magesh vijyakumar, asma ashari, farinawati yazid, haslina rani, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2024). reliability of smartphone images to assess plaque score among preschool children: a pilot study. - journal of clinical paediatric dentistry. 143-148.
nur athirah ahmad shuhaimi, farinawati yazid, dalia abdullah, ng sook luan, nurul inaas mahamad apandi. (2024). decellularization of dental human pulp as a scaffold for pulp regeneration. - shift international conference & winter school and the 9th mterms in conjunction with european wellness academy's bio-regenerative precision medicine. 71.
kuppusamy e, mohamad nazri sn, mohd sultan f, yazid f, ashari a. (2024). the accuracy of smartphone images for oral health screening among children compared to clinical examination: a pilot study. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 258-266.
yang sing leong, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad, farinawati yazid, ahmad ashrif a. bakar. (2024). enhancement of in-vitro cellular structure morphology imaging using multiwavelength confocal endoscopic scanner. - alexandria engineering journal. 14-24.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, rozina abdul rani, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2024). artificial neural network and convolutional neural network for prediction of dental caries. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-9.
yang sing leong, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad, farinawati yazid, ahmad ashrif a. bakar. (2024). enhancement of in-vitro cellular structure morphology imaging using multiwavelength confocal endoscopic scanner. - alexandria engineering journal. 14-24.
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, rozina abdul rani, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2024). artificial neural network and convolutional neural network for prediction of dental caries. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-9.
meshala bala sundram, elavarasi kuppusamy, haslina rani, farinawati yazid. (2023). user requirement gathering for online oral health education module development: exploring parental perspective. - digital health. 1-10.
m. bala sundram, e. kuppusamy, h. rani, f. yazid. (2023). exploring parental perspectives on oral health education needs: a qualitative study. - international journal of paediatric dentistry. 13.
magesh vijyakumar, asma ashari, farinawati yazid, haslina rani, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2024). reliability of smartphone images to assess plaque score among preschool children: a pilot study. - journal of clinical paediatric dentistry. 143-148.
intan zarina zainol abidin, thanaletchumi manogaran, rohaya megat abdul wahab, saiful anuar karsani, muhammad dain yazid, farinawati yazid, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2023). label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of ascorbic acid-induced differentially expressed osteoblast-related proteins in dental pulp stem cells from deciduous and permanent teeth. - current stem cell research & therapy. 417-428.
dwen-tjin lui, rohaya megat abdul wahab, elavarasi kuppusamy, nur hana hamzaid, mohd rohaizat hassan, farinawati yazid. (2023). association of early childhood caries and nutritional status: a scoping review. - journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 11-25.
rishnnia murugan, nur najmi mohamad anuar, nurrul shaqinah nasruddin, farinawati yazid. (2023). kesan penambahan nanohidroksiapatit ke dalam simen ionomer kaca terhadap morfologi dan sifat biologi bahan. - sains malaysiana. 2917-2928.
w. chew, f. yazid, n. nasruddin, r. abdul wahab. (2023). diversity and abundance study of oral microbiomes in school children based on 16s ribosomal rna sequencing: a scoping review. - international journal of paediatric dentistry. 88.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, rozina abdul rani, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2024). artificial neural network and convolutional neural network for prediction of dental caries. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-9.
magesh vijyakumar, asma ashari, farinawati yazid, haslina rani, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2024). reliability of smartphone images to assess plaque score among preschool children: a pilot study. - journal of clinical paediatric dentistry. 143-148.
kuppusamy e, mohamad nazri sn, mohd sultan f, yazid f, ashari a. (2024). the accuracy of smartphone images for oral health screening among children compared to clinical examination: a pilot study. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 258-266.
yang sing leong, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad, farinawati yazid, ahmad ashrif a. bakar. (2024). enhancement of in-vitro cellular structure morphology imaging using multiwavelength confocal endoscopic scanner. - alexandria engineering journal. 14-24.
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, fairul syazwani hj. ghazali, siti aisyah zulkifli, najah mohd nadri, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin and rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2020). caries detection analysis in human saliva alpha amylase. - the 2nd international conference on advance photonics and electronic (incape 2019). 1-7.
m.n.m. zain , z.m. yusof , f. yazid , a. ashari , k.s.h. wong , w.j. lee , k.f. tan , s.h.z. ariffin and r.m.a wahab. (2020). absorption spectrum analysis of dentine sialophosphoprotein (dspp) in orthodontic patient. - the 2nd international conference on applied photonics and electronics 2019 (incape 2019) aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
che azurahanim che abdullah, eszarul fahmi esa, farinawati yazid. (2020). composite materials: applications in engineering, biomedicine and food science. - . 19.
aliimran nordin, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abd wahab, murshida marizan nor, e. kuppusamy, g. l. goo, m. s. a. rosli. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 28.
sook-luan ng, jia xian law, farinawati yazid. (2023). sustainable material for biomedical engineering application. - . 18.
farinawati yazid, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2020). rawatan klef bersepadu. - . 5.
che azurahanim che abdullah, eszarul fahmi esa, farinawati yazid. (2020). composite materials: applications in engineering, biomedicine and food science. - . 19.
aliimran nordin, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abd wahab, murshida marizan nor, e. kuppusamy, g. l. goo, m. s. a. rosli. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 28.
tan huann lan, farinawati yazid, syed nabil. (2018). holistic approach in the management of cleft lip & palate. - . 8.
nur athirah ahmad shuhaimi, farinawati yazid, dalia abdullah, ng sook luan, nurul inaas mahamad apandi. (2024). decellularization of dental human pulp as a scaffold for pulp regeneration. - shift international conference & winter school and the 9th mterms in conjunction with european wellness academy's bio-regenerative precision medicine. 71.
tan, j. h. s., rohaya, m. a. w. , farinawati, y.. (2023). the efficacy of a newly developed kit in apical root resorption detection. - research, innovation and entrepreneurship international symposium 2023. 56.
ratnah thevi subramanam, ahmad shuhud irfani zakaria, s. nagarajan m.p .sockalingam, farinawati yazid. (2023). toothache triggered epilepsy in a child with dravet syndrome : a case report. - mapd 2023 - biennial scientific conference and trade exhibition. 1-4.
tsai, m.h., abdul wahab, r.m, yazid, f., azmi, f.. (2023). enhanced osteogenesis potential of mg-63 cells through sustained delivery of vegf via liposomal hydrogel. - research, innovation and entrepreneurship international symposium. 46.
yen yee tan, abdullah dalia, soo eason, yazid farinawati, abu kasim noor hayaty, mahamad apandi nurul inaas, radzi rozanaliza, lay ann teh. (2023). dental pulp regeneration utilising decellularized human dental pulp scaffold seeded with wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells in felines canine teeth. - mahidol international endodontic symposium 2023. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DENTAL ROOT RESORPTION DIAGNOSTIC KIT COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION FOR CLINICAL READY MARKET | vivantis technologies sdn bhd. | 90.7% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |
EXOSOME-INFUSED SPRAY FOR ENHANCED ORAL WOUND HEALING: A NOVEL IN-VITRO APPROACH | ming medical sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
IN-VITRO EVALUATION OF EXOSOME-HYALURONIC ACID SYNERGY IN ORAL WOUND HEALING | wari technologies sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
pensyarah pergigian
jabatan kesihatan pergigian keluarga
magesh vijyakumar, asma ashari, farinawati yazid, haslina rani, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2024). reliability of smartphone images to assess plaque score among preschool children: a pilot study. - journal of clinical paediatric dentistry. 143-148.
nur athirah ahmad shuhaimi, farinawati yazid, dalia abdullah, ng sook luan, nurul inaas mahamad apandi. (2024). decellularization of dental human pulp as a scaffold for pulp regeneration. - shift international conference & winter school and the 9th mterms in conjunction with european wellness academy's bio-regenerative precision medicine. 71.
kuppusamy e, mohamad nazri sn, mohd sultan f, yazid f, ashari a. (2024). the accuracy of smartphone images for oral health screening among children compared to clinical examination: a pilot study. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 258-266.
yang sing leong, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad, farinawati yazid, ahmad ashrif a. bakar. (2024). enhancement of in-vitro cellular structure morphology imaging using multiwavelength confocal endoscopic scanner. - alexandria engineering journal. 14-24.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, rozina abdul rani, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2024). artificial neural network and convolutional neural network for prediction of dental caries. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-9.
yang sing leong, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad, farinawati yazid, ahmad ashrif a. bakar. (2024). enhancement of in-vitro cellular structure morphology imaging using multiwavelength confocal endoscopic scanner. - alexandria engineering journal. 14-24.
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, rozina abdul rani, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2024). artificial neural network and convolutional neural network for prediction of dental caries. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-9.
meshala bala sundram, elavarasi kuppusamy, haslina rani, farinawati yazid. (2023). user requirement gathering for online oral health education module development: exploring parental perspective. - digital health. 1-10.
m. bala sundram, e. kuppusamy, h. rani, f. yazid. (2023). exploring parental perspectives on oral health education needs: a qualitative study. - international journal of paediatric dentistry. 13.
magesh vijyakumar, asma ashari, farinawati yazid, haslina rani, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2024). reliability of smartphone images to assess plaque score among preschool children: a pilot study. - journal of clinical paediatric dentistry. 143-148.
intan zarina zainol abidin, thanaletchumi manogaran, rohaya megat abdul wahab, saiful anuar karsani, muhammad dain yazid, farinawati yazid, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2023). label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of ascorbic acid-induced differentially expressed osteoblast-related proteins in dental pulp stem cells from deciduous and permanent teeth. - current stem cell research & therapy. 417-428.
dwen-tjin lui, rohaya megat abdul wahab, elavarasi kuppusamy, nur hana hamzaid, mohd rohaizat hassan, farinawati yazid. (2023). association of early childhood caries and nutritional status: a scoping review. - journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 11-25.
rishnnia murugan, nur najmi mohamad anuar, nurrul shaqinah nasruddin, farinawati yazid. (2023). kesan penambahan nanohidroksiapatit ke dalam simen ionomer kaca terhadap morfologi dan sifat biologi bahan. - sains malaysiana. 2917-2928.
w. chew, f. yazid, n. nasruddin, r. abdul wahab. (2023). diversity and abundance study of oral microbiomes in school children based on 16s ribosomal rna sequencing: a scoping review. - international journal of paediatric dentistry. 88.
katrul nadia basri, farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, rozina abdul rani, ahmad sabirin zoolfakar. (2024). artificial neural network and convolutional neural network for prediction of dental caries. - spectrochimica acta part a: molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 1-9.
magesh vijyakumar, asma ashari, farinawati yazid, haslina rani, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2024). reliability of smartphone images to assess plaque score among preschool children: a pilot study. - journal of clinical paediatric dentistry. 143-148.
kuppusamy e, mohamad nazri sn, mohd sultan f, yazid f, ashari a. (2024). the accuracy of smartphone images for oral health screening among children compared to clinical examination: a pilot study. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 258-266.
yang sing leong, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd saiful dzulkefly zan, norhana arsad, farinawati yazid, ahmad ashrif a. bakar. (2024). enhancement of in-vitro cellular structure morphology imaging using multiwavelength confocal endoscopic scanner. - alexandria engineering journal. 14-24.
jun hong steven tan, farinawati yazid, nurfathiha abu kasim, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin, rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2024). a newly developed kit for dental apical root resorption detection: efficacy and acceptability. - bmc oral health. 1-9.
farinawati yazid, mohd norzaliman mohd zain, zalhan md yusof, fairul syazwani hj. ghazali, siti aisyah zulkifli, najah mohd nadri, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin and rohaya megat abdul wahab. (2020). caries detection analysis in human saliva alpha amylase. - the 2nd international conference on advance photonics and electronic (incape 2019). 1-7.
m.n.m. zain , z.m. yusof , f. yazid , a. ashari , k.s.h. wong , w.j. lee , k.f. tan , s.h.z. ariffin and r.m.a wahab. (2020). absorption spectrum analysis of dentine sialophosphoprotein (dspp) in orthodontic patient. - the 2nd international conference on applied photonics and electronics 2019 (incape 2019) aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
che azurahanim che abdullah, eszarul fahmi esa, farinawati yazid. (2020). composite materials: applications in engineering, biomedicine and food science. - . 19.
aliimran nordin, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abd wahab, murshida marizan nor, e. kuppusamy, g. l. goo, m. s. a. rosli. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 28.
sook-luan ng, jia xian law, farinawati yazid. (2023). sustainable material for biomedical engineering application. - . 18.
farinawati yazid, elavarasi kuppusamy. (2020). rawatan klef bersepadu. - . 5.
che azurahanim che abdullah, eszarul fahmi esa, farinawati yazid. (2020). composite materials: applications in engineering, biomedicine and food science. - . 19.
aliimran nordin, farinawati yazid, rohaya megat abd wahab, murshida marizan nor, e. kuppusamy, g. l. goo, m. s. a. rosli. (2019). sustainable smart technologies in visual informatics in the fourth industrial revolution for societal well being. - . 28.
tan huann lan, farinawati yazid, syed nabil. (2018). holistic approach in the management of cleft lip & palate. - . 8.
nur athirah ahmad shuhaimi, farinawati yazid, dalia abdullah, ng sook luan, nurul inaas mahamad apandi. (2024). decellularization of dental human pulp as a scaffold for pulp regeneration. - shift international conference & winter school and the 9th mterms in conjunction with european wellness academy's bio-regenerative precision medicine. 71.
tan, j. h. s., rohaya, m. a. w. , farinawati, y.. (2023). the efficacy of a newly developed kit in apical root resorption detection. - research, innovation and entrepreneurship international symposium 2023. 56.
ratnah thevi subramanam, ahmad shuhud irfani zakaria, s. nagarajan m.p .sockalingam, farinawati yazid. (2023). toothache triggered epilepsy in a child with dravet syndrome : a case report. - mapd 2023 - biennial scientific conference and trade exhibition. 1-4.
tsai, m.h., abdul wahab, r.m, yazid, f., azmi, f.. (2023). enhanced osteogenesis potential of mg-63 cells through sustained delivery of vegf via liposomal hydrogel. - research, innovation and entrepreneurship international symposium. 46.
yen yee tan, abdullah dalia, soo eason, yazid farinawati, abu kasim noor hayaty, mahamad apandi nurul inaas, radzi rozanaliza, lay ann teh. (2023). dental pulp regeneration utilising decellularized human dental pulp scaffold seeded with wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells in felines canine teeth. - mahidol international endodontic symposium 2023. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DENTAL ROOT RESORPTION DIAGNOSTIC KIT COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION FOR CLINICAL READY MARKET | vivantis technologies sdn bhd. | 90.7% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |
EXOSOME-INFUSED SPRAY FOR ENHANCED ORAL WOUND HEALING: A NOVEL IN-VITRO APPROACH | ming medical sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
IN-VITRO EVALUATION OF EXOSOME-HYALURONIC ACID SYNERGY IN ORAL WOUND HEALING | wari technologies sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |