pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
Dr. I am always fascinated by the concept of life beyond death, from natural and biological perspectives. The interconnections of countless insects on decomposing cadavers produce an ecosystem of unfamiliarity and mystery. I was introduced to forensic entomology when I was completing Biomedical Science (Hons.) Degree Program in 2003 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. There, I was trained to recognize the specific roles of flies and beetles, not only as decomposers but also as forensic indicators. In 2006, I received Master of Criminal Justice from Universiti Malaya, and it gave me a clear understanding on the role of entomologists as expert witnesses and insects as scientific evidence. I met scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) in 2009 through my doctoral advisor, Prof. Emeritus Baharudin Omar and from there on I found my purpose. In 2014, I earned my PhD and wrote a thesis on the Bionomics of Forensic Scuttle Flies, which was greatly influenced by the world’s authority in scuttle flies, Dr. R. Henry L. Disney from the University of Cambridge. We have worked together on the taxonomy and bionomics of forensically important scuttle flies including describing new species and new geographical distributions of scuttle flies from Peninsular Malaysia. For me, examining these remarkable tiny creatures of extremely diverse morphology, habits and habitats are a truly humbling experience.
lee loong chuen;azhar bin abdul halim;hukil bin sino;mohd talib bin latif;raja muhammad zuha bin raja kamal bashah. (2024). gandingan teknik kromatografi gas dan kaedah kemometrik tidak bersasar untuk pengesanan residu cecair mudah terbakar untuk penyiasatan forensik. - . .
hukil sino, raja muhammad zuha raja kamal bashah, lee loong chuen, atiah ayunni abdul ghani, khairil anuar mohamed, muhamad hasamizi mustapa. (2023). potensi mpaj kearah bandaraya rendah karbon menggunakan pendekatan 3ps. - impak. 30-31.
raja m. zuha. (2023). scuttle flies - the awfully important nuisance. - 3rd national conference on urban pest 2023. 26.
raja m. zuha, r. henry l. disney. (2023). new records of three closely identical species of megaselia rondani (diptera: phoridae) from bangi, selangor, peninsular malaysia. - serangga. 41-54.
ahmad hadri jumaat, junfung wong, ahmad abas kutty, raja m. zuha. (2023). chironomids (diptera: chironomidae) as potential candidates for forensic indicators in freshwater ecosystem - a preliminary study from bangi, selangor. - 5th international symposium on insects 2023. 147.
raja muhammad zuha, see huong wen, r. henry l. disney & baharudin omar. (2014). first record of genus puliciphora dahl (diptera: phoridae) associated with rabbit carcasses placed in concealed environments in malaysia. - forensic science international. e36-e37.
raja muhammad zuha, baharudin omar. (2014). developmental rate, size, and sexual dimorphism of megaselia scalaris (loew) (diptera: phoridae): its possible implications in forensic entomology. - parasitology research. 113(6):2285-2294.
raja muhammad zuha, tasnim abdul razak, nazni wasi ahmad, baharudin omar. (2012). interaction effects of temperature and food on the development of forensically important fly, megaselia scalaris (loew) (diptera: phoridae). - parasitology research. 111(5):2179-2187.
yong-ming lee, r. henry l. disney, raja m. zuha. (2021). development of forensically important scuttle fly, megaselia spiracularis schmitz (diptera: phoridae) at ambient temperatures with distinguishing features of the larval instars. - journal of asia-pacific entomology. 858-865.
sim li xuan, raja m. zuha. (2019). chrysomya megacephala (fabricius, 1794) (diptera: calliphoridae) development by landmark-based geometric morphometrics of cephalopharyngeal skeleton:......... - egyptian journal of forensic sciences. 1-9.
raja muhammad zuha & r. henry l. disney. (2018). four new megaselia species (diptera: phoridae) from animal carcasses in bangi, malaysia. - zootaxa. .
syamsa ra, omar b, zuha rm, faridah mn, swarhib ms, hidayatulfathi o, and shahrom aw. (2015). forensic entomology of high rise buildings in malaysia: three case reports. - tropical biomedicine. 291-299.
zuha, r.m., jenarthanan, l.x.q., disney, r.h.l., omar, b.. (2015). multiple species of scuttle flies (diptera: phoridae) as contaminants in forensic entomology laboratory insect colony. - tropical biomedicine. 568-572.
raja muhammad zuha. (2022). a preliminary evaluation on bivariate allometry in active-feeding chrysomya megacephala (fabricius, 1794) (diptera: calliphoridae) larvae. - malaysian applied biology. 49-58.
raja muhammad zuha, nhavin gnanaprakasam, naim naqib, yap jia le, r. henry l. disney. (2021). megaselia dilatimana disney, 2006 and megaselia falloconsueta disney, 2006, two afrotropical species of scuttle flies (diptera, phoridae) newly recorded from peninsular malaysia. - check list. 985-992.
yong-ming lee, r. henry l. disney, raja m. zuha. (2021). development of forensically important scuttle fly, megaselia spiracularis schmitz (diptera: phoridae) at ambient temperatures with distinguishing features of the larval instars. - journal of asia-pacific entomology. 858-865.
raja muhammad zuha, r. henry l. disney. (2021). new records of woodiphora biroi (brues, 1907) and a possible sibling species of woodiphora parvula schmitz, 1927 (diptera: phoridae) from peninsular malaysia. - serangga. 70-79.
raja muhammad zuha, jia le yap & r. henry l. disney. (2021). the discovery of the hitherto unknown male of megaselia ochracea (brues, 1911) (diptera: phoridae) after 112 years. - journal of insect biodiversity. 28-32.
raja muhammad zuha, hukil sino. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi & persekitaran fizikal. - . 6.
raja muhammad zuha, hukil sino. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi & persekitaran fizikal. - . 6.
carell cheong, siti zuraidah abidin, cheng yean ni munisha, raja muhammad zuha, norela sulaiman. (2021). proceedings of the fraser's hill symposium 2020. - . 212.
lee loong chuen;azhar bin abdul halim;hukil bin sino;mohd talib bin latif;raja muhammad zuha bin raja kamal bashah. (2024). gandingan teknik kromatografi gas dan kaedah kemometrik tidak bersasar untuk pengesanan residu cecair mudah terbakar untuk penyiasatan forensik. - . .
raja m. zuha. (2023). scuttle flies - the awfully important nuisance. - 3rd national conference on urban pest 2023. 26.
nurbazla ismail abdul basir, mohamad raja muhammad zuha raja kamal bashah, mohammad rahim kamaluddin, azlin alisa ahmad, nurul ilyana muhd adnan. (2023). laporan akhir penyelidikan: pembinaan garis panduan pembuktian fraud forensik di malaysia. - . 1-6.
ahmad hadri jumaat, junfung wong, ahmad abas kutty, raja m. zuha. (2023). chironomids (diptera: chironomidae) as potential candidates for forensic indicators in freshwater ecosystem - a preliminary study from bangi, selangor. - 5th international symposium on insects 2023. 147.
hukil sino, raja muhammad zuha raja kamal bashah, lee loong chuen, atiah ayunni abdul ghani, khairil anuar mohamed, muhamad hasamizi mustapa. (2023). potensi mpaj kearah bandaraya rendah karbon menggunakan pendekatan 3ps. - impak. 30-31.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SARAWAK) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 44.6% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |
INSECTS DIVERSITY STUDY IN BORNEAN SIME DARBY PLANTATION FOR CONSERVATION STUDY (SABAH) | sime darby plantantion research sdn bhd | 44.6% (2024-04-19 sehingga 2026-04-18) |