pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
Tengku Hasnan Tengku Abdul Aziz is a Research Fellow of organic optoelectronic at the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
He received his degree and master degree in Physics and Nanoelectronics from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2005 and 2010 respectively. He worked as a Science Officer in Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia before pursuing his PhD under Federal Scholarship and complete his studies in 2017. In October 2017, he joined IMEN and was appointed as group leader for Organic
Printed Electronics in 2019. Tengku Hasnan is an expert in organic optoelectronics and working on various nanostructure and 2D materials. His current research interest is in a metal-organic
framework (MOF) based on organic semiconductors for medical, environmental, and agricultural-based optical sensors. As a trained Engineer and Physicist, Tengku Hasnan is a hands-on expert and has experience in designing various types of optical sensors such as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and localized surface plasmon resonance, (LSPR). His knowledge which he nurtures in Physics and as trained engineered in nanoelectronics enables him to design and enhance the optical signal by combining it with nanotechnology which is crucial for the optical sensors field. In addition, he also involves in certification and quality control for the commercialization of biomedical peritoneal dialysis in 2020. He is a member of IEEE and the Malaysian Solid-State Society and has been awarded several research grants nationally and internationally including the latest grant on enhancing the optical output by plasmonic resonance.
His research highlight includes:
Organics optoelectronics
Optical imaging
2D and nanostructure materials
Optical based biosensors
Enviromental and agricultural based sensors
Printed electronics
muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). harnessing quantum plexcitons for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity of creatinine sensor. - sensors and actuators: b. chemical. 1-9.
nathaniel leong, mohd hanif yaacob, ahmad rifqi md zain, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, annie christianus, chou min chong, mohd adzir mahdi. (2024). colloidal surface-enhanced raman spectroscopic study of grouper epidermal mucus using acidified sodium sulphate as the aggregating agent. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-8.
nur nazhifah yusoff, farah shahadah nor azmi, norhayati abu bakar, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, joseph george shapter. (2024). titanium carbide mxene/silver nanostars composite as sers substrate for thiram pesticide detection. - chemical papers. 2855-2865.
tengku hasnan bin tengku abdul aziz;ahmad rifqi bin md zain;norhayati binti abu bakar. (2024). enhancement of photoluminescence intensity of graphene quantum dots using surface plasmon resonance of gold nanorods. - . .
basyirah zulkifli, muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, mohd suzeren md jamil, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). strong coupling between plasmonic nanocavity gold nanorods and quantum dots emitter. - optics express. 19676-19683.
nathaniel leong, mohd hanif yaacob, ahmad rifqi md zain, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, annie christianus, chou min chong, mohd adzir mahdi. (2024). colloidal surface-enhanced raman spectroscopic study of grouper epidermal mucus using acidified sodium sulphate as the aggregating agent. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-8.
basyirah zulkifli, muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, mohd suzeren md jamil, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). strong coupling between plasmonic nanocavity gold nanorods and quantum dots emitter. - optics express. 19676-19683.
muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). harnessing quantum plexcitons for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity of creatinine sensor. - sensors and actuators: b. chemical. 1-9.
muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad ashrif a bakar, richard m. de la rue, ahmad rifqi md zain , burhanuddin yeop majlis, clarence augustine thtee. (2023). third-order nonlinearity with subradiance dark-state in ultra-strong excitons and surface plasmon coupling using self-antiaggregation organic dye. - physica scripta. 1-11.
zamir-ul hassan, syed raza ali raza , jamal kazmi, waqar mahmood, mohsin rafique, mohd ambri mohamed, md khan sobayel bin rafiq, tengku hasnan tengku aziz, raja azhar saeed khan. (2023). thickness dependent wavelength selective nir-uv-visible photoresponse in zno nanowires and silicon heterojunction. - ceramics international. 9115-9121.
nur nazhifah yusoff, farah shahadah nor azmi, norhayati abu bakar, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, joseph george shapter. (2024). titanium carbide mxene/silver nanostars composite as sers substrate for thiram pesticide detection. - chemical papers. 2855-2865.
mohd mustaqim rosli, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, majoni imamora ali umar, muhammad nurdin, akrajas ali umar. (2022). propylene glycol directed synthesis of silver nanowires for transparent conducting electrode application. - journal of electronic materials. 5150-5158.
s.a. salleh, m.y.a. rahman, t.h.t. aziz. (2021). effect of annealing temperature on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cell using nickel sulphide-reduced graphene oxide cathode. - bulletin of materials science. 1-8.
muhammad ashraf saiful badri, noor farain md noor, ahmad rifqi md zain, muhamad matsalleh, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz. (2021). exfoliated graphene-alkaline lignin-pedot:pss composite as a transparent conductive electrode. - nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 1-8.
ummi kalsom noor din, muhamad mat salleh, tengku hasnan tengku aziz, ahmad rifqi md zain, mohd. ambri mohamed, akrajas ali umar. (2021). on the performance of polymer-inorganic perovskite oxide composite light-emitting diodes: the effect of perovskite srtio3 additives. - nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 1-9.
muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad ashrif a. bakar, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). harnessing quantum plexcitons for enhanced sensitivity and selectivity of creatinine sensor. - sensors and actuators: b. chemical. 1-9.
basyirah zulkifli, muhammad asif ahmad khushaini, nur hidayah azeman, mohd suzeren md jamil, tg hasnan tg abdul aziz, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2024). strong coupling between plasmonic nanocavity gold nanorods and quantum dots emitter. - optics express. 19676-19683.
nathaniel leong, mohd hanif yaacob, ahmad rifqi md zain, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, annie christianus, chou min chong, mohd adzir mahdi. (2024). colloidal surface-enhanced raman spectroscopic study of grouper epidermal mucus using acidified sodium sulphate as the aggregating agent. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-8.
nur nazhifah yusoff, farah shahadah nor azmi, norhayati abu bakar, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, joseph george shapter. (2024). titanium carbide mxene/silver nanostars composite as sers substrate for thiram pesticide detection. - chemical papers. 2855-2865.
mona ebadi, ahmad rifqi md zain, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, hossein mohammadi, clarence augustine th tee, muhammad rahimi yusop. (2023). formulation and characterization of fe3o4@peg nanoparticles loaded sorafenib; molecular studies and evaluation of cytotoxicity in liver cancer cell lines. - polymers. 1-21.
auni afrina muhammad azlan lim, asilah aisyah mohamad yusoff, muhamad asif a. khushaini, ahmad ghadafi ismail, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, ahmad rifqi md zain. (2021). a study of repeatability and reproducibility of amperometric sensor based on bobzbt2 pentamer for creatinine detection. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 145-148.
tengku hasnan tengku aziz, muhamad mat salleh, mursyidah umar & muhammad yahaya. (2006). reduction of turn-on voltage in a sinlge layer structured organic light emitting diodes using nanocomposites sio2:phf.. - proceedings 2006 ieee international conference on semiconductor electronics, nov. 29-dec. 1, 2006, kuala lumpur, malaysia. .
tengku hasnan bin tengku abdul aziz;ahmad rifqi bin md zain;norhayati binti abu bakar. (2024). enhancement of photoluminescence intensity of graphene quantum dots using surface plasmon resonance of gold nanorods. - . .
ahmad rifqi bin md zain;tengku hasnan bin tengku abdul aziz;saiful effendi bin syafruddin;mohamad aimanuddin bin mohtar. (2023). optical sensor technique based on high quality factor suspended 1d photonic crystal (phc) structures for creatinine detection using non-invasive approach.. - . .
ahmad ghadafi ismail, yusniza yunus, nurul adlin mahadzir, m.n.m. ansari, tengku hasnan tengku abdul aziz, a. atiqah, hafeez anwar, mingqing wang. (2022). pentacene and its derivatives deposition methods. - scholarly community encyclopedia. 1-16.
tengku hasnan bin tengku abdul aziz;akrajas bin ali umar. (2021). reduced graphene oxide as electron buffer layer for organic light emitting diodes (oleds). - . .
akrajas bin ali umar;tengku hasnan bin tengku abdul aziz;mohd yusri bin abd rahman;mohd ambri bin mohamed. (2021). investigation of the role of atomic stoichiometry in moxwycu1-x-yx2 (x=s and se) nanosheets on their optoelectronic properties for high performance solar cells. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
TI3C2 MXENE-COATED TAPERED OPTICAL FIBERS FOR ENHANCED HUMIDITY SENSING | sbt mega sdn bhd | 17.6% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |