ibrahim mohamed sakian. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 11.
norhayati ibrahim, suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 5.
norhayati ibrahim, a'isyah mohd safien, siau ching sin. (2024). literasi kesihatan mental. - . 186.
rozmi ismail, norhayati ibrahim, azmawati mohammed nawi. (2021). remaja dan dadah: punca, kesan dan pencegahan. - . 186.
norhayati ibrahim, normah che din. (2021). psikologi kesihatan. - . 413.
norhayati ibrahim, suzana shahar, devinder kaur ajit singh. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 341.
norhayati ibrahim, normah che din, noh amit. (2020). tingkah laku bunuh diri di malaysia. - . 201.
siau ching sin;norhayati binti ibrahim;caryn chan mei hsien. (2024). risk and protective factors of suicide among undergraduates in multi-racial and multi-religious in the klang valley, malaysia: a mixed-method study. - . .
nazlena binti mohamad ali;norhayati binti ibrahim;norshita binti mat nayan;mohamad taha bin ijab. (2023). pembangunan aplikasi pembelajaran pengalaman persuasif bagi modul sokongan pembuatan keputusan pelajar siswazah. - . .
ahmad rohi bin ghazali;bariah bt. mohd. ali;shazli ezzat bin ghazali;mahadir bin ahmad;zaini bin said;nor farah binti mohamad fauzi;ponnusamy subramaniam;ismarulyusda ishak;norhayati binti ibrahim;noh bin amit;mazlyzam bin abdul latif;gan chun hong. (2023). pendigitalan projek tunas fsk dalam cabaran pandemik covid-19. - . .
norfilza mohd mokhtar;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;norhayati binti ibrahim;jaya kumar a/l murthy;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). targeting gut-microbiome-brain axis: probiotic have antidepression-like effects and reverse the impact of chronic stress in rats. - . .
norfilza mohd mokhtar;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;norhayati binti ibrahim;raja affendi bin raja ali;jaya kumar a/l murthy;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). targeting gut-microbiome-brain axis: probiotic have antidepression-like effects and reverse the impact of chronic stress in rats. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EFFICACY OF YEAST BETA GLUCAN 1,3/1,6 ON IMMUNITY, FATIGUE AND GUT HEALTH AMONG APPARENTLY HEALTHY ADULTS | rb (health) malaysia sdn. bhd. | 78.4% (2022-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |