pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
Dr. Dzalani is a senior lecturer in the Occupational Therapy Program, a researcher at the Centre for Rehabilitation & Special Needs (iCaRehab), and a research member of the Schooling, Participation and Transition to Independent Living (SPIRIT) research team, the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK), UKM. She attained her PhD in community health from the Faculty of Medicine, UKM in 2014.
Dr. Dzalani has been practicing occupational therapy (OT) since 1993 and has a great interest in Paediatric Rehabilitation. She was among the pioneers who established Occupational Therapy Paediatric Service at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang, and Community Based Rehabilitation Centre (PDK) in Klang. She was also involved in teaching Paediatric courses for the OT Diploma Programme at the College of Allied Health Sciences, MOH before joining UKM in 2006.
Her focus of research is on OT pediatric rehabilitation which includes children and adolescents with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, autism, and cerebral palsy. She has conducted numerous studies and published papers on children with disabilities and their parents’ psychological well-being. Dr. Dzalani also has a great interest in sensory integration (SI) therapy. She received training in (SI) during her master’s degree study at Sydney University in 2007 before receiving certification in SI from the University of Southern California, United States in May 2019 (Cert no. 1169).
Dr. Dzalani has been actively involved in the supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate research projects in the pediatric area and related fields in OT. Currently, she is involved in teaching OT for Pediatric and other related courses including Assistive and Adaptive Technology, Play, Occupational Therapy in School, and Sensory Integration in the Occupational Therapy Program, FSK.
dzalani harun, tan eileen, hanif farhan mohd rasdi. (2023). opportunities, challenges and recommendations of non-traditional placements for occupational therapy students: a review of the literature. - jurnal personalia pelajar. 59-70.
lau hy, hanif farhan mr, dzalani h , mohd harimi ar, aizan sofia a, lim wx. (2023). an initial study of current malaysian occupational therapy off-road driving assessments. - medicine & health. 421-434.
yeoh jie ru, hanif farhan bin mohd rasdi, dzalani binti harun & shahirah binti md rasid. (2023). understanding work-related intentions using the theory of planned behaviour: a systematic review. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 167-176.
shobnaa a/p tinagaran, hanif farhan bin mohd rasdi, dzalani binti harun, kamaruddin bin hassan & shahirah binti md rasid. (2023). psychometric properties of the malay version of the personal wellbeing index: a preliminary study among caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder. - jurnal sains kesihatan malaysia. 157-165.
dzalani harun, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, nur ezzliana rohaizad. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm, edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 4.
ismarulyusda ishak [and sixteen others].. (2022). development and validation of huffaz prohealth 1.0©: a module to improve the well-being of tahfiz students in selangor, malaysia. - international journal of environmental research & public health. 1-15.
farahiyah wan yunus, muhammad hibatullah romli, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, dzalani harun, masne kadar. (2022). an innovation on clinical placement for occupational therapy mental health during the covid-19: a mixed-methods feasibility study. - frontiers in medicine. 1-13.
dzalani harun, normah che' din, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, khadijah shamsuddin. (2020). employment experiences among young malaysian adults with learning disabilities. - international journal of environmental and public health international. 1-15.
masne kadar, suhaili ibrahim, nor afifi razaob, siaw chui chai, dzalani harun. (2018). validity and reliability of a malay version of the lawton instrumental activities of daily living scale among the malay speaking elderly in malaysia. - australian occupational therapy journal. 63-68.
nazurah alwi, dzalani harun, leonard jh. (2015). multidisciplinary parent education for caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders (asd): implications for clinical practice. - archives of psychiatric nursing. 5.
dzalani harun, emy yew, mahadir ahmad, nur sakinah baharudin. (2017). coping skills and psychosocial adjustments among parents of children with learning disabilities (ld). - asean journal of psychiatry. 259-268.
yap choy min, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, dzalani harun, lim wen xin. (2023). development and validation of perception of seating ergonomics questionnaire: a study on klang valley drivers in malaysia. - kesmas: jurnal kesehatan masyarakat nasional. 226-234.
ismarulyusda ishak [and sixteen others].. (2022). development and validation of huffaz prohealth 1.0©: a module to improve the well-being of tahfiz students in selangor, malaysia. - international journal of environmental research & public health. 1-15.
farahiyah wan yunus, muhammad hibatullah romli, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, dzalani harun, masne kadar. (2022). an innovation on clinical placement for occupational therapy mental health during the covid-19: a mixed-methods feasibility study. - frontiers in medicine. 1-13.
nurbieta abd aziz, masne kadar, dzalani harun, hanif farhan mohd rasdi. (2021). implementation of video modeling in the occupational therapy intervention process for children and adolescents with special needs: a scoping review. - occupational therapy in health care. 227-244.
santibuana abd rahman, nor malia abd warif, ismarulyusda ishak, farah wahida ibrahim, dzalani harun, ahmad rohi ghazali, normah che din, sabri mohamad, nor azila noh.. (2021). memorizing quran and eeg brain wave patterns. - turkish journal of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. 4770-4778.
nurul anis yuzaidey, dzalani harun & normah che din. (2022). pengurusan klinikal kanak-kanak disleksia. - . 34.
dzalani binti harun. (2022). pengurusan klinikal kanak-kanak disleksia. - . 38.
ismarulyusda bt ishak, nor malia bt abd warif, farah wahida bt ibrahim, sabri bin mohamed, dzalani bt harun, normah bt che din, ahmad rohi bin ghazali. (2020). hubungan tahap hafazan al-quran dengan status kesihatan, tahap kecerdasan dan kualiti hidup dalam kalangan pelajar tahfiz. - . 119.
dzalani harun, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, nur ezzliana rohaizad. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 4.
dzalani harun, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, nur ezzliana rohaizad. (2023). koleksi penyelidikan prasiswazah fakulti sains kesihatan ukm, edisi 2022: mendepani penyelidikan sains kesihatan. - . 4.
dzalani binti harun. (2022). pengurusan klinikal kanak-kanak disleksia. - . 38.
nurul anis yuzaidey, dzalani harun & normah che din. (2022). pengurusan klinikal kanak-kanak disleksia. - . 34.
ismarulyusda bt ishak, nor malia bt abd warif, farah wahida bt ibrahim, sabri bin mohamed, dzalani bt harun, normah bt che din, ahmad rohi bin ghazali. (2020). hubungan tahap hafazan al-quran dengan status kesihatan, tahap kecerdasan dan kualiti hidup dalam kalangan pelajar tahfiz. - . 119.
dzalani binti harun, farahiyah binti wan yunus, hanizah binti mohd ali piah, nurruzanna binti mohd rahim. (2023). translation and validation of child sensory profile -2 into malay language. - e-simposium prasiswazah, program terapi carakerja, sesi 2022/2023. 10.
siti fairuz ismail, dzalani harun, nor diana abdul rahim, hanif farhan mohd rasdi. (2023). translation, validation and reliability of the modified occupational questionnaire into malay language among older adults in malaysia. - the 13th pan-pacific conference on rehabilitation (ppcr 2023). 1.
dzalani harun, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, siti fairuz ismail, nor diana abdul rahim. (2023). translation, face and content validation of the modified occupational questionnaire into malay language among older adults in malaysia. - e-simposium prasiswazah, program terapi carakerja sesi 2022/2023. 25.
dzalani harun, hanif farhan mohd rasdi, liow mun hui. (2023). development of well-being assessment for older persons in malaysia. - e-simposium prasiswazah program terapi carakerja sesi 2022/2023. 26.
masne binti kadar;noor ibrahim bin mohamed sakian;dzalani binti harun;nor afifi binti razaob @ razab;hanif farhan bin mohd rasdi;farahiyah binti wan yunus. (2023). pembinaan modul latihan rakan bimbing dalam meningkatkan fungsi kehidupan harian, penglibatan sosial dan status emosi penghuni rumah jagaan warga emas.. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBANGUNAN MODUL AKTIVITI CARA KERJA (MACK) DAN PENILAIAN KESEJAHTERAAN WARGA EMAS (PKWA) TERHADAP KUALITI HIDUP WARGA EMAS | jabatan kebajikan masyarakat, kementerian pembangunan wanita, keluarga dan masyarakat | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |