nur ainsyatul syahira azmi, norlida mat daud, arnida hani teh. (2024). effect of dehydration on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of stingless bee honey. - the 2nd international symposium on science and technology ukm-psu (isstup2024). 15.
nadiatur akmar zulkifli arnida hani teh, noor soffalina sofian seng, badrul munir md zain, sharifah salmah syed hussain. (2024). detection of single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) of a1 and a2 beta-casein alleles in malaysian dairy cattle for healthier milk option. - . 1-8.
meng li, muhammad shahid, xiaobin zhang, douglas law mukram m. mackeen, arnida h. teh, ahmad a.k. najm, shazrul fazry, babul airianah othman*. (2024). extraction, chemical composition and antidiabetic potential of crude polysaccharides from centella asiatica (l.) urban. - polish journal of food and nutrition sciences. 177-187.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
arnida hani teh, damia fakhira abdul halim, haslaniza hashim. (2024). antioxidant and colour in selected local fruits. - journal of agrobiotechnology. 98-109.
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nurul najiha ain ibrahim, wan aida wan mustapha , noor-sofalina sofian-seng , seng joe lim , noorul syuhada mohd razali , arnida hani teh , hafeedza abdul rahman , ahmed mediani. (2023). a comprehensive review with future prospects on the medicinal properties and biological activities of curcuma caesia roxb.. - evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. 1-17.
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meng li, muhammad shahid, xiaobin zhang, douglas law mukram m. mackeen, arnida h. teh, ahmad a.k. najm, shazrul fazry, babul airianah othman*. (2024). extraction, chemical composition and antidiabetic potential of crude polysaccharides from centella asiatica (l.) urban. - polish journal of food and nutrition sciences. 177-187.
nurul najiha ain ibrahim, wan aida wan mustapha , noor-sofalina sofian-seng , seng joe lim , noorul syuhada mohd razali , arnida hani teh , hafeedza abdul rahman , ahmed mediani. (2023). a comprehensive review with future prospects on the medicinal properties and biological activities of curcuma caesia roxb.. - evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. 1-17.
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suriah abd rahman, zalifah mohd kassim, wan aida wan mustapha, arnida hani the, norlida mat daud & rossa erainie baldura baharudin. (2012). nutritional assessment manual. - . 65.
nadiatur akmar zulkifli arnida hani teh, noor soffalina sofian seng, badrul munir md zain, sharifah salmah syed hussain. (2024). detection of single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) of a1 and a2 beta-casein alleles in malaysian dairy cattle for healthier milk option. - . 1-8.
arnida hani teh, teo wan ting. (2024). effect of cooking method on the physicochemical properties of tomato. - 2nd international applied biology conference (iabc2024). 109.
noorul syuhada mohd razali, nieshanthinie a/p sandrakumaran, and arnida hani teh. (2024). physicochemical, bioactivities and sensorial characteristics of stingless bee honey pastilles. - international conference on food and applied bioscience 2024. 58.
nur ainsyatul syahira azmi, norlida mat daud, arnida hani teh. (2024). effect of dehydration on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of stingless bee honey. - the 2nd international symposium on science and technology ukm-psu (isstup2024). 15.
sahilah binti abd. mutalib;mohamad yusof maskat;norrakiah binti abdullah sani;mohammad zaini bin yahaya;ma`aruf bin abd. ghani;zalifah binti mohd kasim;nasharuddin bin zainal;rizafizah binti othaman;muhammad adib bin samsudin;mohd al adib bin samuri;arnid. (2024). pembangunan modul diet halalan toyyiban mengikut perspektif islam dan sains. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DECODING THE KEY PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPONENTS AND ANTI-OBESITY MECHANISMS OF GARCINIA CELEBICA L. (SYNONYM: GARCINIA HOMBRONIANA) IN SPRAGUE DAWLEY RATS | lnstitut penyelidikan perubatan (imr), lnstitut kesihatan negara (nih) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |